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Hula Sue's South Seas Hideaway

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Kriste almighty...you are awesome. Every little and big thing is just superb. The booth is to die for. Glad the wifey isn't in the basement digging the hole now. What talent you have!!!

Just discovered this thread and wow oh wow oh wow, I'm so in love with your talking tiki heads from the christmas tree thingys...you are awesome!


Hey, I'm located in Seattle, Pupu Pants... I adore those motion lamps. I've got a 1980s version of that fish lamp, with a black plastic base but similar fish and shade patterns. If you have an old one (the brass base type) that still has the pleated inner shade to give the fish the wavy swimming effect, would you consider trading for mine? I prefer the older brass base type, and mine has the same effect. Also, the plastic pleats in mine may be easier to modify than the old parchment pleats used in the 50s models, which can be a bit brittle.

[ Edited by: TorchGuy 2010-06-01 09:11 ]



This is an amazing and breathtaking project!

I've read this entire thread, mouth hanging open, eyes glazed, hoping I didn't short out my keyboard with the envious drool.

Mr. Pants, you sir, are an absolute genius!

I can't wait for your continuing updates. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your photos and methods with us!

Mr.P!!!! I love the new ideas and additions!! the animated tiki is superb!!!!!!! what a great idea.


[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2010-06-15 21:59 ]

ok.... so where's the new pic's :)
Been waiting to see what you come up with next


Can we get a bump?


You sir, are a mad genius!!!!


Any updates Mr. Pants? Would love to see some new shots it's been a loooooooong while. :D

I got all excited when I saw this thread on the top of the pile. Then I found out it was full of bump and false hope. John, TC NEEDS new pictures! :D

Sorry my tiki pals, I've been neglecting my responsibilities :)
I took a short break to work on another project but am back at it.
I'll post an update later this week. I promise.
You guys are great. Thanks for dropping a line :)



I'm defenitely calling your work the best I've ever seen... DA-AMN!!!

Mr. Pants, though your hideaway totally intimidates me, I'd love to see more. But here's my question, the restaurant in Tacoma that you got the bamboo from, did you see what it looked like before the bamboo was removed? And do you remember it's name or location, because I'd love to go there to see what they did to the place. Thanks for any help.

On 2010-10-12 00:17, tikicoma wrote:
Mr. Pants, though your hideaway totally intimidates me, I'd love to see more. But here's my question, the restaurant in Tacoma that you got the bamboo from, did you see what it looked like before the bamboo was removed? And do you remember it's name or location, because I'd love to go there to see what they did to the place. Thanks for any help.

Thank you--that is very flattering. It intimidates me too sometimes, actually.
I had never worked with bamboo before.

I've recently been doing alot of work on it -- getting ready to host a hometown 'red carpet' party for my brother (he directed the movie, Megamind, for Dreamworks and it comes out in early November) after we come back from the L.A. one.

Right now, I'm on vacation on Kaua'i so I'll post updates when I get home.
While here, I videotaped my favorite beach on the North Shore to use as a rear-projection element for the windows behind the bar.

The restaurant source of the bamboo was a Chinese place located in the Lakewood area and later became a car themed diner. The bamboo itself was in pretty bad shape -- with peeling varnish and bent nails and screws. It took alot of work to steelwool all the varnish off, clean it up and burnish it all with a torch. Saved a fortune though. :)

[ Edited by: Mr. Pupu Pants 2010-10-12 23:19 ]

I am absolutely enchanted!

Am looking forward to seeing the completed "airplane" section.


This is just amazing. So imaginative, and professionally executed. You should be very proud!

As soon as the booth is done, I'll be back to the airplane section.

[ Edited by: Mr. Pupu Pants 2010-05-19 04:46 ]

Thanks for the shots of this booth, and sorry for how long it's taken to find you here and start posting.

The lights in the pics aren't your actual mood lights are they? What kinda lighting will this masterpiece have?

A local guy who isn't a fan of TC, and generally avoids it, still knows your work!! Your bar is known beyond TC - kinda cool, huh?

Thank you my friend (Robb)!
The lighting in those pictures is just a work light and flourescents. Ultimately the lighting will be very moody/romantic looking with just 'pools' of light. The Hawaii wall map will have wave ripples projected on the water and some of those shells on the sill will be lit from within. I'm way overdue to post new pictures and will do so very soon. I'm on vacation for a month and plan to do alot of work down there.

