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what is the update on bahooka's rufus??? the dreaded question continues?

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Yes, Fez has been an upstanding citizen, alright.


Good, that's the first kind thing you've said about me. I take my vitamins and say my prayers, say nope to dope, and wash my hands after using the lavatory. I know sarcasm, but, let's stick to Rufus here.

So where is Rufus?


Lemme jump in here for second. Cus this at least is starting to get some communication happening and if can channel the inertia towards a positive outcome…its all good stuff!

Fez Moai. Your analogy of "James Bond" is a good one. So lets go with that. Or as I stated already, any case where urgency and timing is critical. I am assuming my comment was read and understood. I have friends who are Navy Seals. We have had some great candid discussions on "timing". lol Fun conversations to get one thinking. So my first statement in this context is…we DON"T have an endless amount of time to get PROOF that the fish is SAFE. Why? simply cuz, We DON'T know the facts if your source is JUST the word of the owner…his "Word" has proven to be unreliable. Period.

So, this taken into account, what proof do you have access to that shows/proves Rufus is indeed alive and well as you stated? I am asking for your benefit and peace as well as anyone out here. ~

I also want to point out that ambiguity in a situation like this will ALWAYS brew outcry. It's human nature. So that taken into account, to avoid heated debate….ANSWERS quench the fire. No ONE person should be holding on to any secrets. We are a TEAM…not an audience watching "James Bond" solve our dilemna. Your contributions, as well as all of our efforts are a community action. Let's work together…and inform…and that will deter frustration. It works every time! I promise!

As for this thread, I think the moderator knows my intent and like last time, I am hoping that unless I pull the plug and ask for a mercy kill, they will let this play out…cuz it embodies al the spirit of what makes the Tiki Community feel "alive" and able to preserve and defend it's passion and culture.

Haha I wondered how long it would take this thread to degrade...

ATP, did Fez Moai sleep with your wife or something?

Again, So where is Rufus?


Oy vey, you`ll give an aspirin a headache.

On 2014-04-25 18:49, THOR's wrote:
I also want to point out that ambiguity in a situation like this will ALWAYS brew outcry. It's human nature. So that taken into account, to avoid heated debate….ANSWERS quench the fire. No ONE person should be holding on to any secrets. We are a TEAM…not an audience watching "James Bond" solve our dilemna. Your contributions, as well as all of our efforts are a community action. Let's work together…and inform…and that will deter frustration. It works every time! I promise!

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

I have lost my patience with all of this crap, Fez has the answers we have been asking
For weeks now, yet all we get is subterfuge & misdirection & for what reason?
Yes, this makes me angry, as it should the rest of you! If you care at all speak up!

Jefe has accused me of derailing this thread, for what? Just asking the questions this thread was created for
To the one person here who has the ear of the restaurant owner, but he thinks this is some sort of game.

Nothing is being accomplished here, because Fez isn't playing ball for the most childish of reasons
His ego, well, maybe it's time we just call the owner ourselves for some answers or like Thor has suggested
Time to contact the media & circumvent this bullshit Fez is pulling & for all we know Rufus has been dead for some weeks now
& I for one would like to know!

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2014-04-25 20:51 ]


ATP, my suggestion would be to remember back to when you last had your patience go there and look around. Something there might remind you of where it is. :wink:


I am getting a lot more personal messages here than public comments but I am respecting everyone's privacy. I understand. But the lack of answers or discussion based on fact sharing IS, as I predicted earlier, heating up the room here and it will only get worse! People care about this dog gone fish and want to be proactive NOW!!!

The majority feeling is supporting the "end of the weekend plan". If we don't have firm evidence of the current Rufus whereabouts by Sunday mid-night, we let the media, who has followed this story, in on the current situation.

Let the above motivate what is shared here. Let me remind you, Fez and anyone with information to discuss that this is a TEAM effort!! It's a community here. I say this passionately and that is driving this. I assure you if this goes viral, which I know is not hard to do with this kind of back history and nature and press thus far to this story, answers WILL float to the surface fast!! If not, the frustration of this "tail" not having the ending we want…will catalyze very unfavorable outcome based on community outcry for the former Bahooka property holder. I would love to avoid that and just see us all get what is important to us. But we WILL act as required.

