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Long time no carvings!

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Some times ago I've write on this thread: "You have picked the legacy of Bill Reid"
And now everyone know that's true! :roll:

This pole is really good carve! We recognize what your own style, in the texture of the sasquatch's fur or on the face of rain man, not forget the frog ... Yet this great wood pole seems come out of the mists of time!

Some questions:
What the total size? between 3 or 4 meters.
What kind of wood is it? Western red Cedar?
And the weight?
It is possible to see side view pics? for details wings.
You'll still decorate with paint? And after varnish?
You think what US mail make a good price to international shipping? :o (forgot this question, I derailed...)

Well I'll stop here, it's time to leave...
One more time congrat for this spectacular carving!


PS: Tall lono look very happy shiny on the spring sun! :D

Damn Dude! That thing is killer! Way to go off the resevation on this one. My friend who got me into carving has a good friend that is a Haida Indian and showed him the ropes in carving. I love this carve. I am impressed as ever. Amazing a Boeing worker has this much vision beyond sitting in the shitter reading the paper at work( Inside joke here) Former Boeing worker will understand. Carve on dude!

Seeks,fantastic stuff,lono looks great and the totem pole
is incredible!When I carve I kinda just wing it but that baby
looks like some serious thought was at play.Look'n forward to see'n
some more pic's.Cheers Watango


Dude, these are two TOP NOTCH pieces! So beautifully executed.


Well Seeks this latest post leaves me pretty much speechless. So I'll
just keep quiet and let others tell you how great these carvings are.
Your NW totem is a stunner.

International Sensation!! I love it.

I echo everything that the other posters said, Seeks.

Both pieces are museum quality... and beyond.

Every little cut and mark, well thought out and executed.

Even the eyes... expertly painted.

Stop being so humble, and boast away!

You deserve the praise.


Very, very nice. You're precision is remarkable.

Absolutely amazing work! How long have you been working on this master piece? Absolutely amazing work! Absolutely amazing work! I just can't say it enough...

Simply put...BEAUTIFUL.

INCREDIBLE!!! God, this makes me wish I had the time to carve now. Great job!

Seeks,It's Saturday there right? If Iwas you I'd buy a case of ya fav
beer put on ya tunes and pull up a chair and just stare at the sweet totem.:lol:

seek - amazing job on the totem, as everyone else has said - it looks like an original. The tightness of the lines and the flow from one character to another is very well executed. I especially like the chisel mark texture you applied - it really separates the forms beautifully.

Very impressive job!!!!!! thanks for sharing!


Benz - no museum but thanks. Next challenge mounting them.
GMAN _ Thanks for the kind words of support. now get carving!
benella - Mahalo I dig the contrast work also you will probably
see this in most of my work.
laojia - Thanks for your excitement.
Tucson - thanks i like the off the reservation on this one funny!
Watango - Mahalo Yes many hrs of serious thought!
drasticwagon - thaks on the AWESOME!
tikisbytyler - thanks bro.
congatiki - Mahalo Mr conga. I know you like to play with the NW
stuff alittle so thanks on the stunner.
surfin - thanks for your excitement from the beginning on this sucker.
Lake - Mahalo, Im still a rookie I think. ya i might carve some
cool looking pieces at times, but I still dont know shit.
JP - thanks bro, Looking fwd to see those killer logs you have
come alive.
Tikiizard - Thanks almost a year but not full time.
drgoat456 - Mahalo on the BEAUTIFUL
tikifreak - Thanks you have your hands full.
Polynesiac - Thanks Poly your welcome on the share bud. I love
seeing your work 2.

laojia posted on Sun, Jun 7, 2009 2:08 PM

At my turn to thank you for pictures link and precise answers.
pics on the links show full interesting details and close up. One more time: is a very very good carve!!!

Seeks You are an Amazing carver!!!I am in total awe of these pieces!!!Great work!!Now go get some SURF my friend,Aloha, Mooney



Man oh man, your work is amazing! I think the cracks in the lono look perfect. They give it an air of dignity and history. And that new piece is a true masterpiece.


What I don't understand is how CLEAN your pieces are. I Know you must take Hours cutting every little wayward chip outta the way and making it look like it came oit of a giant carving machine,,,, HEY, Are you hiding the BIG Tools from us? You have a giant CNC Machine up there in your backwoods hideaway? C'mon 'Fess up, wheres it at?
You Know we Loves 'ya Man!

Seeks, that totem pole is pretty imposing. How tall is that piece? I've always loved big carvings, they make a real statement.

Your carving has improved on a steep curve to the point where I can't imagine that it could get much better. Very precise detail and design! Going through your thread again it seems like your work went from good to really good, then shot straight up to excellent. I'm really looking forward to the next installment on your thread!!



laojia - thanks again buddy.
Mooney - Mahalo good to hear from you again. Just came back
from 3 day surf trip.
Clarita - Mahalo on the Impressive!!!
finkdaddy - Thank you for the stoke.
Benz - No CNC just 2 thumbs :)
Aaron's Akua - Mahalo for the stoke.

