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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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danlovestikis posted on 03/12/2014

hang10tiki Dan's goblet is all Frankoma tikis, this one belongs to Tavarua Tiki.

Tavarua Tiki me too. You know I like a challenge and you sure do come up with them. It's firmed up enough for detail work today.


Back to the Wish List #4 projects.

Here's Mondo-by-the-bag's last two projects for this Wish List.

She wished for a classic style King's Goblet with lava. I'm trying a new technique where I don't entirely rely on Snow to make the lava texture. If this doesn't work I'll be back to the drawing board.

Sticky clay.

Beginning the texture.

This part is done.

Next project is a Volcano Bob with palm trees and a small tiki.

I added sticky clay a small amount at a time. Keeping your fingers wet helps prevent air bubbles. If you drag clay with a dry finger it can make air pockets.

Adding detail.

All done.


Proceed at your own risk.
Dan received this Birthday Card from MadDogMike!!!

Cheers, Wendy

Tavarua Tiki posted on 03/12/2014

Incredible texture work Wendy! Love all that you have done!

TikiAno posted on 03/12/2014

Wendy, Volcano Bob's details are amazing- as is the Hello Kitty mug- which, of course, looks WAY better than the "Hello Tiki" Mug I made a while back. Show-off. :)

Look forward to seeing more!

DooWop posted on 03/13/2014

Volcano Bob! What an awesome request! And it looks fantastic! Your wish list projects are so exciting, Wendy!

TikiHula posted on 03/13/2014

Garlic? On a dessert? Whaaa....?

danlovestikis posted on 03/14/2014

Tavarua Tiki see the photos below. Now that it is done let me know if it fulfills your wish. I can put some wood scratches on the tikis when it dries. I'm glad you liked the first images.

TikiAno you are so nice. I like your new Moai on your thread.

DooWop your project was a lot of fun. It won't be long before I start the next steps.

TikiHula it had to be a joke. I've never tasted anything as bad as that sauce.


Today it was time to finish off Tavarua Tiki's King's Goblet with place of Refuge Tikis on the back.

I got out my reference photos. I print many helpers when I'm sculpting.

This is where I left off.

I finished off the tiki on the left.

I started by making the mouth deeper and then the teeth less so and the lips out further.

Carved the teeth, eyes and headdress.

All done and taking pinup shots.

Talking about pinups. I couldn't resist. My cat kept lying down in perfect photo op places.


It was a long clay day so now it's bedtime. Sleep well friends, Wendy

little lost tiki posted on 03/14/2014

That Fish Bumatay just makes me smile!
and the Treebark Bob with the lil fellar on the back!
You have brought SO much to this scene with
your talent
and mind
and love and kindness you share with us all!
Almost as much as seeing and hugging you and Dan at the show!
Here's a belated Happy Birthday to Dan....
he didn't even look a year older on Friday!
Thanks again to Woohoo and Soccertiki for bringing you over! Made my night!
Girlie was sick the whole weekend,so i missed what looked like a MAJOR FUN time at the marketplace!
So glad you come down to these so much!
I can't go too long without a Wendy Hug!

hang10tiki posted on 03/14/2014

A kings goblet fit for a king
Looks good


TikiHula posted on 03/14/2014

Hello Kitty better watch out for the stalking black panther! :o

I've always admired those Honaunau tikis. Someday I'll have to "help" you work on a set of mugs of these two - you know....when you have nothing to do :wink:

See you guys tomorrow. I'm so excited to find out if the Al Dead bowl survived the firing I may not sleep much tonight...

"But why is the rum gone?!" -Capt. Jack Sparrow

[ Edited by: TikiHula 2014-03-14 16:41 ]

Tavarua Tiki posted on 03/15/2014

Wendy, you really captured the place of refuge tikis amazingly well. I like your IDE of adding the wood grain at the end to give them that aged look. Thanks for sharing all your great talents with us. Can't wait till the next installment of the Dan & Wendy show!