Lets lay the cards out on the table and work as a team! All leads please??? Lay them out on the table

Best way to reach me for art or questions directly is this link: https://www.facebook.com/tom.thordarson.3
OR Search on Facebook for : THOR ART

[ Edited by: THOR's 2014-04-25 21:46 ]


I'll be at the ITMP tomorrow, at the fabulous Don the Beachcomber restaurant on PCH. Thor, I'll be happy to sit down with you and talk.


On 2014-04-25 22:26, Fez Moai wrote:
I'll be at the ITMP tomorrow, at the fabulous Don the Beachcomber restaurant on PCH. Thor, I'll be happy to sit down with you and talk.

See.........be nice and tactful and you will get the info you seek.


was that Buddha or Confucious? some wise guy said it.

That's team work there....keep it up.


You'll know who I am when you see me. Just follow the fingers and whispers to the menacing looking character with a scar on his forehead that is by himself.

GROG posted on Sat, Apr 26, 2014 12:58 AM

He looks something like this:


O.K. I'm growing weary of the banter volley here and repeating myself. Seriously!

Fez, Thanks for inviting me to sit with you. Believe me, If I had the time to drive to to the Beachcomber event from Pasadena, I would have been there the last 10 times I was invited by Soccer Tiki so graciously…and for the reason of meeting my good friends and sipping rum. But aside from the time, sitting down with you would be self serving to me, and not helping bring answers to the hundreds that are now following this thread looking for answers or closure. I would, at best, come out of the meet with information I would need to share with this community, and that "privilege" and duty should be yours. I do look forward to meeting you and others I have not known from the past years events, I will be at Tiki Oasis in August and let's hope our meet is to celebrate a positive conclusion to this! O.K? lol Thank you though.
May I suggest also that you maybe pass on Don's this weekend and put that time or time that would have been with me, into a SERIOUS sit down with the former Bahooka property owner you are in contact with, since this situation has now reached a definite sense of urgency. This would really be greatly appreciated Brother!

So back to staying on course with the plan here. I want to remind everyone also that I take responsibility for starting a public awareness on a larger scale , with the sketch included, to get Rufus out of harms way with the first thread Months ago. My intensions HAVE and always will always be, to organize a team effort, a "Rum Round Table" you might say, to access the facts, discuss a game plan and solve this issue. That will continue on course as planned.

This brings us to where we are now, and where we need to be headed. If you kinna step back on this thread or the last and analyze where this starts to go South is when a pattern re-occurs that stagnates progress.

  1. Information is harbored or controlled by individuals, not openly sharing…leading to frustration, and the negative banter venting that frustration by concerned people, serious about this.

  2. "feeding the fire" The sarcasm has gotta go! Any us who are smart know that if you hear a dog growl when you approach it, to step away. If you choose to play games, toy with its tail, blow on it's ears…etc. you are pretty likely to get snapped at or bit! And you asked for it! So don't blame the action of the dog…be less of a wise ass! No one is amused by the sarcasm. Real "Victims" claiming bullying DON'T turn on the sarcasm if they are indeed feeling unjust attacks. That is "Feeding the fire".

  3. So, I will repeat what I said before. We are on the "weekend plan" here. It's been a suggestion of several and I think it's a good plan…because its going to keep a wound from festering and bring answers to the surface. Fez, or anyone else with information as to what is "CLAIMED" as to the current situation with Rufus, we need to lay it out HERE on the table!! Even if it's not proven info with pictures yet. People NEED, and are deserving of current updates here. People have invested time, emotion and money in many cases to support this cause and should be respected for that.

Community effort works! When you have a cooperative bunch! As a team, we need to calmly discuss what actions are appropriate based on the data we collect. Many minds will always be more powerful than one or two in solving a problem. Do you think one guy saved lives when Apollo 13 "had a problem"? No…it was every freaking guy at NASA…both buzzing around the earth AND sitting in Huston! Team work gets it done. If one or two guys harbored data, there would have been fist fights in Mission Control and some really pissed off astronauts!!! lol

So let's do this…I wanna see Rufus frolicking about with a shit grin right about now. I think it would call for making up a drink called a "Rufus", yah think? With BIG carrot sticking out the top….one that is sure to get anyone…."TANKED"! haa

Looking foreword to getting answers so we aren't on the phone Monday with the press again. I have art to create and this is getting really taxing~~~~

[ Edited by: THOR's 2014-04-26 07:32 ]

Just got back from the Don's Marketplace today & talked to the "folks" in the know
And this was reported from several people, I will let them post themselves if they care to.

