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Wendy Cevola ceramics to painting. I love doing tiki art.

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hang10tiki thank you. Guess what? I've been blogged!

Tiki Ray does blogs on facebook of tiki people. He posted one on Dan and I today. Here is the link.

Hey Wendy! Here is my blog post on you. I hope you like it. I can't wait to meet you in a couple weeks! -Ray tikiwithray.com


Tiki VIP #14 Wendy Cevola (Tiki Mug Artist) - Tiki with Ray

Tiki blog featuring tiki bar reviews, tiki drinks, tiki recipes and anything embracing the tiki lifestyle - by Ray Wyland in Seattle, WA.


Great writeup! Congrats!

Prikli Pear than you very much. I have fun seeing who has read it but most of the time it's just the number of views. Wendy

Fox40.com Fox news showed up on our doorstep yesterday and surprised us. They were ready to film our collection if we said YES. Of course we did.


There were only two things I would have changed. One although I told them about our new tiki place the JUNGLE BIRD on 21st and J St. in Sacramento, CA they didn't mention it. The other spot was when they mentioned my Wish List they showed a photo of a mug by the Witch Doctor. Oh well, otherwise they did a good job. Wendy

April 17th, 2017

A second tiki blog by Tiki Ray. The first was on my art, this one is on our tiki art collection.


We have had a great year and we owe it all to good friends and tiki art. Wendy

I recently couldn't find photos of my Maori lamp posted so I'm doing it now.

I used a felt pen to draw designs on the shade. This is my super version of the lamp where I have added pieces around the tiki and then carved them.

Each time I make a lamp I hand carve it so each one is unique.

Side view.

Thank you for checking out my work, Wendy

The mug for the MadDogMike Summer 2017 Stephen Crane Swap is done.

Wish List #7 update on glazing. I took some black velvet photos.

I do these so I can put them on my Gallery page.

For Justin Wojslaw a gift for his bosses.

For Raymond McCormic.

This is for Doug Christensen as a gift for Howard Dintz.

Wish List #7 continues with a black velvet painting with a matching mug for Psycho Tiki D.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-06-28 08:58 ]

Wish List #7 I'm actually shipping before I even post the finished photos. I am so lucky that people trust me.

I remembered to photograph one of the shelves when loading and

when it had cooled from firing. Both times I forgot the other shelf.

Dan carries the heavy trays inside for me.

He put them on the couch and I did an inspection. Those that passed got photographed and then shipped.

This is a special order for HEATH's wife.

This Hula Bob is for Bill and Kristen Beirerle

Brian Kat is a member of the Sacramento Ohana so he was able to come and pick up his King Diamond mug.

Here are the photos of Matt Tiki Man Willis's Fun Fake Elvis mug. He was also born in 1961.

This Kava Kava Man Lamp is for CY

This coconut Tiki Bob bowl is for Chippy.

The Mars Attacks mug. The glazing was insane to do but it all turned out OK.

Continuing on with Wish List #7.

This very tall Tiki Bob bowl is for David Nelms aka Chippy.

It has a removable small Tiki Bob made on top to hold a flaming rum sugar cube.

I didn't center it too well for the photo.

Here I removed it to show the spotted interior.


A lot of different glaze colors for this mermaid Robyn's mug.


The next two mermaid statues are for Robyn and HB Tiki.

I've tried to make the first mermaid look like Robyn. I made her favorite hair adornment with seahorse to make it work.

hang10tiki said, "1st pic is my inspiration."
Just wish he was still standing
All that's left are his feet
So sad

The Royal Hawaiian tiki.

Bainy Bob


One of these Mosaic Tiki Bobs is for Wendell Spence.

This Mosaic Tiki Bob is for Shann Shann Singer.

This KAZAP Cat is for Bullet aka kingstiedye.

More of Wish List #7

Jen Tirre's Tower of Horror.

Frankoma bowls for Caren, Karen, Laura, Reg and one extra


Diver Down for Theo Stool

Shark Attack for Jamie Sterling.

Passion Fruit with wave for Jeffrey Bannow

Wish List #7 continues with...

This Fruity Tiki Bob bowl for Shann Shann Singer.


This is the wish of Barb Lawrence. Really it's not a good idea to bath in a cannibal pot!


Rapa Nui alphabet mugs.

This one is for TikiTNT.

One for Monty and one for Tiki Oasis. It will be on the table owned by Mahalo Tiki.


This wish came with detailed instructions. Antonio Abdo knew what he wanted and it was fun to do.

Wish List #7. This mug is for RVictor.

Wish List #7 This Dead or Alive Stew is for Tiki Wahini aka Lynn L. Bloom

It is the second one I've made.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-07-25 18:57 ]

Wish List #7. This Disney tiki made into a mug is for Tiki Wahini aka Lynn L. Bloom. Yep she had two wishes.

AmaZing Wendy
Keep up the great work

Love my two new mugs
(Royal Hawaiian lost Tiki and Brain Bob)


hang10tiki you came up with some great ideas that were fun to make. Thank you!

lunavideogames has a home tiki bar. These mugs are for his bar which is named Tiki The Hut. He is a Star Wars fan. Here are his four mugs.

The last mug is the most like Jaba with a tail.

