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Shamelessly watching....DWTS

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I completely agree. It just concerns me that neither Marie, nor Jane were in the bottom two. At least Sabrina is out of the way now and the others can be judged on dance ability rather than spunkiness!


Yay! They're bringing back DanceCenter tomorrow night! :D :D :D


Marie - The first dance was great...the second was boring...I almost thought she would hit the deck again tonight as she was going into the hyperventilation mode again.

Jane - Damn...she looks better in her outfits than some of the professionals...so elegant!!! I moved into the voting mode to support her tonight...she is such a classy lady.

Jennie - Mediocre, but graceful.

Helio - I thought he was hot tonight and looked like he really enjoyed himself.

Melanie - Damn good!!! Even Mr Snooty looked like he had fun tonight.

Cameron - He was a bundle of energy tonight and the last dance was great. He can sure jump!!!


Jane was horrid. What are they seeing?!

Mel B and, especially, Jennie should have scored higher.

I'm appalled at both Carrie Ann's and Len's judging all the way 'round.

I'm with you, though, Jen. Big Yeah that DanceCenter is coming back!

Despite my 5 votes for Jane looks like she got eliminated (I missed the show). I think Marie is only on due to popular vote...but don't think she will last much longer.

Yeah, and in the light ofher pop passing, she'll get a sympathy vote.

With the way they switched around the reveal on Tuesday (no bottom two), I have a feeling she was the bottom two with Jane. They didn't go for the regular elimination because you'd be having what's-his-dace hanging out in the red light by himself.

Jane is very elegant, but she's stiff (appearing crazy-stiff and more out of place when she danced Latin). I think they're giving Jennie a raw deal. She's entertaining and the routines she's doing are terribly complex. I don't know why the judges are being so hard on her. Mel B is showing why she was chosen to be a Spice Girl in the first place; her floor-craft is superior. Helio is losing his passion (interest?) in his routines. I think pure drive might be the only thing fueling him on at this point. Cameron really wants this; I just don't know if he's able to give enough time to devote to perfecting his dance skills.

Jennie = the jolly green giant dance was not great/second dance was better but still short of fantastic

Cameron = the waltz was magical even without a bow-tie/the dance was too chaotic for me

Marie = first dance so so/second dance she really kicked up but not very jive...more country line dance

Helio = fabulous Paso Doble and loved the gold and black/second dance was dabomb

Mel = she looked fabulous on the tango/I loved the second dance very kewl

The judges are really get down to brass tacks. I think the popular vote is only going to work for a couple of folks this year. WooHoo...Michael Flatley next week...should be good.

I am having a hard time choosing between Mel & Helio. :)

While watching Cameron's Cha Cha Cha I scratched my eyes out.

I hope new ones form over night.

[ Edited by: Bora Boris 2007-11-12 21:39 ]

LOL....no kidding...it is pitifully painful. Hope your eyes recover for the show tonight. :)

Did anyone realised that Julianne was wearing Jane's dress from he previous week?

It's funny that Jenny keeps getting told that she's better than she giving. I wonder if she feels like she's given everything she can and is confused. Marie looked like a lump out there. Cameron was a dud. The audiences are getting pretty savvy, so they both need to up there content if they want to stick around. What's with the pantsuits, Mel? Helio showed a passion for the dance again. He back as my forerunner.


I did notice that dress was familiar! Not sure if it's the same one, but pretty darned close!

It's great to see Helio back in form! Don't know what happened for the past few weeks, but he was awesome in that banana suit!

I think Marie did fairly well, but if she weren't getting the sympathy vote this week, it would be her time to go. Oh, and I just have to say ... I LOVE Donny Osmond! There I said it! Phew! I hope they get him to do one of these sometime! That would be fun!

I expect Jennie will be tonight's casualty. She just doesn't have the fire of Mel and Helio, or the fan base (or hotness factor) of Cameron.

I'm just glad that Edyta's still there. If Cameron keeps to his connect-the-dots dance methodology Her Gorgeousness will be gone soon.

Slice and dice...there goes your girlfriend Gnoman!!!


On 2007-11-13 22:00, VampiressRN wrote:
Slice and dice...there goes your girlfriend Gnoman!!!

I could see it in the expression on her face the night before. She knew it was over.

This season it was hard watching Cheryl and Edyta suffering from their matchups. Now they're both out of their misery.

