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WestADad posted on 08/10/2010

On 2010-08-10 13:20, MadDogMike wrote:
smoke + pork = pure bliss

I say run with the smoked sausage in your lasagne. All that "over powering" nonsense is just lies spread by those who don't like smoke flavor :D

I've got the usual suspects. :) Apple,cherry,hickory,mesquite,and pecan.


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/10/2010

You know what is really Good! Smoked Pepperoni, a couple of hours in the smoker, then slam on some home made Pizza!
A real slice of Smokey Heaven!!!

now I am drooling,Damn it!

WestADad posted on 08/10/2010

On 2010-08-10 13:42, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
You know what is really Good! Smoked Pepperoni, a couple of hours in the smoker, then slam on some home made Pizza!
A real slice of Smokey Heaven!!!

now I am drooling,Damn it!

LOL! You guys are truly hilarious and I'm glad I hang around here!


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/11/2010

I forget to answer your question westadad, try a mixture of the Pecan & Cherry woods
I really like the sweetness and mild smoke flavor it gives pork & sausage,Turkey too!

The other woods are better for smoking larger bits of meat.

amybean posted on 08/11/2010

Pizza Stone: The Saga Continues

cut the Trader Joe's doughball in half this time.
Toppings: home brew tomato sauce, mozzarella, sauteed mushrooms, prosciutto
Side salad of arugula and tomatoes with balsamic dressing.

TV- Babylon 5 Season 1, ep 6
(that's some freakin corny sci fi tv.)
I've heard it gets better in Season 2

Tonga Tom posted on 08/11/2010

Not very Italian or meaty, but very delicious...Here's our tofu stir fry.
I opted for heavy doses of Sriracha (not seen in this photo).

We watched 'Warehouse 13' live.

WestADad posted on 08/11/2010

Delicious last two posts!


Tonga Tom posted on 08/13/2010

Tonight Sherriyaki made shrimp with quinoa, mushrooms & bok choi and a salad made of frisée lettuce, fennel, red onion & Mandarin oranges.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/13/2010

Glad to see Sherriyaki & Tom around here more!

WestADad posted on 08/16/2010

There was a BBQ festival in my city the last three days so Saturday I did some ribs with a sweet/smokey dry rub, smoked them with pecan wood, and mopped them with a homemade sauce the last 20 minutes of cook time.

Tonight I made Thai chicken sate and roasted some zucchini and onions from my garden. Kind of a weird combination but it was tasty.

Have a good week everyone!


[ Edited by: WestADad 2010-08-15 17:18 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/16/2010

Nice, how did you like the Pecan wood for smoking the ribs?

MadDogMike posted on 08/16/2010


I haven't tried pecan wood (they don't sell it at WalMart :D all I can find is hickory and mesquite) I did use some citrus wood once for Jamaican Jerk and it was tasty.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/16/2010

I like cherry wood to, you can mix the Hickory & Cherry for a nice flavor

WestADad posted on 08/16/2010

Hi Guys,

Hey ATP!! I am totally hooked on the pecan at the moment. Going to try some split chicken later in the week and hope for leftovers for chicken salad for lunch.

Hey Mike!! Do you have a Ace Hardware in your area? I got the pecan chunks there.

By the way I served the ribs with some garden string beans sauteed with bacon and some nice slaw.


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/16/2010

I am Hungry! Green Beans & Bacon! great choice.

MadDogMike posted on 08/16/2010

Chris, thanks for the tip, I'll check Ace.

Well, olives are just starting to ripen here. I picked some today but couldn't get too many without a ladder. I'll refrigerate these and try to get some more this week. Hoping to make some Grabber style olives with these, mild and nutty. Will also pick some completely green ones while they are still available and some purple ones when they are ready.

Tonga Tom posted on 08/16/2010

Ok, it's not dinner, but here's a photo of brunch from yesterday. Hopefully I'm not posting too "out of the box" here.
I like how it reminds me of "Crow T. Robot" from 'Mystery Science Theater 3000'.
Smoked salmon, scrambled egg with sharp cheddar, kale, and chives and a bagel.