The first source is from the head of the kitchen staff at the former Bahooka
And two other folks confirmed the same story.

"Rufus was released into an outdoor Koi Pond in Long Beach at a friend of the current owner"

As Rufus is a warm water fish that has been kept in a single closed tank environment for 40 some years
There is just no way he can survive this change in habitat, The shock alone is enough to kill him
I am 100% sure he is dead & unless I see photos, proving otherwise I have no hope at this point that he is alive.
No one will confirm if he is dead or alive at this time and will offer no proof otherwise!

Fez had this information & choose to withhold it & even lie about it, I guess his fealty is to the new owner of the restaurant
Whom has given him the remaining remnants of the Bahooka.

This is the best information I have been able to get from mulitable sources.
sorry to be the one to bring the bad news to those following this situation.

On 2014-04-26 18:12, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Just got back from the Don's Marketplace today & talked to the "folks" in the know
And this was reported from several people, I will let them post themselves if they care to.

The first source is from the head of the kitchen staff at the former Bahooka
And two other folks confirmed the same story.

"Rufus was released into an outdoor Koi Pond in Long Beach at a friend of the current owner"

As Rufus is a warm water fish that has been kept in a single closed tank environment for 40 some years
There is just no way he can survive this change in habitat, The shock alone is enough to kill him
I am 100% sure he is dead & unless I see photos, proving otherwise I have no hope at this point that he is alive.
No one will confirm if he is dead or alive at this time and will offer no proof otherwise!

Fez had this information & choose to withhold it & even lie about it, I guess his fealty is to the new owner of the restaurant
Whom has given him the remaining remnants of the Bahooka.

This is the best information I have been able to get from mulitable sources.
sorry to be the one to bring the bad news to those following this situation.

...and your proof that Fez knew about this situation is?

He said he did & was keeping it to a privileged few, just go back & read his prior posts
And he has the ear of the current owner & he has already said Rufus was doing fine.

On 2014-04-17 14:57, Fez Moai wrote:
I can't comment too much about this, but Rufus is fine (I'm told) and safe. As I had mentioned before in the previous Rufus thread, I am following the situation and still working on it. I'm trying to solve this with tact and not an angry posse of cowboys. Jorge is in Mexico right now, so save your calls to him. Yes, the Bahooka is an empty, gutted shell now. The demolition team hauled away truckloads and dumpsters full of stuff, including fish tanks, walls, etc. All destroyed and trashed.

On 2014-04-25 17:01, Fez Moai wrote:
I did speak to Kari and gave her the same info that I'm posting here, so please don't blow up her inbox with questions guys. Rufus is Ok and is being taken care of. Alan Zhu needed him out of the restaurant to start the remodel, which is a good thing. Too many people were stirring the pot before and it wasn't conducive to making an agreement. So I have to keep it on a need-to-know type of basis, like James Bond. This mission requires Seal Team precision and not an Army invasion. It's easier for someone with a working relationship like me to deal with him. There are cultural, language, and timing nuances that must be taken into consideration if this is to succeed. I need you guys to turn down the temperature a bit and give me some time to work something out. Certain roadblocks have fallen to the wayside which favor our cause. I understand the frustration and the concern and hopefully someday soon we'll all have a Mai Tai with Rufus again. Thanks!

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2014-04-26 18:33 ]

No matter what people feel about the situation the new owner can do WHATEVER he wants--hell he could sauté Rufus and eat him for dinner if he so chooses--he owns the fish.

He doesn't owe anyone any information.

He bought the damn building and the fish and if he decided to sell it to another restaurant, build a new tank, let it out in the wild or eat the fish he CAN and he doesn't need to tell this community, reporters or even the people who have bought stuff from the gutted building what he has done.

Regardless of the fact that there was some fundraiser--WHO CARES--he still owns the animals.

