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Celebrating classic and modern Polynesian Pop

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Official Introductions Thread. New Members, Post your introduction here...

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Adam Throgmorton posted on 08/16/2011

Aloha all! I have been following this site for awhile and have been waiting for the right time to join so that I could share a passionate project I have been working on. I have been a tikiphile my whole life. My earliest memories were of pulling into the lavish Polynesian Village resort in Walt Disney World when I was an infant around 1973. I have vivid memories of the tiki torch lighting each night and running to catch my brother Todd over the dark grey lava stone pathways over the hill to see the electical water parade on Seven Seas Lagoon.
This along with my father's love of Martin Denny and Lex Baxter exotica sounds has deeply embedded in me a love and comfort for true Polynesian Pop.
My dream tiki experience was to have an A-frame Tiki Terrace which i built over the summer in my back yard.

Allen's Brain posted on 08/17/2011

Hi All,
The long-time lurker finally steps out of the inky gloom of the back corner and into the semi-darkness of the illuminated fugu lamps and tiki torches. He mutters something unintelligible, receives a tall, coffee-based beverage, and unsteadily mounts a nearby bar stool.

"It's too bad, you know, that I wasn't in Central IL during tiki's heyday to see The Tropics (Lincoln, IL) in its glory days. Chicago's a heckuva distance to travel for a tiki experience. Ah well, I'm here, now."

He then begins boring the other patrons with details of how he wants to own a tiki-themed coffee/juice bar, and call it either "Exoticafe" or "Shrunken Ed's." Soon, he has plenty of space around him. It's a good thing, too, since, at that moment, in walks the curvaceous brunette he's been waiting for...

WestADad posted on 08/17/2011

How curvaceous was she?

Welcome to TC!

VampiressRN posted on 08/18/2011

Shout out to all the new board members...have fun...you've found your mecca!!!

monsterjones posted on 08/19/2011

New memeber...Monsterjones!
Been a Tiki fan long time....also into surf ukulele
and Creature from the Black Lagoon...even had
a Creature tiki made:


[ Edited by: monsterjones 2011-08-19 07:00 ]

AExMachina posted on 08/19/2011

On 2011-08-15 20:51, Adam Throgmorton wrote:
Aloha all! I have been following this site for awhile and have been waiting for the right time to join so that I could share a passionate project I have been working on. I have been a tikiphile my whole life. My earliest memories were of pulling into the lavish Polynesian Village resort in Walt Disney World when I was an infant around 1973. I have vivid memories of the tiki torch lighting each night and running to catch my brother Todd over the dark grey lava stone pathways over the hill to see the electical water parade on Seven Seas Lagoon.
This along with my father's love of Martin Denny and Lex Baxter exotica sounds has deeply embedded in me a love and comfort for true Polynesian Pop.
My dream tiki experience was to have an A-frame Tiki Terrace which i built over the summer in my back yard.

That A-frame is gorgeous. I think I have something new for the bucket list.

thePorpoise posted on 08/20/2011

welcome, Adam Throgmorton , what part of Florida are you in?

Go-Tiki Steve posted on 08/21/2011

OK... Lets See... I'm Steve. Been diving deeper into Tiki culture the last few years... Re-discovered Surf Guitar... Even tried my hand at sculpting Tikis...

I guess all hope is lost now, as I've just attended my first Tiki Oasis in San Diego. I'm Hooked! My kids say I'm wierd... Now I can show them a whole bunch of people just like me!

[ Edited by: Go-Tiki Steve 2011-08-20 17:58 ]

catherinemaughan posted on 08/23/2011

Hi Everyone,

First of all I am new to the forum - thanks for the warm welcome! I am a huge cocktail fan and have enjoyed reading some of your recipe ideas to try at home. I currently work with Funkin - who sell a range of 100% Natural Fruit Cocktail mixers, simply add ice and alcohol - perfect for parties!

Have a look at their website as it explains their whole range and you can even find a cocktail A - Z if you are hunting for any recipes http://www.funkin.co.uk/

Look forward to chatting with you all you cocktail lovers :)

best wishes,

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tikiomar posted on 08/25/2011

The perfect spooky tiki for October.