How did your friend hear about Hula Sue's, if not on TC? That is just bizarre :)

Hope everything is going great with you. Your latest stuff is just astounding to me. Great, great work!
Your pal,

...and thank you very much Lovelybunchofcoconuts and Tekahottatak!

Mr. Pants,

Things are looking great. Did you get your pirate chest? If so, did it find a home in the hideaway yet?

I saw one at the thrift the other day but did not buy it.


On 2010-12-21 16:14, Dustycajun wrote:
Mr. Pants,

Things are looking great. Did you get your pirate chest? If so, did it find a home in the hideaway yet?


If it did I bet it's filled with magic and enchantment!! :D

Hi Guys, sorry for the long absence contributing here. I've been recuperating from a car accident and hope to be back in the saddle again soon (just as soon as my body will let me). I will try to take some updated pictures shortly and can't wait to get back to work on it.
As always, thank you for the very kind words of encouragement over the course of this project. Also can't wait to share plans/progress on the other rooms in my house. I'll be chattin' with you soon.
Aloha and take care,

JOHN!!!! Hope you're doin' OK, get well soon!


Sorry to hear that John, let your body heal first, no need to hurry things up and cause yourself more problems. We'll all be sitting here chomping at the bit for an update, but will survive the wait...

Malama Pono.


Take it easy John. All good things are worth the wait. Take care of yourself first.

Best wishes toward your recovery sir!

Aloha John,

PM'd you a couple of weeks ago ... sorry to hear you've been in an accident. Take care, God Bless.

Hope you heal fast, but don't rush it. Your bar will be waiting!

harro posted on Thu, Feb 24, 2011 2:26 PM

All the best for your recovery. We miss Hula Sue's updates!!

Thank you all so much for the nice thoughts. I'm slowly feeling better but it's been a long (and painful) haul.

I have been able to mock-up the diorama I've been planning for outside the windows behind the bar.
It will have adjustable lighting to transition from Day/Sunset to nighttime with horizon glow and stars.

The water effect will be accomplished by rear projecting HD footage I shot from a high atop a cliff during a recent trip to Hawaii. The screen will be frosted plexiglass installed into the diorama in the shape of the body of water.
The projection from below will also help create the effect of reflected water ripples on the underside of the dock and wings of
the Boeing Clipper.

Sound effects of the shoreline, birds, etc. will come from speakers outside the window to help complete the effect.

[ Edited by: mr. pupu pants 2011-03-15 16:15 ]

Where do you get these ideas? This is fantastic. If the rest of your work is anything to go by, this will look amazing.

[ Edited by: Kon-Hemsby 2011-03-21 06:56 ]

Sorry to hear you were in an accident but good to know you are on the road to recovery. Wow...you sure do conjure up some great ideas...looking forward to seeing those finished.

Damn! That's gonna look so cool!

That is going to be AWESOME John! I need to made a trip to WA :D

I am working on a project right now that requires a water effect on plexiglas, I just ordered an American DJ "Hydro" for $100. It projects a moving water light effect, check it out. 2 Similar units are the American DJ "H2O" and the Chauvet "Abyss"

Glad you're back, John. Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you're doing well, we definitely missed your posts.


Hello Pupu

Mad props on your effort so far, and on what's coming down the pipe. Best for a speedy recovery for sure!! We are all cheering from parts north, south, east, west, and outer space!!

WOW !!!!! Another great addition and a very imaginative idea. Will love to see the finished effect. Glad your posting again and thanks for sharing your progress.

Zog posted on Wed, Mar 16, 2011 4:21 PM

So glad that you're back and feeling better, Mr. P! Your work on Hula Sue's is incredible. I can't wait to see some of your other themed rooms. Take it easy until you're feeling 100%! All my best.


Like what your thinking

You work for the Mouse, don't you? Good grief man, you should, as your stuff is straight outta the best the Imagineers have going for them!


Another fantastic idea! I love it. You could charge admission when you finish this bar! The forced perspective will be an interesting challenge.
How deep will the diorama be? Your are fortunate to have some space to work with, most of us have our backs to the wall!

