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summer art swap: the enchanted tiki room!!!! Ends August 1st

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Well, I hope Router wood is cool, because that's my plan too.

Here's a few disney pieces I've done in the past for my hut

I love the topic...but honestly I don't want to get started until TU confirms its on and he's playing ringmaster to this circus.

Awesome guys......can't wait to see the chips fly

I'd love some trim or other router work! I've tried to do it, it's HARD!

Oh, this would be one for me to participate in. Unfortunately we've been crazy busy house shopping and (assuming that is successful) will then be crazy busy packing.

Maybe I can pull off another tiki god between boxing stuff up...

Love the router work Erich!
Hang10Tiki posted these inspiration pics on a previous thread

I like those bottom guys as mugs :wink: Do they have names?

Most I ever did was an edge of a board and that was hard. Wow.

Thank you hang10tiki for more inspiration.

This is gonna be fun!

I find them listed as the "Adventureland Misters" I like the guy with the cone on top of his head as a decanter/bottle

I'd love to join in too! Though I'm more of a textiles person (sewing, embroidery, fabric prints, ect), is that ok?

bitterfihies please join in the fun. Last time Sewtiki did a wonderful quilt picture of Tiki Bob that I still think about. Your skills will be appreciated here. Eric October is a fabulous artist and he used to make tiki pillows that sold out at Tiki Oasis. Check out his Gallery Thread for photos of those. We look forward to getting to know you, Wendy

Workin' a night shift tonite and not too busy, let's see what I can get done.

Wine bottle wrapped in paper and tissue

Wrap it in a little mud.

Now to let it dry some, but not too much

As the clay starts to dry and shrink, it will spread at the slit instead of cracking

(continued from previous page)
Trim the top and bottom of the clay to less than 11 inches overall (maximum size for my kiln :wink: ). Carefully remove clay from bottle. Place another piece of paper on the bottle and a small slab of clay curved to the bottle. Indent the eye sockets before the clay hardens. Place the two halves together (but do not join) to allow them to harden more.

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2015-05-15 00:43 ]

Score and slip the extra curved slab and the front of the clay bottle, join the 2 parts

Score and slip the front and back halves of the bottle and join them together, note the "pocket" in the front behind the wall of the bottle.

Shape the bottle back to round, scrape it smooth again as it starts to dry. Add a recessed bottom to the bottle.

MadDog- u da man

Hopefully only half a night shift tonite (6 hrs). But I will be busy doing more actual work tonite so not as much time playing in the mud :lol:

Working on the face, the conehead, and the texturing. It looks EXACTLY like the model (as long as you don't look at them side-by-side :wink: )

That is so cool!

Thank you Mauka, just tryin' to stay awake on not enuf sleep :lol:

I read somewhere about the 6 stages of the creative process
#1 - Hey, this is gonna be really cool! :D
#2 - Oh, this could get tricky :-?
#3 - Well, this is a piece of crap :(
#4 - SIGH I am a piece of crap :cry:
#5 - Hmmm, this might work out after all :)
#6 - Hey, this is really cool! 8)

:lol: :wink: :P :lol:

I'm up to stage 5, will probably drop back to stage 2 when I go to fire it and back to stage 2 again when I go to glaze :wink:


Mike-great job so far...your quick out of the blocks. Maybe you will help get me motivated to start.

I can't wait to hear what it sounds like.

Dang Mad Mad
U on fire
Looks great

Okay with this theme you may have dragged me into this. I have a lot of client work right now, but I am going to do my damnedest to make something for this. Enchanted Tiki Room is what actually got me into tiki stuff so it holds a special place for me. :)


Mike, as always, your work is 2x awesome. Looks great- glad to see you're getting some... work done.. at work. :wink: :wink:

Thanks guys. Now to let it dry for the next week or so and see if it survives the kiln.

On 2015-05-17 05:12, Will carve wrote:
I can't wait to hear what it sounds like.

I'm a little confused here Will :-? Were you thinking it's a slit drum? I did try blowing across the top of the clay bottle but didn't get much sound :lol:

It's not?



The phallic undertones... or perhaps overtones of this one, Mike, are, well.... um... not Disney-like.

For this reason, I approve. :wink: :wink:

Great build out- and fast, too- impressed, as always.

I apologize if I've offended anyone with above comment. Though I know you were thinking the same. Okay, maybe just a few of you....

