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Hewey's stuff - new stuff 4 Oct page 18

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Hewey your work has come such a Long way. You are doing some really cool stuff.

Keep it up Hewey. Your stuff continues to impress.

hewey posted on Sun, Jun 25, 2006 8:54 PM

Thanks everyone, especially Kooche! Ill keep that in mind.

I really should just concentrate on perfecting one medium but my creative impulses don't let me :) I'll just have to perfect them all... :) haha. Im a Jack of all trades, master of none kinda artist :)

hewey posted on Mon, Jul 17, 2006 4:21 PM

Some new pinstriping pieces:

Wine bottle

Tiki inspired wine bottle

Tiki inspired green flake panel. Ooh, its all sparkly :)

Nice. That bottle on top is really cool! Is the glass that color or did you paint it?

hewey posted on Mon, Jul 17, 2006 7:32 PM

On 2006-07-17 19:03, finkdaddy wrote:
Nice. That bottle on top is really cool! Is the glass that color or did you paint it?

The wine bottles are their natural colours. Thanks for the comps.

I hope soon to get a lettering brush so I can do personalised wine bottles eg. "Hewey's Tiki Bar" with stripes or tiki painting etc. Sell em as rum decanters

Hewey you are getting real good at that stuff!!! Keep em comming!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

what a steady hand you have there boy!

hewey posted on Tue, Jul 18, 2006 4:27 AM

Thanks people.

The bottles are a challenge because usually you stick out your pinky and drag it along the surface to steady your hand. Obviously with the narrow shape of the bottle its not easy to do that... :)

oh cool. those are pretty awsome. keep the good work comming.

Striping lookin good mate - keep at it.

harro posted on Thu, Jul 20, 2006 3:49 AM

hey hewey,
that pinstriping is looking mighty fine... nice work!


Nice stuff Hewey, I really love the last one. Got More?


man hewey, you're getting better and better with the pinstriping!! let's see some more!

hewey posted on Mon, Sep 11, 2006 4:44 AM

Did a piece for Andy Landry - surfer piece, very kool. No pics, got sent before I got any...

Changed jobs and lost access to my work camera :(

On the up side moving out of home and getting a place with a double garage - lottsa room for tiki carving and pinstriping etc :) and a tiki bar possibly :)

Wont really get time for much for a while though, with the whole moving thing.

Next piece is a pinstriped 50s inspired piece for Kingstyedie. Gonna be kool :)

hewey posted on Mon, Sep 11, 2006 4:46 AM

Also got a box full of wine bottles awaiting attention :)

Some will be striped, some will be painted with tikis and stuff like "Heweys Rum" kind of thing...

I like the tiki bottle! He's all swaying and shaking-like he's dancing! Great stuff Hewey! Makes me smile!

Zaya posted on Mon, Sep 11, 2006 10:05 AM

Hi Hewey! Your pinstriping is really cool. I love the detail of the dots. Hey, I know what you need to put on your Christmas list, a digital camera! It would be great to see more arty pics from you! Good luck with the move. :)


hewey posted on Fri, Oct 20, 2006 6:24 AM

Well, long time no art... all that boring life stuff got in the way - new job, in the process of moving and all that... boo-bloody hoo - quit ya whinging and make some art I hear ya say!

The good news is Im moving into a rental place in a couple of weeks or so, nice undercover area out the back for a tiki bar. And Ive been here on TC for over 2 years, and in 3 weeks Im headin up to party with Marcus :) Gotta love that full time job :) And the engine is going back into the wagon tomorrow, so not long before she's cruisin again.

So the folks have gone away for the weekend, and the girlfriend for longer, and no plans for the night. May as well have a look around TC. After looking at Tiki Sharks Art and Lost Little Tiki its sets off a bomb in my head - on goes the Arthur Lyman, out comes the rum and here I am 4 hours later or something, somewhat merry and wondering how the hell this will read when Im sobre...hahaha

Heres what came out of it all. Nothing great, but I sure as hell enjoyed making some tiki :)

After seeing Tiki Sharks Art, decided to play with light and pastels. The light side is nowhere hear as smudgey as this makes it look - honest!

Friday night at the volcano, can see the Lost tiki influence. Yes one of the tikis does have a trumpet.

lava tiki. Supposed to look like hes made of molten lava, with a skin of floatin tectonic plates on the surface. In my mind it looked kool at least...

and started to throw around some ideas for a home bar. How many folks have a live puffer in a fish tank IN their bar? Also note the moai with a snorkel, which doubles as a tank aerator :)

Home bar is going to be the "Blue Moon Tiki Bar" cause tiki in Sydney rare as a blue moon, Blues is music of choice... Got a kool idea for when I get around to paint this up propely. Heavily influenced by Sam Gambino.