Marie was bottom two again. It sucks that they keep making Jenny be in the "fake" bottom two. I wonder what everyone will choose for their dances next week?

Marie = where the hell did those 10's come from...I don't think so/mambo was one of her better dances...I think Marie will be out tomorrow

Mel = yeah that waltz kicked arse/incredible is true

Jenny = too bizarre this far into the competition/finally a decent dance...she might make it one more week

Helio = very swanky/dynooomite!!!

Yee Haw...Mr. Lord of the Dance himself tomorrow....that should be fun. :)

I like everyone who's still there except for Max and I really want Helio to win.

Marie's dance was embarrassing. I kept having to turn away, because it was so bad. ugh....

Flatley better bring it. And Avril's playing; At the AMAs on Sunday, I thought Celine said she was performing?

Buh Bye Jenny....she really improved a lot since the first fall.

Never was a Anvril fan....but not a Celine fan either. If Celine sings that has got to cost the show a pretty penny!!!

Michael Flatley was AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. I love him. Those costumes were neat and everything is just so perfect when he dances...nobody has a hair out of place. He is definitely Lord of the Dance.

It's official, DwtS jumped the shark last night.

Thank you all for coming; good night.

Max = good but not great...she looks fabulous though/hmmmmm too choppy

Marie = weak dance...she just annoys me...Ms Chatty Cathy/just sad...quite promoting your frikken dolls

Helio = very very cute and jive baby/damned good (got my online votes)

FATIMA BLUSH: Oh, how reckless of me. I made you all wet.
JAMES BOND: Yes, but my martini is still dry.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2007-11-26 21:04 ]

On 2007-11-21 09:56, Haole'akamai wrote:
It's official, DwtS jumped the shark last night.

I stand corrected...

...I'm actually so appalled, I've logged onto the official DwtS message boards and posted there...

Since my girls are gone I've climbed back into the bottle. I hope next season they get some decent partners.

Whoever gets sent home Julianne, Mel or Marie they should be happy to know that I plan on putting my moves on all of them.

Boris, I love you , but it's the finale; they are getting sent home this week...

I tell you DwtS had jumped the shark, just like when Sanjaya was kept in on American Idol. It's a hazard of the (voting) system; it's called "mediocrity of the middle".

Yeah...the popular vote should be parred down. Why do they give you 5 votes....that is just crazy. Marie is only where she is due to her peeps voting for her....come on...she is not that great. Jenny did imporve but she got by on the popular vote too.

We must exorcise the demons!!! I need that wine Gnoman...where did you find that. I presume it is a red. :)

On 2007-11-27 14:09, Haole'akamai wrote:
Boris, I love you , but it's the finale; they are getting sent home this week...

Oops you're right!!


What I meant to say was whoever comes in third place but since they're all going home tonight they're all on my list + I'm putting Carrie Ann Inaba on there too!

Hello! :wink:

I know, hon. You love me, too; that's what allows me to rib you so. :)

I don't understand the 5 votes per person, either. Ah well, I just have to give up and admit it's a popularity, not DANCE, competition.

I was just so embarrassed for her fans; she was so ugly when she got snippy at everyone. Her behavior is unbecoming in a person of any age, but especially so coming from someone whose almost 50. She's delusional in being aghast that she received 7s for her freestyle. She should have knelt down and kissed their feet for such high marks. Her disrespect was appalling. You've got to hand it tor her, though. Even after that (those?) crazy ass routine(s) and her childish outbursts, her fans STILL support her.

It's weird, I think there must be some Mormon Law that they vote for her.

It's not very attractive when a 48 year old throws a tantrum in an embarrassing outfit.


True Confessions with JenTiki ...

I confess that I am a registered member of the Donny.com website. I know, I know! Let the ribbing begin!

The point is this ... I actually got an email last week from donny.com encouraging me to vote for Marie! It's not even her website! I was annoyed. Not annoyed enough to unregister myself and forgo my annual birthday message from Donny, but still annoyed! :blush:

Oh, and for you Donny & Marie fans, they will be appearing together in the Hollywood Theater at the MGM Grand Las Vegas next July for a week. But no way in heck am I gonna pay $95 ( :o ) just for a seat in the same theater where I can see Tom Jones for only $75! Tom's worth at least three of that pairing!

