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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

carvings by Ken Pleasant

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GMAN posted on Mon, May 22, 2006 1:48 PM

As you should be! (happy with the outcome). Great stuff Keigs!

here are the lamp and mask by keigs i just scored. beautiful work brah! mahalo, bullet


thanks gman and kingstiedye for posting the pics glad you like the carvings. Here is a new lamp and little mask to match

[ Edited by: keigs20 2006-05-28 19:35 ]


Keigs, Man I am Loving this. It's like somone just flipped the Keigs switch and all of a sudden, out pours Keigs carvings. Keep'em coming. Beautiful work.

always spectacular stuff Keigs...really really really like your stuff.
I mean i really like it.
Witco lives!

wow, i love the swag lamp, keigs. outstanding work.

heres the shelf Keigs hooked me up with:

and again:

it even smells like the witco stuff!
Ya a'll should get one
Thanks kiegs


wow man those are incredible! how do you do things like that? its verrrrry good. keep the pictures comming and good job.


thanks everyone, thanks for the pic Seakyjack. Glad to see the shelf is in good company

[ Edited by: keigs20 2006-06-11 20:20 ]


Here is my sweet wife :) and a goofy tiki I carved today while staying at the beach cabin. It is a big piece of drift wood not sure what kind. Decided to just carve blind without drawing or having an idea of what it was going to be. I really screwed up the legs by cutting halfway through the log without knowing till I flipped it over to do the other side. So he kind of has really skinny legs.

GMAN posted on Sun, Jun 11, 2006 7:39 PM


You just rip that off at the beach?. Nice.

nice sweet tiki...nice sweet wife. i really like the unique design on top...i suspect
it will get the Kiegs finishing treatment and look top-notch!


I think you shouls carve "Blind" More often! Look what it gives you. Excellent.


Gman and Aikiman thanks I did carve it at the beach but I had the luxuries of a chainsaw and sander. Conga I dont think this one will get a finish. I left it at the cabin so the saltwater and weather can finish him. He now hangs with Witco royalty "Big Joe". Benz carving blind is fun but I hate things that turn out crooked and that usually happens if I dont draw it first. I started the headdress first thinking of your amazing carvings and that is about as far as I got because it turned out nothing like yours, but it was fun. thanks again for the compliments :)

You da man, Ken...I love it! Did Bill W. carve all of that trim on that beach house and that larger tiki? Amazing the prolificity of that man..

Go Bro!!!

Free stlye - Muey Buenno!!!

That beach house is da kine! Love the peak!

See you soon........

( we'll hunt for those wacky ducks!!)

I gotta tell you kiegs, if you carved that thing "blind", then feel free to close your eyes and carve me up somrthing - because I think that tiki is a 'ting o'beauty! and the home where he lives WOW! that's my dream house. I'm glad that we're seeing more of your work lately, you work magic with that saw bro!

well now i just feel useless if that was a "blind" carving. it looks really good. i like it. keep the work comming.


Thanks BK, Bill did carve the trim,tiki and a lot more. He says this was the first big joe he ever carved. He said he made the design on a bar of soap first and when he carved it on wood he did not know how to carve well yet so he did all straight cuts and Big joe was born. Here is a picture of the front of the cabin. Kind of foggy when I took it.
Bamben, gracias still waiting on a boo's visit.
Polynesiac, mahalo, I have created a lot of firewood carving blind, sometimes I get lucky though.
Tiki duddy, guttentaug I think that means thanks in German you should see the first one I carved blind at the cabin, damn it is ugly. Bill said it washed away in a storm we had over the winter but someone must have found it because it is back in all it glory

[ Edited by: keigs20 2006-06-12 22:17 ]

Love it Ken! It is cool how after a while you know just where to take it off and just where to leave it. You had a picture of that guy in your head before you even started.

Love the cabin too... The South Seas meets the Arctic Circle!


Here is another lamp it looks alot like another one I have done but there are a few differences. It is 5ft6 tall by almost 3 ft wide. Thanks for looking

That's hotter than a Colt at Gettysburg!


Awesome carves Keigs!

Keigs = Bosko? (still getting to know folks here)

Always been a Bosko fan!




From how I see it, Keigs = Witco. But both Keigs and Bosko are good at what they do and are leaders in their styles.

Diggin it Ken!

That's freeekin' huge!


Thanks for the comps mctiki I'm not bosko but he is around here somewhere.
thanks Teakey
thanks Lake I took a picture with me standing beside it to show the size of the lamp but I looked like I was posing as a body builder and I just dont have the physique so I did not post that pic. Thanks again for the compliments

Keigs the lamp is spectacular...and spectacular size too! I always look forward to your
posts...consistently the "real deal"...come back more often if you have the time.


