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I Am Tired Of...

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[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2016-09-01 09:31 ]

GROG posted on Fri, Feb 14, 2014 11:28 AM

GROG has met ATP and Lucas in person, and them both nice people. They just suck at posting on Tiki Central. Some people really suck at something, but still do it because they love it. Bamboo Ben sucks at alligator wrestling, but do you think that stops him from his favorite hobby? GROG horrible at tiddlywinks, but GROG play as often as possible. Kinny paints. Doug Horne dresses in drag and is one of the ugliest drag queens you'll ever see. Soccertiki does ballet. And BigTikiDude is a gigolo. Sometimes you just have a passion for something you're just not any good at. ATP doesn't know whether to use YOUR or YOU'RE in a sentence and constantly puts OF in place of HAVE or 'VE, but do you think that discourages him? No. These people should be pitied, not ostracized. Maybe circumcised, but definitely not ostracized. It would probably help if they weren't stoned when posting, but that's when they want to post the most.

On 2014-02-14 11:28, GROG wrote:
It would probably help if they weren't stoned when posting, but that's when they want to post the most.


The heartbreak of ugly drag queens, Grog so right & if I did not post on TC I would not get good English
care of Grog, but also we are not traitors to Tiki Central, like all of those Facebook defectors!
they are "Un-Tiki"!.........the most "Un-Tiki" in Un-Tikiness, is that a word Grog?

I'm tired of Tiki people who do more bitching than making stuff. Heath, stop whining and get to carving. Stop making ATP, Grog, Lucas and I mad and make something we can buy.

Yes! And we do buy all kinds of shit from our Tiki brethren
so we have that going for us!


[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2016-09-01 09:30 ]

On 2014-02-09 23:44, GROG wrote:

On 2014-02-09 16:13, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
but if you point that out your some king of Tiki Nazi?

YOUR should be YOU'RE in the above sentence-----The Spelling Nazi.
(There should also be a comma after "but if you point that out", but GROG more of a Spelling Nazi than a Grammar Nazi."

This video uses puppets to explain proper grammar usage.


Thanks Lori.....



Marsha J. Evans, President and CEO of the American Red Cross...for her salary for the year ending in 2009 was $651,957 plus expenses. Enjoys 6 weeks - fully paid holidays including all related expenses during the holiday trip for her and her husband and kids. including 100% fully paid health & dental plan for her and her family, for life. This means out of every dollar they bring in, about $0.39 goes to related charity causes.

The CEO of the Boys and Girls Club of America earned the highest pay in the group of $1.85 million!

The Salvation Army's top dog, Todd Bassett, took home $175,050 from the “CHARITABLE” organization's donations for the fiscal year ending in 2004.

According to Forbes, United Way's top executive made $629,950 in 2004!

Another example is Feed The Children based in Oklahoma, the head of the organization pays himself $125,000 a year. I wonder how much his wife gets paid?

UNICEF - CEO, receives $1,200,000 per year, (plus use of a Royal Royce for his exclusive use where ever he goes, and an expense account that is rumored to be well over $150,000.)

Nancy Brinker, CEO of the Susan G. Komen Foundation makes $684 thousand annually, a 64 percent increase from her salary in 2010.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art CEO earned nearly $1.5 million, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children paid its CEO nearly $1.2 million, while the National Jewish Health's head got over $1 million.

The CEOs of the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago and the Rocky Mountain Institute are each paid about $600,000. The aquarium's expenses are nearly $54 million, while Rocky Mountain's total about $18 million.

Remember some of the time there is a filter when you give to charity.
DON"T ask about the numbers as this can get you in trouble.


I'm tired of places that don't put enough nacho cheese on your nachos and you're left with just chips at the end.

I'm tired of saving cereal boxtops, yogurt lids, and used condoms so that companies will give money to my favorite school or charity. Why don't they just cough up the cash without making us jump through all those hoops?


My thoughts exactly. Or the money collecting at check outs. The money gets donated in the name of the company that collected it. Yes, they do facilitate the collection. But Safeway could just cough up the cash itself instead of doing the make-you-fell-guilty shakedown.

Speaking of which, there is hardly a shopping centre... or even worse still, my favourite liquor store,
that doesn't have some arsehole at the entrance rattling a tin in your face, nowadays.

The thing that shits me the most though, is the fact that they are mostly European backpackers doing the
soliciting... and worse still, they're being PAID to do it.

