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~~~~ Tiki G. ~~~~

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Thats an incredible piece of work mate! Awesome. Its good see some full body tikis. Keep up the good work.

hewey posted on Sun, Oct 16, 2005 3:31 PM

That candles really cool, I like it. You go girl!

Love the full bodied tiki too. The stain looks especially sweet


Ha! Ben, where did you dig that one up? Member photos or something....That was taken at a Tropical Bar in St. Augustine one night. A good friend of mine was playing in a Reggae Band that night. Too much fun as you can tell...

Raffer the pleasure was all mine. Nice to meet you at the Mai Kai as well. You are one talented guy. Sorry your wife was not feeling well that night. Maybe next year we can all get together hopefully. Would be nice to meet her as well.

Marcus thanks for the compliment there mate! You too! Keep up the good work yourself!

Hewey thanks alot. I posted a pic of Trish's candle finished at Hukilau with the mad carver herself posing with it below. She is/was very proud of that candle. It made a BIG hit at Hukilau and I was very proud for her. She did not want to sell it, but needless to say we did not bring it home. It now resides in the Northern US.

This one went to Tiki_Kiliki as a thank you gift for all her hard work on the Hukilau.

At the Mai Kai........"Barrels of Fun" for Team Tiki, after a long hard two months of busting nothing but good ole' ass for the Huki.........

Mctiki, The pics that you have, are there any that closely resembles this one????? Bet so!!!!

"Lake Surfer Dave", Great guy. We had a good time. I am bummed you did not call me when you stopped in Jax and surfed the pier though. I only live three miles from there and would have met you out....geeez louiz:) Next time maybe I guess. I know you were n a hurry......

A "Moai" I had at Hukilau...."Palm" about 4' tall.

A "Fanger" I call it, taken to Hukilau....


Other pics of stuff we worked on for Hukilau. Have not shown these yet, but said I would after Huki.....Man were we busy....


No G. My pic of Tiki T is innocent compared to that one. That's a "priceless" candidate. LOL

Surfs definately up!


Sorry I was so lame at the Mai Kai... I was spaced out. Jen has been giving me grief ever since... "What was up with you Saturday night?!"

I was just wandering around the gardens in awe... a 26 hour drive weighing on me... getting up at 6 am four days in a row after staying up late... sitting in the ballroom for 12 + hours, meeting so many new and old faces, getting into mischief with PolyPop, the drinks at the Mai Kai...

They're all lame excuses but I was beat Saturday night... missed the parties and was asleep by midnight.

You and Tiki T are the one of the classiest and talented couples in Florida... the time we had to hang out was treasured... Yea... I'm kicking myself for not digging up contact info to hook up with you at JAX Beach... Jen kind of sprung the whole beach day in JAX on me... not that I was complaining... but had I known earlier I would have made plans with you guys. Three miles? Lucky you! From what we saw of the area it looks like a lot of fun... I dropped some money at Surf & Skate that day too.

We'll see you guys again next year... we have the condo in Satellite again...

Hope you have a winter filled with waves!

Keep up the good work!


This was a post Trish made before the Hukilau about her candle. You might have missed it. It was under my name and might have looked like I posted, but she did. It was her one and only post......Thought I would bump it up for her in case you missed it.

On 2005-10-02 14:42, Tiki T. wrote:
Benz, Raffer, Rodeo, MC,

Gentleman, Aloha,

Thank you, for your kind words. As a "Wahini" that busts butt.....to be acknowledged in any way is greatly appreciated. I look forward to meeting all the wonderful individuals Tiki G. has been talking about for the last few years. May I only aspire to sit in the shadows of the Masters, and I will SMILE!!!!


Lake thanks for the kind words you say about us. We're just there doing out thang making the best of it. All work and no play makes T&G pretty bored. We had a blast watching you body surf Saturday. LAKE ATLANTIC!!!!!

I am so glad you made it back safely. Also glad you scored some warm Florida waves along the way home also. Sweet! Jax Pier can get pretty crowded. I hope you had no probs getting some waves there. I have surfed at the old pier before they tore it down to build this concrete monstousity, for years and yeras. Breaks pretty good there I have been told and seen. Get's too crowded for me. I always head to the Mayport Poles to surf with the Dolphins. No worries about the fly through. I'll catch ya next time. Surf and Skate Huh! Spent alot of money in there myself. Did you talk to the owner "Gary", longhaired tall guy about my age?

It's cool about the Mai Kai. We knew you were spent when you started making conversation with the Puffer fish in the fish tank. I think we were all pretty spent! I know I was and I REALLY know Trish was after (2) "Barrels"......One Mai Tai, One 1/2 Barrel, and a Pina Colada was all I needed to float my ass right on outta there. Thanks to Mctiki and Valhine for the ride!!!!! We owe you guys big time!

It was a real pleasure to meet your wife. She seems like a pretty cool chica! Nice choice bro'!

I wrap more later. Time to hit the time clock to go home!!!!

Welcome home dude. It was grand............


