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Shrunken Heads and Headhunters Art Swap - Draw List p20

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OK guys... here goes nothing! You all art creating some killer (no pun intended) stuff for this swap... I'm an amateur, really new to all of this, so this is a bit intimidating...

(sorry in advance for the quality of photos as I took them all with my crackberry)

Here is how my inspiration began... (yes, doodled on the back of an envelope... told you I was an amateur... gonna have to invest in some sketch books and begin carrying one around, me thinks!)

Next came the initial inking...

Then some more ink detailing...

Here's some of the shrunken head detail...

And the boys below keeping him company...

That's it so far... next I will be working in some color...

There, I did it! Put my work out there...

Jason <

Lookin' good Jason!

Go! Jason! Go! Great start, lookin' forward to some color now. Next thing you know you'll be starting your own "Gallery" thread :D

Right on jason!

That's gonna look snazzy
once the color is put in!

looks like a bunch of entries are sproutin up left and right!


Shrunkie heads sproutin' up like little wrinkled mushrooms.... with faces. There is so much great art popping up! i am really glad that I am in on this swap!
...and as per my normal swappiness, Little Mo-Mo will have a special extra goody enclosed, like he was a box of shrunken head cereal or something.


Bongo, Mike and Ken - Thanks for the encouraging words! I really appreciate it!

Worked on the color and added some additional detail and shading to the head itself.... thought he was looking a bit too 'fresh'... went for a misty, grungy, jungle-y feel for the background coloration...

Here it is: Unlucky Lou and the Boys

I'm really excited to see which of these treasures I end up with in the swap!

Jason <

TikiG posted on Tue, Mar 30, 2010 1:27 PM

Right-on! Jason. Unlucky Lou and the Boys :) Welcome to the swap

also - TikiMango has signed aboard this swaps' artist roster? (How frickin' cool is that?!?)

I'm still adding small finishing touches to my shrunken head arty-farty...pics will be posted shortly (I have a long weekend ahead - yahoo!!)

so here is my completed piece...
Its a water color mounted on a slice of tree and coated in liquid plastic!
I had another piece I was working on but not sure I'm gonna have it done in time ...enjoy this submission!

Nice Tikiville, looks almost TOO real :o

The art must be really good because I keep catching myself with a grimace on my face and an icky feeling as I scroll through the pages. The trade is coming closer and closer, WATCH OUT! Wendy

The world's ugliest mold made a pretty rough casting and it had a hidden undercut so I broke off the ring finger (the sculpt, not the sculptor). But it's clay, it goes back together - that's what clay does :D Here it is repaired and cleaned up but with no features or texture. I have to cut an inch off the bottom because it's too tall to fit my kiln :)

Maybe a progress shot later tonight, April 15th is a-comin'!

Wow, Mike... that is exciting... can't wait to see what you do next. And thankful it was the clay finger as opposed to the flesh and blood!

Jason <

ALoha and AHOY!
Well here it is my submission for the art swap....At first I was not sure what to make, I figured everyone was just going to make shrunken heads, so i would make something different ...but the more I thought about it.....ah screw it shrunken heads are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take one small log , add some chisels , coconut fibre,clay, bamboo, here ya go....

That's pretty darn nifty CAP'N!

hewey posted on Wed, Mar 31, 2010 4:26 AM

Some awesome art coming out of the woodwork!

MDF cutout

Painted it in primer and then some paint

TikiDaye, thank you.
Cap'n, very nice.
Hewey, good start.

I added some hair to the lid and the back of the head last night, may have some time to start on the face today. Cut an inch off the bottom so it will fit in my kiln.

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2010-03-31 06:41 ]


MDog that is going to look wicked
Cant wait to see it5 done!!!!


looks like an Elvis
and a Cap'n Pharoah mounted head
and a MadDogMike sculpt and
a Tikiville paintin and.....
i jes wanna do the boogaloo....

great work chillens!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2010-03-31 08:05 ]

Cap'n Pharaoh just reminded me with his art that I need to sign my work and to put Tiki Swap 2010 somewhere on it (on the back for mine). This swap may be bigger than the menu swap. What will the next theme be and how big will it go? Hewey really started something fun, three cheers for Hewey. Wendy

Got some facework done, now to let it dry a bit and clean it up. The strings you see now are "placeholders". Buried in the clay, they will burn out in the kiln and hopefully leave channels for me to feed new strings through after the final glazing.

