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Ray's Mistake

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corkyjon posted on 07/05/2013

OK, to test my cola theory, I started with
1 oz lime juice
3/4 oz passion fruit juice
1 oz pineapple juice (I made it fresh, canned might take a little less)
1/2 oz orange juice
1/4 oz orgeat
1 1/2 oz white rum
tiny pinch of cinnamon powder
shake with ice and pour into collins glass filled with crushed ice
add several ounces of cola
Jamaican rum float

I tried Dr. Pepper and it was too spicy
Diet Pepsi was close
I don't have Coca Cola syrup but it might give a closer approximation. Syrup would be best since it avoids the dilution that occurs with adding soda.
Tried adding some gin but the flavor was off, and Tiki Ti lists this as a rum drink, not mixed liquors.

It always has struck me that a lot of Tiki Ti drinks taste similarly- I think they use small quantities of strong ingredients like orgeat and cinnamon so no flavor overwhelms the drink.

happy buddha posted on 07/05/2013

hmmmwhaa?? Cinnamon and diet Pepsi??

The lost Buhen secrets revealed!!

GentleHangman posted on 07/06/2013

When I make my simple syrup, I use turbanado sugar and the result is quite a dark brownish color. Even plain natural sugar produces a darker than usual color.

Registered Astronaut posted on 07/10/2013

It's being over-thought. There's no orgeat. If you ask them what's NOT in it they will tell you. The secret ingredient is indeed a secret but they say it's something you would never think of.
It's gin, passion syrup, lime, mystery syrup, Coruba, club soda.

Rawim posted on 07/11/2013

On 2013-07-09 21:05, Registered Astronaut wrote:
It's being over-thought. There's no orgeat. If you ask them what's NOT in it they will tell you. The secret ingredient is indeed a secret but they say it's something you would never think of.
It's gin, passion syrup, lime, mystery syrup, Coruba, club soda.

No orgeat? I pick up a distinct almond flavor, but I suppose that could be part of the mystery syrup.

thePorpoise posted on 07/11/2013

somebody needs to deconstruct the Anting Anting (the drink Ray was intending to make when he grabbed the wrong syrup) to further the efforts here re the Mistake.

djmont posted on 07/11/2013

A cola-based syrup wouldn't be unprecedented. At the old Honolulu Restaurant in Alexandria, Virginia, David Chan (former Trader Vic's bartender) used a cola-based syrup in both his Mai Tais and Navy Grogs.

I'm hoping to make a trip to the Tiki-Ti during my visit to L.A. next month. I've never been and I want to try one of these!

Hale Tiki posted on 07/11/2013

The secret is to sneak some of the cocktail out and take it to AbSCIEX, but that would just be cheating. And expensive.

ickytiki posted on 08/04/2013


I've been sitting back and re-reading this post from time to time and it appears everybody agrees that there are the following ingredients in the Ray's Mistake:

White Rum
Coruba Rum Float
Simple Syrup
Club Soda
Lime Juice
Passion Fruit Juice
Mike Jr. said that there is vanilla flavoring in the drink (Page 3 of this post.)

The only ingredient that wasn't agreed upon is orgeat. And it appears from the latest comments that it's not in the drink either.

And, now, there is a new mystery... Some kind of syrup/juice that is adding a sweetness to the drink that is brown/red in color and turns the drink a dirty, yellow color. And, "they say it's something you would never think of".

So, I was racking my brain for a few days and came up with prune juice? Opinions? Thoughts?

Please let me know...


[ Edited by: ickytiki 2013-08-18 13:57 ]

djmont posted on 08/04/2013

But why would they have had it on hand to mistakenly pour it?

ickytiki posted on 08/04/2013

The prune juice isn't necessarily the "mistake"...

There are a lot of strange syrups/juices/extracts/liquors used in tiki drinks like: maple syrup, fassionola, honey, falernum, cream of coconut, pernod, allspice dram, etc. So, prune juice could have definitely been used in trying to add a dimension to a drink. I've never heard it used but why not?

corkyjon posted on 08/05/2013

I don't think a commercial bar with a fixed drink list would stock odd ingredients unless they are in another drink. We need someone who lives near Tiki-Ti to make a couple of these and sneak in some of these trial recipes in small disposable water bottles and taste them on the spot against the real thing.

AceExplorer posted on 08/05/2013

On 2013-08-05 09:20, corkyjon wrote:
...to make a couple of these and sneak in some of these trial recipes in small disposable water bottles and taste them on the spot against the real thing.

