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Jungalero Lounge featured in IMBIBE magazine (NEW PHOTO)

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You look like some mad jungle anthropologist in the pic with your carving!

Ha! funny, you're not the only person to say that, or something along those lines (crazed scientist in exotic locale references)

I hope to have the roof done this week (by Fri).

Yessir! come on up. We'll talk fish and compare battle scars like Cptn. Quint, Sheriff Brody and Hooper in 'Jaws'!!!

GMAN posted on Wed, Aug 23, 2006 4:35 AM

"Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged women." - Quint

I really dig the carved panels , makes me want to give it a try.


Still working on the old 'Hukilau Hut' as well as converting my basement into a nice, dark tiki room/bar area. I've started (and finished) some faux tapa paint effects on the walls. I've also got 100 feet x 3 feet of lauhala and lots of reed fencing and bamboo to get started with. I did the faux tapa with some little stamps I cut out of a piece of a foam camping mat and glued to small peices of 1/4 in. plywood.

I still need a name for the indoor part but I think I'm sticking with 'Hukilau Hut' for the outside part. I guess this has turned into one large project and I'll be jumpng back and forth from inside room to HukiHut. Here's what I've got for now.

Here I've applied a dark green, almost black wash over the gold/black tapa pattern so it wouldn't be so stark. Also painted the ceiling vey, very dark green.

Here's some shots of the stamps I made. I filled in some of the details on the walls by hand/paintbrush.

So now that I've got umpteen hundred unfinished projects going on, I can't tell you what I'm going to post next. I'll keep you informed.
Thanx for looking, back soon.

Wow...you are a busy guy. It is wonderful to see your visions come to life in these pictures. You are gonna have an awesome tiki basement and yard when done. :)


S N T ! Very well done! You are creative to say the least. Your priority should be to take a few days off, chill with the family and drink Mai Tai while making a list of what you need to do to finish this. It is important to finish things :) Stay on the list!

Everything looks fantastic!



Wow Brad, things are looking great. How did you manage to get a basement that close to the water? I would have an indoor, underground swimming pool.

Great idea on the stamping, looks real good with the dark wash over it.

As far as the name goes I would try to work Follynesia into it. I also wish you could get some work on some of our surf contest shirts here. Although last years East Coast Surfing Championships shirts did have a tiki on them they were not all that great looking.


Thanks Vamp--yes, very busy, we can sleep when we're dead!

Thanks McT --Creativity was born out of neccessity and I'm finding it neccessary to get this $&!# done before spring--errr-summer now. I agree, maybe a minor priority readjustment might be in order here.

Thanks Kim- I guess garage would be a more appropriate word instead of basement. We're elevated 9 feet above the ground and I'm just getting around to finishing enclosing the underside. You can partially see the unenclosed underside in the 8th pic down from the top, taken from my neighbors deck.

As far as the t-shirt design thing, I could always use a little extra work (sheez, did I say that?!) I'm about to start 2 new designs for the ESA-one contest shirt and a general, all-purpose shirt. I'm going TIKI on the contest shirts this time. I'll keep you posted. I always have extras printed, if you're interested. PM me if you have any contacts for the people who are in charge of shirts or if you want shirts.

Thanks guys/gals,

You're Non-stop! Everything you tackle comes out Marvellous! Must be the Luv mixed with the Talent mixed with the Brain!!! The basement with the tapa painted panels is outtasight! You're going to have such a bitchen pad when all this is done! Congrats!


Thanks Ken, I'm going to save a place on the wall for a Ruzic original!!! or print!!! or whatever I can get!!!! Don't make me come out there to HB! :)

I worked on some more faux tapa stuff today. I used the stamp method only on the background this time with a color slightly darker than the base color and I just hand drew the darker lines on the painted OSB sheeting with a jumbo sharpie. The pattern is a liitle of this-n-that from pics I've seen. I also framed it out with some flamekist bamboo and hit it lightly with some red mahogany stain mixed with a little poly. Not sure why I did the stain-I just tried a little in a corner and ended up going the distance with it. I'm OK with it but I don't want to end up doing the whole room with it--no sense in making xtra work for me.