This is the coolest bar I've ever seen! and the diorama is AMAZING!!
I love dioramas! This is gonna look soooo cool especially the flickering torches and water! I'm so glad you're feeling better. I've been following the progress of this project for years now and I'm really anxious to see it complete - I wish I could fly over there and help you!! Do you have a model of a clipper yet and what scale is it gonna be?


Looks like that diorama is going to be pretty big, from the amount of space it looks like in the photo of the bar. If I'm not mistaken.

By the way - what is your daytime occupation?

[ Edited by: ESP182 2011-03-18 18:23 ]


my fingers are speechless. wow.
you are an inspired man, sir pupu.

one method I can think of to add to the sense of perspective is to have objects or lighting moving at one rate near the viewer and much slower at a distance.

sounds easy, huh?

glad to hear your feeling better!


That diorama needs a video when it's up and running.
Super space!


Dearest Kon-Hemsby, Slacks, Trav, teaKEY, pablus,
Thanks very much you guys. Your words really mean alot.

Dearest VampiressRN, Big Kahuna, ESP182
Thanks for the well wishes. I was rear-ended on the freeway by a guy going about 50mph. Completely totaled my car and really did a number on me (torn tendons, bulging discs and nerve damage in the arm) but I expect to fully recover from everything. (From my tiny voice to God's giant ear.) :wink:
I've really missed working on my house and posting stuff here. I have had quite a bit of time to draft some ideas in
Photoshop (like the details of the diorama) which has been nice and at least slightly productive.

Dearest MadDogMike,
Mike, you will always have an open invitation to come and visit if you're ever in the area.
Great idea on the water light projector.I've seen those and, at one point, was considering using something like it to create a moving water effect on the booth map (but am going a different route there too).For the Diorama, the water footage I got in Hawaii will work out great. I did a little test rear-projection and was really happy with the way it looked. Can't wait to show you when it's all put together.

Dearest Grand Kahu,
Wow, that sure was a generous compliment. No, I don't but that sure would be my dream job. My brother and I both used to dream
about that. He has amazing talent and moved to L.A. and is a Director for Dreamworks (Madagascar, Megamind). I stayed here in
Edmonds (would much rather raise my family here than L.A.). If I could do projects for Disney from up here and ship them down,
that would be my idea of heaven on earth.

Dearest Trader Mitch, ESP182,
The diorama will be about 8 ft wide by about 5 - 6ft deep (there is an storage area on the other side of the wall that the bar
sticks out from and I'll be building it 'outside the window' back there. The forced perspective may be a bit of trial and error
but I'm pretty sure it'll work. I've done something similar in the past and that seemed to work out.

Dearest faztiki
I definitely know what you're referring to but that shouldn't be an issue in this case. The only 'motion' is the filmed water and the lighting transitions.

Dearest ESP182
I work for Microsoft and do film and video production (for work and fun).
Below is a link to a kinda fun (for me anyway) video I made for my brother that always cheers me up if I'm down. It's essentially a home video I made years ago (mid 90's) as a 'Day-in-the-Life' of my brother (currently a Director at Dreamworks). At the time, he was working on Ren and Stimpy. I was down in L.A. shooting some interviews for Microsoft and had a day off to hang out with him. He was storyboarding from home that day so I got out my gear and we just had fun -- part of which included having him pitch the episode he was working on.

It's pretty goofy but we sure had a blast that day and you can definitely tell by watching that he's me best buddy. I'm so proud of him. I think I need to make a part 2 now.
Here's the link:


Dearest corrinnao,
Thank you soooooo much. I do already have a clipper model. It has a wingspan of about 31" and has some great detail work (even has pilots seats inside the cockpit. I'll probably run some interior lighting and possibly some running lights as well.
The flickering miniature torches on the forced perspective dock should create a nice atmosphere.
Here is a picture of the Pan Am clipper:

I'm still amazed at how much my wife puts up with during all this construction (she actually really enjoys the results too). I'm a very lucky guy.
Thank you all again. Take care,

[ Edited by: mr. pupu pants 2011-04-01 19:22 ]


Dear Mr. PuPu Pants aka MR. 3Ps

Ugh 50mph!! Least you are okay now and improving!! Good luck on your bar project and will be keeping an eye out here for updates! Looking forward to seeing the diorama completed.

Best of luck.

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