[ Edited by: Tonga Tom 2010-08-16 12:26 ]

MadDogMike posted on 08/16/2010

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Coco Joe posted on 08/17/2010


WestADad posted on 08/17/2010

On 2010-08-15 20:30, MadDogMike wrote:

Well, olives are just starting to ripen here. I picked some today but couldn't get too many without a ladder. I'll refrigerate these and try to get some more this week. Hoping to make some Grabber style olives with these, mild and nutty. Will also pick some completely green ones while they are still available and some purple ones when they are ready.

Oh Man I love olives. Seeing yours gave me a craving for lemon scallopine with capers and olives!

Nice Mike!!

MadDogMike posted on 08/18/2010

Traditional Middle Eastern Olives. Take 2 quarts of green olives and slit them down both sides with a sharp knife. Soak in water in a cool dark place for 3 days, changing the water every day.

More to come

amybean posted on 08/18/2010

I LOVE olives! I love olives so much, that I knit some:
(did I already post this?)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/18/2010

Well I made a pot of Texas Chili, do I need to post a pic? sorry no Olives.
Amy those handmade olives are very cool, hey will you be going to Tiki Oasis this weekend?
It would be nice to meet you and your other half.

amybean posted on 08/18/2010

I wish we were going this year! maybe next... in the meantime - rum drinks at home!

amybean posted on 08/18/2010

Looking forward to meeting all ya all !!

amybean posted on 08/20/2010

Heirloom tomato salad with mozzarella and basil

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/20/2010

we are back on the Air!

Hi Amy, is that your version of the classic Caprese Salad! well it's just Loverly!

JuliaKhanam posted on 08/20/2010

I like doing simple things, one of my favorite dishes to make just for myself is some soup like chicken & dumplings chunky style by...umm not Cambells but the other Proggresso and than grilled cheese sandwhich, dip the sandwhich in the soup...uggghhh! That's the best. Or you can do make up burgers, with bacon, or my personal favorite, take a couple peices of ham and grill them slightly and put that on your burger, if you like mushrooms, saute some in soy souce and odd that too. YUM! Dang it...I'm really hungry now.

OH! One more thing, that are finger lickin good! If you like bufffalo wings this recepie is the best! Buy some foster farms party wings, bake them on a baking sheet at 350 degrees for about 22 minutes. than put them in a big skillet with a couple spoon fulls of I can't believe it's not butter (I use this because it is a lot healthier than using real butter and less fattening) and than add a good squirt of Franks Red Hot Souce on each peice of chicken, put on a medium heat, cover with a lid, let them cook for about another 10-15 minutes in the pan stirring occasionally until they are a little brown and slightly crispy. Than dip in ranch dressing! The best!


[ Edited by: JuliaKhanam 2010-08-23 07:36 ]

MadDogMike posted on 08/20/2010

Thanks for that insight Julie and welcome to TC

After soaking the slit olives in water for 4 days with twice daily water changes, they are still pretty bitter and NASTY. Next, line jars with sliced lemons, fill with olives, add a bay leaf, fill with brine solution, top with olive oil, and place in a cool place (refrigerator?) for TWO MONTHS!!!

WestADad posted on 08/21/2010

Geez Mike, I've got ADD, I can't wait two months! We'll stayed tuned!


WestADad posted on 08/21/2010

Salmon marinated in citrus juice, olive oil, thyme, rosemary, worchestershire sauce and minced garlic. Grilled and smoked with a tiny piece of pecan.

1961surf posted on 08/21/2010

Looks delicious Chris .

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CincyTikiCraig posted on 08/21/2010

Homemade In-N-Out Burgers & fries, made per the Burger Lab's recipe: http://tinyurl.com/3ynaqul

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/23/2010

Hi everybody! been gone for a few days,just got back from Tiki Oasis, tried my best to get alcohol poisoning
a man has to have his goal's, I feel like shit now!!!
Saw MadDogMike, but where where the rest of you Tribe?

Back to cooking tomorrow.....

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MadDogMike posted on 08/23/2010

I was hoping to meet some the regular posting foodies at Oasis too but no luck. I thought Tom might be there and asked around for him but I have no idea what he looks like or who he hangs out with :D

I knew Amy wasn't coming, Chris is too far away, and JulieKhanam lives in Bengladesh!!!!!

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amybean posted on 08/23/2010

But, tell all!! How was TO2010? Was the food good? Take any pix?

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WestADad posted on 08/23/2010

I'll get to Oasis soon! Kid and dog issues.


