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updated!! 4-13-18!!! Page 22

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Update ( So Ken doesn't think I'm slackin'!)


lol! trippy, I like it!

Slacker! :P

what's that, Ravenne? You say you're starting your own art thread? Really? That's awesome! I can't wait to see the pieces you do and update EVERY SINGLE DAY! Bring it! Hehehe


On 2007-07-23 00:43, suburbanpagan wrote:
what's that, Ravenne? You say you're starting your own art thread? Really? That's awesome! I can't wait to see the pieces you do and update EVERY SINGLE DAY! Bring it! Hehehe

You know what! You're gonna eat those words! Just you wait...just wait...biding my time, and soon enough I'll be postin' more art stuffs than you! :P!!!

Hey Kevvy G!
Swell meetin ya at the BASH!
This latest one looks a lot better than
the dancing you were doing on Saturday!
Slackers shouldn't dance... :)

$10 to the first person to produce a youtube quality video of my dancing on Saturday! Someone much have been shocked and horrified enough to capture that train wreck on a video phone! Yay Tiki Farm Mai-Tais!


HOLY CRAP!!! ...I had the camera with me...took all these pics....AND DIDN'T GET YOUR DANCING!.....DAMN IT!

10 easy bucks lost...damn! :lol:

Maybe it's for the best! Haha! Anyhow, here's a little more work done


Wow, I really like your brush strokes in this one...keep goin'!

Just a lil' update


duuude! totally like the vines (vines or are they somefin else?) being all jagged...gives it a weird vibe!

EDIT: oye oye! sorry to have offended you. 'tis gone now.

[ Edited by: ravenne 2007-08-02 02:58 ]

OK!........and now back to the subject at hand! Some more refinement on the vines/wisps and some perspective tweaking and just trying to knock it into shape!

The hint of red in his eyes really adds a lot!


Heya Kev,

It's been awhile! How has this painting been coming along?

I like the latest pic of it here--all of it adds not only depth, but movement back and forth in the picture, rather than the usual side to side motion (I hope that makes sense). The vines have a life of their own which I like, as well as being part of a stylized motif. The gaping mouth of the tiki is wonderful, too--feels like he could swallow some souls!

Hope you're doing well, man!

Take care,



Oh, hey, I've been really out of the loop!

I just saw the one earlier in this thread--the tilted one with the crown! Love the humor of that piece, as well as the moody strokes. They give such texture and ambience to the piece. I also like the composition--even though it's a three-dimensional image, the elements are arranged in almost a Cubist fashion. Fascinating.

Take care,


Hi La Esquina and Ivanchan! Thanks for the great words and cool observations! I went down a little more stylized path on these guys and I'm having fun going a different direction for a little bit! I have really slowed down the output lately due to a combination vacation schedules, a house that I am currently flipping, and a true creative down period! I accepted a long time ago that I don't put out art at a consistent pace but rather go through short bursts with lots of work then the barrel of the art gun gets too hot and I cool down for a while! I feel a new surge of creativity so I will be finishing the gaping mouth tiki and have started a new fire breather piece that I'll post soon! A big thanks for wondering how I'm doing, guys!

No Excuses Kevvy G!
Ride that creative upswing and post some of that firebreather you're talkin about!

OK OK! Here's my fire breather.....in progress



There's a feeling of "clay of creation" at this stage of the painting. Potential in each stroke as it gets defined. Thanks for sharing this--I look forward to seeing it develop!

Take care,


More progress

Nice! I like the swirl in the fire and the details you're putting in this piece! Fun to see it as it progresses.




You know I am really lovin' your evolved style, it's very different from your previous paintings. I love how he's arched back like that, and anything with flames rules (it's the aries in me)!

Can't wait to see the end result! :D

EDIT: glad to see you are still going forward with your work!

[ Edited by: ravenne 2007-08-12 00:39 ]

Thanks ivanchan.......it's fun for me to see where it ends up as well!
Ravenne...stay tuned! And start a thread with your first tiki piece! GO on! Make the leap! Everyone is doin' it! First one's for free!:)

that Green hits the spot!
What a mug that would make!
Only a week til your Birthday Big Boy!