Anyway, as I says before, nothing of great quality, but it was fun doing something again. Once Im in the house I can get into in a big way, should be sweet. And I can get onto practising my stripes again :)


Hewey, Awesome concept using a live puffer! Now, go make it 3d!!!! Unless of course your still grabbing clothes to wear from cardboard boxes (lol)

Took me a year to put it all together with the corporate life getting in the way daily. It's damned near done (it's never really done but...) now.



Sounds like you had quite a fun evening! I love the "Friday Night at the Volcano! The style mixed with the red on yellow paper reminds me of those old 80's punk rock flyers.That floating fez guy is hilarious! Looks like you were cracking yourself up and having so much fun!That lav guy is pretty trippy! Lava is sooooo hard! My wife and I went book shopping last week at the Bookman here in Huntington,and I found 2 Hawaiian Lava books,well, small books, but lotsa photos! Molten Lava is a trip! Thanks for sharing the results of quite a fun evening!

Zaya posted on Fri, Oct 20, 2006 3:13 PM

Wow, you really did a lot! It sounds like you had too much fun! Great job on the reflection of light in the first one, and the lava tiki is really cool. My favorite is "Friday night at the volcano"! Those tikis dancing really come to life! You have a lot of great ideas. I can't wait to see more!


Hewey, funny stuff! You've still got alot of the kid left in you, that's good, me too! Fun, fun drawings and ideas. Keep it up!


Thanks for the comps folks. I looked back at when I posted in Shark Arts thread, only took me 3 hours to do em all and post em :)

I might even get in and do some more tonight...

On 2006-10-20 06:24, hewey wrote:

Yes one of the tikis does have a trumpet.

And whats that big floating one smoking? haha :)

Kia ora Hewey! Just found the time to visit your early pages. A few pics are blocked but saw some cool things.

Love the green hei-tiki from 05! Ditto: V8 Kon-Tiki, & the idea of the ghostly/transparent tiki. Saw a few where the pin-striping merged seemlessly into pure tiki-design, great stuff!

Thanks for following the jade thread!

I'd imagine a rum-Man would be pretty rare in Oz, eh? Most would be reaching for a 'caawld teeny', wouldn't they? By the 'peeoul'..? haha

Sorry mate, couldnt resist. Lets see if you can type a kiwi accent!

:) Tama

Hi Hewey, I just discovered this thread and had so much fun discovering the artist within the friend. I love to get lost for a day doing artwork, the wrong word for it really, should be art exploration or just plain fun. I enjoyed all that you have done. This tiki world is the best, Wendy

hewey posted on Sat, Feb 3, 2007 3:19 PM

Never did get to post pics of this framed.

Got lots of art stuff planned... pirate/tiki treasure map, moai with some pinstriping, mug designs for Holden's competition, full version of Friday night at the volcano... etc etc

Zaya posted on Sun, Feb 4, 2007 10:14 AM

Well get to it already! :wink: The framed painting turned out really nice. The colors in the painting flow perfectly with the matting and frame. Great job Hewey! Now get back to work! :)


Here's my first entry for the Tiki Farm mug comp - "The Keepers of the South Pacific" 4 legged bowl. From the 4 corners of the South Pacific these tiki gods watch over the Ocean and all the life in it. The Eastern corner is represented by Easter Island (right), the South is New Zealand (top), the North is Hawaii (left) and the West is Papua New Guinea (middle). The rim of the bowl is shaped like the top of the waves, and engraved into the side are all manner of marine life from the South Pacific. Glaze is a nice cobalt blue.

Nice concept Hewey. I like it.

hewey posted on Sat, Feb 24, 2007 5:20 PM

Thanks raffer. Hopefully Holden does too. Its something a bit different to a lot of tiki bowls out there, plus it has a bit of a narrative behind it, not just a 'pretty bowl'. We'll see in a couple of weeks!

What a unique concept, I like that your bowl has a story and incorporates different types of tikis. Im not a mug collector but If I were I would like to see this bowl out there. Dawn


Hewey, I think you have a keeper here. Nice story and would look great.

Ditto what everyone else said. I'm sure you already know you have a great concept and design but it can't hurt to hear it one more time..