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tikiomar posted on 08/25/2011

Aloha, to everyone today at T.C. and what fun we had at tiki oasis11!I'm tikiomar and i carve tikis, this time around
in the carver's village we had "pico" whom got all the girls attention, and sang his song for all to hear. Well I finaly
made it to Tiki Central after two years of making tikis for friends,family,and the general public, I am proud to be part of
this creative site for all people intrested in oceanic art.

Mahalo Nui Loa for da big welcome from:Tiki Central.Com

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plumbgone posted on 08/26/2011

Hello everyone! I am brand spanking new to the world of Tiki. I am not sure if I am posting this correctly but here goes.

I am looking for a recipe or a menu description for Hawaiian Chicken. The dish is from a Dobbs House Luau restaurant in Memphis served during the 1970's. I have searched diligently for the recipe but have not had any luck. I have seen the name on a menu posted somewhere (I have beeen to tons of search sites....)but am not able to read the description.

This is a requested "Favorite Food" for our next class reunion (Class of 1976) and I have been appointed to find it. :) (There is a bet going on that I can't find it because others have "looked" for it but they are not me and I want to win this bet!!!

Does anyone out there in Tikiland have a Luau menu from Memphis Luau that has Hawaiian Chicken on it? Please please PLEASE would you send me the description? Best we can remember the dish had chicken with ham in it some kind of way and a sauce.

Thank you so much for your time!!


I was never into Tiki but I am finding myself fascinated by it since I have seen so much since beginning my search for this dish!! I can't wait to learn more!!

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plumbgone posted on 08/26/2011


I am plumbgone from the great state of Mississippi! I was never into Tiki until I started looking for a recipe for an item served at the Luau in Memphis. I find myself being drawn into your world and liking it!! The Luau closed befor I had the pleasure of discovering it but my husband and classmates all ate there and loved it. The search for a recipe for Hawiian Chicken had brought me here. I look forward to learninf more about the world of Tiki!!


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plumbgone posted on 08/26/2011

I think this is absolutely gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing your photo!

On 2011-08-19 07:12, AExMachina wrote:

On 2011-08-15 20:51, Adam Throgmorton wrote:
Aloha all! I have been following this site for awhile and have been waiting for the right time to join so that I could share a passionate project I have been working on. I have been a tikiphile my whole life. My earliest memories were of pulling into the lavish Polynesian Village resort in Walt Disney World when I was an infant around 1973. I have vivid memories of the tiki torch lighting each night and running to catch my brother Todd over the dark grey lava stone pathways over the hill to see the electical water parade on Seven Seas Lagoon.
This along with my father's love of Martin Denny and Lex Baxter exotica sounds has deeply embedded in me a love and comfort for true Polynesian Pop.
My dream tiki experience was to have an A-frame Tiki Terrace which i built over the summer in my back yard.

That A-frame is gorgeous. I think I have something new for the bucket list.

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azomb478 posted on 09/03/2011

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Aloha. I Have been enjoying Tiki Central for so long and now its time to say thanks to this site.Whenever there is a tiki event close by or when traveling, this is first place to check.If I can figure out the image uploading I will start posting on tiki finds.

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HaoleJoe posted on 09/04/2011


I'm pretty new to tiki culture. I started playing ukulele and lap steel about a year ago after years of playing guitar. In researching music to learn I stumbled onto Exotica music and found a whole genre that I was only vaguely aware of before.

I am currently stuck in Minnesota, but I am fortunate enough to live down the street from Psycho Suzie's where I can go listen to Exotic-A-Go-Go perform often.

I'm happy and excited about all of this. Just when I was about to totally give up on any kind of pop culture. Thank you for creating and being a part of Tiki Central.


[ Edited by: HaoleJoe 2011-09-04 08:41 ]

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Dakota Red posted on 09/05/2011

I'm new here, play slack key & lap steel gtr. Can drink when required...
Live in Lost Angeles area. Most germane thing, can do a slack-key solo instr ver of "Quiet Village"... (^_~)

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ZeroTiki posted on 09/07/2011

To tikiomar, plumbgone, azomb478, Steve, and all the rest of the new ohana...Wecome and Alo--HA! Glad the tiki is calling to you, and that you've mad it here!
"The guy in the jacket"

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Visit Zerotiki!

