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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

carvings by Ken Pleasant

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Hey Ken, I Really love that Stump carving, Really neat and full of character.

The "Brother" plaque is cool too, I Love the colors and I like him better than his brother. Let us know when your web site is up and running!


Thanks Benz I will. Its been a while since I carved a totem and I needed to make a few Christmas presents for some people so present #1 done. He is 4ft 4 inches tall cedar. I tried some Benzart ears but the wood chipped away and did not hold the detail so I carved it away. Also tried some BK moai base painting. That did not turn out as good as I wanted either. But oh well the picture turned out good :)

[ Edited by: keigs20 2006-12-16 16:32 ]


morei moai !

I thought the ears looked great. That carving in the stump must have been hard to do since you can't roll it around and take cuts from different angles.


Kenny, my man......Thats sooo thoughtful, but you dont need to send my anything for xmas. ;-D


JP thanks the biggest problem with the stump was, I was too short and kept falling off the chair I was standing on to carve it.
Freddie B damn you found out guess I will have to give it to my father inlaw instead and think of something else for you like this super rare one of a kind (unless I print more) windows 98 paint shop drawing I did back in 2003 probably one of my best 98 windows paint shop drawings. Hope you have a place of honor to hang it. Feel free to print it out and enjoy it in your home for many years to come. Merry Christmas :)

[ Edited by: keigs20 2006-12-16 20:29 ]

Is this entitle the Bleach Blonde CowPie Drunk?? Nuttin but Luv, Homey.. Hope you and the Fam have a great holiday..fB


I knew you would like the print fb and you even guessed the title.

here are some old pictures that were erased off of the first page for some reason.

a mainlander fountain I did about 4 years ago

three faced plaque done 4 years ago

Tiki bar and tikis done 4 years ago
I will throw more in later thanks for looking

[ Edited by: keigs20 2007-01-11 10:01 ]

Looks great to me! Still the Keigs Zenmaster..


Thanks for the olddate, now can you give us a new uppdate? I Know you have been workin on stuff, got pictures???


thanks bk and Benz, Benz I have not done anything new the weather is real crummy and I have people waiting on stuff. So no time for new stuff at the moment.


here is a new one. It is a Witco/Mainlander style tiki on a painted background


fantastic. Buenissimo. J'adore


thanks Virani, check your pms. Here is another pic of the side

beautiful mixed media piece. I had no idea you were as adept with a paintbrush as you are with a chainsaw. I love the flowers in the piece - they add a nice BANG! of color

Very cool, Ken. I love how you mix the witco style into completely new works, yet still retain the vintage flavor.

Very Kool Love the Canvas and Wood Medium . Way K@@l .

Wow.... I really mean WOW...

Ken, this is truly the most beautiful piece you've ever made. It's aesthetically excellent in every way.


Very nice piece. The background almost looks like a 3-4 colour 'block' print.
I really like the fountain & tikis from 'four years ago' too; they also have that Witco feel. Groovy stuff!

Tama :)


I love the background on your latest piece. Nice overlay of the colors from the flowers.


Really nice piece Ken, I love the smoothe feel this one has. The flowers really make the piece Pop, totally changes the feel of the tiki. Very Well done!

Yo! Big Ken...I'm Luvin' this new piece... the colors, the mixed media...Its on point! We'll be talkin tonight, sorry i missed the call. Maholla Back, Brotha! fBalls

Great Keigs...your "New Witco" stuff is always so cool...like everyone else said....looks
great with the background. I am always thinking of doing something in a Witco style...but
what's the point? You Da Man.


wow! thanks for all the compliments. This is a piece me and a friend put together. I have loved the old Witco painted backgrounds with wood carvings. I think a block print would be a lot easier than the way we did it and probably turn out a little better. Hope to have more designs soon. Thanks again


here is a new one it is supposed to be Lono. I tried to do a cool headdress but ended up cutting it out. To much detail for the chainsaw. So this is the best I could do with a chainsaw and angle grinder. It is my first real try at a lono and was a fun but kind of hard to carve. He is 5 ft tall and made of cedar. I actually took pictures of the process for once. I started out with a round log and made it somewhat square. The first pic is the squared up log.

just getting started

pretty much roughed out

finished I would have added more pictures of the progress but with dial up it takes way to long

side view

back view

Kick arse Keigs! How ya been?

