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Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars

My Witco Bar & Theatre

Pages: 1 37 replies

Nurbel posted on 12/13/2023

Hi there, I'm new to the site and have a huge amount of respect for all the amazing bars on here. My Tiki bar adventure started with buying a house in 2015 that had many Witco items in it including a great fountain, a bar, a carved door and a lot of Witco trim. The house had sat on the market for a while and one of the reasons was the dark and "ugly" basement but my wife and I loved it at first site. The previous owners knew nothing about other than it was put in place by the original owners in the sixties. We didn't know anything about Witco at the time other than this was a very cool and unique collection and we wanted it all included in the sale.

We had young kids at the time and the basement soon was taken over by toys. Fast forward to Covid and working from home and the kids were now teenagers and the basement bar had become a makeshift home theatre. I knew I wanted to redo the basement into something for hosting once the pandemic ended and to reflect how we currently used the space (movies and game nights) and to honour the Witco collection that we loved so much when we bought the house.

I expect that some may find our Tiki lacking, but I wanted to share here since I don't know of anyone in my city that has a Tiki bar and can't really share this passion with anyone locally.

I'll start with some before pics and post some progress pics after.Basement BarTheatreIMG_2410IMG_1044IMG_1447

rupe33 posted on 12/13/2023

Wowza - LOVE that multicolor Witco bar and stools; those are fantastic!!

Every Witco fountain is a joy - super cool stuff! Thank you for sharing!

Thank you!

Nurbel posted on 12/13/2023

I started with repositioning the bar and the couch and experimenting with the layout since I decided I wanted the screen on the opposite side of the room so that I didn't have to crawl under it to get a drink during a movie. I also wanted to figure out why some of the ceiling lights didn't work... this opened up a can of worms and I found that the whole ceiling needed to be rewired for safety. Since the room will double as a home theatre I decided to insulate the ceiling and the walls for soundproofing... so all the drywall and wooden panels had to come down. Oh and over the next few weeks I decided to steal a few feet from the laundry room and the furnace room so now the bar had to be dismantled. It was a total rebuild.IMG_5922IMG_6532IMG_6551IMG_5923

more pics to follow

ECTiki posted on 12/13/2023

What an incredible score! I can’t wait to see what you do with it.

Hearn posted on 12/13/2023

Witco Fountain !!!!


Awesome! Thanks for sharing.


Nurbel posted on 12/13/2023

Here are some more tear out pics and the start of the rebuild. I took out a brick veneer wall in order to insulate and made a mock up of my future projection screen.

IMG_6607Sound insulation

Now that the back wall was rebuilt it too was insulated backwallinsulated

I also wanted to extend the Witco bar extendingthebar

Put a sink under the stairs. sinkunderstairs

and then started redoing the walls with Witco panelling. IMG_8707puttingbacktogetherputtingbacktogether2puttingbacktogether3viewfrombehindthebarviewfromthedoor

Nurbel posted on 12/13/2023

Next we built a new fireplace surround using trim from a previous soffit. newfireplacesurroundnewfireplacesurround2newfireplacesurround3

and glued up a bar extension to match the Witco bar. glueupbarextensionbarextensionbarextension2barextension3doginplacebarextension4viewfromthefrontbartop

MaukaHale posted on 12/13/2023

Good luck with you build out

rum on the rideau posted on 12/13/2023

yes, enjoy the build.. and yes tiki builds are pretty rare here, but there are a few of us.

Thanks! Very cool to see you are from Ottawa as well! I feel like I may edit my first post if I had bad info from my realtor or is it just a coincidence that I bought this house from a Linda and Mark?

[ Edited by Nurbel on 2023-12-13 11:24:01 ]

rum on the rideau posted on 12/13/2023

or is it just a coincidence that I bought this house from a Linda and Mark?


hang10tiki posted on 12/14/2023


Oops -My bad, my wife corrected me... Linda is not the one of the names of the couple who we bought the house off.

Really nice work.

Thanks! BTW, that table you are making is looking amazing!

Nurbel posted on 12/15/2023

Now here is where I will lose some people (I just finished reading dozens of posts in the Controversial Tiki Opinion thread). Remember, this bar is serving as my home theatre and as a Tiki bar, and I am trying to navigate through the conflicting needs of both.

Here is the screen, on some blocks as I figure out projector and surround sound placement. For anyone who happens to be into this very non-Tiki aspect - I am running 7 THX certified speakers at ear height and 4 Dolby Atmos in the ceiling and 2 subs (with prewiring ready for 2 more when the budget allows). screenmockup

and now this will annoy some people probably but my layout is a 1st row of two 5' bean bag chairs for the kids, 2nd row of theatre recliners and then a 3rd row of 4 Witco stools behind the bar. So yes this does make it hard to see some of the carvings but it suits my needs, at least while the kids are still living at home. theatreseatsinplace

Here is a pic of the A/V shelves and the trim around them (and of a complete mess all over). AVcabinetAndTrim

More to come on my work in progress.

Nurbel posted on 12/15/2023

Not sure if you can tell from this picture, but here is how I hid the HVAC. I cut slots in the horizontal trim, in between the carved details. I am getting plenty of airflow and it is totally hidden. HVAC

Slick! Love tricks like that.