VampiressRN posted on 03/15/2014

I got my bday card from Mike too. Pisces...we are lucky!!! Hope you had a fabulous one Dan.

danlovestikis posted on 03/15/2014

little lost tiki not only are you a fabulous artist and friend you are a master of words. I always smile when I read your notes. One day we will come to Orange to see your studio so once again I can be overwhelmed with your creativity. Thank you for visiting my thread.

hang10tiki I keep an eye on your bar, carving and tiki finds posts. You are so active! I've never seen the latest bowl you found from China. Tiki making has gone from USA to Japan to Mexico to China and Korea and back to the USA with so many of us here. It's all fun stuff. You are a great tiki hunter.

TikiHula you noticed! I set that photo up that way and I'm so glad to have it mentioned. I'm waiting for you to ring the doorbell. HUrry up. That's a great idea for a couple of mugs.

Tavarua Tiki I'm so happy that I fulfilled your wishes. I'll age them when they are dry.

VampiressRN Happy Birthday here too. I never know if facebook really works. I'm so out of touch with it. MadDogMike had his then very new girlfriend take that photo. She still accepted his marriage proposal so I guess she's one of us.

Oh Mike's here, back tonight! Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-03-15 11:07 ]

danlovestikis posted on 03/16/2014

This Tapa Bob is the last item on the Wish List that I've made. It is for Mauka Hale Tiki in Colorado.

I opened the plastic bag and took out Bob.

He had a mold rash.

I cleaned him up and smoothed him out.

I was told to do what ever pattern I could think up.

I thought this looked like a modern art bamboo.

I repeated the design around the mug.

Then I added tapa designs inside of the boxes and around them.

I hope you like it John.


It's time for another contest. It starts now and you may post your guess until Midnight Monday, 3/17/14. Just answer this question.


The first correct answer will win a slightly imperfect Zombie Torch open top mug. It has some glaze that ran onto the bottom. I It's a 1/1 glaze and hand painted enamel.

This is based on the menu for Zombie Village Oakland California. Long gone and missed.

Good Luck, Wendy



What's fun for me is that I don't know the answer. I too have to wait and see the same as you all do. When I hit one million I will then check this list and reward the winner who nails it or is the closest to the right day.

Dates taken so far.

hang10tiki March 23rd

Tavarua Tiki March 25th.

tikilongbeach September 23, 2014.

Holler Waller Sept 3, 2014

Tiki Republic October 21, 2014

Dr.TikiMojo April 29, 2014

VampiressRN 7-11-14

DooWop March 30

lunavideogames march 22

kingstiedye march 21

ebtiki March 26

scottxwl December 1, 2013

littlegiles December 31, 2014

hiltiki March 27th.

TikiAno June 29th, 2014

GROG Sept. 23, 1963

Aquatic Safarinaut 5/12/14

Chippy May 31, 2014

Trader Tom June 21st, 2014.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-03-17 20:57 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-03-17 20:59 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-03-17 22:36 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-03-18 08:01 ]

hang10tiki posted on 03/16/2014

W- new Bob is kool
Thanks for watching my posts in tiki finds, carving and home bars.

My guess is

March 23rd

Tiki Tonie posted on 03/16/2014

That look fantastic Wendy! I love how you showed the step by step of creating the pattern. I want to try that!

Tavarua Tiki posted on 03/16/2014

Great job on the Tapa Bob Wendy, so much detail! You never cease to amaze with your creativity.

My guess for the contest would be March 25th.

tikilongbeach posted on 03/16/2014

Tapa Bob looks amazing!
Hmm, you're at 983,652 views. My guess is September 23, 2014.

danlovestikis posted on 03/16/2014

We are off to a good start. I've added photos of the prize above.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-03-16 11:19 ]

Holler Waller posted on 03/16/2014

Sept 3, 2014

Tiki Republic posted on 03/16/2014

October 21, 2014

How does one get on your wish list?

hang10tiki posted on 03/16/2014

Wendy- great color

TikiRep- think of something cool u want Wendy to create
Then when she lets us all know the wish list is open
Send her a PM with what u want
Then she puts her Magic to work and the item u want is made
(Better than u expected)


Dr.TikiMojo posted on 03/16/2014

April 29, 2014.....it's got to be a lucky date.....that's when we landed our home in your neighborhood! :D

VampiressRN posted on 03/17/2014


Wendy, you have the best contests!!! Love the latest Bob.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2014-03-16 22:36 ]

danlovestikis posted on 03/17/2014

hang10tiki always and thank you.