The Super Secret Sigil of The Electric Tiki Society(tm)

[ Edited by: ZeroTiki 2011-09-06 18:21 ]

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DoctorFunk posted on 09/08/2011

Hello! My name is Garret. I am a 23 year old up and coming bartender in New York City. I love Tiki and have probably met many of you in person at various events. I got into cocktails through collecting exotica records and it's great to finally be on Tiki Central.

Recently, I made some Tiki drinks at Lani Kai during the Appleton Remixology competition. I created a Latin inspired Tiki drink called the Guerolito. As you can see in the photo below, we had fun with a "Tiki cholo" who interacted with the audience.

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JoJupiter posted on 09/11/2011

Hi, All:
I've been lurking on Tiki Central for years, and sipping tiki drinks for even longer.
Finally signed up to post a couple of pics of our home tiki bar, the "Lava Pit Lounge".
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Thanks for giving us tiki lovers a place to hang out!

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MadDogMike posted on 09/11/2011

Great hanging basket chairs! Welcome to TC Jo.

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The Banana Hut posted on 09/12/2011

Aloha! My wife and I own the Banana Hut Hawaiian BBQ in Eureka, California. Recently, we bought the Kona Kai restaurant in Illinois, and shipped it here to northern California. Sadly, there were only two large tiki's left when all was said and done, and we're keeping those for our next restaurant. One of the things we got alot of, were hand carved outrigger canoes, we got six, and I would like to sell two. Oceanic Arts told me that they imported these from western Samoa. Other than trying to sell these on e-Bay, does anyone have any ideas? Thanks alot. Ken. P.S., if you want to see our restaurant, it is http://www.thebananahut.com

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Ayla Flamme posted on 09/20/2011

I am going to Chicago Tiki Tour in two weeks and I am so excited. I have never been to Chicago and have been introduced to Moai in the last year in Denver. Sadly we are minus Tiki Bars here right now. Whats a newbee to expect?

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croe67 posted on 09/20/2011

On 2011-09-20 07:58, Ayla Flamme wrote:
I am going to Chicago Tiki Tour in two weeks and I am so excited. I have never been to Chicago and have been introduced to Moai in the last year in Denver. Sadly we are minus Tiki Bars here right now. Whats a newbee to expect?

While it's too bad that the Mile Hai city is devoid of tiki bars, we are very happy that you'll be joining in the FUN at the CATT!

Looking forward to seeing you in the Windy City!!


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stevenjames posted on 09/20/2011

New to the group and damn glad to be here. Goin' Primitive in Oct. and was wondering if they had campfire rings, any idea? Also wanted to change my user name and could use some help. Tried going to "edit profile" but couldn't seem to find a way to change that part. Not very proficient at computers, last one I used they were called an abacus. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/77cb10d45d7729e0a1332e1553fc2890?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikiyaki posted on 09/20/2011

On 2011-09-20 12:03, stevenjames wrote:
New to the group and damn glad to be here. Goin' Primitive in Oct. and was wondering if they had campfire rings, any idea? Also wanted to change my user name and could use some help. Tried going to "edit profile" but couldn't seem to find a way to change that part. Not very proficient at computers, last one I used they were called an abacus. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

There are 2 campfire pits at Mojave Oasis.

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Q-tiki posted on 09/22/2011

Aloha TC!!

I am definitely a tiki newbie as I've only recently discovered polynesian pop, exotica and, most importantly, AUTHENTIC tropical cocktails!! Thanks to the moderators for creating such a site. It must be in my blood because I've been consumed by this for the last few weeks with no end in sight.

I've just received my copy of the Beachbum's "Remixed" on Monday and have gathered all the necessary ingredients to make my first "real" Mai-Tai!! I even made my own Orgeat and sugar syrups! I foresee many hours creating and "testing" the drinks from that book. :)

Cheers... and Mahalo.

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fez monkey posted on 09/25/2011

On 2011-09-20 12:03, stevenjames wrote:
Also wanted to change my user name and could use some help. Tried going to "edit profile" but couldn't seem to find a way to change that part.

You have to contact Hanford Lemoore if you want to do a user name change. Look him up in the member directory and click on EMAIL.