Even if there were tons of conversations with the owner trying to find a new home for Rufus and he changed his mind he had EVERY right to do so and I can't figure out why you people think otherwise.

He could back out of any deal to sell Rufus to Damon's---it is HIS right to do so.

As far as the gutting of the Bahooka if people became friendly with the owner and was able to buy stuff GOOD FOR THEM. If the owner has told these people what happened to the fish and they don't want to tell us-- THEY DON'T HAVE TO!

If people have information on where the fish is -- they don't have to tell ANYONE. They don't owe ANYONE --including YOU Lance with your never-ending obnoxious and rude commentary -anything. Hell with the way YOU Lance talk shit about Fez Moai the guy is SMART not to tell you anything and it is so laughable how you think he should. Get a fucking life.

If any of you think this owner OWES anyone information or an explanation you guys are pretty delusional because he doesn't.

I personally hope Rufus and any other fish that were left in there are still alive and happy but you guys need to move on because the owner obviously has. It doesn't matter if you call the news or post on this thread for months to come--as soon as the owners of Bahooka sold off their building including the animals inside the new owner has all the power to do WHATEVER he wants because he used HIS money to legally buy and do to that property and the contents within whatever he wanted and there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

**oh and sidenote--Lance feel free to attempt to make some quippy little comment here directed toward me because we both know when I am standing right in front of you that you can't say anything to my face. You are a bully who hides behind his keyboard to talk shit and put others down--as you have all over this and the last Rufus thread directed to Fez Moai. You are a joke and I feel bad for Thor who has a good heart and continues to try to HELP the situation but has to deal with your shitty posts.

I will not be checking this thread again because I could give two shits about your response. You should have been banned years ago and dozens of members on here agree. Get over yourself.

[ Edited by: SandraDee 2014-04-26 19:14 ]


Thanks for the update, ATP.


On 2014-04-17 14:57, Fez Moai wrote:
I can't comment too much about this, but Rufus is fine (I'm told) and safe.

You don't seem to read peoples posts too thoroughly ATP. If you note in the comment made by Fez he say's he's BEEN TOLD that Rufus is fine. That is not proof of him knowing exactly what is Rufus's status at this present moment in time, only that he's been led to believe that the fish is doing fine because of the information that has been given to him.

If Fez DOES actually know where Rufus is at the moment, dead or alive, and has been lying, then that will be extremely disappointing to hear, but without 100% proof of that everything else is just hearsay.

Unfortunately SandraDee is correct, the fish now belongs to the owner of the former Bahooka and he doesn't owe anybody any explanation at all, although i personally do believe it is bad karma for him because of the way things have been handled.

[ Edited by: swizzle 2014-04-26 19:35 ]


On 2014-04-26 18:12, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Just got back from the Don's Marketplace today & talked to the "folks" in the know
And this was reported from several people, I will let them post themselves if they care to.

The first source is from the head of the kitchen staff at the former Bahooka
And two other folks confirmed the same story.

"Rufus was released into an outdoor Koi Pond in Long Beach at a friend of the current owner"

As Rufus is a warm water fish that has been kept in a single closed tank environment for 40 some years
There is just no way he can survive this change in habitat, The shock alone is enough to kill him
I am 100% sure he is dead & unless I see photos, proving otherwise I have no hope at this point that he is alive.
No one will confirm if he is dead or alive at this time and will offer no proof otherwise!

Fez had this information & choose to withhold it & even lie about it, I guess his fealty is to the new owner of the restaurant
Whom has given him the remaining remnants of the Bahooka.

This is the best information I have been able to get from mulitable sources.
sorry to be the one to bring the bad news to those following this situation.

Why didn't you go question Fez with this info today at the ITMP? It's my understanding that he was there today. It's pretty crappy, actually pretty cowardly, that you had the chance to speak to him in person about the situation but instead come here and call the man a liar with no proof hiding behind your keyboard.

[ Edited by: El Jefe 2014-04-26 19:36 ]

[ Edited by: El Jefe 2014-04-26 19:37 ]


tiki punk, youre such a coward. as usual you didnt have the stones to approach me at the ITMP and instead you scurry away like the miserable cock roach you are. As posted above, what I know is none of your damn business. You keep trying to paint me in a negative light you silly wanker. Ill make sure not to miss you at the next ITMP and see if youll apologize for being a trouble maker.