It really is hollow - has a straw hole in the top of the head now and should hold about 20 ounces (give or take)

I'm EXCITED!!! It's actually turning out like I envisioned :D This is my second attempt at sculpting a face (the other was a shrunken head too) Nice thing about shrunken heads is that, by nature, they are distorted and asymetrical - makes it easier for people like me.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. - Scott Adams

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2010-03-31 09:03 ]


Someone has to be the wrench in the works - or in this case, the wench--- I'll be going out of town April 16-25th.
I can bring my piece with me and send it from On The Road, but whoever sends to me, we'll have to work out a plan so
your piece is not sitting on my urban porch til I get backkkkk!

Hewey, I'm guessing you won't figure out the actual swap part until the end in case
more people jump in during the last week...

Amy, in the past Hewey has waited until about the day after the deadline before making the match-ups. If you don't have a finished piece (or very close to finished) piece posted, you don't get included. Brillant planning on Hewey's (or someone's) part: my wife has been involved in a few scrapbooking swaps where people have gotten burned because the partner never gets around to making their product.


Mike - unbelievable work, my friend! With mad skills like that I wouldn't be surprised if Tiki Farm came calling...! Can't wait to see it fired and finished!

So far, this has been a great experience... I hope there is another swap in the works! Fun stuff!

Jason <

WOW! MadDogMike, that is freakin' sweet!

TikiDaye, it may feel like the hardest first step you'll ever take, but posting your first piece of art is the easy part. The hard part comes when you continue to post better, faster, stronger works of art, and after some time you'll look back at that first one and think, "Cripes, I did that!?" Welcome to TC!

I decided to get away from my usual mediums of bone and acrylic paintings, and decided to give the Sculpey clay a little try. I got this done in the past few days, but am currently at a loss on what to do about hair... so I'm open to suggestions about how to attach the hair. And no, I will not cut my own to use.

Them's real leather cords keeping the peepers closed and the trap shut.

Cow bone-bone through the nose. Ok, so I didn't totally leave the bone behind for this Swap, but I tried.

Not as giant as you thought huh? I gotta ship this if I finish it in time, had to consider that. So this is Sculpey over a ping pong ball armature. Trying to save a little weight and ensure the clay would harden.

not sure if it is going to work or just look like a shrunken head from the hair club for men ....but this is how I was going to make this one, just as soon as my hair is long enough.

I was planning on attaching the hair by filling the holes with some glue.

Mad dog- if thats what you do to people that steal your drink ...I'd definately think twice before taking a sip.

Mango, great lookin' little head! I did a ceramic "bone dagger" awhile back and did just like the good Cap'n did - poked holes in the top before I baked it then filled the holes with jute. Could do the same with black yarn and unravel it when the glue is dry. You can still drill holes in the baked Sculpty.

Thanks for the kind words guys. I decided shrunken heads aren't creepy enough alone, I added a big blue/green beetle on the back :lol:

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. - Scott Adams

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2010-03-31 19:00 ]


Great stuff poppin up the last few days. Found my hemp twine so that's good, gotta do another coat of paint and lace it up.

hewey posted on Thu, Apr 1, 2010 5:38 AM

On 2010-03-31 09:00, amybean wrote:
Hewey, I'm guessing you won't figure out the actual swap part until the end in case
more people jump in during the last week...

Yup. Once the draw list is posted just get your swap partner to hold onto their piece for a week or two before shipping it.

On 2010-03-31 09:12, MadDogMike wrote:
Amy, in the past Hewey has waited until about the day after the deadline before making the match-ups. If you don't have a finished piece (or very close to finished) piece posted, you don't get included. Brillant planning on Hewey's (or someone's) part: my wife has been involved in a few scrapbooking swaps where people have gotten burned because the partner never gets around to making their product.