I'm tired of people leaving soggy paper towels on the door handles in public bathrooms. They don't want to touch the door knob after they washed their hands but they have no qualms about making me touch that nasty-ass towel they left there.

Never seen that MDM. Gross!

MDM, you will see much worse things in the ladies room.


I'm tired of the trolls on TC being ignored by the moderators because they have a lot of posts are have occasionally posted a tidbit or useful insight. A handful of users have undermined the once vibrant spirit of this community, and it's a real shame.

A good moderator is like a good sheriff—they apply the rules consistently, to everyone, and are vigilant and active in the community. There's way too much leeway around here.

The rules are very clear and easy to find. The moderators should apply them, or change them. If they're only guidelines that are applied to certain people at certain time, what's the point of even having them?

I am tired of the holier-than-thou posting done by a member who likes to stand on his soapbox and point out when he thinks others have done something wrong or not followed up on something. Seen him do it to long standing members on this forum like Humuhumu and most currently to people involved in the Rufus situation like Fez Moai and Kari--would love to know where he thinks he gets the right. Actually I would just love to have that Facebook function where you can block people and never see another one of their inane, annoying posts ever again. sigh Maybe in TikCentral 2.0.

I am also tired of missing out on bidding high enoughon a Bad Liver mug. That damn thing has alluded me for way too long.

Me! She's talking about me! :D

I have no idea what she's talking about with Kari and Fez Moai. Fez has been on top of the Rufus situation, and he really stepped up to try and coordinate Rufus's well-being. I don't know who Kari is.

I never "badmouthed" Humuhumu, either. All I did was lament the fact that her websites aren't being cared for anymore. Heck, I took the time this morning to politely let her know that her Humu Kon Tiki website had been defaced. I have great respect for what she did, and said REPEATEDLY that I completely understood her moving on to other things.

Immortalize your name for eternity by contributing to The Tikipedia!

T-shirts based on vintage tiki matchbooks: TikiTees

[ Edited by: TikiTacky 2014-04-24 14:25 ]

[ Edited by: TikiTacky 2014-04-24 14:31 ]


I'm tired of TikiTacky.

I don't think the moderators here are going anywhere so if YOU don't like it, leave.

I'm tired of people who can't post pictures vertically. :roll:

Boris, I have this happen sometimes. It's always when I post a picture from my phone that I took with my phone. :(


Devil Baby Attack

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2014-04-25 05:38 ]

What Boris said.

Kill me...

Why do tiki bars play sublime??? When I am on vacation I shouldn't have to hear this crap!!! :(

Three Dots looks cool and has decent drinks but the music is the worst. 90s Dance party???

Edit - I actually offered a waitress $20 to skip sublime at Tikis in Waikiki. She did it and I gladly paid.

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2014-04-26 07:26 ]

On 2014-04-25 20:21, lunavideogames wrote:
Kill me...

Why do tiki bars play sublime???

Why does ANYONE play Sublime? Just sayin'...

I know right???

In SD we will walk out if a bar when sublime comes on. Plenty of other bars around.

I'm tired of lack of courtesy on the road. On my way to work I have a right turn from a stop sign to a busy 4 lane highway. People will be spread out every 500 yards all driving in the #2 lane. If any one of them would put the phone down, pull their head out of their butt, and move into the #1 lane I could pull in!

YES! this , what Mike said, you inconsiderate bastards!

I hate driving in Cali, The only place I hated more was on the Autobahn
(but then I wasn't driving a souped up German killing machine, like everyone else)
I was doing the equivalent of around 98 MPH in the slow lane & still had angry Germans
honking & cursing me out, behind me.

I had a crazy time also back in the 1980's on the Autobahn stuffed into a VW Beatle
with 6 drunk Marines (Doing some time at a Hofbräuhaus) we had it floored, yet cars
were tearing around us Madmax style (Which strangely I just saw the day before dubbed in German
and called "Der Vollstrecker")

I wish people in California would use their blinkers. It is common courtesy. Are you stopping for no reason? Slowing down to turn? I could pull out if I knew you were turning... If you use your blinker I will know what you are doing and not just assume you are a moron who can't drive.

I am tired of CHP sitting on the side of the freeway under an overpass aiming a radar gun at the speeders. It is not speed that causes accidents, it is unsafe lane changes and not using your blinker. It doesn't matter what speed you are going, if you try to move over and cut someone off it can cause a multi-car collision. It doesn't take a multi-million dollar study to figure that out, just drive the freeways, and especially watch out for trucks.

