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Shamelessly watching....DWTS

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I love that this thread is hot eventhough the show t'aint even on. heh heh heh...

Holy shit! 2000 posts in just over a year.

Grand Member (2 years)

Joined: Nov 23, 2006
Posts: 2000
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From: Sin City Lincoln Hills (NorCal)

This season starts on Monday!!

Any early bets?!

I bet Cheryl and Edyta will both be steaming hot!

Not a bookie in Vegas will take that bet...

My money's on Penn Gilette to work his @$$ off and still be plodding (but I WANT him to win!!!).

It would be nice if a woman won...I thought it was close last time. I will shoot for Monica Seles...seems like she could hang with some fancy footwork.

Interesting line-up. Adam Corolla should be pretty funny and sure Priscilla will do a good job of representing the older faction.

Bring it on!!!

I'm anxious to see Kristi Yamaguchi pull off a triple salchow....a lutz at the very least.

I'm picking Kristi Yamaguchi to win.

On 2008-03-17 06:10, Bora Boris wrote:
I'm picking Kristi Yamaguchi to win.

TofuJoe's pick, too. We've got plans for Tuesday, so I MUST remember to set the VCR (I know, how antiquated...)

Penn & Kim = stiff, but funny...not a natural...but I think he will really try...I agree...good attitude

Jason & Edyta = slightly stiff...but smooth moves...he will do well

Cristian & Cheryl = YUMMY!!! still a little stiff

Adam & Julianne = LOL...he looked like he had fun...stiff as a broom...he has a lot of work to do...he will stay in with the popular vote

Mario & Karina = wow...neck surgery...crazy...he at least was loose and they did good...hopefully hip hop won't mess him up

Steve & Anna = good posture and stage presence...little stiff though

..........till tomorrow :)

Cheryl = hot

Edyta = hot

The Gnomon = very stiff 8)


Shannon & Derek = very nice routine...she has got some long legs

Monica & Jonathan = ay ya ya...my girl is like a 2 by 4...tomboy looked elegant in that dress though...I will still try to help this underdog out :)

Melissa & Tony = thanks for representing us fat gals!!! she can shake dat booty...unfortunately too much hip hop

Priscilla & Louis = she was graceful and did well...needs to smile...I'm sure the King is smiling...let's here it for the senior faction!!!

Kritsti & Mark = of course you ladies are right...she will probably take this competition...just beautiful

Marlee & Fabian = you go girl!!! she did damned good...what an accomplishment

Gnomon = still stiff tonight?

Adam....don't be mean!!! His radio show was pretty funny today though.
hmmmmmm...was that Cristian on an AIG insurance commercial during the show?

Did anyone tape it tonight? I seemed to f'up my recorder and didn't get it....

Good news...you can watch already aired episodes on line. I missed a few times last season...wish I would have known they were available online as I don't have digital recording either.

On 2008-03-18 22:35, VampiressRN wrote:
Gnomon = still stiff tonight?

Yep. Solid as a rock. Both Kristi and Marlee are always woody worthy.

I'm particularly hopeful for Marlee. Back in about 1985ish the martial arts association to which I belong and serve as the assistant chief instructor tried to start a program at Galludet College (then, University now), which is the country's premier university for deaf students. The program didn't work out due to the availability of the necessary space in conflict with our schedules. But part of our interest in teaching there was the challenge of training deaf people in defense arts. They can follow you when they're facing you, but as soon as they have to turn around they have to rely on other senses to know what they need to do next. Initially, they can follow a count to a beat that they can feel through the floor, etc., but later on when motions are soft, subtle, and silent, it gets a bit tricky. I'd love to see Marlee win; even if it means losing Cheryl and Edyta.

Penn & Kim = OK...that was funny...he is really trying
Jason & Edyta = that was awesome
Cristian & Cheryl = dayum...he is such a cutie and that was hot hot hot
Adam & Julianne = he tried...that floor antic was curazy...but it was fun
Mario & Karina = he is a natural...beautiful
Steve & Anna = boring...no pizazz...I liked the outfits
Shannon & Derek = that was so graceful and energetic...she nailed it
Monica & Jonathan = she did better but way too stiff...no rhythm
Melissa & Tony = did much better
Priscilla & Louis = girlfriend did good...great coaching
Kritsti & Mark = that girl has talent...energetic & exciting
Marlee & Fabian = wow...that was fantastic

Great costumes and music tonight!!!