Tiki Tonie good to hear from you. Carving is lots of work but fun too.

Tavarua Tiki thank you.

tikilongbeach Bob is so popular that he get's his own show this month at the Tonga Hut.

Tiki Republic I just answered that question for another TC'er. I'll go copy the note I sent him and PM you. (Jon, thank you.)

Dr.TikiMojo it's fun to have you in Elk Grove. See you next week.

VampiressRN thank you, I have fun doing them. I'm so happy you like Bob.


danlovestikis posted on 03/17/2014

Hi Friends, you may still enter the contest or change your guess until midnight tonight. The winner will be announced on the day I hit 1,000,000 views. I appreciate every single one of them.

While the contest runs I'm still working. The Wish List #4 items are drying and meanwhile I'm making things with the cast parts that I made ahead but didn't tag with a Wish.

Here's my latest creation that has no owner....but could have if you post a desire.

I took a bowl from the plastic bag and decided what to do.

I cleaned it up and punched in a hole where I needed one.

I cleaned up a Wahine and added sticky clay to the bottom. NO AIR POCKETS or she'll rocket off the bowl when fired.

I pressed her into place lining up the opening on the bottom of the bowl with the opening on her bottom.
Other wise she would be a bomb.

I used a wet brush to run around the connection to smooth it.

I added a lei and a sarong as clothing.

I started to carve the bowl.

I made blocks for tapa.

All done and set on the drying table with a plastic bag over the whole thing.


Thanks for another "view", Wendy

DooWop posted on 03/17/2014

That new Bob is wonderful! The carving is fantastic!

As for the contest... I'm going to guess that you will reach one million on March 30!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Wendy! Top o' the morning to you & Dan!

lunavideogames posted on 03/17/2014

I am going to guess march 22. Keep up the good work!

kingstiedye posted on 03/17/2014

march 21

ebtiki posted on 03/17/2014

March 26!

scottxwl posted on 03/17/2014

December 1, 2013

littlegiles posted on 03/17/2014

Wendy, your work is amazing as always. The moden bamboo with the tapa is fantastic!!

My guess for the contest is December 31, 2014

  • Dale
hiltiki posted on 03/17/2014

March 27th.

TikiAno posted on 03/17/2014

The latest Bob may be my favorite thus far- well, except for the ones that I have. :) Can't wait to see it glazed.

I'll put in a guess for June 29th, 2014.... though I have a feeling you'll get to 1,000,000 sooner than that....

hang10tiki posted on 03/17/2014

The tapa downfall bowl looks sweet...

GROG posted on 03/17/2014

Sept. 23, 1963

hang10tiki posted on 03/17/2014

The contest is to guess Grogs birthday?

Aquatic Safarinaut posted on 03/18/2014

One Million on 5/12/14 ... For The Win!

fun contest!

Wendy can you put me down for a crawl mug? I'll take what ever number you choose...

Mahalo and Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Chippy posted on 03/18/2014

I will throw my hat in the ring.

1,000,000 on May 31, 2014

Trader Tom posted on 03/18/2014

I'll guess June 21st, 2014.

danlovestikis posted on 03/18/2014


The first correct answer will win a slightly imperfect Zombie Torch open top mug. It has some glaze that ran onto the bottom. I It's a 1/1 glaze and hand painted enamel.

This is based on the menu for Zombie Village Oakland California. Long gone and missed.

Good Luck, Wendy



What's fun for me is that I don't know the answer. I too have to wait and see the same as you all do. When I hit one million I will then check this list and reward the winner who nails it or is the closest to the right day.

Dates taken so far.

hang10tiki March 23rd

Tavarua Tiki March 25th.

tikilongbeach September 23, 2014.

Holler Waller Sept 3, 2014

Tiki Republic October 21, 2014

Dr.TikiMojo April 29, 2014

VampiressRN 7-11-14

DooWop March 30

lunavideogames march 22

kingstiedye march 21

ebtiki March 26

scottxwl December 1, 2013

littlegiles December 31, 2014

hiltiki March 27th.

