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Cannibal Art Swap is done! Dinner is served

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Sadly, financial difficulties make Oasis impossible... But I will be there in spirit.


Dam Mike you are very creative!!
Your mugs are always so one of a kind.
Great job.
Love yer work.

¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸TIKISKIP "Go to the light"¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨*•.¸¸

Lights for home and
commercial TIKI bars.


Tiger, looks great as is- carving and painting came out perfectly!

Mike, that is looking awesome now- but there's MORE happening to it? Wow.

If everyone's making extra cannibal pieces to exchange as Oasis... uh oh. Have to hurry up- or, since I have two pieces already, will one of those work? :wink:

One of employees just surprised me w/ news that she was going to be out of town that weekend, when I told her it was Tiki Oasis she got slightly nervous and may rethink her plans... ha! I'll still be there, probably a bit less if that happens....

I don't even know where to start.
Everyone's work is so amazing!

Tigertail, I like it as is.

Mike, can't wait to see finished. Weird about the missing crystals.

Thanks Cy, I need to carve more deeply. Since I now have until the 10th instead of the 1st as I had in my head I'll have plenty of time. As usual, I'm learning a lot with this project like - 1) a dremel is harder to control than one might think and 2) I should have watered down my black paint or used stain instead of paint in the carved areas. My husband thinks it looks drawn on instead of carved. I agree. I'll try to rectify that.

Thanks for looking,


Edited to lodge my protest again jon that I am ineligible for the potential bonus carving!!!

[ Edited by: LoriLovesTiki 2013-07-29 17:36 ]

Ano- sorry for the confusion
You don't have to give anything away
I thought I'd make a 2nd piece to give to someone at Oasis
Not a swap
Just a lil cannibal gift
Looks like 4 of u going so far
In a few days we can pull a name out of a mug
And that person gets it



Lori- we were posting at the same time
Looking good.....

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-07-29 17:38 ]

Thanks everyone for the input! I will leave it as is. It does have a crack lengthwise in the back but it doesn't go all the way through to the interior thank goodness. I guess it just adds to the primitive "charm".

And Lori... Amen to the fact that dremel tools are a lot harder to manage than they seem. I found that out as well. Can't tell you how many times my hand went numb working on mine. I will have to invest in that flexible shaft that someone mentioned on here. Looks like you got more control over your line carving than I did though, mine look like they are scribbled by a three year old. :)

July is almost over. I am so happy that my piece is finished and can be added to this really cool page of wonderful art. I'm boxing mine today so that it can be mailed on the 10th or taken to Oasis.

hang10tiki I'm so happy to have my name go into the hat for your tiki carving, my fingers are crossed.

My poor hula woman boiling in the pot. I wish I had some dry ice.

I'll have more photos on my "other crafts" thread. The bending part of the straw has to go in first.

Cheers, Wendy


Tiger, I think your piece looks great. I went with the "primitive-as-design-aesthetic" argument myself. :)

Wendy, wow! Looks perfect! Hopefully.... I can see it in person at Oasis! (Since Jon usually receives all Art Swap items, perhaps he'll let me have a look). Ha.

Clock is clicking away.... look forward to seeing everyone else's last second additions.

Wendy- wow, came out great (u can just send it to me now) :)
Ano- u funny



Lori - Looking good, are you going to try carving deeper?
Hang10Tiki - That is coming along quickly! Very cool.
Wendy - Love that multicolored glaze on the pot. I didn't realize the PNG medallions stick out from the pot like that - Nice!!!

My skull is back in the kiln today, could be done with glazing when it comes out tomorrow morning or may have some corrections to make.

The bright green is clear glaze over the "bamboo" pole. The brown/red is the opalescent. It should pool moss green in the low spots and be pretty much clear on the high spots. I put it into the kiln face up so the pooling should occur in the eye sockets and such. I haven't tested this glaze combination so we will see what happens :lol:

I just went through this whole thread again and have to say EVERYONE's pieces just are looking fantastic! :D

D'oh! Looks like I will have to go back and carve just a little more.... I forgot to sign the danged thing! :lol:

Mad Dog- Happy Halloween :)
Tiger- that's the fast part :)

I like it Jon!