Clever! That would be very interesting and it sounds like a reason for a bunch of TC'ers to plan an evening. There would have to be a prize for the recipe deemed closest to the original.

ickytiki posted on 08/06/2013

The Ray's Mistake keeps reminding me of a Captain's Grog

(Grog Log/Page 24)

From the Captain's Inn, Long Beach, California, circa 1962. We'll never know if the Captain's Inn was "the Southland's most elegant waterfront restaurant," but it certainly was the largest. The five dining rooms included "exotic dishes from far away places" in the Corinthian Room, entertainment in the Commodore's Lounge, and "quality spirits" upstairs in the Hukilau Polynesian Room.


1/2 oz Fresh Lime Juice
1/2 oz Grapefruit Juice
1/2 oz Maple Syrup
1/2 oz Falernum
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
3/4 oz Myer's Rum
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Dark Puerto Rican Rum

[ Edited by: ickytiki 2013-08-18 14:30 ]

ickytiki posted on 08/06/2013


1/2 oz Fresh Lime Juice
1/2 oz Grapefruit Juice
1/2 oz Maple Syrup
1/2 oz Falernum
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Gin
float of Coruba Rum

It makes a lot of sense that a version of the Captain's Inn's grog would be poured at the Tiki-Ti since it comes from the right era (1962), right location (25 or so miles away from L.A.) and was from one of the area's most elegant restaurants. It appears that a couple of smart alcohol changes were made in order for it to be re-named. Replacing Dark Puerto Rican Rum with Gin sounds way more refreshing. And substituting Myer's Rum with a Coruba Rum float is a step up from the original recipe as well.

[ Edited by: ickytiki 2013-08-18 14:50 ]

ickytiki posted on 08/06/2013

RAY'S MISTAKE (Perhaps?)

1/2 oz Fresh Lime Juice
1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
1/2 oz Maple Syrup
1/2 oz Simple Syrup
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Gin
float Coruba Rum

It appears the Ray's Mistake originated in 1968 when Ray "mistakenly" poured two wrong syrups when making an Anting Anting. I'm guessing that Simple Syrup was grabbed instead of Falernum (Both are clear.) and Passion Fruit Syrup was used instead of Grapefruit. (Both are a cloudy, yellow color.)

Once again, I would love to hear some feedback!


[ Edited by: ickytiki 2013-08-18 15:05 ]

ickytiki posted on 08/26/2013

On 2013-08-06 12:22, ickytiki wrote:
RAY'S MISTAKE (Perhaps?)

1/2 oz Fresh Lime Juice
1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
1/2 oz Maple Syrup
1/2 oz Simple Syrup
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Gin
float Coruba Rum

It appears the Ray's Mistake originated in 1968 when Ray "mistakenly" poured two wrong syrups when making an Anting Anting. I'm guessing that Simple Syrup was grabbed instead of Falernum (Both are clear.) and Passion Fruit Syrup was used instead of Grapefruit. (Both are a cloudy, yellow color.)

Once again, I would love to hear some feedback!


[ Edited by: ickytiki 2013-08-18 15:05 ]

I've been making this recipe for the past few weeks and the drink is AMAZING! I've substituted the Simple Syrup back to the Falernum though.

djmont posted on 08/26/2013

But it hardly has any booze in it. You could serve that to your kids! :)

Jeje posted on 09/11/2013

I made some slight changes to your recipe, as I found it just a tad too sweet.
Basically I increased the gin, vanilla and lime and used orgeat instead of simple syrup+drops of almond extract.

Ray's Mistake (Perhaps?)

3/4 oz Fresh Lime Juice
1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
1/2 oz Maple Syrup
1/2 oz Orgeat
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
4 drops Vanilla Extract
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
3/4 oz Gin
float Coruba Rum (I used 3/4 oz mixed in with the other ingredients)

ickytiki posted on 09/12/2013

Ahoy Jeje...

The RAY'S MISTAKE is often described as sweet. And the drink is not mine in any way , shape or form. I believe the transition listed above shows its true origin. (CAPTAIN'S GROG ---> ANTING ANTING ---> RAY'S MISTAKE) So, actually, most of the credit should go to The Captain's Inn's "CAPTAIN'S GROG" recipe. Nonetheless, I believe this could be it:


1/2 oz Fresh Lime Juice
1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
1/2 oz Maple Syrup
1/2 oz Simple Syrup
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Gin
float Coruba Rum


[ Edited by: ickytiki 2013-09-11 18:08 ]

Luckydesigns posted on 12/22/2014

I spent a lot of this past Saturday at the Tiki Ti. I'm looking forward to trying some of your versions of Rays Mistake tonight! Oh and I think something that may affect the flavor profile is the fact that it's blended, not shaken.