Keigs, this lamp is really NICE. I Love the smoothe finish and the fact that it doesn't look like it was Dunked in Poly and hung out to dry. Nice. Also, the Carving is only Part of the whole piece, the lamp looks Well engineered and assembled. I would like to see close-up shots of the tiki, plus the spear ends too! I Love having you posting regularly again!


Thanks for sharing the pictures and history of the cabin. Must be a great place to hang.



Well its been a while since I posted. So I thought I would post my latest carving. Its not tiki but does have some faux fabric in it. This cat is based on a Witco design and is called "Pussy Galore" I think it needs a painted sun in the corner but I am scared I might screw it up. Here is a tiki plaque I did also

[ Edited by: keigs20 2006-11-20 15:49 ]

[ Edited by: keigs20 2006-11-20 15:56 ]

kirby posted on Mon, Nov 20, 2006 4:14 PM

one of my favorite parts of TC is loging in and seein that ken has posted new stuff...Awsome...kirby

bring it on kiegs!!!! more great stuff - I like pussy galore. finally had a chance to see some of your carvings up close and personal at FI a while back - they're even more amazing in person. I love the finish on them and the popping grain! yeow!!!

Me too Kirby...can't wait to see more Keigs.
Very cool work Keigs...I like em both but the Kitty Kat is way cool...what are the whiskers made
outta? The tiki is great too...you can make a little wood go a long way!

On 2006-11-20 15:49, keigs20 wrote:

I love this piece Ken, especially the way those colors set off the carved portion of the piece.


Kirby and Polynesiac thanks I have to say screw my slow dial up connection and post once in a while to keep up with you guys.
Congatiki I used copper wire for the whiskers faux fur for the body it also has glass eyes but you cant really see them in the pic.
tiki Kate thanks also I too really like the paint to set off the wood so I added a sun to my kitty here is another picture

GROG posted on Mon, Nov 20, 2006 6:55 PM

Good stuff! GROG like.

Aloha, Kiegs. The Makita arrived today - mahalo! I know you're a "mostly chainsaw" guy, so I have to ask - do you do all your carvings with the chainsaw? These pieces seem a little delicate for that. Just curious...


Ken.... man.

Loss for words.

Those pieces are so tight. Love them both. The tiki one... the paint, the colors, the fur... perfect.

William's magic lives with you now... you have seriously arrived.

Man... they are so tight!

The sun is great! Sometimes you can't stress about things. When you do it is time to step back and stop thinking so hard. Come back later or another day. Then it just flows. Looks like that's what you did. Worked out perfect!

Thanks for stopping by... you inspired me tonight!

Miss you guys.

Rock on!!!

Will we be seeing yous in Aug?

If so, we'll have to venture into Mexico!!!


ps. post more!


GROG Keigs says thanks and Keigs appreciates GROG'S compliments

Aarons Akua glad you got the saw. Most of my carvings are chainsaw but I do cheat with a router if the corners are to tight. The cat is all chainsaw the tiki,s mouth is router I wanted to step it down and could not do that with a chainsaw. I also studied a bunch on the bars and chains for the makita and found out that it is better to use 1/4 chain and sprocket on a dime and quarter tip. You can use 3/8 but it destroys the bar the links are longer and make the bar to hot. So at the moment I am killing my bar.

Lake thanks man glad I could inspire you. I am sure your weather is as bad probably worse than mine an it is hard to get motivated.

Revboo raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! I have been trying to remember what drunken plans I made for August so email me so I can confirm those plans and start planning.... and about Mexico I'm game!!!!

[ Edited by: keigs20 2006-11-20 22:38 ]

Wow, Ken!

You're latest creations remind me how much I miss having your stuff to sell in my shop. My walls are no longer "pleasant" without 'em!

Excellent as always, Ken. Keep it up!


Tiki Lee thanks I havent forgotten the support you gave me early on and hope to have more carvings hanging on your walls.

I have got to get me a carving bar. Awesome work as always Ken.


Yeah! One of the classic TCers is posting again. It was a very pleasant surprize to see it. You nailed that cat!



Hey Ken when are you gonna get your website up and running?


Sorry for the late reply it has been a crazy week lots of snow and cold weather, no power kind of sucked!!!
Hey Rodeo the bar is sweet I wont go back.
Johnnyp thanks the cat was fun and I was really happy with it.
Tedtiki my website is up just not running yet. At the moment I am adding photos and info. I hope to have it up soon. thanks again for the compliments.
here are a few more pictures. I carved this in a rotten cedar stump behind my house. It is not very good cause the stump was rotten and I could not reach it very well but it was fun. The last picture is the brother to the plaque in my last post.

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