Ditto on the kick ass factor. Always top knotch.

GROG posted on Mon, Mar 12, 2007 10:24 PM


GROG like!!


a work of art!!!!


thanks Tiki Diablo, all is well getting better with the weather. Soon it will be time to carve in flip flops again.
Bk grassyass (thanks) oh yea and thanks for the earrings. Heather loves them.
Grog and Kirbs many much thanks also.


Hey Keigs, This is a Super Lono, just Excellent work. And with only 6 pictures it seems like it only took you 20 minutes, when in reality I Know it took at Least 30 or so?!! Definitely a Keeper to be proud of!

I am still amazed that you can do that with a chainsaw.

That cedar sure stains up nicely. I bet it smells nice while you're carving too.

[ Edited by: Polynesiac 2007-03-13 12:58 ]



Thanks Benz, The first picture took me about 30 minutes to square the log the rest on and off for 4 days. With lots of gazing at the tiki wondering what and how to do the next step. I really needed you to be here when I attempted the headdress:)
Polynesiac thanks The cedar smells really good. Even after the finish.
Alohastation, thanks also

WoW Keigs dat Lono'z a jaw-dropper! :o Killah tight carves on that one...SsweeetT!

Flip-flOp-fLipPp... :D


ken, come on down Any time and Bring your log and I'll be glad to help you out IF I can. Looks to me though, that you Really have it down pretty good. But Hey, COME ON DOWN!!!

Keigs you are certainly THE master of the WITCO style, as it should be! Your work just
has that "something extra" that sets it apart. Always look forward to updates on this

Right on, Ken IS thee only legit carver to bring Witco to the next generation by right of bloodline/in-law/outlaw. Damn good stuff.

Hi Ken, great piece, as always!




thanks Benz I am going to move down there if the weather does not shape up soon!!! Thanks to all for the inspiring comments. Here is a few new pieces both are based on Witco designs. The second picture is going to be a mail box holder if the person likes the tiki it is over 4 ft tall.

[ Edited by: keigs20 2007-03-28 20:29 ]

That mail-box tiki?/whatever is really different and nicely done, that mailman is gonna get a shock, I dig the leopard skin w/carvings too.

I really like the Mailbox holder. Is that your design? Fantastic.


Keigs and Heather came to Hula Hula for happy hour and brought along some fantastic carvings! i am the proud owner of the masks+spears. Mrs Riviera and Monkeyskull got these cool pieces

Yo, Ken.. I really think you should hang up your regular job and just do the carving....(wall plaques, lamps, furniture, etc.) Keep killin' it, Brotha. fBalls


Wow What a Team! Ken your Mailbox Tiki i Really unique, I Really Love it, Very Different.
You KNOW the weather is Never going to straighten out so you may as well move on down. I'm sending you a list of Realtors as we speak! :wink: :) :)


thanks Sneakytiki, alohastation the mailbox tiki is a Witco design. It is based on a fountain Witco made. Dogbytes we had a blast at the Hula Hula thanks for posting pictures and the invite. Yo Freddie cant quit my job due to outrageous medical insurance costs. Benz all I need is about 5 acres a Huge shop and house with lots of cedar trees for under $40,000 :)

Keigs rockin..

The mask (4 in a row) looks like the entrance piece (Witco) to Hala Kahiki in CHi town - very cool stuff as usual!


On 2007-03-12 21:35, keigs20 wrote:

Nice work Keigs! I missed it - what kind of wood is it? (I'm just cathing up!)

[ Edited by: tikigap 2007-05-05 22:04 ]

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