This has to be my absolute FAVORITE cocktail ever. The only other that I really CRAVE is the Black Magic aThe Mai Kai…

ickytiki posted on 12/26/2014

Ahoy Luckydesigns!

Thanks for the "blended" tip...


1/2 oz Lime Juice
1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
1/2 oz Maple Syrup
1/2 oz Simple Syrup
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Gin
float Coruba Dark Rum

Blend the above ingredients (Except the Coruba Dark Rum) with a cup of crushed ice for several seconds at low speed. Pour everything into glass and float the dark rum. Garnish with a cocktail cherry and pineapple wedge.

happy buddha posted on 12/26/2014

Sounds good! But only an oz of booze?

PalmtreePat posted on 12/26/2014

On 2014-12-25 17:25, happy buddha wrote:
Sounds good! But only an oz of booze?

Plus the float. Every time I've been to Tiki-Ti I've noticed that the Mikes are consistently rather heavy handed with their floats, basically just filling all the extra space in the glass with Coruba, so it's strength ends up being proportionate to the size of your glass.

ickytiki posted on 12/26/2014

Ahoy happy buddha!

Here's the alcohol content of the Ray's Mistake:

1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Gin
3/4 oz Coruba Dark Rum Float (Based off the "Captain's Grog" recipe)

For a total of 2 1/4 oz of alcohol.

[ Edited by: ickytiki 2014-12-25 22:05 ]

ickytiki posted on 12/26/2014


1/2 oz Lime Juice
1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
1/2 oz Maple Syrup
1/2 oz Simple Syrup
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Gin
3/4 oz Coruba Dark Rum (Floated)

Blend the above ingredients (Except the Coruba Dark Rum) with a half cup of crushed ice for several seconds at low speed. Pour everything into a Collins Glass and float the dark rum. Garnish with a cocktail cherry and pineapple wedge.

[ Edited by: ickytiki 2014-12-29 10:41 ]

tikimahalo posted on 01/13/2015

Wow, this thread is a wonderful resource! Much thanks to all of those who helped deconstruct this masterpiece of a drink.

As someone who is just starting out in the world of Tiki mixology (and in the process of stocking the bar), I'm curious to know:
What are the preferred brands of each of the above ingredients?

Coruba is obvious, but what about the gin, the dark rum, the curacao, or even the passion fruit syrup, for that matter? Will different brands of each of these ingredients make a significant difference in the final output? Has anyone spied what the Tiki Ti uses for any of the unbranded ingredients above?

Thanks in advance!

ickytiki posted on 01/13/2015

Ahoy tikimahalo!

If you read through this thread, it appears that a frozen concentrated lime juice (like Minute Maid) is used. It appears that Barton is the gin and the light Puerto Rican rum can be replaced with just about any alcohol!

I would assume that commercial brands are used for a lot of the recipe:

Passion Fruit Syrup (probably Finest Call)
Maple Syrup (some table syrup like Log Cabin)
Orange Curacao (I would guess Hiram Walker or Dekuyper)

But the real flavor comes from the Coruba Dark Rum... It has a very distinct flavor. And the Barton Gin, in my opinion, has its own notes as well. I wouldn't substitute these two ingredients.


kkocka posted on 01/19/2015

Hey all, having consumed a Mistake for my first and last drinks this past friday night, I decided I should make the above recipe to see how it compares. My first thought was "hey, this is damn close!" until the aftertaste of the maple kicked in. For most of the drink, that was the primary flavor I was getting. I used Don Q as my light rum and Beefeater as my gin. Regardless of what I used, that maple syrup was just too damn dominant. I'd consider maybe .25 oz maple syrup at most, and possible less than that. Unfortunatley I have neither the desire nor time right now to attempt another one. I actually don't think the drink is that far off and a decent faux version however. I'd have to have more of the real deal to really pin down the exact profile, but the Tiki Central version did fool me for my first sip. Even my wife, after trying the home version and never having even heard of the real Ray's Mistake, said it tasted too brown sugary, vanillay...which is the maple syrup. For the remainder of my drink it was just...damn...did I have pancakes in this thing?

Here's to continuing the neverending quest.

ickytiki posted on 01/19/2015

Ahoy kkocka!