Base coat with darker toned pattern stamped on.

Darker lines applied and It's been wiped with a little of the stain as well for an aged, splotchy look

view from across the room:

Had to throw in some other stuff here to get a check on the vibe level. You can really see what the red mohag stain did in this pic. Actually matches my chair to a tee almost. Still gotta solve the concrete post dilemma

Lights out shot:

Still got major tweaking to do. I started making a bamboo grid drop ceiling tonight ---we'll see what happens.
Tinx fer lookin',


Getting better and better!! Maybe you could do faux lava stone pillars with chicken wire and spray foam??

You could do slate/ rock/ faux rock over the CMU pillars.

just a thought. Maybe you could paint over the concrete with a darker color and just simply place a large tiki in front of it. If you have one of course. Just my two cents.


Thanks for the suggestions guys. I might have enough bamboo to wrap the posts with (first choice)--or I can get more if neccessary. I've tossed around the idea of faux lava rock or stone before. One thing I'm keeping in mind here is the ability to detach or otherwise take down all 'tiki-ness' in the event we ever decide to sell our house. A potential buyer might be thrown for a loop at all the tiki-ness and I would like to take most/all of it with me if we ever did sell/move. All bamboo, reed fencing, lauhala, carved panels, etc. are screwed or lightly stapled in place and when taken down the house resumes it's 'normal' (marketable?) look.

Hope to have more pic updates tonight or tomorrow--I've istalled some lauhala and made a bamboo drop-ceiling grid as well as a tiki-licious swag lamp to hang from the ceiling grid.
Thanks for looking-check back soon!

Coming along famously Brad!

and I just hand drew the darker lines on the painted OSB sheeting with a jumbo sharpie.

You might wanna give the black sharpie a few light coats of UV spray..the sharpie will fade amd turn a brownish color and fade-sometimes bleed.Use those decocolor black paint pens.I heard sharpie has paint pens too-just make sure they have that magic xylene in the formula and aren't water-based paint pens...Good for sniffin too! :)

Mrs Hoptiki here

Wow Wow Wow! Your progress is looking great! You are one creative guy with that faux tapa. Love it!


You could always go with some plywood/particle board etc. anchored to the CMU block with just a couple of anchors that could be filled if u move/sell, that way you can cover the wood with paint and then bamboo/lahala whatevah. Here's an idea, whatever u do on the sides of that PVC pipe going vertically in the pillar pic. u could do a faux bamboo paint job on the PVC pipe itself. PVC looks great that way. Alternately put two pieces of split boo around the pipe.

You could also put anchors in the ceiling for the top of wood pillar covers and put some anchors on the floor to hold the bottom in place, or you could build a 3 sided box for each column and then only attach to the wall or maybe leave freestanding if you weight/widen the bottom.

The basement/ backyard bar is really coming along nicely. It's fun to watch.


[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2007-04-13 18:09 ]


..the sharpie will fade amd turn a brownish color and fade-sometimes bleed.

Thanx, Ken. That's actually good news for me in this case. I thought the black was a bit stark and 'contrasty' against the lighter color and wished I'd used a brown instead of black-so if it fades some it may look a little more subdued, dude. Handy info, I'll certainly hang on to it!

Thanx, Mrs. Hoptiki and welcome to TC! Being creative is fun, fun, FUN stuff!!! And this place is ultra-inspirational too!

Great ideas, S T, you know I think I've covered ALMOST every possibility for the pillar treatments. Just gotta find a balance between something that looks like a million bucks but doesn't cost a million bucks. You nailed it w/ the bamboozled PVC pipe paint job. That plan has been written into the to-do list. I fauxed some bamboo trim in my house last year using 1" quarter round molding so I think i can pull it off on PVC as well. The anchored ply is also a good idea for an inexpensive substrate to work on top of. You're putting as much thought into this as I am! Thanx much for the help!

Gettin' back on it.


Wow! That old 'Hukilau Hut' is so beautiful!! and the inside part too! I love it!!
Can't wait to see it finish...Is a great idea to make everything not fixed so you can take it with you any time! Keep rocking!!