[ Edited by: Fez Moai 2014-04-26 20:20 ]


[ Edited by: Fez Moai 2014-04-26 20:17 ]


"If any of you think this owner OWES anyone information or an explanation you guys are pretty delusional because he doesn't."

"I personally hope Rufus and any other fish that were left in there are still alive and happy but you guys need to move on because the owner obviously has. It doesn't matter if you call the news or post on this thread for months to come--as soon as the owners of Bahooka sold off their building including the animals inside the new owner has all the power to do WHATEVER he wants because he used HIS money to legally buy and do to that property and the contents within whatever he wanted and there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it."

I have said this too, but The people who did the fund raiser DO owe people an explanation or a refund.

And yes Mr Zhu can do whatever he wants with the fish as he bought it,
But he can also get some very bad press and people have the right to not go to his new restaurant and give him bad vibes from here to eternity.
It's just not a good deal any way you slice it.

There is a thing called integrity, you have it or you do not.
Those who do not have integrity will be found out in the end, and if you want to run a business in a
way that does not have integrity most of the time this does not go well for you or your place of business.

I sure hope the rumors of Rufus being released into a koi pond aren't true—if they are, then that would almost certainly kill him (pacu are tropical fish and need water temperatures close to 80°F). Still, it sounds suspicious. Why would they do such a thing? Anyone who knows anything about fish—which I would assume would include the owner of a koi pond—should know that this would be a death sentence. If anything, it sounds like a cover story. The ichthyo equivalent of "Your doggy went to live on a farm."

But some things still don't make sense. Fez said he heard Rufus was fine and was trying to get more info "James Bond" style. Now that ATP has told his story, Fez isn't contradicting it, just getting angry at ATP. What are we missing? What more is there to know?

This whole thing stinks. I agree that the owner wasn't beholden to anyone, but it's still a tragic tale.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
These fish threads are the most embarrassing things on TC.

Sandra Dee, nicely spoken post. Like an island in the stream..


I am freaking STUNNED… I haven't checked in on this thread since this morning. Really am almost speechless. I will let this play out a bit longer….and kill it if it just ends up being an ego banter much longer. I stopped coming on TC for a while because of this sort of thing. it takes the spirit and fun out of everything this site was created for.

Let me say one thing about the "owner" and what I feel is very fair to expect from him. It is called a "MORAL" obligation. Tiki Skip…you said It also..it's called INTEGRITY. This is what I stand for and expect, and it's something NO ONE can debate is not true humanity.

I agree, this entire thing STINKS! It represents insensitivity and selfish thinking. Also, I feel IF Rufus WAS in fact released into this freaking "pond" which I don't even fully believe yet, it is true that the likelihood of survival is faint. You don't take a fish that has adjusted to the tropical fish temperature ranges which would be, at coldest in the lo 70's and put it in an outdoor pond where temps drop into the 50's or 60's. That is bone dumb.

I am disgusted at this entire thing. The "fish threads" are far from what is embarrassing on this site…there was good intent in this cause..and a worth while one TO ANYONE WITH HEART! it's the attitudes that are the problem, "Buddha"! I did my best to hold a focus and community and again, we get ego's dismantling any progress or help for this damn fish. Why did it also take this long to get even these "claimed truths" out about Rufus?

I do intend to contact the press to update them on this story Monday. If they are not interested …fine. I can say I did all I could. I also will do all I can to uncover the truth..and will "get over it" when I achieve that! I don't support the way Mr. Zhu handled this AT ALL. His choices have shown a spirit insensitive not just for this animal, but to the community he is setting up business in to take $ from.…and that is a trait that serves no man or animal and I hope Karma DOES take it's course. I hope people speak up too and not support a business run by such a negative energy.
I am done for the night…feeling the need to get off this site and call it a night.

[ Edited by: THOR's 2014-04-26 22:15 ]

I agree Thor. It's the attitudes that are the problem.

I actually think that there is more to this fish tale that will play out.