I still believe that the Ray's Mistake is based from the Captain's Grog recipe from the defunct Captain's Inn restaurant. I think it unlocks the whole mystery... It answers the correct ingredients and proportions. Maple syrup is definitely in the drink and I'm guessing the amount is correct also. I believe we have the correct components and measurements; we just do not know the specific name brands of a couple of the syrups. And, truthfully, those can be tweaked to your pallet.


1/2 oz Fresh Lime Juice
1/2 oz Grapefruit Juice (White ONLY!!!)
1/2 oz Maple Syrup
1/2 oz Falernum
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
3/4 oz Myer's Rum
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Dark Puerto Rican Rum

If you haven't made a Captain's Grog, I highly recommend it. It is an absolutely wonderful drink. It's, now, one of my all time favorites and is made quit often at my house. The ingredients for the grog listed above were probably more on the high end considering the reputation of the Captain's Inn restaurant. So, I'm sure that real maple syrup was used in the original recipe.

There are basically two types of maple syrup that you can use in this drink. And the one that you pick completely changes the flavor. The two grades of maple syrup are "A" and "B". And most people instantly believe that Grade "A" must be the best... Because "A" comes before "B", right? (haha!)

Well, that's not the case at all... The grading is actually the season that the syrup is produced. Grade "A" is collected early in the season and has a lighter flavor. (Like a smoky agave.) Whereas, Grade "B" is darker and has a strong maple flavor. Grade "B" is what most Americans know and what most artificial pancake syrups are trying to, unsuccessfully, reproduce.

I absolutely detest fake pancake syrups... They are full of artificial flavorings, colors and usually contain high fructose syrup. They all taste different and none of them come close to the real thing. However, real maple syrup is very expensive and I would guess a commercial brand (Ex.: Log Cabin, Aunt Jemima, Mrs. Butterworth's, etc.) is probably being used.

You couldn't pay me to sit down and do a bunch of taste tests on these types of syrups... (My stomach is turning knots even thinking about it.) But, I'm sure one brand is less "pancakey"...

However, if you don't like the maple flavor note in your Ray's Mistake, a simple solution is buying real, Grade "A" maple syrup and pouring the suggested 1/2 oz in the drink.


1/2 oz Lime Juice
1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
1/2 oz Maple Syrup
1/2 oz Simple Syrup
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Barton's Gin
3/4 oz Coruba Dark Rum (Floated)

Blend the above ingredients (Except the Coruba Dark Rum) with a cup of crushed ice for several seconds at low speed. Pour everything into a Collins Glass and float the dark rum. Garnish with a cocktail cherry and pineapple wedge.



kkocka posted on 01/19/2015

Hm, I thought I read to use a cheaper, more commonly found maple syrup? That's why I went w/the shitty Ralph's brand. I do have a few Grade A brands in the house - maybe I'll cautiously try that. While I assumed there is SOME difference, I also assumed it wouldn't/doesn't make that big a difference. That's assumptions for ya though. I'll give the Captain's Grog a try.

thePorpoise posted on 01/19/2015

does the Tiki Ti have any other drinks w/maple syrup?

I thought the story was that Ray went to make an Anting Anting but grabbed the wrong two syrups, and the Mistake was born. so what's in the Anting Anting??

kkocka posted on 01/20/2015

Okay I made my revision using legit Grade A, and yes it makes a big difference. However, we still haven't nailed it. This one is still a bit darker and denser than what I recall - I remember Ray's being suprisingly lighter tasting than I would have thought. Thanks for the maple correction!

ickytiki posted on 01/20/2015

Ahoy thePorpoise!

The two syrups that were probably the "mistake" were:

SIMPLE SYRUP instead of FALERNUM (Both are clear.)
PASSION FRUIT SYRUP instead of GRAPEFRUIT JUICE (Both are a cloudy yellow.)

Here's my guess for:


1/2 oz Lime Juice
1/2 oz Grapefruit Juice
1/2 oz Maple Syrup
1/2 oz Falernum
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Gin
3/4 oz Coruba Dark Rum (Floated)

Which is basically a Captain's Grog with a couple of alcohol changes...

ickytiki posted on 01/20/2015

Ahoy again kkocka!

The Ray's Mistake is roughly a 5 1/4 oz drink served in a Tom Collins glass that is approximately 10 oz. It's a tiny drink served in a tiny glass; there's not a lot of wiggle room here.