Your priority should be to take a few days off, chill with the family and drink Mai Tai while making a list of what you need to do to finish this. It is important to finish things.

I never finish anything. I always leave some part undone. I call it the secret of immortality. I can't die because I've got to many things to finish. Of course my wife says I just have no focus and the attention span of a gnat. surf-n-turf, I love what you're doing. I have a similar project going but I'm not quite ready to start posting pics yet. I think I'm going to try your idea - faux tapa paint effect using stamps. Not a whole wall like you're doing but a border near the ceiling. Thanks for the ideas and the inspiration!!

hewey posted on Sun, Apr 15, 2007 7:12 PM

Looks great! I really love the tapa stamp method for decorating :D

Hey Brad!
Got any new goodies to share?

Wow, you are a true artist, I love the tapa and what you've done to the place. A true inspiration and testiment to the fact that if you want to create something, you can make anything!!

You've given me some ideas too, thanks for that!!

Looks Awesome!

Your attention to detail and craft is amazing, you should be very proud, the basement and the hut ar really great, love the fake tapa!


Still got major tweaking to do.

So that's how you get all this marvellous work done! :lol:

LLT! If he was tweaking he would just be rearranging the furniture over and over! :D Looking awesome S-n-T!

Man, that's some kick ass stuff surf-n-turf!

This post slipped by me, then again I'm shin deep in wood chips more than I'm on the computer.

Love the contest poster too, good soul vibe going on there.

Good luck on the basement!


S-n-T, Just bounced through this thread for the first time...Dude, you the man! This is some crazy good stuff!

Thought you might dig this pic. someone sent to me.

looking absolutly killer! great seeing all this progress. you are very creative, your techniques show that to a tee. going to be an amazing environment!


[ Edited by: Howland 2008-07-30 12:30 ]


Thanks for the kind replies guys/gals. I'd just give up and quit if it wasn't for the encouragement! I've let this thread slip a little lately due to busy-ness (as opposed to business) but I'll have a mild update today after my camera batts charge.

There's alot of non-tiki aspects to this backyard/under house project. I'm having to take care of things like carpentry, rerouting some plumbing, laying stone and pavers----stuff like that, not to mention 'figuring time'--figuring out how I'm gonna do this and that, etc.. SO when all of this is done I can quit effing around and get back to some carving stuff--can't wait!!

That pic is too funny, Babalu. I can relate to it though--I'm as graceful as a cow in the water!!! :lol:

Thanx again everyone for checking in and showing some lovin' !!

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. -- Henny Youngman

[ Edited by: surf-n-turf 2007-05-18 11:02 ]


As promised........... (gotta love those 15 min. battery chargers!)
I've got quite an exotic blend of cultures going on here on the gable piece. A little teko action, a little fijian aktara action, a little hawaiian makau action with a little chinese wisteria to boot! I did the pieces at different times and for whateva reasons, my stain jobs didn't match up too well--I'll work it out somehow. I'm not real impressed with my thatch job but I think I'm going to add a few more layers on top of what I've already got there to thicken it up a bit.

this pic is from standing inside the tiki room project, where I've done my faux tapa painted walls, etc. Lotsa junk under the hut right now from moving stuff arond while working--it's all gotta go-chairs, table, etc. Still need to build the bar under the hut, finish the back walls and grout the patio stones. You can kinda see at the top of the pic in the dark where I've done some bamboo grid work on the ceiling. I've also trimmed out the 2x6 rafters under the hut with some split boo.

Thanks fer peepin' and I'll be back with you shawtly,


Sweetness!!! in the personal touch category sir!

Palapa Rulz!!


McTiki (from McTiki's)

[ Edited by: McTiki 2007-05-18 14:08 ]


mucho tanx, McT!


The "A" frame you made with the detailed front panels and the Teko/Hook/Club looks great!

I really like the Faux Tapa walls as well, they are a nice touch.
Very crafty creating the stamps, If you were to do it again, would you use the stamps of would you free hand it?

I can't wait to see what you do next.

Really nice job!


On 2007-05-22 17:41, ElDiablo wrote:
Very crafty creating the stamps, If you were to do it again, would you use the stamps of would you free hand it?