Well said Happy Buddha….I very much agree! ~Night


What a freaking clown show! I'm actually embarrassed I donated money to this. I know that I'd like my money back though. I hope that no one eats at this new restaurant. The owner doesn't owe the tiki community anything but he has presented himself as a tool. Tiki Punk has issues simply put. Fez needs to own up a little more since he put himself in the limelight so-to-speak. Just my 2 cents of course. I hope the best for Rufus and the rest of the fish. Maybe, just maybe, this will have a crazy good ending. Lord knows it has been crazy to this point.

Can't we all just get along?

On 2014-04-27 10:49, ron-tiki wrote:
Can't we all just get along?

I was hearing the late Rodney King's words in my head all day yesterday following this thread..

The Island is Calling......

[ Edited by: LostIsland 2014-04-27 11:08 ]

I'm reminded of this fishy cinderalla story

"Ye Xian" (simplified Chinese: 叶 限; traditional Chinese: 葉 限; pinyin: Yè Xiàn) or Yeh-Shen is a Chinese fairy tale that is similar to the European Cinderella story (but about a millennium older) and the Malay-Indonesian Bawang Putih Bawang Merah tale.[1] It is one of the oldest known variants of Cinderella,[2] first published in the 9th-century compilation Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang.


In a community of cave-dwellers called Wudoung, their chief by the name of Wu had two wives and a daughter by each of them. Yeh-Shen is Wu's daughter of one wife, and she is extremely beautiful and kind, and gifted in many skills such as pottery and poetry. In contrast, her half-sister Jun-li is plain-looking, selfish and lazy, and both she and her mother, Wu's other wife, envy the attention Wu lavishes upon Yeh-Shen. Yeh-Shen's mother died while she was still a baby, so Wu did all he could to raise his motherless daughter.

Unfortunately, Yeh-Shen's father dies from a local plague, and a new chieftain was appointed to take his place, as Wu had no sons. With her family reduced to poverty, Yeh-Shen is forced to become a lowly servant and work for her scheming stepmother and envious older sister (in the original tale, it is her younger sister, because of the value of superiority in Chinese culture. But due to later influence, Ye was cast as the youngest child). Despite living a life burdened with chores and housework, and suffering endless abuse at her stepmother's hands, she finds solace when she ends up befriending a beautiful, 10-foot-long (3.0 m) fish in the lake near her home, with golden eyes and scales. The fish was really a guardian spirit sent to her by her own mother, who never forgot her daughter even beyond the grave.

One day, Jun-li follows Yeh-Shen to the lake, and discovers her talking to the fish, Angry that Yeh-Shen has found happiness, she told her mother everything that she had seen. The cruel woman tricked Yeh-Shen into giving her the tattered dress she wears, and by this, catches and kills the fish and serves it for dinner for herself and Jun-li. Yeh-Shen is devastated until the spirit of an old man, possibly one of her ancestors or her maternal grandfather, in a white robe with a white hair, appears and tells her to bury the bones of the fish in four pots and hide each pot at the corners under her bed. The spirit also tells her that whatever she needs will be granted if she talks to the bones.

Once in a year, the New Year Festival was to be celebrated. This is also the time for the young maidens to meet potential husbands. Not wishing to spoil her own daughter's chances, the stepmother forces her stepdaughter to remain home and clean their cave-house. After her step-family has left for the festival, Yeh-Shen is visited by the fish's spirit again. She makes a silent wish to the bones and Yeh-Shen finds herself clothed magnificently, in a gown of sea-green silk, a cloak of kingfisher feathers and a pair of golden slippers.

Yeh-Shen goes to the festival by foot. She is admired by everyone, in particular the young men who believed her to be a princess, and enjoys herself until she realizes that Jun-Li may have recognized her and leaves, accidentally leaving behind a golden slipper (in the original version Ye's sister tells her that she resembles her elder sister). When she arrives home, she hides her finery and the remaining slipper under her bed. The fish bones were silent now, however, for it warned Yeh-Shen before not to lose even one of her slippers. Sadly, she falls asleep under a tree. Her step family return from the festival and mention a mysterious beauty who appeared at the festival, but are unaware that it is Yeh-Shen they are speaking of.