There are so many reasons why your drink could have tasted lighter. The recipe for this drink is using 1/2 oz pours and drops for a start. Just the slightest alteration will change this drink immensely. Every thing from how much of the clear alcohol is poured (or even the float for that matter) from how much soda water is splashed to how much your ice melts... It's only 5 1/4 oz big.

Here is the core recipe again and you should adjust it in any way that suites you!


1/2 oz Lime Juice
1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
1/2 oz Maple Syrup
1/2 oz Simple Syrup
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Barton's Gin
3/4 oz Coruba Dark Rum (Floated)

Blend the above ingredients (Except the Coruba Dark Rum) with a cup of crushed ice for several seconds at low speed. Pour everything into a Collins Glass and float the dark rum. Garnish with a cocktail cherry and pineapple wedge.



kkocka posted on 01/20/2015

LOL, I love and appreciate your enthusiasm but I'm unsure as to why you keep posting the recipe as if I haven't seen it these past few pages. My drink at Tiki Ti tasted lighter because of course its made correctly and uses THE recipe - the one we have here is probably a close approximation, hence not tasting like it does at Tiki Ti.

ickytiki posted on 01/20/2015

Ahoy kkocka!

Thank you for your comments...

This post was started in 2005 and is still going strong with the help of the Tiki Central Ohana.

I also have been contributing to it for the past three years and love all the positive participation it receives. I believe the input that all the users have made in the past have led us all in the right direction.

In general, most people read the last page of threads and that's why the recipe has been posted at the end. (So, others can locate the current version without digging through all the pages.)

You obviously believe the recipe is just a close approximation. We would all love to hear your version's measurements and ingredients and how you came to your conclusion.

Please share!

Here is what we originally started with:


1oz lime juice,
1oz passion fruit juice
1oz sweet 'n sour
1 oz rum,
1 oz gin,
1 oz pineapple juice
1 oz coconut milk
1 oz guava juice

Shake vigorously, garnish with pineapple.

Looking forward to your recipe and contributions!


TikiSan posted on 01/28/2015

On 2015-01-19 23:27, ickytiki wrote:

1/2 oz Lime Juice
1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
1/2 oz Maple Syrup
1/2 oz Simple Syrup
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Barton's Gin
3/4 oz Coruba Dark Rum (Floated)

Blend the above ingredients (Except the Coruba Dark Rum) with a cup of crushed ice for several seconds at low speed. Pour everything into a Collins Glass and float the dark rum. Garnish with a cocktail cherry and pineapple wedge.



Excellent drink! I think you are very much on the right track. I made it with Plymouth gin, 1/4 oz grade B maple syrup, and Monin Passion Fruit Syrup. Well balanced drink! Will be making more of these! Keep up the excellent work!

ickytiki posted on 01/28/2015

Ahoy TikiSan!

Thanks for your positive comments and input...

I've always made this recipe with Grade "A" Maple Syrup. It's just what my wife buys and I have never thought of using Grade "B" Syrup because... Well, it's not in my pantry. (haha!) I really didn't know that there was that much of a difference until doing some research a week or so ago. So, my wife and I had friends over a few days ago and we mixed the recipe using Grade "B" to see what it tasted like.

Well, it surprising makes a huge, huge difference! More than I would have ever guessed. It never really came up until recently on this post. But, I highly recommend using Grade "A" Maple Syrup... Grade "B" Maple Syrup is just too strong and dominates all the other flavors.

So, here is the latest version... Cheers!



1/2 oz Lime Juice
1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
1/2 oz Grade "A" Maple Syrup (Grade "B" is too strong)
1/2 oz Simple Syrup
1/2 oz Orange Curacao
1 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
1/2 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 oz Barton's Gin
3/4 oz Coruba Dark Rum (Floated)

Blend the above ingredients (Except the Coruba Dark Rum) with a cup of crushed ice for several seconds at low speed. Pour everything into a Collins Glass and float the dark rum. Garnish with a cocktail cherry and pineapple wedge.

[ Edited by: ickytiki 2015-01-27 23:56 ]

kkocka posted on 01/28/2015

On 2015-01-27 23:30, ickytiki wrote:
I really didn't know that there was that much of a difference until doing some research a week or so ago. So, my wife and I had friends over a few days ago and we mixed the recipe using Grade "B" to see what it tasted like.

Well, it surprising makes a huge, huge difference! More than I would have ever guessed. It never really came up until recently on this post. But, I highly recommend using Grade "A" Maple Syrup... Grade "B" Maple Syrup is just too strong and dominates all the other flavors.