[ Edited by: Tiki G. 2006-08-16 10:55 ]

Aloha tiki G and Trish!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trish , I loved your candel it was really cool,and I am glad that it found a new home!!!
Tiki G, Your creativity is incredable my friend. The flow with your tikis the colors and your own style with killer twists make for unreal unreal ART. Keep your flow my AAAAAAAAAAAAy frame (WAVE) and off shore friend, Aloha your friend ,Mooney .....really,really cool stuff!!!!

great tikis G......really like the moai and the
marq-styled one...hope hukilau was a success for you!


Mooney. When we walked up and saw your big A-Frame tiki outside the ballroom I looked at Trish and said Holy " ". You deserve as many props as anyone my man. I wish I had spent more time wrapping with you till we were leaving. Hope to see you next year if not before.

Hey by the way, the girl Crash who came down to meet me as we were leaving, do you know her username or have contact info for her. She gave us a little something as we were shoving off and I just wanted to shoot her a thanks...If so can you PM me?

Thanks Jim. Your stuff rocked Huki as well!



Congatiki thanks very much. We were very grateful for the reception we received being a rookie there. Everyone was as friendly and receptive as we had hoped for and left there feeling like we were welcome:) We can't wait till next year.

Tiki G,

It looks like you are having a killer time at the Hukilau. Are you carving full time, or just busting them out? All the tikis in your backyard look killer. I used to carve in my backyard but the neighbors were starting to become passive aggressive. Do you ever get sad when the tikis are gone? Sometimes it feels like you are loosing a family member.

Great work,


Will thanks, no not full time, just AFTER my full time job which means I have two full time jobs!

Yeah we had a blast at Hukilau. Too much fun with a little bit of work mixed in. Would have been nice to spend more time doing what eveyone else was doing instead of vending the whole time, but we managed to make the best of it while we were there. Who say's you can't party and work at the same time. Perks of being your own boss!!! How could you be at the Hukilau and not party anyways???????????

I wonder at times if my neighbors are ready to kill me. Dust everywhere, air compressors running, electric grinders buzzing, chainsaw roaring.....but I guess they are use to it by now or they would complain. The are pretty cool about it for the most part. We usually shut everything down by 8:00pm out of respect. Guess that helps.

Yeah I know what you mean, they (tikis) grace my house for a short period, then off they go to grace someone elses house. It's cool though. I have actually kept (3) now for myself out of about (300). "Whoo-Hoo"

Catch ya later,


[ Edited by: Tiki G. 2006-08-16 10:56 ]

You didn't do all five? Plus the feet? Dammmmnnn!


Thanks for the reply, Raffer.

[ Edited by: Tiki G. 2006-08-02 06:58 ]

Man, I wish Talla Luna Tikilassee would want to do that with me! That's great..(Hey, remember how cool it was when George Jones and Tammy Wynette started singing together? Or when the guy dropped the chocolate into the peanut butter and made the first Reese's PBC?)

Aloha gary and trish!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish i wasnt working at the firehouse today . I could have chipping away alittle.
Did you both crank out those killer tikis today? It looks like you both are having FUN creating some AMAZING art. Keep slaying the WOOD and creating outside the boxxxxxxxxxxx. really aweasome stuff, Happy thanksgiving and ALOHA for now your friend Jimmy Mooney


B.K., Thanks man. May we all dance like Fred & Ginger!!!!!! It's all about support.....and affirmation:)


Mooney good to hear from you. Yep all today. Started at 9:30 this morning, finished at dusk.....We had a few beer breaks in between I must say. It's day's like these that make me appreciate guy's like you (god forbid). Knowing your there in case my saw dust pile went up in flames or something even more drastic. I respect you and your career dearly. There is always tomorrow my dear friend, or the next day. We need you out there! Thank you.


Nice! I wanted to carve all day but we were getting about 6 inches of rain. Hope you aren't planing on carving tomorrow cause the rain is headed your way. Team work is great. Especially when you can both enjoy the fruits of the labor. Back rubs for each of you. Thanks for posting and lets get look at those little guys. The carvings that is.

Carve on

hewey posted on Sat, Nov 19, 2005 8:20 PM

Nice team effort. Thats a lof of tikis for a 1 day effort - very cool.

Sweet stuff G & T!

I spent today hacking away at a tough half piece of birch for a mask... using a palm gouge and trying not to gouge my palm!

No "off season" for you guys I take it!

You guys are amazing. Very insperatoinal stuff.

You guys are always Rockin'!


I Love seeing you two working together the way you do and Smiling as you go just makes it all the beter.
You guys Always wear that smile as I can feel it in your posts. Big tMahalos to you for always being so positive!!

Oh and the carvings are cool too!


Oh man. I thought digging a stupid pond was astonishing. You guys are the machine! I PM'd you. Disregard! I looked at PMs before looking at the posts.

Awesome works guyz.


GMAN posted on Mon, Nov 21, 2005 6:25 AM


Unbelievable progress there G. You are really banging away up there. Beautiful designs too. You two are truly a great team. Keep it up and keep us all up to date with your work. Thanks for sharing.



Alot of thanks going out hear to everybody who replied.