The golden slipper is found by a local peasant who trades it, and it is passed on to various people until it reaches the hands of the nearby king of the To'Han islets, a powerful kingdom covering thousands of small islands. Fascinated by the shoe's small size, [3] he issues a search to find the maiden whose foot will fit into the shoe and proclaims he will marry that girl. The search extends until it reaches the community of the cave-dwellers, and everyone, including Jun-Li, the late chief Wu's firstborn, tried the slipper. But by what magic, it seemed to shrink its size whenever touching a maiden's foot. Despondent that he could not find the woman he was searching for, the king made a great pavilion and placed the shoe there on display. Yeh-Shen arrives there late in the evening to retrieve the slipper, but is mistaken as a thief. Yeh-Shen then was brought before the king, and there she told him everything about her life, how she lost her friend, the gold-eyed fish, and now her slipper. The king, struck by her gentle nature and beauty even though she lived in the land of the savages, believed her and allowed her to go home with the slipper.

The next morning, the king goes into Yeh-Shen's house and asks her to come with him into his kingdom. Yeh-Shen then wears both her shoes, and appears in her beautiful sea-green gown. The stepmother and Jun-li, however, said that Yeh-Shen could not have clothes of that kind, for she was only their slave, and the stepmother said that the finery was Jun-li's and Yeh-Shen stole them. The king dismisses her lies, and invites Yeh-Shen to live at the palace with him as his wife and queen. She accepts, but her cruel step-family was left with their fate, which is to be banished to the wilderness by the king forever. They live a harsh, unhappy life until the day they were killed by a rain of fiery stones. On the other hand the king takes Yeh-Shen into his kingdom and makes her his queen.

It is very simple to prove this information wrong
By posting "proof of life" but it would have to come from a trusted source like Thor or Kari
How hard would that be to set up if what we have been told is not true?

Why has Fez not refuted any of this? Or say what he has been hiding from this community
If it differs from what we know now?

What is this "secret mission" he has alluded to in his posts & what does that have to do
to letting us know where Rufus was relocated? it really makes no sense!

I don't know what Fez's agenda is, but it's not ours, I only want to know the truth here!
how is that having issues? ted tiki.

As for the several "people" and I say that in name only, who think if a person owns
An animal that it is OK to murder it, well you have something very terribly wrong with you!

And it is these same people who have received gifts or bought Bahooka items from Fez
Which he posted about right here on TC after receiving support from, So not biased at all?

I have to question the intelligence of anyone here who can't see that something "Fishy" is going on
and feel the need to jump all over me, just for pressing for the truth.


It's sad that a lunatic can rant on here and get away with slander. Yet I am warned to be careful. You guys do what you want, I'm out.

Let's hear your side of the story
If what we heard is wrong, what is really happening with Rufus?
Do you deny anything I have said?
You can prove me wrong right now with just some proof of life

Yet all you do is attack & threaten me, when all along I have only asked you the questions
We all would like to have answers to, I was vending at the marketplace the entire day until closing, why did you not come to me
And have your say?

"It is only slander if it is not true"

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2014-04-27 13:25 ]


ATP, take a vacation.


You were warned for this:

On 2014-04-26 19:51, Fez Moai wrote:
tiki punk, youre such a coward. as usual you didnt have the stones to approach me at the ITMP and instead you scurry away like the miserable cock roach you are. As posted above, what I know is none of your damn business. You keep trying to paint me in a negative light you silly wanker. Ill make sure not to miss you at the next ITMP and see if youll apologize for being a trouble maker.

Anybody posting vile crap like that will get warned or worse.
Read the rules again.

For the record, ATP has been warned too.

Both of you, please knock it off. ATP, you're beating a dead horse.

