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Shamelessly watching....DWTS

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MRI indicates Cristian has a ruptured tendon in his biceps and will need surgery to repair it. Guess I will have to retract my "he is faking it" accusation.

Buh Bye Shannon.

Ya know Vamp I think you don't have to retract it because he took an ambulance to the hospital. Had he gotten a ride from someone I'd be a little more forgiving but an ambulance? :roll:

Marissa in the bottom two?! UGH!!

I really dislike how the judges have picked thier "winner", already. If Kristy does wins this, I'm going to turn into one of those monkeys at the zoo and starting really flinging poo.....

True BB....he is quite the drama queen...one word here...INSURANCE!!! And how about the showing of the MRI...they really had to do that to squelch the skeptics.

Carrie Ann was in a mood last night...she didn't seem to like anything.

The dancing was good. The popular vote will show up tonight.


Well, I was wrong about it coming down to Mario and Kristi. But Kristi is hanging on and has always (in skating) been a fierce competitor to the end. Aside from that I'm pleased that my girls are both still in it.

On the special show preceding the 100th show with eliminations, top ten of the past five seasons, I disagreed with the judges' choices in ranking. Once again political. All ten were the recipients of perfect 30's. I suppose to rank somone as top shelf and then see America turn around vote them out, made the judges want to tell America how stupid it is to not agree with them. I think that's why some of the highest of the top ten (including #1) were people who were eliminated in spite of the judges' glowing assessments. I'm not sure if Ellio was the best, but he could have been (definitely not the low rank of #5). He did that same routine twice in his competition and he nailed it both times.

Missed it last night...but not surprised about Mario...he was inconsistent. I'm rootin' for Kristi!!!


I would like Kristi to win or even Cristian but only because Cheryl is his partner.
I think his torn muscle is this seasons equivalent to Marie Osmond's fainting - get a little sympathy, get some nice scores and then next week flushed down the toilet.

Well it was Syonara Marissa...this week should be good.

I've been watching televised figure skating events since the late 50's or early 60's, so I've been following Kristi thrughout her career. I'd love to see her win this. Cheryl and Edyta will be back, not Kristi. At any rate, it has become a really stiff competition. :roll:


Capping off a series of flawless performances, figure skater Kristi Yamaguchi took home the mirror-ball trophy last night to win this season's edition of Dancing with the Stars.

The Olympic champion is the first woman to win the hit reality show since Season's 1 Kelly Monaco in 2005. She and her professional partner Mark Ballas were consistently at or near the top of the scoreboard during the show's sixth season. And in the two-part finale, she finished strongly with perfect scores on both nights.

She out-danced Miami Dolphins defensive end Jason Taylor, who overcame his fears of taunts from NFL teammates and showed unexpected grace on the dance floor, and Chilean TV star Cristian de la Fuente, who stayed in the competition despite rupturing a tendon during a live performance.

Yamaguchi's win shows that sports figures might have an edge on Dancing: The past three winners were race car driver Helio Castroneves, Olympic speed-skating champ Apolo Anton Ohno and former NFL running back Emmitt Smith.

Tomorrow, folks! Strap on your Blyers, and a way we go!

Bleyers are getting harder and harder to find anymore. You know I'll be routing for Maurice Greene and Jeffery Ross. I hope Jeffrey Ross knows enough to not roast the judges until after the voting is out of their hands.


Susan Lucci and Lance Bass are my early pics for the finals.

I'm going with Toni Braxton and Brooke Burke.

Mmmm Toni Braxton and Brooke Burke. :blush:

On 2008-09-22 19:22, JenTiki wrote:
Susan Lucci ...[snip]


...you are joking, yes? She couldn't hold frame if she were in an art gallery.

I'm going with Misty, Ted, and Lance, and I am not counting out Warren (as much as I REALLY hate to say that...).