Names not yet taken:
HFCSLPMMTM (HFCS-Laden-Pre-Made-Mai-Tai-Mix)

  • fm
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phenix76 posted on 09/25/2011

SWIZZLENUTS isn't taken??!!! Hmmmm (note to self)

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TheFrikiTiki posted on 09/26/2011

Another newb here enjoying all the posts and stories over the last couple months so thought I'd take the plunge. I find the Tiki bar posts particularly inspiring and am planning on building one hopefully by next summer. Already have a small temporary bar I made for a neighbourhood island theme party several years ago and it has gotten lots of use so looking to move up to something in a shed size.

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Milan posted on 09/26/2011

Hello, I've been reading here occasionally. I've been collecting exotica records for quite some time now. Not just exotica (my collection is all over the place) but I love exotica the most. Right from the time I started to watch AIP movies (age 10 I guess), I became obsessed with the music of Les Baxter. First I thought he was purely some avant garde guy, judging from his Poe soundtracks. But when studying at art academy I found a copy of his Caribbean Moonlight and discovered this other side of him. Being from Holland, it was very hard to track down his records before Ebay came along. Well, anyway, glad to have signed up here finally. My house is not tiki at all. I'm not organized enough for it!

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Tikitrent posted on 09/28/2011

Hello everyone! I dig tiki and live in Tucson, AZ which means i frequent the Kon Tiki in my spare time. I am receiving a Master's Degree in Library Science from the U of A with an emphasis in Archival Studies. Also, I have a cat named Boner!

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NOYRTIKI posted on 10/05/2011

Greetings from Canyon, TX. I've been lurking here for a couple of years and am blown away by what all of you come up with on a daily basis! I mostly stick to a forum that covers Division II College Football, but decided to finally sign up here.

A few years ago, we had a Tiki bar in our backyard. It was great fun and created countless memories. After moving into a new house this summer, I think that it is time to get down to it and do a complete remodel of our current patio and backyard. I would love to go back to Tiki, but my wife is pushing for a "Texas Hill Country" theme. Anyone have any advice on how to sway the odds in my favor? It's going to be an uphill climb, I know!

Anyway, it's great to be here, and I look forward to learning more from all of you.


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Hakalugi posted on 10/05/2011

On 2011-10-05 13:36, NOYRTIKI wrote:
Greetings from Canyon, TX. I've been lurking here for a couple of years and am blown away by what all of you come up with on a daily basis! I mostly stick to a forum that covers Division II College Football, but decided to finally sign up here.

A few years ago, we had a Tiki bar in our backyard. It was great fun and created countless memories. After moving into a new house this summer, I think that it is time to get down to it and do a complete remodel of our current patio and backyard. I would love to go back to Tiki, but my wife is pushing for a "Texas Hill Country" theme. Anyone have any advice on how to sway the odds in my favor? It's going to be an uphill climb, I know!

Welcome to Tiki Central NOYRTIKI!

Maybe the best way to sway the odds in your favor is to show your wife some examples of just how amazing an outdoor Tiki bar can be.

Here are some that members here have built:


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thePorpoise posted on 10/05/2011

those are awesome.

even if i could build something like that in my back yard, the raccoons, possums, and hawks would tear it up. not to mention the oversized squirrels that once chewed through the telephone line!

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NOYRTIKI posted on 10/05/2011

On 2011-10-05 14:40, Hakalugi wrote:

On 2011-10-05 13:36, NOYRTIKI wrote:
Greetings from Canyon, TX. I've been lurking here for a couple of years and am blown away by what all of you come up with on a daily basis! I mostly stick to a forum that covers Division II College Football, but decided to finally sign up here.

A few years ago, we had a Tiki bar in our backyard. It was great fun and created countless memories. After moving into a new house this summer, I think that it is time to get down to it and do a complete remodel of our current patio and backyard. I would love to go back to Tiki, but my wife is pushing for a "Texas Hill Country" theme. Anyone have any advice on how to sway the odds in my favor? It's going to be an uphill climb, I know!

Welcome to Tiki Central NOYRTIKI!

Maybe the best way to sway the odds in your favor is to show your wife some examples of just how amazing an outdoor Tiki bar can be.

Thank you so much for the warm welcome Hakalugi! I'm actually showing this thread to my wife as we speak. I think I just saw a sparkle in her eye, reminiscent of the fun that used to be had at "Bad Boat Bar". Yep...I'm sure I did!

