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What is up at Tiki-Ti?

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Just saw a distressing status update on Facebook:

"The Tiki-Ti is indefinitely closed. We apologize for any inconvenience. We will keep you posted on when we plan to reopen. We thank you for your patience and understanding."

Does anybody know what is going on? I hope it's nothing serious or a health issue for any of the Buhens or anything like that and and things are back to normal soon. Sending out good thoughts.

Was wondering about that, too. Was planning on my first trip there soon!

[ Edited by: Hpetridis 2015-05-06 12:52 ]

Their web site says they may close for vacations, but that would not explain why they didn't give a reason for the closure on their Facebook page. Hopefully they just have to repair a fridge or plumbing or something electrical to maintain compliance with food & beverage regulations...

This is the worst news I have ever heard! Say it ain't so... May fools?!?

I will have my brother go by and check it out after he is off of work.

I hope that the Buhen family is okay... My heart goes out to them if something bad has happened. If they need anything, I am happy to help out in any way I can.

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2015-05-06 13:12 ]

Rawim posted on Wed, May 6, 2015 1:23 PM

They were open as recently as this Saturday. And seeing as how the post on Facebook came at around 12:20pm today about 3 and a half hours before opening. I am guessing it is a facilities issue. That building is 74 years old, so something may have busted, and they just don't have a timetable on repairs. That is my theory at least.


Well I guess "indefinitely" is better than "definitely", but if it has to be closed, I would be more comfortable if they said "temporarily".


Based upon the wording sounds like more than just maintenance issues ):


Hope it's not anything bad.
This is how the Tropical Bistro went out.


Damn. I'll keep confidence this is temporary, but "closed indefinitely" is not good. I hope all is well with the Buhen fam as well.

Now more posts on their FB... Not looking good :(


The new profile picture does not look good.

Hope all is well Tiki Ti.
Best Tiki Bar I have been to.

kkocka posted on Wed, May 6, 2015 4:28 PM

Likewise I'm concerned - if it was something along the lines of fuctional means (plumbing, etc) I think it would have been mentioned. I believe this is something more serious like health or larger building/location concerned. Hoping the family's health is not the issue here.


This is obviously something very sudden. Let's send all of our good juju their way & hope for the best.


They have to own that building ?
This is their livelihood- any maintenance issues will be tended to w/out pause.
I feel sick & heartbroken .

Rawim posted on Wed, May 6, 2015 6:53 PM

What if it's health dept related & they're just embarrassed to say ?

More than likely, with the comment about it being a bad week to stop sniffing glue, that it's probably some problem with the building itself ranging from pipe leakage, electrical or something else like that which has a questionable/unknown amount of repair time.

Straight up I hope all is well. love that place!!

Hope everything works out OK. I still haven't been there and hear such great reviews. I'll be thinking good thoughts.


May have to arrange a special trip back out west for their triumphant return. Treated this Texan with the upmost hospitality. Especially after I mentioned they were my first stop after not having been in LA for nearly 13 years.


So did you read the comments page after this story on the LA time web page?
Read the comment by Blahboy posted 4 hours ago.

Could that be true, or a reason?


Here is the comment that Tiki Skip referenced

"Word in the 'hood is that it was the Scientologists who harassed and complained. They are right next to the Scientology mega TV production complex, the old KCET studios"

On 2015-05-07 05:40, tikiskip wrote:
So did you read the comments page after this story on the LA time web page?
Read the comment by Blahboy posted 4 hours ago.

Could that be true, or a reason?

Wha? Those damn thetans...again!!!


At first I was like Scientologists? Then I found this:


I guess they were told it's not for sale so they have resorted to other tactics.


I don't trust LA Mag for shit: in '09 or '10 they called highland park a "decaying" neighborhood (obviously before it's current gentrified non decaying state) so if their fact checking resembles their foresight this memo is worthless


From LA Mag...
Is Tiki Ti “Pulling a Bahooka”?

April 2, 2013

“Doing a Bahooka” just became preservation slang for DEFCON 3. This afternoon, Tiki Ti in East Hollywood, L.A.’s second oldest tiki bar announced on Facebook that a “well-dressed person” walked into the miniature Polynesian wonderland this afternoon and offered “Publisher’s Clearing House” money for their teensy tiny 612 square foot bar. Is this an April Fools’ Day trick or does the neighboring Church of Scientology studio plan to start serving tropical cocktails? The bar closed today for their regularly scheduled spring break and is scheduled to reopen April 17th.

Well if a person comes into your bar with “Publisher’s Clearing House” money you must think heck why
beat my head on a wall fighting the State and Feds plus health dept not to mention the breakdowns plus
the one or two a holes you get now and then.
Taking that kind of money is like a fast track to where you are trying to get beating your head against
a wall everyday.

You do miss it when it's gone because it's a part of the family that you love and hate at times.

That new new profile picture on Facebook looked like going off into the sunset to me.
Hope I'm wrong.

Do what's best for you Buhen family, and good luck
in whatever you do, had a great time when I was there.


Tiki Ti Announces New Celebrity Bartender With "Restructured" Re-Opening!!