My skull glaze did not turn out exactly how I envisioned. I thought it would "break" (thin on the high areas) more, especially over the white teeth and cowrie shell eyes. I still like the effect, like a moss-covered artifact. And now there is plenty of contrast between the skull and the bamboo pole. The bat skull on the lid was too stark white so I aged it a little with some tan glaze and put it back in the kiln today. I will get some "glamor shots" of the finished piece sometime in the next few days.

Also put some assorted teeth and claws in the kiln today, these will hang with the Pouakai talon.

cy posted on Wed, Jul 31, 2013 10:25 AM

Fantastic Mike, the glaze is perfect for the piece!

hang10tiki don't forget my name in the Oasis pot!

MadDogMike you and Traveling Jones always think up those special touches. I too love that glaze.

The clock is ticking. Cheers, Wendy


Jon, #2 looks great (no surprise there).

Mike, love the latest firing. More? Wow. I also dig the teeth. Excited to see it all finished up and "put together."

Ditto what Wendy wrote. :)

Mike- wow, great color. Looks awesome
Wendy- got ya on the list
Ano- thanks, glad u like

Cannibal Oasis Attendees:


Anyone else going to Oasis?

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-07-31 12:04 ]

Sanded and stained

Had a lil helper
He almost jumped onto my glove

I echo everyone's sentiments - the work for the swap is amazing! What a talented bunch of artists. Thank you for including me in your club. (Even though I am really not worthy!)

Mike - love the piece glazed. It would look great on display in the gator hut. As would everything else.

I'm going to carve deeper this weekend. We'll see how it goes. I'll take pictures and post an update.

Jon, he's just a little fart. I see those tiny geckos inside our hospital from time to time.
Lori you are definitely "worthy"! Looking forward to your progress.

Mine is officially done! The teeth turned out fine in spite of a minor kiln accident. Still need to sign and title the bottom somehow. Hope to get some good pics to post this afternoon.

TEN DAYS TIL THE END OF THE SWAP!!!!! Time to start wrapping it up :) I count 16 people who have started projects:
TikiAno - done?
DanLovesTiki - done
AnthonyMaye - done?
ZeroTiki - done
Hang10Tiki - done
Cy - done
TigerTail - done
Pikey's Dog - done
MadDogMike - done

The list does not include one person who started a project but messaged me that she won't be able to participate.

In order to be included in the drawing on August 11th just make sure you have posted a picture of your finished project by the 10th. Message me if you have any questions or concerns. I will send out an e-mail also with this same information.

GROG posted on Thu, Aug 1, 2013 12:38 PM

GROG should join just to make it an odd number. :lol:


GROG, you are odd all by yourself.

GROG posted on Thu, Aug 1, 2013 1:28 PM

Yes, ONE is an odd number. That's pretty good. A lot of artists are pretty bad at math.

Go Grog go.... Jump in baby

GROG, did you get your duplicate posts issue fixed? :o

GROG posted on Thu, Aug 1, 2013 2:38 PM

On 2013-08-01 13:57, hang10tiki wrote:
Go Grog go.... Jump in baby

Not gonna happen. GROG had an idea for a hand-made ceramic bowl GROG was going to call "The Cannibowl" which GROG wanted to make for the "Bowl Show" at the Tonga Hut, but didn't have time to make it. GROG figured GROG could make for the next time GROG decide to do a "Bowl Show" at the Tonga Hut. But, then you guys decide to do a cannibal art swap, and Tiki Ano named his bowl "The Cannibowl", so now GROG have to come up with a whole new name for GROG' Cannibal Bowl before GROG can make it. Maybe "Cannibole"?

MadDoggy--I figured out the problem. User error, but still occasionally do it.

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2013-08-01 14:55 ]

Here's my piece in progress.
A Moai eating a little Moai.
I submitted it for bisque firing at the studio yesterday, so hopefully it gets fired over the weekend and I can get it in for glaze firing by the 5th or 6th, without any kiln explosions or accidents along the way.
Great work everyone, I hope this gets done so I'm able to participate.

should have mine done in the next few days.