Not surprised by the kids that went home last night (although I would have like to have seen Adam leave before Penn). Was surprised by how incredibly untalented the Jonas Bros are. I am stupified... I guess I should thank my lucky stars that I don't have an Osmond to deal with [sorry, Jen :D ].


On 2008-03-26 08:54, Haole'akamai wrote:
Not surprised by the kids that went home last night (although I would have like to have seen Adam leave before Penn). Was surprised by how incredibly untalented the Jonas Bros are. I am stupified... I guess I should thank my lucky stars that I don't have an Osmond to deal with [sorry, Jen :D ].

Hey now! Don't be a hater! :wink:
I most definitely agree with almost everything you said. I really wanted to see Penn stick around for a while, he clearly was working harder than Adam, and was way more fun to watch! And yeah, the Jonas Bros, :roll:! I'm on another forum, that unfortunately also has a lot of teenaged Jonas fans, and the fans alone were one of the reasons I screamed "NO" when I heard they would be on DwtS this week! It's hard for me to believe that I was ever that obnoxious about my Donny phase! :wink: But man those Jonas guys were BAD! Their vocal technique was horrendous and their pitch had more highs and lows than Magic Mountain! That Macy's Stars of Dance thing was really cool though! That almost made up for the Jonas Bros.

Missed the show last night...sounds like missing the entertainment wasn't a bad thing. Penn & Monica...pretty obvious on those folks. Guess my thought that Monica was a good athlete and do well was not a good angle. :lol:

  • Tom says:*

There's so much heavy breathing down here, I fell like I'm standing next to a 900 number...

Oh, I loves me some Tom!!!

And I've become a Guttnik....

:lol: That was funny...Tom is a good announcer and not painful to look at either. :wink:

Jason & Edyta = boy...that was some outfit Edyta had on (Gnomon-stiff?) their routine was great and he was smooth
Cristian & Cheryl = did good this week...she is really trying to tame him...ahaa...that was him doing the AIG commercial
Adam & Julianne = he did good...I agree he is getting better
Mario & Karina = (interesting musical composition of Roxanne) very dramatic choreography..but I wasn't wild about it
Steve & Anna = he looked totally tense but he had the footwork down
Shannon & Derek = that was da bomb...lots of energy
Melissa & Tony = I thought it was cute
Priscilla & Louis = very very nice...a great tango
Kritsti & Mark = (nice rendition of Rio)I agree it was emotionless, but good dancing
Marlee & Fabian = dayum...she looked good and kicked arse


I just realized that Max isn't on this season.


Yeah...he ws annoying...but Cristian has his ego!!!

I love Kylie Minogue (I Can't Get You Out Of My Head...is one of my favorite songs). She looks great for having been through the challenges in life that she has experienced.

That dance group was booooring!!!

Buh Bye Steve & Anna. I certainly thought that Melissa and Tony would bite the dust tonight.

On 2008-03-31 21:32, VampiressRN wrote:
:lol: That was funny...Tom is a good announcer and not painful to look at either. :wink:

Jason & Edyta = boy...that was some outfit Edyta had on (Gnomon-stiff?) their routine was great and he was smooth

The Gnomon has been knocked out all week with the flu, but the girls did manage to get me up despite my codeine stupor.

Jason & Edyta = he looked very good...he really stretched across the floor...even the hiccups didn't detract from the dance
Cristian & Cheryl = delightfully dramatic
Adam & Julianne = OK...I am laughing about that one
Mario & Karina = good...even though he slipped up a few times
Shannon & Derek = very elegant and fluid
Melissa & Tony = she did much better this week
Priscilla & Louis = nice dress...very graceful good choreography
Kritsti & Mark = wow I really liked it...I knew some 10s would show up
Marlee & Fabian = nice and graceful...also a great dress...wow...made a judge cry

It is going to start getting tough from now on!!!

Jason & Edyta = fair
Cristian & Cheryl = too slow for them
Mario & Karina = I thought it was great...very energetic
Shannon & Derek = she does well
Melissa & Tony = she was excellent
Priscilla & Louis = boring
Kritsti & Mark = very beautifully done
Marlee & Fabian = missed a few beats but amazing

Is anyone else watching???

They can send Priscilla home next.

...and your wish comes true!!!

Besides the fact that she's good, more than half the fun of watching Marlee is knowing that she can't hear the music.