TikiAno June 29th, 2014

GROG Sept. 23, 1963

Aquatic Safarinaut 5/12/14

Chippy May 31, 2014

Trader Tom June 21st, 2014.

muskrat march 28th.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-03-17 22:35 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-03-18 00:01 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-03-18 08:02 ]

danlovestikis posted on 03/18/2014

I just brought forward the list of entries so far. It's really fun for me to see your names come up. Three more hours before I shut it down and we all wait to see when I hit one million and we find out who won.

I have been making things to use up casts that I made ahead for the Wish List #4. I need the space for the Crawl mug and Kickstarter mugs I'm casting now.

So today I got out some Tiki Bob's and a Bowl. I cleaned the bowl and Bob's and outlined his face. I cut a hole in the shape of the bowl in Bob and added sticky clay.

I pressed him into place.

I used a brush and cleaned off the rest of the clay.

I did this four times.

Top view.

I added coconut texture to the bowl.

Then I carved rings around Bob.

Three eyes added. All done and ready to dry.

I'm so happy you all like the hula girl in the tapa bowl. GROG's so young! Thank you all.

Tick Tock or is it Toc? What I mean to say is that midnight is approaching. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-03-17 21:15 ]

muskrat posted on 03/18/2014

i'd like march 28th for the win.

hang10tiki posted on 03/18/2014

Bob bob coco bob bob bowl is amazing....................


danlovestikis posted on 03/18/2014


hang10tiki thank you. That always encourages me to continue.

littlegiles posted on 03/18/2014

Love Love Love the new bowl. It's a Coco-B-B-B-Bob Bowl. :)

  • Dale
danlovestikis posted on 03/18/2014

littlegiles thank you very much.


My goal with contests is to inspire everyone to continue to stop by here and to write comments when they like something. This has been a real treat for me.

We started the contest on Sunday the 16th of March. My dad and my sister were born on March 16th. It's a special day in our family.

The contest started at 983,097. We haven't hit 1,000,000 yet. I'll keep watching.

Thank you all for entering. Cheers, Wendy


When I cast these sea creatures I cleaned them up so that they were ready to use.

I didn't need them so I've now added holes and I'll make them into necklaces.


Huge step forward for Wish List #4. Not all but may of the pieces have dried so it was time to sand them and to load the kiln.

I can't sand in the house, it's bad enough that I'm sculpting in there. Clay dust is deadly.

I started by bringing out the first load to sand.

These are the tools I use to sand and fine tune each cast.

I started by outlining the faces on the two Suffering Bastard Bob's. I had forgotten to do that before they dried.

Here's one done and one to go. This is the time to make sure everything is as good as it can be.

Those have been finished. When I sand I always have a soft sponge matt under my work. If you don't do this the clay can chip on the bottom edges.

As I finish a tray Dan gets them and used the air compressor to blow off the dust.

Keep dust out of your kiln because it can ruin pieces you are glazing. We always vacuum the kiln after bisque firing is finished.
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I use my label scraper tool to fine tune the hats. I have to make sure that I've left enough room for the glaze that will be added to the mug. Also when the clay is dry it is easier to make a flat surface. Now the hats will fit better.
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Each time Dan finished blowing off the dust he would put the piece in the kiln.
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Back and forth. unfortunately as I sanded and he loaded I missed a photo of when this level was filled. I'll get that after firing.
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Top level is filled.
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They can touch during the bisque fire. They do not stick. When they are glazed they have to be apart.
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Some things were so thick they are still drying. Example Moai Mikes rocky Moai mug. Also some things were not completed yet. There will be more sessions like this ahead.

Thanks for the visit. Cheers, Wendy

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8f5088418f70de46f901538b3580a3c4?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MaukaHale posted on 03/18/2014

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/5328630b.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=6cef6f8be7b4e5f11d393ea5884ec618

Is mine in there?

littlegiles posted on 03/18/2014

Now that right there folks is a kiln full of fun!!! I need to go back and read some pages I missed cause some of those things don't look familiar.

Gosh, miss the list for a few months and everything just gets crazy!

  • Dale

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