Helloha! and welcome TC, El-D.
Thanks or the comments. I'm going to be doing some more freehand work on smaller areas like the fronts and sides of my concrete block posts after I fir them out and cover them with OSB. They are a foot wide and 9' tall. For any areas larger than that I will use stamps---just goes so much quicker when you're covering large areas. The stamps themselves take a little while to make though but they are reusable.


When can we come over andgaze upon this Wonderment? :)

hewey posted on Wed, May 23, 2007 8:56 PM

That gable is awesome. Very nice work, its coming along sweetly

GMAN posted on Tue, Sep 11, 2007 4:17 PM

Hey Hoss, shoot us some update pics? Ilove it!


Paipo posted on Tue, Sep 11, 2007 6:51 PM

Yeah, what's happenin? Summer's almost gone! F.F.Freak brothers for life!

Ho Boy... haven't seen this thread in a while. That's a beauty!
Love the makau holding the float! Great ideas all over this creation!


Funny you guys dig up the old thread as I was just organizing a slew of new pics to post. I got real busy on the backyard/under-tha-house project in the past couple of months--not to mention being slammed w/graphics work--what a distraction. So here's what I've been up to, from the start:

my original paint job--an experiment-glad I did away with it but it was a learning experience.
Installed an aquarium in the wall behind where the bar will eventually be. You can also see that I've painted the ceiling a very dark green--darker than it looks in the pic.
firring/framing around the concrete block columns.
Wrapping columns w/ 1/4"OSB.
Big changes now-Installed (how technical sounding) lauhala and reed fencing and "applied" a sort of faux finish to the wrapped columns

The other wall.
What's this? Perhaps a tapa stamp block carving in progress?

After several painstaking, finger numbing hours of foam stamp carving and darkening up my faux finished columns a bit, it came out looking like this.
another shot of the faux tapa.
Now I've freshly flame-kist about a thousand feet of bamboo poles I harvested from various locales around the hood.
So much boo-so much to do
Some bamboo in place
Another shot of boo placement
A shot of the aquarium with funky lighting. I'm going to put some shelving around the tank and probably over and under it as well. This will be the 'back-bar' area.
Playing with light bulbs again. Still need to do something with the rest of the ceiling--maybe a bamboo grid type thing like I already have toward the back of the room in this pic.
Not that you can really tell in his pic but I actually sprayed the entire room with exterior polyurethane with a little stain mixed in to even out the tone of the room and to protect from the humidity until I can get some sliding glass doors for each end of the room.
A shot from one end of the room looking out onto the lanai and the curved bar I'm working on. This is where I'll put up one sliding glass door and will finish the trim work once It's installed.
Walking out onto the patio from the lanai. I will eventually add bamboo splits to the front of the curved bar.
Last but not least, the ole gable ontop of the lanai with Chinese evergreen wisteria taking over!

Back soon (hopefully) with more progress shots. Thanks for looking,

Formerly known as 'Surf-N-Turf'

[ Edited by: howland 2007-09-12 10:36 ]

Thats ALL lookin spectacular..I really dig that carved maori in front, holding the akatara~ Keep the pix comin', Bro.

Awesome Brad! So Rad to see the Magic happen,especially step-by-step! Your digs are lookin soooTight! The aquarium ROCKS! and the bamboo on the c eiling mixed with the tapa accents on the walls.....SHAZAM! and I just keep imagining what it used to look like and now........WOW! Great going so far! Cannot wait to see it FULLY COMPLETE! Bravo Brad!

This is looking WAY cool!


Hahahah! Amazing! I'm so happy for you, you are making a spectacular place and for yourself! thats what I like the most!!Best wishes!


Stop it. You're making the rest of us look bad. Really though, it's un-be-liev-able. You planning on opening a Trader Vic's in your home? Holy cow. Actually, this looks far better than most of the new Vic's. And the aquarium is a nice touch ala La Mariana or Bahooka. Can't wait to see more.

Man, howland! You're going all out. It's looking great so far. Looks like a great place to hang around......


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2007-09-12 21:56 ]

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