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Long time no carvings!

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Robin posted on Thu, Feb 14, 2008 3:06 PM

Very beautiful and precise. Take good care of those hands!

Man seek, this guy is just nuts! The head dress is incredible! Crazy attention to detail and oh so clean.

Love the hands on this guy and the body proportions are precise.

Wow... that's a sweet tiki.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2008-02-15 00:02 ]


masterpiecefully carved headdress

you're a killer !




Thanks for lookie and complements

tikifreak - i will put him in envelope and send him East.
Yes he would look cool in that remodel you have going on.

Robin - thanks yes the hands just set below the high outer point
when i rotate him.

Lake - thanks bro, I'm learning so much with each carve.
The nose i think is my biggest mistake i could not get a grove on it.

benella - thanks bro, i cant decide how I'm going to do the feet yet?


Hey Bro'

Each foot have to make a 90° angle with the leg. The center line of the leg is in the same direction of the space that stand between the second and the third toe. This space is the real center of the foot.
In anatomy, the first toe stands for 2 normal toes because it is the biggest.
If I have some time, I'll send you some pix or a drawn sketch.
Tell you that you have left enough wood to carve wonderful feet, so if you can't wait : good luck !




I just went through this entire thread and I must say you are amazing at this craft. I look forward to keeping up with updates on your new one.

Masterpiece on the way, nice work Seeks.

GMAN posted on Sat, Feb 16, 2008 7:16 AM

Dayum! Seeks, this guy is the catz azz! I knew you were just playing with us....

Aloha seeksurf!
WOW!!! What a Great carving you have going there! I am in total Awe! Wicked clean flow and amazing design.Super Cool!!! Aloha your friend, Mooney


wow insane detail nice!!!!


perfect! How many hours do you have into this one? It looks like you have alread spent an incredible amount of time on it.

Thanks so much for posting all of these photos and describing all of the trials and errors you have gone through! That head dress on the last one is off glass, brah.

Anyone know what kind of tree that is in front of the Yankee Clipper (Ft. Lauderdale/Hukilau)? The huge seed pods look like that guys head dress. I actually have some of those trees growing now from last years Hukilau!

Keep up the great work and thanks again for all of your posts. It is great to see how helpful people are around here! I wish I had some hard woods to try out. All I have worked on so far is sabal and royal palms.


benella - The feet pic's came thanks. I hope the wood at the base works
with me.

Flat Black - I also love reading the threads in here. Thanks for stopping buy.

congatiki - you the man! masterpiece i don't know about that.

G - I'm learning

Mooney - Thanks for the WOW dude. Many Hrs and soar palm from that headdress.

Keigs - Thanks much local carving bro.

Johnny - IM guessing on the hrs maybe 60? Makes it impossible to ever sell one.

carvenImage - thanks for the read i love doing that also.


That's one good looking tiki!!!


On 2008-02-15 09:30, seeksurf wrote:

Robin - thanks yes the hands just set below the high outer point
when i rotate him.

Ummmm....I meant your hands....the numbness. Very nice hands on that very nice Tiki though. :)


Ya, I figured out what you meant later.I was thinking you
where talking about damaging the tikis hands.


Kudos on the headdress. That's awesome!


The new big guy is looking great, love the headdress!


WOW Seeks, this guy is REALLY starting to POP!

I Really love how you are getting so Much detail in your pieces and this one will be the best so far! I'm Envying whoever is getting this guy.

harro posted on Fri, Feb 29, 2008 9:55 AM

sheesh theres a lotta time and detail already gone into this beaut... looking awesome - how's it going now?


Tahitiki - Thanks for comp and dropping buy.

TheBigT - Thanks, ya the head dress glad its over.

Clarita - Lots of comps on headdress thanks.

Benzart - Thanks benz, I'm working the detail more on this guy.
I left allot more area to work with this time. I have been pleased with
him thus far. I will keep my fingers crossed.

harro - Yes, crazy amount of time in him. I'm working the face today
I'm getting close i think?

Aloha seeksurf!!! Had to bump you back ,nice tikis,Aloha, Mooney

Waffle Head is done just sanding him down more and more.
Thanks all for checking him out.

Thanks Ben for the feet pic's

I did OK on the tongue this time.



WOW, Seek, did you stole it somewhere ?

The head is perfect. The tongue is pretty beautiful. Hat off.

Special congratulations for the feet, better than mine !



Paipo posted on Tue, Mar 18, 2008 2:41 AM

Unbelievable progress....you sure skipped a few of the intermediate steps. Something tells me you must've been making other cool stuff before you channeled your energy into these guys? You have some pretty accomplished sculptural chops going on there.

..and then there's this one, who looks like he could've stepped straight out of the Bishop Museum:

That really is one of the nicest Ku carvings I've yet seen - anywhere. I love the classical style, and the work on the headdress is superbly controlled. I would like to see a little bit more volume and strength in the limbs though, to match the power you've achieved in the head (this is referring to the last two only). I can feel the tension in his legs.

What's next? Ever thought of tackling a Marquesan?

