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Official Tiki Oasis 2012 thread for TO12

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Otto posted on Sun, Aug 5, 2012 7:17 PM

At Mission: TO12 the airwaves will most likely be controlled by agents affiliated with T.I.K.I.
the first to announce their presences is the Agents of Luxuria



I know a lot of gals are putting in TONS of effort to have multiple spy themed costume changes over the Tiki Oasis weekend...you fellas should make us happy and break out the tuxedos and dinner jackets a la Bond style

Just 10 days left ! Woohoo!!

Lost In Paradise is infiltrating Tiki Oasis 12!

Attention Spies, Double Agents, Assasins and Megalomaniacs!


Also be sure to check out our other project here:

[ Edited by: chrisandsarahb 2012-08-06 20:34 ]



We can't make it to Oasis this year - and we (gulp) failed to cancel our reservations in time! This is a Stage View room that we booked waaaaaay in advance - so you know it is a good one! :)

Dates are:

08/16/2012 2 Confirmed 195.00
08/17/2012 2 Confirmed 195.00
08/18/2012 2 Confirmed 195.00
08/19/2012 2 Confirmed 170.00

you can reach me at [email protected]


Henrik "VanTiki"

Welcome from T.i.k.i. HQ


DON'T GET CAUGHT BY S.O.B.E.R. ....the torture is brutal....


Friday 7pm.
Be there if you dare!


In case anyone is wondering what the heck will be going on at Mission: TO12

Take note: you will receive your assignment upon registering with T.I.K.I.

The back story you may have missed but will need to be aware of:

He was bad. He was bold. He was bald.

The Man from T.I.K.I (Tiki Idol Kouncil Investigative) stealthily entered Forbidden Island Tiki Lounge in Alameda, CA, which served as the clandestine mainland headquarters for an international undercover organization based in Honolulu. As part of his cover, he DJ’d at the tiki lounge sometimes, sending out coded messages to fellow agents in the bar via strategically selected Exotica tunes.

T.I.K.I was secretly formed decades ago in opposition to the rise of S.O.B.E.R (Supervillains Of Bar Entrance Rejection), whose mission statement was the eradication of cocktail consumption worldwide, since quality booze often makes people feel good, and when people feel good, they’re inclined to do silly things like dance, sing, laugh and make love, which makes them much harder to brainwash, because their minds get way too dirty. S.O.B.E.R. was bent on world domination via subversive sobriety, i.e. secretly replacing all bottles of rum, gin, vodka and related liquids with a synthetic substance that mimicked the flavor of alcohol, but offered none of its emotionally elevating properties, with an alternate “mystery mickey” ingredient that actually induced depression in the drinker. The sinister forces behind S.O.B.E.R. wanted to suppress the general population’s mood, with no solutions to the widespread ennui, so they could easily manipulate the masses into obedient submission. The world’s suddenly sober citizens would be turned into mindless zombies with no wills or souls of their own!

Suavely removing his shades and slipping them into the vest pocket of his shiny blue blazer, The Man from T.I.KI. sat in a booth occupied by a very voluptuous young lady with raven black hair, a tight flower pattern dress, and leopard-spotted high-heeled shoes. Her code name was “Fawn,” and her cover was that of a professional go-go dancer, though her true identity was Field Operations Supervisor for A.L.O.H.A., the Association of Lethal Ohana and Hip Assassins. The sexual tension between them was intense, but both were used to this sort of fatal distraction, and though they often strategically exploited their respective sensual skills while on duty, they tried to maintain a platonic professional working relationship. However, they failed in this attempt, as evidenced by their two young sons, who were kept hidden away from their enemies everywhere, so they wouldn’t become pawns in this ongoing battle for the fate of humanity!

The Man from T.I.KI. and The Woman from A.L.O.H.A. snuck a quick but passionate kiss before they got down to business, ordering classic Mai Tais from the shapely waitress, whom the Man from T.I.K.I did not recognize as one of his fellow undercover agents, but at the moment, he didn’t give this much thought.

“ We’ve decoded the location of their next target,” Fawn said to him. “We intercepted a message that said simply ‘Otto.’ Our crack team cracked the code: O.T.T.O. is actually ‘Otto’ spelled backwards!”

“ You’re kidding me, right?” said The Man from T.I.K.I sardonically. “That’s all you got? Our secret baby sons could’ve figured that out!”

“You don’t understand,” Fawn said. “Otto spelled backwards stands for Operation Terrorize Tiki Oasis.”

“ Tiki Oasis is advertised as a global convention for Polynesian Pop, but it’s actually a secret annual meeting of our field agents from around the world.”

“I know!”

“Okay, so it not a total secret. So they must plan to take us all out at the same time!”

“ Exactly, with a bunch of dirty bombs called R.U.M, which are very difficult to detect. They are going to stash these devices all over the hotel via their own undercover operatives.”

“What does R.U.M. stand for?” asked The Man from T.I.K.I.