Okay, in my own defense, I typed that before I saw the show! I had such high hopes for my favorite daytime diva. She should've put a little more Erica Kane into the dance.

I'm sticking with Lance, but I think I'll replace Susan with Toni. I also expect Brooke and Cody to go a long way.

Maybe some day they'll give Tony Dovolani a really good partner so he can at least get to the finals! He's such an awesome dancer, but they keep giving him hopeless partners!

I agree that Tony needs a decent partner someday!!!

I know Cloris won't make it long but bully for her tying...she looks great for her age and was a hoot.

I loved Warren and Kim...he was energetic.

I am thinking that Misty & Max (as much as I despise him) might pull it off...there is potential there.

I was hijacked by the inconvenience of work until just past midnight. How did my girls do? Do their partners have any talent?

On 2008-09-23 10:06, The Gnomon wrote:
How did my girls do? Do their partners have any talent?

Did it seem like Cheryl is a regular size now, instead of the hard body she's been in the past? Edyta was definitely using the "Skin-to-Win" theory last night (because she knew she wasn't going to get good scores from the judges (didjy'all notice how sheepish she looked after their dance?!)...


Yep, Cheryl was looking like she's put on a few healthy pounds, but it may have been the dress. I think we're used to seeing a lot more of her. And poor Edyta! She knows she doesn't have a chance with this guy. He'll be one of the first three to go, if not the first! But I don't get her little chiffon leg warmer thing she does. What's up with that?

[ Edited by: JenTiki 2008-09-23 10:41 ]

Okay Cheryl has gotten bigger but that's fine because once we start dating it won't look as if I hog all of her food. We'll be a little more proportionate to each other which is nice. :)

I'm happy with all the performances, 'cept for Cloris. Not, not her DANCE performance, her OFF-FLOOR antics. Someone please, get the HOOK!

On 2008-09-23 10:29, Haole'akamai wrote:
Did it seem like Cheryl is a regular size now, instead of the hard body she's been in the past? Edyta was definitely using the "Skin-to-Win" theory last night (because she knew she wasn't going to get good scores from the judges (didjy'all notice how sheepish she looked after their dance?!)...

Hmmm! Well, Maurice Greene is an athlete, so hopefully, he can do the lifts with the new Cheryl, but Edyta has to deal with a guy whose claim to fame is doing celebrity roasts, so he's at home cracking humorous put-downs. I wonder if that translates into his training regimen. From what you say about Edyta, I'm thinking it does and she can tell she's not going to be able to get him in any kind of winning shape, ever. Then, of course, if he roasts any of the judges as a knee-jerk reaction when they critique him, he'll really seal the deal.

Frikken English is only my native language

[ Edited by: The Gnomon 2008-09-24 12:52 ]


Well, I'm happy to see Edyta and Jeff gone. He was really bad and didn't have much hope of improving, and I'm sick of looking at her stupid outfits and "look at my rockin' bod" attitude. Now, if we can get rid of Cloris tonight, then we might have a show that's not too painful to watch.

Bummed 'bout Ted, because it wasn't Cloris.

This week, it better be clear to everyone...

Regardless, my favorite moment was Lance whipping out his tube o' Chapstick. I think he's got a advertising contract just awaitin' for him.

And damn that Warren Sapp. Susan looked better, like tony wasn't going to snap her in half this week. :)

So Cheryl added another Eight pounds to her head! :( I still love her but I only voted for Brooke and Toni tonight. It's a tough love.

The dancing last night was BORING and in general the music didn't feel like it matched the style of dance. The only excitement was Warren and that little bit of Matrix thrown in was great. I am putting all my nickles on Warren and Kym to win from this point forward. I think out of the whole group, he is the only one that looks like he "get's it."

Well, I'm still hopeful...

On 2008-09-30 06:55, VampiressRN wrote:
The dancing last night was BORING and in general the music didn't feel like it matched the style of dance.