On 2007-08-13 13:22, suburbanpagan wrote:
Ravenne...stay tuned! And start a thread with your first tiki piece! GO on! Make the leap! Everyone is doin' it! First one's for free!:)

All in due time goof!
I am excited though, and when the day comes and I start posting my own pieces...you'll either know before anyone, or it'll be in secret....the suspense! :D

Happy Birthday Kevin! I got you some dance lessons for your birthday! I was gonna get you some art supplies,but i know that dancing is your true passion! :lol:

Hi! My name is Kevin G. and I taught John Travolta how to drunkenly flop all over the Tiki Farm parking lot dance floor! Thanks for the b-day wishes!


On 2007-08-20 13:48, suburbanpagan wrote:
and I taught John Travolta how to drunkenly flop all over the Tiki Farm parking lot dance floor!


:lol: Happy Birthday again! :D

Hey sub-pagan, that fire breather is something else! There's some irony in the design there which really works.... Very cool!


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2007-08-20 20:09 ]

The fire Breather is AMAZING! Clever and with dramatic lighting! I'm also digging the green tiki with the wispys green designs in the background.
So are you totally working digitally now? Nothing on canvas or board? but.... how do you know what it'll really look like till u get a quality print out? right? U could print on canvas, and that'll look really nifty!

Big aloha!

The joy of digital painting, TSA! I can save many variations of my pieces! Thanks Sam! Always an honor!
![](http://www.thetackytiki.com/new wall mask.jpg)
In progress...back to my intimate wall hanging roots!

Ravenne.....did you know that TGTTM is in reruns again? And so it lives!

Ivan, the house is killing me but is looking great! I'll post pics when I'm done!

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2007-08-22 23:33 ]

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2007-08-22 23:33 ]

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2007-08-22 23:36 ]


I like the new one yer workin out, killer.

On 2007-08-22 23:28, suburbanpagan wrote:
Ravenne.....did you know that TGTTM is in reruns again? And so it lives!

That explains why Eric has been harassing me with emails...


Ooooh, wall hanging roots. I love it. You've got such a hand with atmosphere, that painting is so commanding! (Love the teeth especially.)

I look forward to the pics of the house! Take it easy on yourself--I have many friends who are contractors and they're always hurting themselves, poor guys.

Take care,


Here's the essence of Kenny from a photo taken at the Bash by our very own Ravenne!

Quite...essential! :)


OK Im totally cracking up. Esssenssseeeeee!

Man! I go to Vegas for three days and look what happens!
Very funny Kevin....
You know what they say....a bad portrait is better than no portrait!
or was that phrase about publicity???
I have a little present for you too....
but I'll have to wait so i can serve it to you cold....
watch your back....
you'll hear from my lawyer shortly...

Bring it on, Sir William of Idol! :)

This took all night to paint!
it's entitled "Kevvy G working it on the Dance Floor!"
it's a study of the effects of mild retardation,epilepsy on the human condition.... :D

Willie Idol!

Holy mackeral! Documentation of "the event"! Rats off to ya, Sir William!

On 2007-08-25 23:55, suburbanpagan wrote:

Here's the essence of Kenny from a photo taken at the Bash by our very own Ravenne!


That is the raddest portrait EVER! He looks like a singer of a punk band! That could be the cover of the album. Nice work Suburbz. You really did capture and imortalize the Ruzic 'tude.


Thanks for the reactions everybody! That portrait just flowed out! Really appreciate the words Chongolio! Now for a little drier piece.....this one is more straight forward and still needs work but I couldn't wait!

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2007-09-03 00:08 ]

Do i smell a series?
I love the dreamlike vibe of his shirt VEEEEEEEERY much!
This one is SOOOOOOOO much better than the last one!
Do i smell a Squid portrait in the future?

NO one is safe, Kenny! No one! And c'mon! Your portrait just flowed right out! It was a zen experience, it was!

These are great! What is the medium here??

Thanks Sam! The medium is purely digital.....I've been working on making some natural looking brushes for a while and feel they are working quite nicely! Looks great printed as giclee prints too!

Like I said, no one is safe! In progress (aren't they all?)!

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