“Well, at first we thought it stood for Rocket Undetectable Missile system, or Renegade Underground Munitions system, just a conventional if deadly weapons cache. But we recently learned these were red herrings, and R.U.M really stands for Ruining Useless Minds. It’s like a dirty bomb that will render all the hotel’s stock of booze impotent at once, and by extension, make the drinkers impotent as well. Then all the agents at the convention will be under the evil spell of S.O.B.E.R., and travel around the world to clandestinely plant and detonate their own hidden R.U.M. devices. Soon every cocktail lounge in the world will be serving nothing but watered down juice instead of high quality liquor!”

“That’s insidious!” The Man from T.I.K.I. exclaimed, finishing his Mai Tai and ordering a Navy Grog, suddenly very thirsty. “We’ve got to stop them! But how can we do it by ourselves?”

Fawn nodded in agreement. “Fortunately, we’re coordinating with several other organizations to help us, including H.U.L.A. - Hitmen United for Libations and Alcohol, who will be attending the convention disguised as fun-loving party dudes, and T.E.A.S.E. - The Exotic Agency of Sexy Espionage, whose members pose as burlesque dancers. Hopefully our combined forces can stop S.O.B.E.R. from taking over the world!”

“But why do they want to take over the world anyway?”

“Because they’re mad!”

“You mean mad like in pissed off, or mad like in loony tunes?”


“Man, that’s a dangerous combination!”

“ But we have to be careful. Apparently S.O.B.E.R. will strategically designate double agents posing as official organizers of the convention. They have probably already infiltrated T.I.K.I.’s ranks.”

“So basically, we can trust no one. Not even each other.”


“Can we still make out sometimes?”

“Sure. But right now, we have to make plans for Tiki Oasis. If we’re not successful, this could be the end of the world as we know it…”

The Man From T.I.K.I. nodded, took one more sip from his Navy Grog, grew groggy, and collapsed. Fawn signaled to the waitress, who actually worked for T.E.A.S.E. and had drugged the drink, to help carry his unconscious body out the back door and into a waiting sedan, where an agent from H.U.L.A. was behind the wheel. The Man from T.I.KI. was then driven directly to a private jet at Oakland International Airport, where he was smuggled on board, and after the others were strapped into their passenger seats, the sleek plane took off from the
runway, bound for San Diego.

The pilot smiled slyly, looking at his silver ring, which sported a decorative skull, and beneath it, the word S.O.B.E.R…


  • Agent Will “the Thrill” Viharo

archival film footage of these agents in action can be seen here:


On 2012-08-06 15:54, SandraDee wrote:
I know a lot of gals are putting in TONS of effort to have multiple spy themed costume changes over the Tiki Oasis weekend...you fellas should make us happy and break out the tuxedos and dinner jackets a la Bond style

Just 10 days left ! Woohoo!!

Oh, behave! :wink:


Friday at 10 p.m. in room 1503 John-O as Mr. Moto, the Ding Dong Devils and Kelly Hihphipahula Reilly will greet you, entertain you and Shanghai you with exotic drink. But that is top secret info. You didn't hear it from me.... or my evil twin.

Just Added! Tiki Oasis Friday night 6:40 till 7:15 main stage.
Martini Kings with Special Guest Secret Agent: MeduSirena !!

The Agents of H.U.L.A. are looking for a few good men to fill their ranks-and mugs. This educational video may help you to better (not) understand what we (do not) stand for.


Recruitment Drive will be at 9 P.M. On Saturday the 18th in room [TOP SECRET]


A question for the pros... We will be in San Diego for Tiki Oasis by chance, and we'll be attending Thurs night at the Bali Hai for sure!

My question is... if we aren't able to go to the rest of the night-time activities that weekend, do we need wristband packages in order to go to the vendor malls during the day? The vendor malls are some of my favorite parts of the event. Are they open to the public like in previous years?

Thanks :)

On 2012-08-08 17:52, Voodoo Devil wrote:
A question for the pros... We will be in San Diego for Tiki Oasis by chance, and we'll be attending Thurs night at the Bali Hai for sure!

My question is... if we aren't able to go to the rest of the night-time activities that weekend, do we need wristband packages in order to go to the vendor malls during the day? The vendor malls are some of my favorite parts of the event. Are they open to the public like in previous years?

Thanks :)

In years past, the vendor areas are open to all on Sunday. On Saturday an event wristband is needed to visit the vending areas. I imagine it's the same this year.


On 2012-08-08 16:09, Easter Island Elvis wrote:
The Agents of H.U.L.A. are looking for a few good men to fill their ranks-and mugs.

I accept your challenge. I am woman enough to be one of the few good men you are looking for.

Don't forget to listen to SPYrateRadio at Tiki Oasis! We will have flyers up with more info...

On 2012-08-08 19:10, heylownine wrote:

In years past, the vendor areas are open to all on Sunday. On Saturday an event wristband is needed to visit the vending areas. I imagine it's the same this year.


Thank you, Kevin! I had forgotten about that detail..