Hey Hewey, You have a great concept and design!

hewey posted on Mon, Feb 26, 2007 3:26 AM

Thanks again folks. I had the idea long ago (the 4 tikis from the corners of the South Pacific), but thought it would make a nice pendant set or something with the 4 tikis together. From there it was a natural progression to a 4 legged bowl, and the waves and sea creatures just made sense. Now I just sit and wait for 2-3 weeks :)

Awesome Hewey! Good luck and keep us posted.

GROG posted on Mon, Feb 26, 2007 9:18 AM

Nice concept Hewey. GROG like.

Hey Hewey!
Are you gonna submit that bowl to the TikiFarm drinkware contest? You should!
It Rocketh yon House!

hewey posted on Wed, May 9, 2007 7:50 PM

Thanks for all of your feedback and support :D :D :D

Well the Keepers bowl didn’t make the cut for the Tiki Farm comp. But from what what Holden tells me I was VERY close… The bowl will live in one form or another eventually. Needless to say, I’ll let people know when something happens.

But man, I haven’t cracked out any tiki art stuff for a while…

I just scored this decanter off ebay for $12, picking it up tonight :D I’ve been inspired by the DVA decanters and will be painting it up, but not sure what I’ll be doing. I think I might fill it up with rum, and by the time I finish it, I should have some good ideas :D

The coolest tiki art is not bought on ebay, it comes personally from my fellow artists on TC

[ Edited by: hewey 2007-05-09 19:52 ]

Whaddya gonna do with that decanter Hewey?
It has been awhile since you had some time to kick
out some art! So start kickin some out,man! :)
Your idea of filling it with rum and then drinking it
should help you on your quest!

hewey posted on Tue, Aug 7, 2007 2:24 AM

Ooooh, an extremely poor picture of a canvas painted bright green, what's it all mean? It means that the paintbrushes have been dusted off and fired up :D Hope to have this finished by the start of next week, but still throwing ideas around as to what I am doing with it. No it doesn't glow in the dark, the light just bounced off it in the pic.

The decanter was picked up, it's in great condition. Needs a new cork before I do anything else, for now it's just sitting on the shelf looking cool. Might wait a bit till I can paint better before I go defacing it :lol:

**:edit: Well, the painting has taken a decidely non-tiki angle now, so I'll just post a pic when Im done. And after that, its time for a nautical tiki :D **

There is "good" bad taste, and there is "bad" bad taste, and the difference of the two is in the eye of the beholder - Sven Kirsten

[ Edited by: hewey 2007-08-07 06:47 ]

harro posted on Tue, Aug 7, 2007 7:17 PM

looks great so far Hewey :lol: :lol:

hewey posted on Sat, Aug 11, 2007 6:45 AM

With this done, I can work on my nautical tiki :D

There is "good" bad taste, and there is "bad" bad taste, and the difference of the two is in the eye of the beholder - Sven Kirsten

[ Edited by: hewey 2007-08-11 07:27 ]

hewey posted on Mon, Sep 3, 2007 4:54 PM

This is a new painting I’ve just finished, ‘The Tangaroan Couple’. Painted for the nautical tiki swap (tang’ is of course the god of the ocean, and I gave him a lady friend). Painted with one shot pinstriping paint on stretched canvas. The picture is pretty poor, but that’s what happens when you’re taking pics at 1am under a fleuro light. I’ll try and get some better pics in better light, when the camera has batteries.

Black/Blue/White-love those colors together!
Glad you're finally busting out some more art recently!
the secret is to do a lil' bit everyday! That way you get in the art mode more and more!
Rock on Hewey!

hewey posted on Tue, Sep 4, 2007 4:51 PM

Thanks mate. I like the colours too, but next time I might mix up some very light blue and darker blue for highlights/shadows instead of the white and black, for a more monochromatic look. I like the look/style, and I’ve got a few ideas I reckon might work okay with it.

It’s starting to warm up a little down here, so now I can go outside and not freeze my ass off painting or carving outside at night after work (I don’t have somewhere I can paint inside, so I do everything under the awning out the back.) The priority is getting my wagon going, and then getting my big tiki carving completed for my brothers wedding present. Nothing like a tight deadline for motivation!

Paipo posted on Tue, Sep 4, 2007 6:26 PM

Lookin' good hewey. I like the gestural chalk/pastel feel you've got - I wouldn't have picked it for paint. The limited palette on the black BG works really well.

Looking cool, hewey. It's great to see a little 1-Shot too!

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