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Tikiskip's / Kahiki lamp,Tiki bar lights, fishing float light

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Fondue anyone!!!!

You always were cheesy skip!!!! :wink:

Cheers and Mahalo,


On 2008-11-19 06:17, tikiskip wrote:
From this,
To that.

You never cease to amaze me with what you can do with Bamboo, t.skip!

I think I may have mentioned that I am a Fondue-pot-aholoic when I bought the fondue forks from you back at the HRHH weekend.....



Caroline I thought of you when I got this.
If you find a pot like this get it and I will
show you how to make one.

On 2008-09-10 17:13, tikiskip wrote:
These are a few new ones.
Trying to make matched sets.
As these work well in tiki bars hung from the roof line.

man...your stuff looks great!


On 2008-11-21 06:06, tikiskip wrote:
Caroline I thought of you when I got this.
If you find a pot like this get it and I will
show you how to make one.

I'll find a cool one between now & May when I'll be in your neck of the woods again.
Sure will be easier to transport than the rain lamp :wink: :lol:

Here are a few I just finished.
The first one I made from an old wicker chair.
Next is a matched set of five lights.
Also I have three tiki bar lights on Ebay now.
They end on Sunday the 30th of Dec.
Please take a look.



[ Edited by: tikiskip 2008-11-29 11:56 ]

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2009-06-05 06:24 ]


Ok so winter in Ohio sucks!
Making tiki is slow this time of year.
But did get some done.
On the first light the globe is made of paper.
Globes are getting hard to find so I tried making one.
This lamp is LITE, like less than 1 pound!



[ Edited by: tikiskip 2009-06-05 06:25 ]

Murph posted on Sun, Feb 15, 2009 9:00 AM

Love this thread!

Thanks for posting your creativity.

more great stuff, Skip, you are a lighting maven :)

Yeah buddy! Looking tight as usual - that paper globe looks cool!


This is the paper globe lit.
Plus one other light I just finished.


On 2009-02-22 09:54, tikiskip wrote:

Plus one other light I just finished.

What is the size of this one?

It is 7 inches wide by 21 inches long.
The green one here is 12 inches wide and the blue one is
11 inches wide. (these two are not done yet)
These all were made since we last talked.
I did find a lot of globes this winter.
Just now getting to tie them all up.
I will be selling all of these on Ebay sometime.

This is most of what I have at this time.


On 2009-02-22 11:30, tikiskip wrote:
This is most of what I have at this time.

My, it HAS been a cold Winter in Ohio! :wink:

Beautiful, t.skip! - as always :)


Just got the large green one done.
Here it is lit.


[ Edited by: tikiskip 2009-06-05 06:25 ]

On 2009-02-22 11:30, tikiskip wrote:
This is most of what I have at this time.

Daaaang tikiskip! Now that's an impressive pile-o-lamps! They look great!!


Hey John-

I only have one thing to say....HOLY CRAP! Your lamps are awesome! OK, maybe that was 2 things.

I have to admit that I don't spend much time in "Creating Tiki" and this is the first time I've seen your work. You get a major A+ "WOW" from me for sure!

Now who's gonna do the Tiki Lamp Book????.....


Squid thanks!!
I just now found out how many of your mugs I have.
When I got a Shag mug I was thinking Shag.
But no you had a hand in that! Mondo tiki mug, That big boat mug thingy, ECT...
I could go on and on.
Squid you are the GE of sculptors.
You bring good things to light!
It would be nice to see a thread of your work on TC.
With all of the ins and outs of some of your works of art.
So like how many sculpts have you done to date?
Is it 170? that's huge!
Thanks again!!

Here's some new styles.
Got the inspiration for one light from
Eli Hedleys Lexan wall at Kelbo's,
And Monkeyman here on TC.
I wanted to put my spin on it.
Going to start working wiht resin more.



[ Edited by: tikiskip 2009-06-05 06:26 ]

Hi John, that is one of the most beautiful lamps I've seen. I love it. Uncluttered, cool design and I love the color of the resin and the placement of the starfish. Just...cool.
What did you use for the 'body' of the lamp?
Are those bubbles in the resin (looks cool)?

John (Mr. Pupu Pants)

Thats a lot of resin. I hope you are buying it in gallons.