Okay, bye.

Not that I'm committing yet or anything...

cy posted on Wed, May 20, 2015 11:01 AM

Fantastic MadDog!!


You amaze me! Seriously!

JB- good start

Very cool Josh! Nice thing is, there's no commitment until the very end (for those of you guys out there with commitment issues :wink: )
I honestly didn't see that TikiAno but I do now! :lol: It's about dry and may be fired this weekend.
Thank you Lori and Cy


Hey everyone...I have to get started early or I'll never finish on time. Based on the images I looked at this one stuck with me.

It looks like a family at Disneyland visiting the ETR. They all look mildly excited and a little bewildered (typical human response to animatronics)...except....except for this guy in the mask...plainly this dude is stoked. Is he leading the show or part of the audience, it's just not clear. It looks like another case of "one of these things is not like the other" from Sesame Street. But does it go deeper than that?

The guy in the mask is a little unsettling, he is obviously the focal point of the picture. Is this the Shag persona in the composition? He has the same wisp on his head as is used for the birds tail. His teeth and eyes are orange just like the bottom figure on the totem to the right which appears to be looking at him. The bone around his neck is similar in shape, and the same color as, the fountain. Is there some sort of Knights-Templar hidden code to Shag's work or am I clearly bat-shit crazy like a blind man stuck in a cave eating guano just to survive. I am bound to exploring this further...

First coat of papier-mâché:

Needs sanding, then a build-up of eyes, nose, ears, and an expanded/weighted base before a second coat of paper.

I supposed I need to make a bird at some point too.

Great progress Joshua!
My survived the kiln yesterday and now it's ready to glaze.

Over the next few weeks I need to build a Mt Everest stage set for the church kids program, write and perform 10 short skits, and film a climbing Everest video. May not be any ETR progress for a bit :( :lol: EDIT - oh yeah, a first wedding anniversary to celebrate and a Harry Potter themed graduation party for 60 people LOL

[ Edited by: maddogmike 2015-05-24 13:54 ]

Lookin good guys

Nice MadDogMike! I can almost feel the cooling mist! (Or maybe that's the seasonal fog that has settled over the city...)

Drying after adding details:

Still needs more sanding and paper touch-ups. And a bird.

Definitely worth at least $1. Because the base is weighted down with 100 pennies!

cy posted on Mon, May 25, 2015 4:20 PM

What a great start, so happy you are also in this swap Joshua Bell!

My art supplies arrived in the mail.

I'm going to attempt a black light painting, with UV paint on black velvet. Something I have never done before. Why, I don't know except I thought the painting Wendy did last time would have made a great black light painting.

Looking good Josh! Funny how pennies are the most economical heights you can buy. They also make great washers LOL!
Mauka, can't wait to see what you come up with.

All the projects look so cool. MadDogMike I love this tiki design and what you have made. I choose it too for my project. I hope that's alright. I just like it so much. I'll get started on mine right away. I'll not do the top you chose so that they'll be different. Wendy


Those guys at Disney World are Tam-Tam drums from the island of Vanuatu. Here is Chief Bong standing next to two original drums.


On 2015-05-17 05:12, Will carve wrote:
I can't wait to hear what it sounds like.

Dammit, Will was right, it was a drum. I hate it when that happens :lol: Thanks for the info MaukaHale

Wendy, the more the merrier :wink: Can't wait to see what you do with it.

I remember that picture, you were at Frog Island.
Cy tore up those two trees with a chainsaw....

Ah yes,
Now, can we get a sound byte?

cy posted on Thu, May 28, 2015 7:59 AM

You got that right H10, I had to show that elder gentleman who the REAL Chief Bong is.


What a good start. Great job MadDog and Josh. Your posts did serve as motivation. After looking at the photo I chose...And after looking at all the Disney mugs out there...I decided to stick with ceramics as a medium so that I could try making a chalice. Because what is more enchanting that drinking from a chalice?

So, working with the photo I posted earlier, here is the progress as of this morning.

I used a piece of plastic tubing to form the cylindrical base and attached a slip cast tumbler to the top. The trim base and the sign/nameplate are built slabs. I had already carved the tiki face and decided to made a mold so that the masks all looked the same.

Again, I attached the masks as slab build ups.

Going to let it get to leather hard now and start carving designs on it to tie in other elements of the photo.

I need to get this one done as it takes me a long time to finish these out.

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