I can understand that. The Rumba can look slow, plodding, and uninteresting when not done right, and last night, you got that in spades. Like Bruno said, you need to "act it out". I think that's why Susan did better (not great, just better). Toni, I think, got the required hip action of the Rumba best; her straight legs and lines were nice.

I cannot BELIEVE I am actually ADMITTING I watch this sure-sign-of-the-ARMEGGEDDON but..in the 5 minutes or so that I tuned into that, I watched Misty May & some other goof tango til they were SORE to a truly homogenized version of TAKE ME OUT by a Franz Ferdinand sound-alike--she shows less heat in a DRESS than she does in her BIKINI playing beach volleyball which struck me as REALLY ODD...anyway, the inherent CHEESE factor in this show & those AWFUL judges made me just appreciate CHUCK a whole lot more...shame on you fans for perpetuating this awful excuse for reality tv and the CRAPULENCE it perpetrates on America.

signed a SURVIVOR fan ....so grain of salt HERE


Bring me your torch. The tribe has spoken. :lol:

Cripes, CLoris has become the Sanjaya of DWtS for me. Poor Misty; she was a real contender, too. Now I have to put my money on Warren, Brooke, or, possibly Toni...


It seems like Maurice is ready to quit.


On 2008-10-08 13:27, Bora Boris wrote:
It seems like Maurice is ready to quit.

Even Cheryl said she hoped they'd be able to stay around "a little while longer" or words to that effect. Not exactly a battle cry for the championship.

It is hard to believe Cloris has more fans in show business to call in on her behalf compared to the other contestants. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a Sanjaya-esque conspiracy online somewhere to keep her on as long as they can.

Did you hear that Cheryl was "shocked" and upset that people were saying that she'd gotten fat. She swears that she only gained 5 lb. :roll: I still think she's hot, but really!

Now that Cloris got some decent scores from the judges, I guess that means she's going to be sticking around even longer.

So far it looks like no one this season is going to be able to bust any moves like seasons past.

She could have "not gained much more than five pounds", but she if stopped working out so hard, her muscle (which weighs more) turns to fat (which take up more space), changing the way her body looks. She ramping it up, though, so she's regaining her competitive figure again. Whatever...

Cloris DID do better than Rocco this week, so it's, "Good-bye, Mr. (Wood)Chips" I believe. Warren was disappointing and effeminate; Toni and Susan were dancing with their emotions under glass. I think it's going to come down to Brooke & Lance.

[ Edited by: Haole'akamai 2008-10-14 09:39 ]

Ditto ditto on the last few posts. I really liked the dance Brooke did...but it was too racy for Len. I had high hopes for Warren....hope he can step it up next week. This season's show has been pretty lack-luster.

Len is playing favorites; Brooke and Derek were a mess, totally undeserving of the scores they got. Oof.

BUT, I am so gonna make Kym's outfit:

Kewl pattern!!!

Well, finally some decent energetic dancing tonight. WooHoo...tomorrow night Brian Setzer...I am soooo watching. I think Chloris' days are limited.

On 2008-10-20 22:11, VampiressRN wrote:
I think Chloris' days are limited.

One can only hope...

yeah, I like this pattern. Now, to decide what fabric to make it out of...

How did Lance get 7's and an 8? He was a 6 at best! Booooo!


Seriously. She IS Sanjaya...

I think Lance shoulda been axed, but he probably had a stronger fan-base than Toni did. Susan Lucci is boring me to death and Chloris...your time is limited...no trophy will be going home with you.

It is hard to believe that Toni doesn't have more fans than "Sanjaya." There has to be a mob of watchers who are making a game out of keeping her on.

On 2008-10-22 12:31, The Gnomon wrote:
It is hard to believe that Toni doesn't have more fans than "Sanjaya." There has to be a mob of watchers who are making a game out of keeping her on.

It's not she sells dolls, or anything...

Cloris and Susan doing Hip Hop?

I'm skirred...

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