If Marie wins, I vow to boycott DwtS from here on out ... unless Donny or Tom Jones does it next year! Oh, and if Tom ever does Dwts, I pity his partner! I mean, he's hot and all, but that man does some serious sweating!!! :o

You may be in luck: from the rumour mill: Donny is scheduled to dance on the season of DwtS. If DWTS isn't dead yet, It would be certain suicide.

And getting an email from donny.com is only the tip of the iceberg. Childrens Miracle Network has been sending out mass emails every week. The CEO was on some show this week, bragging about it, saying it's not against the rules.

Uh.... yeah, it's "not against the rules." How about inappropriate and unsportsmanlike? Kinda like their spokeswoman, though...

I think the reason why this has my ire up is that Marie doesn't have the dancing chops to back up the support. I mean, if she were even halfway on par with the other dancers, I wouldn't be so vehement.

I really have to get it through my thick skull that this isn't about dancing...


***Honestly!***Help me understand the draw. How you feel about Donny suddenly becoming a "dance expert" for the entertainment show? As someone who couldn't have cared a fig about any Osmond, I started feeling smothered by Osmond overexposure. Am I out of line seeing Marie's comments/attempts at dancing as embarrassing?

I agree it was fun for awhile but she's pulled out every trick in the book to stay, Fainting, Dad passing away and now that it's clear she should be gone she's being a snot.

If Donny is on next season that's fine as long as the show is off the air before they get to Jimmy.


If Donny is on next season that's fine as long as the show is off the air before they get to Jimmy.

OMG! :lol: I almost blew coffee out of my nose at work when I read that! :lol: Dude, somebody ought to pay you to be funny! :wink: Just the thought of Jimmy dancing is funnier than all the Tonga Hut threads put together!


On 2007-09-25 23:32, JenTiki wrote:
Helio may take this. He seems to be a natural dancer and has that latin passion to kick some arse on the latin dances!

Wow! I think I'm psychic! Or is that psychotic? :o

Either way

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Yeah, I'm glad. All is right with the world...

...for now.

It was a good show last night and I still think Marie (snot is right) should have been kicked off early so Sabrina could have been in the finals. Helio was the best overall and glad to see him get that trophy. :)

On 2007-11-27 14:20, VampiressRN wrote:
I need that wine Gnoman...where did you find that. I presume it is a red. :)

I've been drinking it in your honor since my girls were eliminated. It was great seeing their hot little buns again last night....but....was I in a Vampire Cabernet Sauvignon stupor or did I hear that Wayne Newton was joining the DWtS Tour? What's up with that?

They also have a Merlot.

Googled the Vampire wine and guess I will be buying some...need something to go with the sleeze...I mean cheese!!! Glad you enjoyed the bootyfest.

At first I thought that Max was quite the cutie (even if he swings the other way), but this show has really brought out his self-loving, egotistical, boorish self. I kept waiting for him to make a mistake on the floor. I thought he was quite snippy when he made the reference to Kari backstage and freeform being freeform...really snarky.

Marie was completely obnoxious and lord help us with Wayne on dance tour...what are they trying to do...kill the man!!!

I am glad to see Sabrina go on tour...she will knock em dead. :)


I am glad to see Sabrina go on tour...she will knock em dead. :)

Okay, sure, she's a good dancer. And I think she had the hottest male pro for a partner (with Tony Dovolani running a very close second)! But what was with that little outfit they put her in last night!?! :o Either she's been drowning her losing sorrows in Ben & Jerry's, or that little tummy cutout just caused a horribly wrong optical illusion! That was almost on par with the Britney fashion disaster on the MTV awards!


I really don't like that guy. :x


On 2007-12-05 20:59, Haole'akamai wrote:
Maskim's back in town!!

That's assuming they ask him back after his little hissy fit! I hope they don't! He may be a great dancer, but he still needs to learn that the show is not all about him!

He is a snarky little beyoch!!! That article was a gag-fest "poor me" I'm just so popular now I don't know what to do. Jeeeesh!!!

My wife Sally got me into this show (beautiful, scantily clad women gyrating like whirling dervishes had nothing to do with it). I'm happy Helio and Julianne won. I'm a big auto racing fan and an even bigger Julianne fan. She can Watusi with me anytime.

LOL Helio says he is more famous now from DWTS than from racing...go figure!!! :D

That's because before he had merely driven hot beauties that moved really fast around curves. On DWTS he finally got to drive a beauty that had really hot curves and fast moves. 8)

Good one!!!

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