PS how about changing the "kook" in your sig to "pipeline master"?

hewey posted on Tue, Mar 18, 2008 3:07 AM

Wow, that came out awesome. A gorgeous carve for sure, well done :D


Amazing! Hat´s off!

harro posted on Tue, Mar 18, 2008 4:15 AM

mmmm waffles....

AMAZING job Seek - you've achieved almost perfection already, where can you go from here??

GMAN posted on Tue, Mar 18, 2008 5:05 AM

Holy crap! I told you you were a rock star! That is beyond killer. The tongue is perfect...it is all so perfect. Dude....


Good golly miss Molly!!!! That is the COOLEST of cool!! Great job Seeks!!

A real stunner my friend. Ku-dos to you!

Aloha seeksurf!
WOW is right !!!!! I am in total awe my friend and i'm with paipa that it looks like it crawled out of the bishop or right out of a sacret resting place in the hills of Hawaii from an ancient carving!!!!!!!!!
Totaly aweasome my friend, Aloha, Mooney

Robin posted on Tue, Mar 18, 2008 6:04 AM

Wow! Not much more to be said here. Very fine piece. Staring at that wood is really working for you. Very refined and powerful carving. Congratulations!


Whoa Seeks! This baby is one major player...Damn fine work sir!

Excellent!! enough said.


No way! I can´t believe it. How did you do this, I mean, how did you do this?
I only can assent to what paipo said. And everyone else. Absolutly amazing details. And symmetry. And actually all...
Thanks for sharing.

Wow! That guy turned out Amazing... I love the name. If he was smaller and made of steel, he could be one helluva meat tenderizer.. You should get that registered. Tikiphiles would go nuts..

On 2008-03-18 06:06, AlohaStation wrote:


Thanks guys i really appreciate the complements.
It means allot to me.

People at work don't get it they think i should be
carving a bear?

benella - I spent about 5 days just looking back and
forth on the feet pic's Thanks

Paipo - Thanks i really appreciate your honesty about
the limbs and body. I see it big time.

"Something tells me you must've been making other cool
stuff before you channeled your energy into these guys?"

You are not the first to suggest or hint that I'm
hiding some previous talent. The progress you see
in the picture you posted that's it. That's all the
art work or carvings i have done in the last 24

hewey - thanks dude took me crazy amount of time.
haikai - thanks much.
harro - almost perfection I see allot of imperfection
gman - I'm scared to death to stain him! I will PM you will talk
when he is dry.
tikifreak - thanks much Id love to parade him at your
congatiki - thanks for the stunner.
MooneyTiki - thanks for the sacret resting place in the hills of Hawaii.
Robin - Ya the staring i could have had a college degree
by now with all the staring i did.
Babalu - thanks for the complement.
AlohaStation - you the man thanks
tok-tok - I took my time and had a great piece of wood
to work with and luck.
FeddieBallsomic - Thanks the name took awhile to hit me
but it works.
Flat Black - thanks.

Seek, man... its all been said already... but that is friggen tight.

Everything is precise and cut just right. I can tell you are a perfectionist.

Don't stress about the stain. Go with what your gut tells you. I know you have a ton of work invested in this, but you learned on your last one.
Stain this sucker up!

I say go for a Marquesan next too... you've got Kona Style Hawaiian down to a science.


On 2008-03-18 11:02, seeksurf wrote:
Thanks guys i really appreciate the complements.
It means allot to me.

Paipo - Thanks i really appreciate your honesty about
the limbs and body. I see it big time.

"Something tells me you must've been making other cool
stuff before you channeled your energy into these guys?"

You are not the first to suggest or hint that I'm
hiding some previous talent. The progress you see
in the picture you posted that's it. That's all the
art work or carvings i have done in the last 24

Wow...absolutely amazing. Your first pieces look like a lot of first tikis I've seen here, but you seem to have squeezed about 3 years worth of improvement into the next 3. How cool for you that you've found your calling (and us, cause we get to watch), and that you decided to carve tikis and not bears! So what are the next 3 gonna look like?!

Smokin! Really, really, really solid there seekswell. The face is chiseled perfect. Is he getting a coat of any sort?

Paipo - The next one is going to be a Lono. Waffle Head was
supposed to be a lono, but i made the body to large and ran
out of room up top.

As far as the ones after that not sure? My tikis are always
changing as i move along in them. As far as a Marquesan someday
i hope to give it a try. I'm really stuck on the Hawaiians right now.

My uncle was raving about NZ he said it was prettier than the
Pacific North West on a sunny day.


Hey Seek, I see you've put your robotic Tiki carving skills to work on Waffle Head. Symmetry is a very difficult thing, and you have done a great job with it. I agree with the others that it could be from the Bishop Museum.

Leggo my Eggo!

surfintiki - Good to hear from you. Thanks, I'm scared to death
of the stain process after Thin Man. Not sure on the stain
or top coat yet. Might go safe with something i have done or the


Wow...!nice work found here!!


Perfection incarnate!
You spent a lot of time on this and it shows.


Lake - Thanks, He will be drying out for some time.
I hear you thanks for the input.

Bowana - thanks for the waffles that are caffeinated and its
about time on the caffeine?

crazy al - is that the crazy al that i think it is? if
so, WOW.

JohnnyP - "incarnate" I had to look it up I like thank you JohnnyP.

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