Can't wait to see one or more in person

hang10tiki just another week and your wish will come true.

These are things that I made for Mahalo Tiki to sell at Tiki Oasis 17. I made these along with the crawl mug and the Wish List #7.

A one of a kind King's Goblet coconut mug.

#5 Rapa Nui mug.

An AP Ren Clark tribute mug.

I did three glaze test Tiki Bob's. I wanted to see how layering the glazes would work out.

Just having fun but Nelson will see if anyone likes them enough to hand over some bucks.

I did two Cat Tiki Bob's front and back.

Wish List #7 this is for Kim McCormick.

This painting has been done for Tiki Oasis 17 the Art Show. It comes with a mug.

The title is I SPY U and is based on the Disneyland Tikis.

Here is how I have the finished painting with the mug ready to hang at Tiki Oasis 17.

Wish List #7 another Tiki Bobbette in a moo moo for Dan.

My new technique called stirred clay. I use a spike to disrupt the surface of the clay to make a design.

Wish List #7 this was part of a wish that failed. I used the tiki to make Cookin Tiki which Dan took away.

Wish List #7 for Jeffrey Bannow here on TC.

I used a different Disney bird for this one since there was room and I try to change each picture.

I found a black bamboo frame. I once saw black bamboo growing on the island of Kauai. It's beautiful.

Hanging in his home.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-09-06 07:14 ]

Great page of fun

hang10tiki you make it worth posting, thank you.

Wish List #7 for Nelson Osorio.

Wish List #7 is now finished with this last wish for Gregory Ramirez.

It's been a lot of fun. More wishes we be fulfilled in the future. Wendy

The Sacramento Crawl mug for 2017 is based on a restaurant that I grew up going to. The Tahiti.

All of these fogcutter mugs were made and sold to Mahalo Tiki for the Forbidden Island sale that starts on 9/30/17.

Four PNG mugs.

Three styles of Disney mugs.

Only one didn't make it and it was from this group.

A rat fink Tiki Bob necklace.

Four Tiki Bob mugs with the Bobs going all the way around the mugs.

The two volcano mugs that survived the kiln.

The robots only had one that had a meltdown.

Careful he is malfunctioning.

The backside shows the planets they came from.

Mid-century cats.

The cats backsides.

Tapa mugs with float lights hanging around the sides and back.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-11-02 21:18 ]

Eric Gabry's like these as shown and took them home as a Wish.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-02-20 07:15 ]

The first project finished early for Wish List #8 which officially starts on Jan. 1, 2018

Wish List #8 for Fred Ferrer. His Mug Life mug.

Added to his collection.

Wish List #8 for Jason T. Smith.

He requested that his logo be turned into a Tiki Bob.

Wish List #8 this is for DixonAlibi.

The design on Tiki Bob's body matches the carpet at the Portland Airport.

This retirement Tiki Bob was made for David Nelms Wish List #8

The Tiki Bob in the center shows how large the Tiki Bobette's are in comparison. 11 inches tall.

Mark Sellers gets the one with the coconut mug.

Patrick Hyde takes the one with the small Tiki Bob mug.

Just a few more photos.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-11-13 18:49 ]



hang10tiki thank you always.

Wish List #8 continues with a Black Velvet painting for Loki Tiki aka Jeffrey Konyu.

He sent me a drawing by Jackie Konyu to use as a guide.

Here is how it turned out. Close up.

Without a flash.

With a flash.

Wish List #8 this is for Tiki Wahini aka Lynn L. Bloom.

This black velvet is for Stephen Seaton during Wish List #8.

A few days after thinking I was finished I decided to go back and to add one more skinny bamboo stalk behind the center tikis head. It balanced the whole painting.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-02-15 18:20 ]

Your paintings are amazing Wendy

hang10tiki Dan and I are still enjoying the video you made for us. It's time for a re-run. Thank you always. Wendy



Wish List #8 continues with these projects.

The kiln is opened and the first mug out is for Ken Kim McCormick. This is the Honu necklace mug. A necklace hung on a mug for safe keeping.

This next mug is the Birdy Bob. There are Bird beaks, Beaks with heads and whole body birds all over the mug.

An 8 pound Moai bowl. It's huge.

The Frankoma Lamp base is another project without any problems. First two photos with a flash.

No flash used for these.

Time to unveil the I Dream Of Hawaii mug for the Tiki Central Swap being run by MadDogMike. I'm done and ready to ship on the swap day.

A custom Hot Tub Hula Girl for Anthony Vega.

Wish List #8 has requests for six O2 out Diver's Helmets. This is the first one glazed. I am going to re-glaze the skull to a more creamy color as suggested by a viewer.



It was suggested that I change the color of the skull and I did just that. An improvement for sure. Thank you Peter Underwood.

Stepping back in time to the day I opened the kiln. Top rack and

then the bottom rack. That's just light refection on the Moai bowl.

Stephen Steaton requested these mugs with no upper rim and red bursts on the inside for his custom version. Each of the tikis are hand built.

All three of the tops of his mugs needs more glaze. So back in the kiln they will go.

Here are the rest of the mugs. They are all spoken for, even hang10tiki has one coming.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-05-26 08:35 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-06-13 07:27 ]

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