PalmCity - You're right, it rained all day yesterday, but it didn't stop us though. We were just as hard at it as we were Saturday. A little wetter though. Luckily we have the carving shack to work in to kinda stay out of the rain. Thanks for the reply.

Hewey - Thanks, the best part about it is, it was fun. Yeah things do go a little faster with help that's for sure.

Lake - Well, let's see, we did take a week off after Hukilau, but that's about it. How's them palms? Congrats on the article again. Very cool.

Rodeo - Rodeo I appreciate that. We sit there and look at each other all covered with dust, walking around looking like "Pig Pen" and just laugh at one another as we flip for who's going for the next beer;)

Surfintiki - Well thank you very much. We enjoy it. It's nice to have something to do together that we enjoy. Believe it or not, we each have our own opinions about what we like in a carving, but we never discount each others views for it. Just doesn't happen......

Benz - As always, thanks. It's nice to know that you recognize the affection we have for "whatever anybody want's to call it", that we do. We are very good about making the best out of what we have or what we are doing. When it comes to our capabilities, we are good at making the best of that too. We wish we could be greater, wiser, and more understood, but we know we have to work on that part.

MCTiki - Got your PM. Thanks brotha' man. Glad to hear you got the pond dug out. The yard is going to be looking jake I'm sure! Killah'!

Gman - PM'd ya back. Hope you got's it. Appreciate the eye out for us. It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it. Now go do your's!!!!!

Aloha Gary and Trish!!!!!!!!!!!
I showed my wife your tikis yesterday and she thought they were super cool!
I hope you both had a great thanksgiving! I had a little time to carve the past couple days and it felt GREAT. I'll post some hack shots as soon as I can figure out how to . Keep the killer carvings comingI love seeing your guys carvings and having fun doing it . Oh buy the way I caught a small swell early this week(chest high)and off shore winds, Pretty fun stuff, Aloha your friend, Mooney

GMAN posted on Mon, Nov 28, 2005 5:40 PM


Where have you been? I know you're working away up there. How about some progress pics of the ten pieces you made week before last? We need to see them!



G-Man...You mean these? Hope things are cool:)

[ Edited by: Tiki G. 2005-12-04 07:11 ]

Hot damn, G! you're one busy buggah!

That's awesome...



Busy and tired.........

Thanks man:)

GMAN posted on Sun, Dec 4, 2005 3:49 PM

Good GOD! They look Wikkid!!! You must be very proud (and nutz). I hope you move them all in short order. I'm sending you a PM.....



Gee Man, thats a whole pile of tiki there. Looks like you guys are goin to a show or sumpthin. Lookin mighty fine there. You are the two/three tone stain-master. Nobody does it as well as you do. You are going to have to teach us all how to do it like that..


G., got your PM. I really appreciate that.....Reply coming as well.... You rock brotha! Damn them's some big'ns. Glad your having fun out in da woods. Tis' the season. Have fun doin' what you do:) keep it real bro'. You know what I'm sayin'.



Ben, thanks...Headed back to reality now.

Best to you and Sherry, "Happy Holiday's" before they pass us by......

G. & T.

McTiki posted on Sun, Dec 4, 2005 7:32 PM

Noice works! Where are these headed?


To your house. Got room?

You da man, Gary..

Aloha gary!!!!!!
Those tikis are Killer my friend!!!! Its like your own crew hanging out waiting to start a party at some lucky persons house! I hope you sell em all and may the luck flow always your way,Super Kool carvings keep having fun,Aloha your friend Mooney


Bump this up cause I want to know where you two have been??? I know you have beenlooking around but what have you been carving? Love to hear from you. Come out, Come out, where ever you are!

Bete posted on Sun, Jan 22, 2006 9:46 PM

Tiki G., cool tkis that you did, I was just checking out your thread today.

[ Edited by: Bete 2006-01-22 21:46 ]

You da man, Gary.. :)


Thanks for the bump Ben and the thump on the side of the head:) Bete and B.k. post as well. I deleted this post previously after reading it. Did not like the way it came across. It was just me. No offense. Things are good here. Trish and I have been very busy lately. Festival season starts in a couple of weeks....New roof & re-sided the home. Now we have to paint it, joy. Carving alot of tikis, nothing special. Custom orders for other stuff like dartboard cabinets and other wood working projects. I have been been lurking on here though checking out what's been going on. Nice stuff everyone. Looking good. Many new faces. Not sure where everybody is coming from, but it seems tiki or "wood carving" is on fire.

Just received a load of turned Ponderosa Pine from Montana. (60) linear ft. Got (5) 12' logs and cut'em up into (17) pieces. Will post some pics once I get started on some of these.

Keep up the good works everyone. It's staying lighter later these day's which means more daylight carving hours coming soon;)

[ Edited by: Tiki G. 2006-02-13 04:29 ]

GMAN posted on Fri, Feb 10, 2006 4:33 PM



Cool stuff here Gary! -with a fresh, creative approach. I'm a new kid on the block here still and just now stumbled across this thread and said, "wow!". The one with the 4 intertwining fangs was just WILD! What's your wood of choice? I noticed alot were sabal palm which is what I use but I'm looking for other options.

Keep up the goodness and keep posting pics!

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