"Bad Boat Bar" got the name, because I actually fabricated the back half of a fishing boat where it looked like it had crashed into one of the patio walls. I'm actually trying to see where the pics of it are located. If I find them I'll be sure to post up.

Again, thank you for the welcome and especially the pics.


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SgtClassick posted on 10/07/2011

Hey Everyone...

Met some of y'all on the home tiki bar crawl last week, but i figured i should join up on here also to stay connected with my peeps!

Had a blast on the crawl and am quite looking forward to the next event.

I was speaking with Mark and looks like we might try to set something up in the south bay again soonish.

Hope to see you all there!


J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/52588535a73689125d782d3888fb21a7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
JOHN-O posted on 10/20/2011

On 2011-10-20 07:46, britishink wrote:
Just an introduction,

My name is Paul Roe and I own Britishink Tattoo in Washington DC, some of you may know me from the last Hukilau.

Aloha and I look forward to many tiki filled sessions on this board.

I remember you !! :)

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a2830c055f397bc8e4a19c0f7f840a16?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
britishink posted on 10/20/2011

Just an introduction,

My name is Paul Roe and I own Britishink Tattoo in Washington DC, some of you may know me from the last Hukilau.

Aloha and I look forward to many tiki filled sessions on this board.

Sorry I posted this as a separate topic, can a Mod delete that one please?

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louisprima posted on 10/29/2011


Just wanna say hey-o! My name is Steve and I'm a filmmaker up in Winnipeg, Canada.

I'm looking for any artifacts from the Beachcomber that was here in Winnipeg, for a new project that I'm working on.
Also anything from the Mauna Loa that used to be in Portage La Prairie.

I love the forum and it's been a valuable tool in my research already.

Thanks everyone!

thePorpoise posted on 10/29/2011

welcome, but the Jets are going down Saturday night!

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louisprima posted on 10/29/2011

On 2011-10-28 21:43, thePorpoise wrote:
welcome, but the Jets are going down Saturday night!

Ya but it'll be 10-8, so we'll screw up the Bolts GAA.

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MadDogMike posted on 10/29/2011

Steve, you might want to post in the Winnipeg Beachcomber thread looking for artifacts, this forum doesn't always get much attention


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louisprima posted on 10/29/2011

On 2011-10-28 23:04, MadDogMike wrote:
Steve, you might want to post in the Winnipeg Beachcomber thread looking for artifacts, this forum doesn't always get much attention


Will do, thanks Mad Dog!

J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/52588535a73689125d782d3888fb21a7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
JOHN-O posted on 11/01/2011

On 2011-11-01 09:19, got reggae ? wrote:
Greetings one & all ,
My name is Doug & YES (I'm a TIKI addict )
Been lurking for a long time & finally decided it was time to join my fellow addicts
It's been a bit of a challenge finding tiki items (Southern Ontario's not a hot bed of all
that's tiki),but I've managed to score some pretty good finds over the years ..I started collecting masks (years ago) & have now discovered the world of Coco-Joes/mugs & anything else tiki related. I've got 2 tiki bars (indoor-(vintage 70's)& outdoor-The Mad Mongoose)
Sadly the indoor one's up for sale .. gotta store the outdoor one
Look forward to posting some pics..SOON COME Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/75543/4eb01bb7.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=60e4996059766bf4a501fe18688bd4b1

Welcome !! :)

Also "got reggae ?" is a puzzling Tiki name. :-?

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2011-11-01 09:30 ]

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got reggae ? posted on 11/01/2011

My 1st love is Reggae music (followed by tiki & hockey )
So, I thought what the heck

J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/52588535a73689125d782d3888fb21a7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
JOHN-O posted on 11/01/2011

Yup, I really used to be into reggae in the 1980's. Both the old-school Jamaica stuff as well as bands out of England like Steel Pulse. LA used to have several reggae venues like the Kingston 12 but that scene seems to have dried up

FYI, keep in mind that the majority here (myself included) consider reggae as something COMPLETELY SEPARATE from Tiki culture and that trying to combine the two is a type of Tiki devolution. Based on your TC name you might catch some heat.

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got reggae ? posted on 11/01/2011

Here's a couple of pics of the outdoor bar ..got it for $20.00 (should I say they gave it away)
needs ..tons of work .. renamed it & found a new home in the backyard.. thought I'd go with a double sided
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