Looks like I touched a nerve there :lol:


What drives me nuts is tailgating. It's the leading cause of injury accidents.

Shouldn't drive so slow, tacky :wink:

On 2014-05-04 17:23, VampiressRN wrote:
I am tired of CHP sitting on the side of the freeway under an overpass aiming a radar gun at the speeders. It is not speed that causes accidents, it is unsafe lane changes and not using your blinker. It doesn't matter what speed you are going, if you try to move over and cut someone off it can cause a multi-car collision. It doesn't take a multi-million dollar study to figure that out, just drive the freeways, and especially watch out for trucks.

Speeding may not be a leading cause of accidents, but it is a leading revenue generator, just like parking meter violations. You think they want your $.25? They want you to screw up and issue a $100 ticket. :wink:

On 2014-05-06 10:42, Loki-Tiki wrote:

...just like parking meter violations. You think they want your $.25? They want you to screw up and issue a $100 ticket. :wink:

Wow! I never thought about that :lol:

It's not the .25 cents, but it's also isn't the ticket. The primary purpose is to keep a turnover of cars so that people will shop more and generate revenue and tax dollars. That's why most places have a limit and won't let you feed the meter. The tickets are just a bonus!

I'm sick of sellers listing their shirts and mugs as "shag" when they have no connection to Josh Agle AKA Shag. Shag is not a style.. If you are not selling shag carpet, shag wigs, or something by Josh Agle it's not Shag. You are lying. Yes I understand, it may lure in folks from other searches from the poly pop genre but that does not make it right. You are polluting the searches and just bothering potential customers. It's about as honest as listing your Harvey's bucket mug as being made of solid gold and diamonds.

You are definitely spot on LT.

OK...I am sure I will be slaughtered for this...but I am sick of people trying to portray Pit Bulls as fun loving family dogs. I am an avid dog lover but those dogs have an inbred kill switch. JMHO

I'm with you Vamp, there is a reason they have that reputation. I don't know if it is a genetic disposition or a result of the culture of most pit bull owners? My sister-in-law had a pit bull that she rescued from a shelter. She insisted it was a kind and gentle dog even after it mauled some little yip-yip and costs her thousands of dollars in court costs. But the kind and gentle pit bull went quietly back to the shelter after my sister-in-law had her first baby. Hmmmm...

Everyone I have known who owned a Pitbull at one time or another
the dog has attacked them or someone else at least once without
any provocation.

Pitbull's be crazy!

On 2014-05-06 21:55, VampiressRN wrote:
You are definitely spot on LT.

OK...I am sure I will be slaughtered for this...but I am sick of people trying to portray Pit Bulls as fun loving family dogs. I am an avid dog lover but those dogs have an inbred kill switch. JMHO

Right on Vamp! A visit to any shelter in the L A area would probably surprise many of the folks here. The preponderance of P B’s amazed me. There’s usually plenny of them “blue” ones wid the angry yellow eyes ready to go home with you and terrify the neighborhood. They have no problem scaling six foot fences-that’s why so many are “chained” even when behind a substantial fence. I’m sure this improves their gentle depositions. I’m ready to take the “heat” with you Vamp!

I'm tired of local big box retailers asking for donations for the Children's Hospital 120 miles away when we have 2 local hospitals that are struggling financially. If you say no they look at you like you are a monster that hates children and drown kittens.

Well, I'm tired of being a sitting duck, waiting for the inevitable unprovoked attack from my angry yellow-eyed Pit Bull with the inbred kill switch. :/ Sigh.

I make it a point not to engage in important debates online, but would welcome a respectful in-person chat with any of you regarding your above points if we ever have the opportunity. :) Lance, I must correct you; not everyone you know who owns a Pit Bull has had their dog attack someone. In fact, you might be surprised to learn how many in your close circle of tiki friends have had Pit Bulls in their family, and support and love the breed.

[ Edited by: Tiki Kitty 2014-05-14 15:09 ]

Long story short, before I became the unexpected owner of a pit bull puppy many years ago I was scared and skeptical of the breed. Her name was Bella and I miss her a lot. She was an extremely intelligent dog that got along great with everyone she met.
There are knuckleheads that should not own pit bulls, I agree, but the experience I had was great. If I were to own another dog I would adopt a pit bull puppy.

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