What, you didn't believe my earlier post when I said that 1/2 oz Grade "B" syrup made the whole drink taste like pancakes? :P

On 2015-01-27 16:45, TikiSan wrote:
Excellent drink! I think you are very much on the right track. I made it with Plymouth gin, 1/4 oz grade B maple syrup, and Monin Passion Fruit Syrup. Well balanced drink! Will be making more of these! Keep up the excellent work!

I'm going to make another one with 1/4 oz Grade A and see how that comes out...I have a feeling much better than 1/2 oz Grade A.

ickytiki posted on 01/28/2015

Ahoy kkocka!

I do believe you... I just needed to see how bad your version was.

Yep... You're correct; it was terrible!

Like I said earlier, I had been using Grade "A" Maple Syrup and I had no idea that changing it to Grade "B" would have such an awful impact. So, thanks for clearing it up.

Do you have any other substitution recommendations to ruin this drink page? (This could be endless...)

I'm shocked that you even keep making another one. You don't seem happy with it and by your own admission you think this recipe is just, "a close approximation."

So, please share your recipe...

Here, I started it for you:


1/2 oz Grade "B" Maple Syrup (or 1/4 oz Grade "A" Maple Syrup... Because he has a feeling that it's much better than 1/2 oz Grade A.")

It's a rather "small" drink but it makes him happy!!!

Haha! I'm simply going to have to pass on your version so far, brother. Thanks for your contribution though. Your comments make for a good laugh.



[ Edited by: ickytiki 2015-01-28 16:15 ]

kkocka posted on 01/29/2015

Why would I use 1/2 oz Grade B when I've largely written about how awful that drink version was?

I'd simply use 1/4 oz Grade A instead of 1/2 oz Grade A. I've not really knocked your attempt other than stating its not THE Mistake you'll get when you order at Tiki Ti. I think that much is obvious by anybody reading this thread or trying the drinks. I do think its on the right path however and "a close approximation" I believe is an accurate review, unless it's THE recipe and you're just trying to hold out on us by acting modest. I've never said I have my own recipe either. Please don't come off so butthurt when that's not my intention.

hiltiki posted on 01/29/2015

There is absolutely no Maple syrup or Maple flavoring in this drink, none, zero, zilch.....

happy buddha posted on 01/29/2015

I recently made this recipe, and it was tasty enough, but pretty unremarkable I thought. By all accounts, the Ray's is one of the most beloved Tiki drinks out there... Does it really taste like this? What are the opinions of those who've recently had the real thing?

This is just my opinion, btw. Not to downplay yr hard work, Icky. Nothing better than trying to crack the recipe of a great drink!

thePorpoise posted on 01/29/2015

On 2015-01-28 18:49, hiltiki wrote:
There is absolutely no Maple syrup or Maple flavoring in this drink, none, zero, zilch.....

so you're saying the recipe above is Icky's Mistake?

ickytiki posted on 01/29/2015


Well... shucks.

I'll gladly put my name on this drink if nobody wants to claim it. Heck, I've been working on it forever. But, if my name's going to be on it, I might as share my personal recipe.

Ladies and gentlemen... For your drinking pleasure!


1/2 oz Fresh Lime Juice
3/4 oz Monin's Passion Fruit Syrup
1/4 oz Grade "A" Maple Syrup Only
1/2 oz Falernum
1/2 oz Senior's Orange Curacao
2 oz Soda Water
3 drops Vanilla Extract
3 drops Almond Extract
1/2 oz El Dorado 5 Year Demerara Rum
1/2 oz Barton's Gin
1/2 oz Coruba Dark Rum (Floated)

Blend the above ingredients (Except the dark rum) with a cup of crushed ice for several seconds at low speed. Pour everything into a Collins Glass and float the black strap. Garnish with a cocktail cherry and pineapple wedge.



[ Edited by: ickytiki 2015-02-11 00:24 ]

Loki-Tiki posted on 01/29/2015

On 2015-01-28 19:07, happy buddha wrote:
What are the opinions of those who've recently had the real thing?

It's the first drink I order when I walk in, then I contemplate what the second will be. So it's a favorite of mine.

kkocka posted on 01/29/2015

On 2015-01-28 18:49, hiltiki wrote:
There is absolutely no Maple syrup or Maple flavoring in this drink, none, zero, zilch.....

Careful what you say here, you'll get speared. That being said, I think I am going to go on a Wednesday in the near future when they offer $6 Mistakes until 9pm. Great drink, again probably not my favorite, but you can't beat $6!

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