Two days of surfing and tiki raising last weekend.
I over built him with 15 60lbs of concrete. He is solid as a rock!
One cut with the chain saw is all you need to take him home.
The surfboard shot is for surfintiki.

Splendid job,consider yourself stroked a little more :)

Tall Boy looks pleased with his new surroundings!



bad ass!!!

GROG posted on Tue, Jun 23, 2009 12:09 AM

Two semi-opposable thumbs up.

GROG like.


Wow Seeks, he looks So Great and Proud standing therein his bog. What a Beautiful install.
When I come(if, IF, I can find your bog in the middle of the night, what will my chainsaw encounter while cutting his base off? Steel rebar? Pipe? I Know it won't be easy but it will be well worth it! :o


Looks like the holy grail of TIKI. Wondering who´s gonna dance around him at night.
Surely a masterpiece.

Great piece of work and an excellent place to put it in.
Now I want a Bog :)

That must look AWESOME in person....GARGANTUAN! Good concrete skills there too chief!

I had to go back and look at it again.
You sure you want him outside?
He does stand tall and proud among the trees though.


congatiki - Mahalo for the warmth.
Lake - cool cool thanks for the drop buy.
kirby - Mahalo my friend
GROG - Thumbs up my man thanks for stopping buy.
Benz - Thanks, I will give you directions. Yes the
rebar but where does it end?
tok-tok Mahalo brother good to see you back
GrapaRuHa - thanks the bog is my spot to show of the
tikis just not many people get out there.
surfin - Mahalo I may regret it if someone messes with
him. It will be interesting to see how he weathers over
time I Hope.


I'm gonna come and steal that thing. Where exactly is it?
Hurry up and tell me before the concrete sets!

Nice job, Bruddah!



Bowana - Mahalo Come on out Im just south of Westport, WA

Ok The NW Pole is up @ the Tiki Bog. The next day after the pole raising little rain man
got his way we had rain all day on Sunday. I need to talk to him about that.

Spectacular! I wanna live in the bog, any room for a couple of squatters?


What a Beautiful , Beautiful place. The magic and calm oozing from there must be invigorating. I know you are a tiny bit proud of these Huge Accomplishments? I put this on the "One of the places I Most want to visit before I die" list and when I get to visit, surely I will have experienced all there is left so please put me away there somewhere in sight of these Wonders, to rest in peace forever!

Just way to cool. Sweet place to hang out.


WOW! Tall Lono is like the king of the tiki bog!!! Very impressive posture!
And happy to see the NW pole finished and find the good place to guarded the area of Lono...

You have built a very nice place to spend good time!



seeks, wow! Amazing stuff - the bog has some true magic now! Unbelievable! :o :o I don't think I could bear to sacrifice works like that to the elements. Kudos to you! :wink:

Man, if I was camping there, having a few by the campfire, passing out amongst all those creatures, I would have the BIGGEST smile on my face.
What a place.

Awesome stuff Seeks,the big guys look great in their
new home.Cheers Watango

AKUAE posted on Mon, Jul 27, 2009 8:05 AM


the LONO is amazing and the place with all the trees is amazing to

lono is great, the totum very cool as well!



holy cow how did i miss this?? what a special place you have created seeks. i really hope that isn't in your backyard so that many, many people (not just your friends) can enjoy the treasure you created. even if i did have the chainsaw, don't think i could make myself take those guys. beautiful pieces and beautiful place.


Bump!!!What ya doin this far back!To sweet of carvings to be here should be near front for all of us to see!!!Great carvings Seeks!!Just got back from holiday and caught Lake Michigan 3-4foot surf and Outerbanks North Carolina 4 out 0f 5 days 5-6ft really really fun surf!!Hope all is well,Aloha, Mooney



That is insane!!!

Is that a Stewart longboard leaning up against the tiki?

I ride a 9"2 Hydrohull.

Good stuff bro.

Seeks,whereabouts is the tikibog actually?
Cheers Watango

Aloha seeks!!!Glad your getting some surf my friend and havin a Sweet Summer!!!I caught lake michigan one day waist tochest and a few shoulder peaks all Lefts and connecting together (point Breakish)and surfed it for 2hours with a good buddie!Then we(the family )drove down to Outer Banks NorthCarolina and caught it 3days of surfshoulder to 1foot over head(perfect) and one day on my Standup Board as well waist to shoulder and super fun!We were on a family vacation for about 35days!Right now I just finished my tiki sign for a friend and he just picked it up ,so I'm watchin our kids(2) and the neibors kids(2) and when the wife gets home from work4ish I'm gonna start carvin a coconut log that I have and sometime next week back on the Fender, and I'm watchin for Waves as well(Tropical Depressions out there),so thats about it!Hey what you got a 9ish Stewart board there!!!Looks Nice! I just got a Ricky Carroll 8'6" Quad and it is so FAST! It paddles as well as my 9fter but way faster and way more loose!If you ever get down to florida I'lll let ya take her for a session!!!Waters always warm down here and some fun waves!!!Door is always open,Take car,Aloha, Mooney

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