Sorry Hakalugi, you are right, I have made my point and no need to continue to do so
I can use that vacation Tikicoma :)

Martian-tiki's tale of chinese woe reminds me of the Taino legend of Santiago. This myth was first encountered in 1492:

The Caribbean myth of Santiago is the story of a battle between an old, experienced fisherman and a large marlin. The mythical story opens with the explanation that the fisherman, who is named Santiago, has gone 84 days without catching a fish. Santiago is considered "salao", the worst form of unluckiness. In fact, he is so unlucky that his young apprentice, Manolin, has been forbidden by his parents to sail with the old man and been ordered to fish with more successful fishermen. Still dedicated to the old man, however, the boy visits Santiago's shack each night, hauling back his fishing gear, getting him food and discussing American baseball and his favorite player Joe DiMaggio. Santiago tells Manolin that on the next day, he will venture far out into the Gulf Stream, north of Cuba in the Straits of Florida to fish, confident that his unlucky streak is near its end. Thus on the eighty-fifth day, Santiago sets out alone, taking his skiff far onto the Gulf Stream. He sets his lines and, by noon of the first day, a big fish that he is sure is a marlin takes his bait. Unable to pull in the great marlin, Santiago instead finds the fish pulling his skiff. Two days and two nights pass in this manner, during which the old man bears the tension of the line with his body. Though he is wounded by the struggle and in pain, Santiago expresses a compassionate appreciation for his adversary, often referring to him as a brother. He also determines that because of the fish's great dignity, no one will be worthy of eating the marlin. On the third day of the ordeal, the fish begins to circle the skiff, indicating his tiredness to the old man. Santiago, now completely worn out and almost in delirium, uses all the strength he has left in him to pull the fish onto its side and stab the marlin with a harpoon, ending the long battle between the old man and the tenacious fish. Santiago straps the marlin to the side of his skiff and heads home, thinking about the high price the fish will bring him at the market and how many people he will feed. While Santiago continues his journey back to the shore, sharks are attracted to the trail of blood left by the marlin in the water. The first, a great mako shark, Santiago kills with his harpoon, losing that weapon in the process. He makes a new harpoon by strapping his knife to the end of an oar to help ward off the next line of sharks; in total, five sharks are slain and many others are driven away. But the sharks keep coming, and by nightfall the sharks have almost devoured the marlin's entire carcass, leaving a skeleton consisting mostly of its backbone, its tail and its head. Finally reaching the shore before dawn on the next day, Santiago struggles on the way to his shack, carrying the heavy mast on his shoulder. Once home, he slumps onto his bed and falls into a deep sleep. A group of fishermen gather the next day around the boat where the fish's skeleton is still attached. One of the fishermen measures it to be 18 feet (5.5 m) from nose to tail. Tourists at the nearby café mistakenly take it for a shark. Manolin, worried during the old man's endeavor, cries upon finding him safe asleep. The boy brings him newspapers and coffee. When the old man wakes, they promise to fish together once again. Upon his return to sleep, Santiago dreams of his youth—of lions on an African beach. When he finally awakens, he mixes and slams three 1934 zombies, made improperly on the rocks instead of with crushed ice blended in a top-down mixer, then takes out his wave-runner and drunkenly crashes into a pier, killing everyone on board.

thePorpoise ftw!!


O.K. here's the deal. Stop disrespecting my thread.! Unless you have information that is useful and directly related to what I created this thread for, get off of here!! Go to the bilge or your local bar and tell fish stories and pee in each others mai tai's.!!! What a high school minded site this is becoming with some of you members! My LORD! Again, knock off the smart ass banter! I can't wait to see some of you in person to see if the faces I am imagining match the tweaked characters I am creating in my mind…man! Have some respect for the cause here guys!! or GET OFF MY THREAD!!

[ Edited by: Thor's 2014-04-27 20:33 ]

On 2014-04-26 18:12, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Just got back from the Don's Marketplace today & talked to the "folks" in the know
And this was reported from several people, I will let them post themselves if they care to.

The first source is from the head of the kitchen staff at the former Bahooka
And two other folks confirmed the same story.

"Rufus was released into an outdoor Koi Pond in Long Beach at a friend of the current owner"

As Rufus is a warm water fish that has been kept in a single closed tank environment for 40 some years
There is just no way he can survive this change in habitat, The shock alone is enough to kill him
I am 100% sure he is dead & unless I see photos, proving otherwise I have no hope at this point that he is alive.
No one will confirm if he is dead or alive at this time and will offer no proof otherwise!

Fez had this information & choose to withhold it & even lie about it, I guess his fealty is to the new owner of the restaurant
Whom has given him the remaining remnants of the Bahooka.

This is the best information I have been able to get from mulitable sources.
sorry to be the one to bring the bad news to those following this situation.

So this is true?

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