Grog- how about CaveCanniBowl
Rocka- I like.......
Anthony- we need pics......


[ Edited by: Hang10tiki 2013-08-01 19:49 ]

Cannibal Moai - Sweet!
AnthonyMaye - good to hear from you and glad the art is on track. Hope life is well with the new baby.

Broke out the photo lightbox, the camera, and the fog machine for some pics :D

The brass swivel on the back lets the feathered talon be removed to wash the lid if desired. There is a straw hole in the top of the "bamboo pole". You could also put a crouton and some 151 in the top for a flaming effect.

GROG posted on Thu, Aug 1, 2013 8:45 PM

The fog machine makes it look Voodooey.


That's a really great piece Mike. Whoever scores that in the swap should be very happy.

Mike- :o
Amazing brother
Send it over :)

3 coats of gloss and I'm
done with the extra piece for the
Cannibal Oasis Attendees:


Anyone else going to Oasis?
Just let me know.
Let's all get together, we can put your names in a mug and pull out the winner.
Can't wait to see everyone.


[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-08-01 21:22 ]


On 2013-08-01 13:28, GROG wrote:
Yes, ONE is an odd number.



TikiRootsR love that mug.

Grog, let me first apologize for unknowingly affecting your entry into the Art Swap. Luckily for you (and everyone else in the Swap), I have now renamed my Art Swap piece ("Anthropologists Need More Salt" Bowl (working title). Looking forward to see the Grog Cannibowl (which I'm sure will be way more impressive that mine. :)

Grog, do you have extra clay in the cave? Time is clicking away (though not sure how it "clicks" w/a Caveman....

Mike, a smoke machine? What will happen next??? Killer shots, love the piece.

Anthony, hope all is well w/ the new addition!

cy posted on Fri, Aug 2, 2013 11:56 AM

Looking good TRR, liking the Koru, Maori designs. Hang10 I think instead of pulling names from a mug you should just award the carving to the person that travels the furthest.


@Jon, Forget what cy says, maybe just who lives the closest... :)

I can fill everyone in on new local SD stuff, too.... though not sure if people will be leaving the Crowne Plaza grounds.

CY :)
Ano :)

I was thinking the 3 of you dudes and Wendy in an octagon for a cage fight, last one standing wins.
But then I thought the 3 dudes would knock each other out, Wendy would walk out victorious.
But then I figured Grog might "tap" her on the head with his club and take the tiki. :(
Better stick with drawing a name out of a mug.
Safety first.


Mike, the smoke machine takes your photo shoot over the top!!

If I could get an accomplice I would say I was going to Oasis, then if my name gets pulled out of the mug my accomplice could take the prize and mumble something like "she just went to the bathroom" and hand Hang 10 a drink... maybe he'd forget he never really saw me.

It's a great plan, I like it! Off to look for an accomplice who could be trusted to send me the gift if I actually won it....

Happy Friday everyone!

I've already had two fractured skulls so I'd skip the cage even though I want to win your carving hang10tiki. Cheers, Wendy


I've got a crash helmet for ya, Wendy - we gotta keep that creative noggin safe!

On 2013-08-02 18:08, hang10tiki wrote:
I was thinking the 3 of you dudes and Wendy in an octagon for a cage fight, last one standing wins.

I was hoping those 15 years of Seidokan would pay off one of these days :lol:

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

You guys are awesome


That's it, bringing both a helmet AND running shoes to Oasis. You won't be able to catch me if I run around in circles really quickly. Or I'll hang out w/ Wendy.

"Safety is no accident."

That being said, this TO meet-up is getting to sound like...

I slipped away into the jungle for a couple weeks... and :o Whoa! :o You guyz & dollz have been kill'n it!!

:tiki: :drink: NICE ARTWORK'Z EVERYONE! :drink: :tiki:

Awrite, gotta get my butt back in da hut and grind my bone!!

Ano- nice photo
Jones- glad you didn't get taken by the cannibals on your trip to the jungle.


Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-08-04 08:16 ]

:lol: One has to remember that any picture posted on TC will remain to haunt you forever :lol:
Nice one TikiAno :D

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