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Bookmark this site, then start your tour!


You get the strangest spam on this thread?



I've got a ticket for anybody interested in seeing the DVD OF TIKI screening at Oasis. I decided last minute to go check out the premier in LA and I'm not one to sit through a movie twice... once is all my figity bones can take! So, if you want the ticket, it's yours. The first person here to pm me gets it with my compliments. Please be sure to include your cel # and I'll call you Saturday am when I arrive at Oasis.


Closettiki got the ticket. It's a great documentary by the way with some in depth insight into the origins of what we love so much... TIKI!!

aloha friends!
if you don't want to wait till tiki oasis to get your 2 new martini kings releases you can download a track right here... right now!

Bowana posted on Thu, Aug 9, 2012 7:08 PM

Here's a smidge of what I'll be hocking in the indoor vendor area:

.- .-.. --- .... .- -.-- .----. .- .-.. .-.. !



Bowana I can not wait to add your new mug to my Bowana collection! See you in a week my friend!


On 2012-08-08 19:10, heylownine wrote:

On 2012-08-08 17:52, Voodoo Devil wrote:
A question for the pros... We will be in San Diego for Tiki Oasis by chance, and we'll be attending Thurs night at the Bali Hai for sure!

My question is... if we aren't able to go to the rest of the night-time activities that weekend, do we need wristband packages in order to go to the vendor malls during the day? The vendor malls are some of my favorite parts of the event. Are they open to the public like in previous years?

Thanks :)

In years past, the vendor areas are open to all on Sunday. On Saturday an event wristband is needed to visit the vending areas. I imagine it's the same this year.


Is there an official announcement on this for 2012?

[ Edited by: geedavee 2012-08-09 20:11 ]

Every Night the Glorious Embassy of the Peoples Republic wil be pouring amazing drinks, enjoying great music and live entertainment!

Special "Fez Only" Party Saturday 3pm-5pm





Hyar's my two pieces for the TO12 art show.
I'll be in the arteest alley so stop by and visit!

Wow really like the painting style! The second one with the shoe phone is my fav!


All Agent Alert: Here is a recon photo of the missing mug. We are currently running scans in five countries to get a match on that hand, until then, we are relying on you to locate it at Mission: TO12. If you complete your mission, this mug could be yours. When you check in at Registration one of our agents will ask you, "Would you like to do the scavenger hunt?"
Answer yes and you will receive your instructions.

This message will self-destruct in five seconds

[ Edited by: council guide 2012-08-10 9:41 ]

[ Edited by: Spy Chief 2012-08-10 09:42 ]


On 2012-08-10 09:40, Spy Chief wrote:
All Agent Alert: Here is a recon photo of the missing mug. We are currently running scans in five countries to get a match on that hand, until then, we are relying on you to locate it at Mission: TO12. If you complete your mission, this mug could be yours. When you check in at Registration one of our agents will ask you, "Would you like to do the scavenger hunt?"
Answer yes and you will receive your instructions.

This message will self-destruct in five seconds

[ Edited by: council guide 2012-08-10 9:41 ]

[ Edited by: Spy Chief 2012-08-10 09:42 ]

Nevermind about the self-destruct part. We do not want to harm Tiki Central.

On 2012-08-10 07:56, SandraDee wrote:
Wow really like the painting style! The second one with the shoe phone is my fav!

Thanx Sandra Dee! It's titled "Calling Captain Powers".
The photos are kinda washed out to show the U2 up in the corner.

Remember ....Deny Everything

Serving up the "Hakodate Highball Modern"
with Mr. Moto And the Agents of Shanghai!

I can't wait to sip and shop!!!



New Tiki Hell Mug for TO 2012! Find them at the Top Notch big Maui statue or contact Tiki Hell agents.

This is a cartoon representation. Actual Mug photo coming soon.

Otto posted on Sat, Aug 11, 2012 12:24 AM

Agents of TIKI and ALOHA. Here is a copy of our letterhead in case you need to create any CONFIDENTIAL documents for Mission: TO12. BTW, if you are from SOBER or any other counter-intelligence agency you will not be able to download this file because it is encrypted with R.U.M.

Los SeaFinks - Tiki Oasis 2012


A female friend is looking for a roommate for the Crowne..she is staying Thurs night through Sunday day.

2 beds in the "quiet (in theory} of the hotel

Anyone looking for a place to stay for the weekend or maybe just 1 or 2 nights please let me know and I will pass on her information.



When is this Tiki Oasis thing you guys are all talking about-- it sounds interesting!

On 2012-08-11 18:19, mrsmiley wrote:
When is this Tiki Oasis thing you guys are all talking about-- it sounds interesting!


On 2012-08-11 09:53, thestoked1 wrote:
Los SeaFinks - Tiki Oasis 2012


Hey man, that's my flaming pig from the art show!! Great video. You guys were fun.




Remember tickets do not come with hotel room reservations!

We would like to attend, but really can't use the Sunday part of the pass. Any way to still get the basic weekend pass?

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