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Shrunken Heads and Headhunters Art Swap - Draw List p20

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I came home from work today and there was this package sitting on my front porch. First thought that ran through my mind was who packs a barkcloth shirt like this!? Then I saw the return address and got all giddy!

I have no tikified place of honor for this one yet, but you can be sure that when I do this will be front and center. MP, your work is great, and I was surprised on it's size. The frame is kick ass!!

TikiG posted on Thu, May 13, 2010 7:36 PM


that's really (x,y,z) beyond the beyond !

Thanks for posting.

Thanks to Tiki 65! This shrunken head is SO COOL IN PERSON! He's not in his permenant location yet... I've a really special place for later... I've got to build it first!


Great art everyone..I really loved the piece you got Bongo.

Shame that my supplies for my shruken head piece are still sitting in their bag from the craft store!

I am going to have to get in on the next one whenever that may be...Hewey?

got some photos of the TIKIGODZ PIECE!

and on the wall ....

MaHaLo BIG time!
and I just opened the MP swap so stay tuned ....


Everybody's heads look so good

Here is MPs hung up!

Mahalo to all the swap gods and postal carriers that get everyones art to their new homes

Here is some Pictures of the Totally gruesome...totally Awesome SHrunken head made by Blisskitchen.

It has taken me some time to post this so I do apologize to Bliss for the delay. His Shrunken Head is top notch, I even had a couple friends of mine who are experts in tribal art take a look and said, this head looks like the real deal.

here is the head in its new home

Bliss's Package also included items representing things from his home in New Mexico, A particular highlight was the two bags of Chili Powder, which is a very pleasant surprise as good southwestern chilies are hard to get here in Australia

The Cap'n & his first mate are stoked on this years art swap! I hope that the Art Swaps continue as it is a great way for Freaki Tikis from around the world to be a part of the Tiki community.

Thanks Bliss, Thanks Hewey!

Totally sad I missed this swap!! Very nice offerings!

well headhunter....there's always the next swap....speaking of the next swap .......are we ready yet? When is it?

I guess thats what I get for being away for so long.....I'm definately in on the next one!! Staying tuned in this time!!

There was talk of birds being the theme for the next in some fashion or another. I like the idea very much.

How about a "Skull" theme?


im down with skulls


i'm good with birds or skulls... or even 'birds and skulls' :)

kind of thinking i'd prefer birds this go around.... skulls are somewhat in the same genre as shrunkens perhaps? maybe switch it up with birds and then head for the skulls?


hewey posted on Wed, Jun 2, 2010 5:18 AM

I finally got around to getting a pic of my awesome piece from Van Tiki. My foxie doesnt quite know what to make of it all! :lol:

Another swap eh? I'll see what I can conjure up :wink: Wont be till the weekend though...

I would like to see an ANIMAL theme. This opens it up all types of critters and creatures.



On 2010-06-02 12:43, little lost tiki wrote:

Or Grout (loved that comment - I thought about it too and then scrolled down and there it was!)?

I like the birds or animals idea as well - we need a TINY break from skull/heads/bones/etc.?


I like the birds or animals idea as well - we need a TINY break from skull/heads/bones/etc.?

Believe it or not, I totally agree!



Tiki birds or animails would be most excellent.......Yes!


BIRD I'm in :)


Bird Skulls! haha

Birds are nesting in my porch rafters.
Count me in!


Well, after much avoidance of ANY shopping experience (I really don't like shopping) my parents decided to have a garage sale and they happened to have a bunch of picture frames.

The hole in the mat is a bit small but it'll do for now. Bamboo frames on the .net are WAY expensive.

BB Moondog's Shrunken Rum Head.

Let's git sum byrds goin!

a little bit of shrunken head nostalgia...

ZeroTiki thank you for sharing that video, it was terrific. Thank you for your comments on Gallery and Marketplace. It's always special when it comes from another artist.

Are you wearing a jacket for signing at Oasis 10?

I wish Hewey would start the next swap.


TikiG posted on Fri, Jun 25, 2010 4:04 PM

Yeah, Wendy I'd like to see the ball rollin' on the next swap too!

TikiG posted on Tue, Jun 29, 2010 8:49 AM

BUMP! Hewey??!

Should we wait till after Oasis? That will give folks attending/vending Oasis an opportunity to participate without sweating another deadline.

I'm ready NOW!!!!! 'cuz I missed out on the last one but Tom's got a good point, waiting would help maximize participation.


Yeah, there is NO way I could even think about a swap until Oasis is done and over. I'm squeezing every non-day-job minute into studio time to get pieces ready for the big show. I'd happily do another swap - but not till september/october.


Hewey could set up the swap now but not have it end until November. Then we would have time to make something really terrific. Think how long and fun to read the thread would be by then. Wendy

hewey posted on Tue, Jun 29, 2010 8:40 PM

On 2010-06-29 20:35, danlovestikis wrote:
Hewey could set up the swap now but not have it end until November. Then we would have time to make something really terrific. Think how long and fun to read the thread would be by then. Wendy

Sorry guys, been too busy to check into TC regularly. When is Oasis? My concern with a Nov deadline is people would lose interest, and its a loooong wait for those who get in early to make stuff!

Hi Hewey, Oasis is August 19th to the 22nd. I wouldn't loose interest as long as everyone posts photos of their progress. It's the photos that make this so fun. Of course swapping at the end can't be beat. Wendy

I say just give us the topic so we at least know now and if we have time to start it great. Maybe Wendy and/or others could ocassionally give the thread a "bump" once in a while so we don't forget? Is it gonna be birds? That's all I need to know for now :). Thanks in advance.

It's birds, Hewey started the new thread hurray! Wendy


Thanks Hewey!

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