What Mike said! I cant take any credit for how its set up, I stole the whole idea and organisation from another forum and tikified it :D :D :D

I've done some more work on my piece. More paint

And some staples

Started on the frame set up too, not quite sure where I'm going with it yet :lol:

Looks great Hewey!!! I knew Elvis had a much more interesting demise than a heart attack on the crapper! :lol: Looks like he died with his boots on in the jungles of PNG.



I've had a late breaking idea. Been working on some vinyl customs this week for the fun of it.
Picked up a 4" glow in the dark Munny at Neon Monster in SF.

Anyone off to Wondercon this weekend?


From the far reaches of the South Pacific, deep within uncharted jungles, gaze upon this macabre spectacle! Personally acquired at great expense of life and limb, taken directly from under the nose of the village Chieftain himself! I present to you the Musical Head-in-the-Box. Crank the mystical handle, and out issues a hauntingly primitive tune that some say is akin to Pop Goes the Weasel, then feel the raw, spiritual energy of this great fallen warrior as his head amazingly levitates from the confines of it's enclosure!

Ok, enough of that. :D I had a blast working on this, and it was such a great theme. There's plenty of crazy, kooky, and awesome art in this thread, and there's still 2 weeks to go! If you're on the fence, then jump on down and make with the loppin' & shrinkin' already.

The mystical box...

The head actually does "pop" out, but it's a bear trying to stuff all the hair back in there. A little PNG shield on the front.

An alligator on this side.

I had to modify the bone in his nose, it was just a tad too big to fit into the opening, especially with all the darn hair. I managed to scalp a fashion doll for the hair, so you might notice the slight purple tint it has, and I had to sacrifice a shirt (but all worth it). I wanted to do some raffia, but it was just too difficult for me as I am by no means "crafty".

I apologize to all the tapa experts out there for my tapa printings, as I'm no student of that art.



Mango, you are full-tilt BOZO!!!!! :lol: Very cool and extremely unique.

Amy, I like the Munny concept (what's for dinner?)


I have a new polymer clay oven to check out for bone making.

Dinner- not sure yet- Friday is always a crap-shoot, wait... what???? haha


Mango, You WIN!!! You are my hero! That's the coolest thing ever, great write up too.

Lovin' it, Mango!

TikiG posted on Fri, Apr 2, 2010 7:42 PM

TikiMango strikes AGAIN!

When does mass-production start? Everyone will want to own one of those...including ME!!


LOVE the shrink-in-a-box! Genius!

Just don't leave that 'shrunk in the box' lying around where a kid could get hold of it... little Johnny turns the crank, listens to the pretty music & then BBBWWWWAAAHAHAHA... Johnny needs a diaper change & may be scarred for life! Or is destined to become a future tcer! lol
It is really scarily fabulous!

mp posted on Fri, Apr 2, 2010 8:19 PM

Holy crap Ray, My mind has been blown!
Awesome! Cool! Sick! Fresh!
Great job my friend!


Brilliant, Mango! I would have to keep my little tribe away from it as they would all want to play with it... well done!

and I agree with you, there's still time for others to jump in and share... fantastic stuff coming out of this swap!

Jason <


Round 2 Glow in the Dark Munny


Go go gadget shrunkenmunny!
Cool beans, amybean!

~when is our new end date? I seem to have lost that chunk o my memory....

The original end date was TAX DAY (April 15th) Was that extended? I don't remember seeing that.

I don't either. I'm ready today!

hewey posted on Sat, Apr 3, 2010 5:04 PM

The date is still April 15, and pretty much everyone seems to be well on target to make it, so we'll keep it for that date :D

Sounds good to me, I'm hoping for a bisque fire on Tuesday and the first glaze fire on Wednesday


That Shrunken Head in a Box reminds me of the Nightmare Before Xmas - EXCELLENT! Better than the fake can of nuts with the snake inside! I think even I would need a change of undies if I had never seen it before! You all have been cranking out some pretty amazing stuff - pat yourselves on your collective backs! MORE! MORE!

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