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MadDogMike posted on 08/23/2010

Amy, it was a WILD good time. Couldn't tell you much about the food - the Italian sausage sandwich I ate from the grill was good but then again I'm not very picky about what I eat. As far as pictures, the only thing I took pictures of was people in their freakish outfits to show my wife who didn't attend. That being said, now I can't post any of my pics because those people will know I think they were wearing freakish outfits! :lol:

Chris and Amy, maybe we'll see you next year.

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/23/2010

Quick rundown on Oasis 2010
The food at the Crown Plaza SUCKS! the Sushi Bar is OK, some people loved it,but by my standards just OK
Actually the food in the hotel circle is really bad for the most part with the exception of Albies Beef Inn
an old school 1960's lounge and steak house,the place has nude velvets on the wall,very retro vibe, a bit pricey.

We tried to go to Ricky's Restaurant,which is a good breakfast house,but they were closed for repairs this week.

Friday night a group of us wanted Tacos,So I know of this great chain of Taco stands called Santana's that is about 5 minutes away from the
Crown Plaza,So we Stuffed Doug Horne and his date Jane,in my luggage/Trunk area of my Santa Fe, anyone who knows Doug,knows he is about 7 feet tall!

We stuffed Stacey "Happy Chi" and friends Dave & AJ,Wicki Tiki Vicki & Mrs ATP into the car and hit the freeway for a couple of minutes to the local Santana's Mexican food, the food was super tasty,yet cheap, but later that night after a few (maybe more then a few) Mai Tai's it sat a bit heavy in the stomach.

The room Parties were a little less elaborate this year (Damn economy!)Saturday nights Heaven & Hell parties were the big productions this year, but for my money Saturdays "Ding Dong Devils" room party wins "The best fun factor award" The Hell on Heals burlesque gal's were great!
Brent & the Mrs. always serve great cocktails,the band was just spot on that night,they are like a Tiki B-52's
TongaTom & Sherriyaki where there & Tom was taking ton's of pictures.
MadDogMike had to get home to the Mrs. so we missed you there Mike!

We brought out own supply of Krakan Mai Tai's everywhere we went and shared with everybody who wanted some, let me know what you thought
of them if any of you indulged.

I will get some pictures soon and post in the Oasis Thread.

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MadDogMike posted on 08/23/2010

HEY!!!! I didn't get a Kraken MaiTai! :( :lol:

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/23/2010

Sorry Mike,we were mixing those up later in the evenings, daytime was for hangovers!

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amybean posted on 08/23/2010

hey I've made some Kraken Mai Tais- what's your recipe?

Sounds like it was a blast...hopefully next year we'll make it.

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/23/2010

Copied from the Kraken thread...

Kraken Mai Tai

In a Coctail Shaker,half filled with ice
1 Ounce Appleton's Light Rum
1/2 Ounce Orange Curacao
1/4 Ounce fresh Lime Juice
Splash of Orgeat
1 1/2 Ounce Pineapple Juice
1 1/2 Ounce Orange Juice
Shake and add to a Glass,add more ice
Top with 1/2 Ounce of Kraken Rum
Splash of Grenadine

Add fresh Mint & a Lime
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[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-08-23 19:51 ]

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amybean posted on 08/23/2010

Hmmm sounds delish..

I make mine shorter (and not so specific on the rums)

1 oz light rum
1/2 oz fresh lime juice
1/2 oz Gran Marnier (or other orange liquor)
1/2 oz orgeat
shake w/ ice cubes and pour over crushed ice.
1 oz darker rum

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Tonga Tom posted on 08/23/2010

On 2010-08-23 12:56, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:

Kraken Mai Tai

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Thank you for the Kraken Mai Tai on Friday ATP!
It set my sails in the right direction.

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MadDogMike posted on 08/23/2010


I looked for you Saturday but asked the wrong people. I guess I should have asked ATP!

ATP Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/10975/623661409e322.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=ac3e54982f1b400d4ef8d9e7fa792d36
Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/23/2010

It was my pleasure Tom! let me know when you post those blackmail photos.

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Tonga Tom posted on 08/23/2010

On 2010-08-23 14:56, MadDogMike wrote:

I looked for you Saturday but asked the wrong people. I guess I should have asked ATP!

That's a bummer MDM! Thank you for lookin'.
We could have swapped tiki food trading cards.
We'll have to wait 'til next year at Tijuana Oasis 11!

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