Nurbel posted on 12/15/2023

Here are some pics of the current state of affairs. The family is enjoying it as is on the daily as a theatre and I'm having guests over every other weekend or so to enjoy the bar side of things. Of course none of my friends know anything about Tiki but that doesn't stop them from having a good time. You'll see from the pics that the room is now usable but I've got a long list of unfinished touches to do. RumBar currentbar2

You can see that I still haven't mounted the projector on the ceiling, I need to order a part I lost during the tear down :( currentbar1 viewfromthedoorDec

Other than the Witco carvings the room is pretty sparse. My ceiling is pretty low so I'm not sure I'll ever get the layered look that most of the bars have.

The front of the room is the most unfinished, relative to my plans. Screen1

You can see the front right of the room I inset an Ikea shelf and trimmed it with Witco carved trim. The third side is unfinished because of future plans for an angled cabinet on each side of the screen.


rum on the rideau posted on 12/16/2023

Looks great

Nurbel posted on 12/16/2023

I plan to build a low shelf for more mugs and the kids' Xbox below the screen. The idea for the cabinets is to have a subwoofer hidden in the base, the middle would house the left and right speakers and then above them would be a niche for a lit up Witco Tiki on each. TikisForNiches

I'll put a round Tiki column on either side of the screen to frame it and also to eventually hide automated curtains for movie time. columnsOneofTwoColumns av wall2

BlackWater posted on 12/17/2023

Really great build-out. I like how you’re incorporating the theater into the design. Sliding curtains sounds great and might be a way to tiki-fy it when you’re not using the theater. I also covet those carvings on the back bar, the stacked heads. I’m saving those to my inspiration folder for later. Adding some tiki lamps to the space will also amplify the mood IMO.

Thanks! I have a few Witco swag lamp shades that may find their way into the bar or in the hall outside of the room. 3SwagLamps

Here is a pic from the side of the back bar Tikis in case this helps with your inspiration files.backbarTikis and another angle backbarTikis2

[ Edited by Nurbel on 2023-12-17 12:19:38 ]

MadDogMike posted on 12/17/2023

So very cool!

Thanks. Sweet lamps!

Nurbel posted on 12/18/2023

Here is another pre tear down pic that shows the two columns. They used to be on either side of the stairs. They are about 6" in diameter and will be used on either side of the movie screen to frame it out. columns2

Nurbel posted on 12/18/2023

I have a few Tikis and a seahorse that my parents gave me, which was very nice but they don't really go with the Witco. I have them in the room for now but ultimately they may have to move into the "lobby" (hallway outside of the theatre) where I have yet to finish the drywall and have a clean slate for a different look.


So what do you guys do with gifts that don't quite fit the look your going for?

Tikifrog posted on 12/19/2023

Great job, Very cool space! I'm jealous of this Witco fountain! Parents, they don't always understand but it's so sweet of them :)

[ Edited by Tikifrog on 2023-12-19 17:21:16 ]

Nurbel posted on 12/23/2023

A few more things to work on. I plan on carving some cedar covers to hide the jack post coming out of the bar. JackPostToDo kind of like this was from before the tear out (it was just 2 sides before since the back was in the furnace room): Jackpostcover

I also need to hang this outrigger wall art, once I figure out where it should go: Outrigger1

MaukaHale posted on 02/08/2025

You have done same great woodworking and made your space your own. I also combined a tiki bar with a home theater. As far a gifts that don't work with your space, I put them in the closet.

Zahiki_Tiki posted on 02/12/2025

WOW congrats on all that witco It seems like lots of custom pieces Ive never seen before! IM excited to see what else you do with the space!

Prikli Pear posted on 02/14/2025

Oh my! How did I miss this back when you started posting? I love your rescue of that great Witco space and the transformation you are making. I hope you're able to share some more recent photos--I'm curious to see your progress over the past year!

You asked about well-intentioned gifts that don't fit the aesthetic. I receive these on occasion from enthusiastic friends who want to contribute. Around here, more often than not they're Aztec/Mayan souvenirs from Mexico or even San Antonio. I thank them and add them to the background layers in my space. They're usually subdued earth tone colors so that works well. They blend easily. If, on rare occasions, the gift is of the clown tiki variety, I'll hang them out on a palm tree or fence or wall that is exposed to the elements. The sun and rain quickly weather them so they're no longer clownish. Once a well-meaning relative gifted us a sculpted concrete wine dispenser in the shape of Texas with a colorful mosaic decorating the front. It was huge. And heavy. Try as we might, we could not figure out any way to integrate it into any part of our home, much less tiki space. Ultimately we gave up trying and donated it to a charity auction where it went for a nice amount to a family who appreciated the aesthetic.

Thanks! Have you posted pics of yours, I would love to see that.

Thanks! I really did luck out on all of these Witco pieces. I will definitely update when I have some significant progress.

Thanks for your kind words. I unfortunately haven't made much progress this past year but in the meantime I am enjoying the space as is. I like the idea of de-clowning those tikis. I think I'll try this. Btw, I enjoy your youtube channel. A great inspiration for sure and a very rare source of instruction.

Thanks for the kind words, Nurbel! I have Tiki Central to thank/blame for my descent down the long and twisty rabbit hole that is tiki. The home bar threads here were sources of great inspiration, but the ones I found most valuable starting out were those that showed how as well as the finished results. So I decided then I would repay the favor, first through my blog build-along and later through the YouTube thing.

Don't get discouraged on your build. I've gone exceptionally long periods without giving some of my projects the attention they deserve, but even incremental progress adds up over time.

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