Swanky posted on Thu, May 7, 2015 9:11 AM

AN offer of money does not equal "Indefinitely Closed". It might mean, "We are selling and will close on X date, let's go out celebrating." Or it might mean they sell in secret and put a sign out that says, "Thanks for all the years, we are closed for good." Companies often keep it quiet they are closing to keep people from stealing everything in site or employees from not showing up for work the last days.

Ben, do you have any inside information?

I agree we shouldn't assume anything, but given other fairly recent closures, and our community's great love for Tiki-Ti, and how sudden this came about, I think it's certainly understandable.

And, before anyone asks, I have personally dismissed the rumor that someone is trying to buy out the place to build the world's smallest Wal-Mart.

I heard the good news they found Rufus and have to close the bar so they can install his tank!

Long live Rufus at the Tiki Ti!
Buzzy Out!


Check this out on the Tiki Ti


HELP us oh great Tiki Gods!!!

From this site, today: http://la.eater.com/2015/5/7/8563309/tiki-ti-los-feliz-shutter-tiki-bar-closed

UPDATE: Reached by phone, Buhen, Sr. says that he was surprised at the outpouring of worried messages but is very grateful for the support, and that Tiki Ti certainly isn't going anywhere. He considers the closure more of a cleaning house than anything ("we're going to fix some things inside the bar") and wants everyone to know that the family is fine and everyone's in good health.

The plan, as of now, is for Tiki Ti to reopen in two weeks or so.


UPDATE: Reached by phone, Buhen, Sr. says that he was surprised at the outpouring of worried messages but is very grateful for the support, and that Tiki Ti certainly isn't going anywhere. He considers the closure more of a cleaning house than anything ("we're going to fix some things inside the bar") and wants everyone to know that the family is fine and everyone's in good health.

The plan, as of now, is for Tiki Ti to reopen in two weeks or so.

Well that is good to hear!
Restructuring In the tiki world means sports bar coming soon.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2015-05-07 14:26 ]


Looks like great news!

UPDATE: Reached by phone, Buhen, Sr. says that he was surprised at the outpouring of worried messages but is very grateful for the support, and that Tiki Ti certainly isn't going anywhere. He considers the closure more of a cleaning house than anything ("we're going to fix some things inside the bar") and wants everyone to know that the family is fine and everyone's in good health.

The plan, as of now, is for Tiki Ti to reopen in two weeks or so.


hahaha! looks like we posted the same thing at the same time. :wink:


Stops copies me!


[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2015-05-07 14:32 ]


tabuzak wrote:
hahaha! looks like we posted the same thing at the same time. :wink:


The Tiki Ti IS the Tiki version of CHEERS!!!


"Nowz ze time ve make ze Mai Tais"
~ Sven Kirsten

Oh thanks be to the Tiki Gods! When I heard all the stuff prior to the news from Mike Sr. himself when contacted by phone my heart truly sank as though I had lost a dear friend. Whew! I'll be counting the days til the reopening! (That Scientology bit REALLY chilled me! Eeek!)

On 2015-05-07 11:08, AceExplorer wrote:
Ben, do you have any inside information?

I agree we shouldn't assume anything, but given other fairly recent closures, and our community's great love for Tiki-Ti, and how sudden this came about, I think it's certainly understandable.

And, before anyone asks, I have personally dismissed the rumor that someone is trying to buy out the place to build the world's smallest Wal-Mart.

ask Buzzy. :wink:


On 2015-05-08 01:21, KreepyTiki wrote:
Oh thanks be to the Tiki Gods! When I heard all the stuff prior to the news from Mike Sr. himself when contacted by phone my heart truly sank as though I had lost a dear friend. Whew! I'll be counting the days til the reopening! (That Scientology bit REALLY chilled me! Eeek!)

We felt the same way- I was (am) very defeated & empty. I felt like my husband left me for a younger girl... Sigh. The power of tiki


Glad to hear all is well!
I don't think this was a case of assuming so much as reading like what three news articles
and going WTF!!!

But please note,
This is how the old time places you know and love go down.
It's a quick "hey we will be back in a few" never to be seen again.

Every now and then you get the blow out Kahiki last day, or the Bahooka party month, but not often.

So if you love an old place, go to that place often because "here today gone tomorrow" think Madonna Inn,
Or Battista's Hole In The Wall type places.

Sigh of relief, I was worried about the status of the 19th annual Tiki Ti fishing charter!


On 2015-05-08 20:21, tikiskip wrote:
Glad to hear all is well!
I don't think this was a case of assuming so much as reading like what three news articles
and going WTF!!!

Those darn LA news sources! They sensationalize everything!!!

I'm surprised it wasn't on TMZ!!!


If it was on TMZ all the cali cool hipsters would rain down on the place
a muck it up by making it their new hang out.
Like with a roped off door, and only the Kardashians and their kind will be let in.

The gods are angry and there will be for rain for California till the Kardashians
are kicked off of their throne.

On 2015-05-09 03:45, tikiskip wrote:
If it was on TMZ all the cali cool hipsters would rain down on the place
a muck it up by making it their new hang out.
Like with a roped off door, and only the Kardashians and their kind will be let in.

The gods are angry and there will be for rain for California till the Kardashians
are kicked off of their throne.

Well in fact, on the weekends Tiki Ti does have a bit of a Hipster infestation problem
but the place is so small, it is not as noticeable as other establishments.

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