Nice job

John, the resin piece is just great, your lamps are always interesting and different, very nice!


Awesome lamp Tikiskip - the resin drips really capture that underwater look! Can we see a pic of it on?

Trad'r Bill


Thank's Mr Pants.
And yes MM I buy everything in bulk now.
The light is still not too heavy.
Amy thank's hope we can meet soon.
And Bill here's the first one lit.
This light is made from a old fish trap.
So I put a Seahorse on the bottom.
"Look out little Seahorse! It's a TRAP"

The other light is not mounted to hat yet.
Should be done by Sunday.


Here are the pictures of the resin lamp lit.
Don't know if I will defuse the bottom or not.

Also these lights started out as one long fish trap light. (4 feet?)
I cut it up to make four lights.
The two other lights in the making are pictured here as well.


WOW! That resin lamp is GORGEOUS! Gotta have one!


These lamps are ridiculously cool, Skip!!!!!!!!!

Skip, great job on the lamp! finished product is terrific



Totally LOVING that resin lamp!!!!!!!!!!
SO COOL - you never cease to amaze me with the new lamp stuff you work up....FABULOUS!



Went to a home bar last weekend to see
how he hung my and other TCers lights.
What a great job he did on his bar!!!
Check out the pic's


Here are a few utensils I just made.
The last pic is a light that I have for
sale on Ebay at 10:00 pm Ohio time 5/25/09.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2009-05-25 15:57 ]


Been getting a lot of questions about lights lately. (Thank you Amy)
I know this is not the Tiki Marketplace, but I do just tell people
to look here and see if there is one they like.
So I have put SOLD on the bottom of the ones that are gone so you
will know if you can get that one or not.
Sometimes I can make the same light over and over.Sometimes not.
Plus if you see a style you like I can do a custom light for you.
Kinda backed up right now but will get to those as fast as I can.
Plus I got a few going on Ebay on Monday. 6/8/09
I start my Ebay sales on Monday.
Thanks again!!!

Can't wait to get my lamp Skip!!!!!!! I won the Ebay auction for this great orange number!!!

keep them coming!!!!!!!! NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT


Thanks Wildsville!
Got a lot more lights coming this summer.
Here is a pic of our new garden gate.
More nautical than tiki I guess.

Skip, I am loving the nautical! :wink:



D R I N K M O R E O V A L T I N E!
"A commercial that was the measage from Annie! a stupid commercial"

Ok I guess I should have put that here insetad of in general tiki.
The mesage was save your Ron Z bottles.
I could show you all step by step how to make these lights.
But then who would I sell lights to?
"well Skip not everyone would want to make their own lights"
"THEY would buy your lights"
True, but sure as the sun is going to come up tomorrow some guy or girl
will start making the very lights I show people how to make and THEY
would become my bigest competition.
Plus I would not have the money to buy cool glass ring saws.
Here's how I cut the glass.
And the light.



That rum company should hire you to make these lamps from their bottles - a promotional give-away or something like that. VERY cool. Too bad Sailor Jerry's bottles have the paper wrapper instead of the screened print on the glass - THAT would be a really cool lamp too!

I CANNOT wait to see some of these at my Moonlight Tiki Party next weekend!!!

Flat out excellent.


Robb thanks for the invite!
Can not wait to see your new works.
Will wait to post pic's of the lights I
am going to bring to your house till after the party.
Got some new twists to em.
See you then!

another great TikiSkip Light!!! wow


Hey Bead that is a good idea!
Both of them I'm going to work on a Sailor Jerry version.
And Amy thanks! Hope to see you soon.

Well I did it, I got a hole in one of those cheap chinese
floats. (It was a large float, but very thin glass)
Had to go VERY slow, and still got a few small cracks.
As you can see I coated the inside of the globe with resin
in hopes that this would keep it from breaking more.
Last photos are of the tool I used to put hole in globe.
Thank you Wentiki for giving me this globe.
I say to heck with glass. Get plastic if you can.


What a pain. Hey, if anyone could cut those I knew it would be you!

Yeah, that's some determination!


Here are a few new.



[ Edited by: tikiskip 2009-11-13 04:40 ]

squid posted on Wed, Aug 5, 2009 1:41 PM


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