Of course, I'm always pulling for Cheryl, and Edyta.

But I think it's going to all come down to Mario and Kristi duking it out in the end.

Ya know, I really disliked Edyta's choreography this week. It seemed self-centered and egotistic. All she had Jason doing was these huge, lunging movements. He might as well been doing squats. Yeah, she's flexible. Boring, but flexible...

Obviously, I'm in it for Cheryl and Edyta for reasons other than their dancing. The fact that they can dance, too, is just a plus. :roll:

But damn! It makes you wonder sometimes what in the hell were they thinking when they come up with certain routines. Oh, well. It's not like the judges won't be noticing.

Stiff. But you already knew that.

Well, I knew it would happen. I've been enjoying DwtS less and last night might have been the nail in the coffin. How could Bruno give Mario & Karina a 10 with a lift?! It just goes to show that the judges don't care. Bleeech.... I've got the same (sinking) feeling I had when Bram Stoker's Dracula won an Oscar for Costume Design in 1993 (yes, I am still holding that grudge).

Shannon's dance did have little hip action, but her lines, her twists, her footwork, were so much better than 8s. She and Marissa (stellar, she's coming into her own out on the floor)were the only dances that were really entertaining. Well, I'll put Kristy's jive in there, too, as much as I hate to admit it. Those kicks were a higher degree of difficulty.

Marlee is now officially a train wreck. Go home, girl, and work on your next Hallmark Hall of Fame tv movie.

And not to be outdone, the group dance was also a train wreck. The lifts were weak and the musicality was non-existent.

Like I said before while I was still in my codeine stupor, it is all going to come down to Kristi and Mario. I think the judges are resolved in that and will make their critiques so the "America" will be steered toward that result. I think they're just steering for the final match-up and not the champion. Once those two get to the finale, the'll wash their hands of the whole thing.


Dexter on Showtime.

I only partially watched in silent mode last night (was working on a project for work), but looked like some pretty fine dancing going on. The cowboy skit was a mess though. :lol:

On 2008-04-22 09:55, Benehune wrote:
Dexter on Showtime.


Obviously didn't read the intro post. :wink:

Well, if I could take a stab at the interpretation...

Dexter, a show on Showtime, is about a serial killer.

If the judges get in the habit of making political (rather than technical) evaluations, then they cause the demise of the show and become series killers.

Anyway, that's what I thought was meant.


Pretty sure he thought this was a confessional booth where you confess to watching whatever show is your guilty pleasure. Maybe someone could change the thread title?

[ Edited by: JenTiki 2008-04-23 16:30 ]

Yeah, that's what I was figuring, too, Jen. I'm actually surprised it hasn't happed sooner....

Title changed. :)

Buh Bye Marlee...you were amazing!!!

She has been struggling and no way would she win. Watching her do as well as she did knowing she couldn't hear was great. It was a good time for her.

I'm not sure if I'm buying Cristian's pulled muscle crap.

Kristie got two 10s? for misstepping and being behind the beat?


Cristian seems like a big baby. Hope he isn't really hurt, but he sure played it up...the victim and all.

Kristi looked good!!!


On 2008-04-28 21:20, Bora Boris wrote:
I'm not sure if I'm buying Cristian's pulled muscle crap.

Yeah, Boris, I was thinking that same thing. His performance was pretty lame even before the "injury," so I'm thinking it was a ploy to get sympathy votes from the judges. Fortunately, it looks like they really did judge his pre-injury performance fairly. I just hope he's not getting sympathy votes from the public.

I'm totally looking forward to "DanceCenter" with Kenny Mayne and Jerry Rice tonight! That's the highlight of the season for me!

And I just have to say: Tony Dovolani is a guy I could fall in love with! The way he is so supportive and empowering with Marissa is amazing! Of all the pros, he probably had one of the biggest challenges going into this (aside from the guy who danced with Marlee) and he has helped her prove that you don't have to be an athlete, or even skinny and tall, to be able to dance. I just love that he holds her to the same standards as he would for any other partner and convinces her that she can do it, even when she doesn't think she can. Why don't I know guys like that?!

Tony is nice but he's so nice he's kinda creepy, Weird Chubby Chasing Creepy. Also creeping me out is Kristi's partner Mark, he's almost as into her as I am. I keep waiting for her to elbow him in the throat and then have her husband throw him into the band.

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