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what is the update on bahooka's rufus??? the dreaded question continues?

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I think it might be time to write this off as a lost cause. It's clear Mr. Zhu and his compatriots are being shady, and that likely means one thing. The fact is, Mr. Zhu is in control of Rufus and he obviously has no interest in his welfare other than as a money making opportunity. Shame on the Bahooka owners for handing him over so casually, shame on Mr. Zhu for exploiting well-meaning tikiphiles, and shame on the others involved that have dragged this out for their own personal gain, whatever the hell that is.

There's also probably no point in getting the media involved. Mr. Zhu has proven he's untrustworthy, and he'll tell the journalists whatever will make him look better. Since the real situation right now would likely be bad for his future business, there can be no expectation that he would be forthcoming with the truth. So what if we saw pics of Rufus in a pond? As has been pointed out, those photos can't be trusted, and they SHOULDN'T be trusted. If Mr. Zhu thought it would benefit him, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he spent some money to get a new pacu and show it to the journalists—I'd actually be surprised if he didn't. The loss of business he faces from a bad story will FAR outweigh the cost of buying a new fish. It could also explain why there's this shadiness going on. Keep leaking information that Rufus is alive, but without any proof until you can actually figure out a way to get "proof."

Well said Tom. I do think the uncaring way this situation has been handled and the possible callous demise of Rufus is symbolic for Tiki culture as well as just an example of pettiness and lack of empathy towards other species. The fact that money was raised and Damons was ready to take Rufus and now he may be dead just speaks loads.

Have you tried reaching out to this guy:


I have been trying to email him but it automatically goes to a mail program I don't use. If we can get just one of these local press reporters to open the story back up it should build the same way it did months ago.

Also, I don't know these folks, but they put this video up on youtube a couple of weeks ago:



I just wrote him. AThanks Savage. His last article said.." The story continues". So I hope he meant that and will help pick this up! Anyone on here experienced with viral marketing? Lets raise this to the next level. I am goinfg start contacing some large social networks i have friends organizing. The objective is no longer to beg for clear answers...it is to Expose this all and hope for appropriate consequences if there was foul play.

On 2014-05-17 11:00, THOR's wrote:
His last article said.." The story continues". So I hope he meant that and will help pick this up!

That's what I thought too. Maybe he'll actually want to follow up on it.

I agree it's not just about answers anymore but holding Zhu and anyone else accountable if they killed Rufus/let him die/covered up the facts and helped run interference here in the Tiki Community, etc.



FEZ ??


Why not write to some of the people who wrote about him last time?

Frank Shyong of the LA Times:

Matthew Kang of LA.com:

You can also speak to Damon's to get a quote (since they'd expressed an interest in taking him), to see if they've heard anything further.

And Lynn Garrett, founder of Hidden LA, who championed him in the past:

In fact, I'll guess Lynn Garrett (unless she's already on here) would be the first person to contact, since she managed to generate buzz about this back in February.

I think a "follow-up story" to / from these media outlets would be both appropriate and appealing to the writers involved.

I suggest activists here contact these people.

Who wants to take the ball from here? : )


(p.s. Those people can all be contacted from the masthead / "about" of each publication, or the websites themselves.

I would do it myself except to be perfectly honest I'd never heard about any of this until seeing all the despair on this forum and then tracking back to see what everyone's been so upset about. It sounds like a worthy cause so I thought I'd pitch in with some research, for what it's worth ... and probably not much!)

Wishing a good resolution for everyone ....


Thank Pab,

You might have missed the posts here where we have contacted these people in this past week and the response is basically " we are waiting for something more to happen". What, I am not sure... Unless they are waiting for someone to get arrested while snorkeling in Mr. Zhu's koi pond. We have all kinds of things that have transpired since the first articles, yet so far, all are waiting for the final leaf to drop that springs the bear trap. Lynn has not stepped in on any further involvement in this in quite some time that I am aware of.
The trend seems to suggest we have too few people really willing to get involved and help instigate action. If you look at the number of people following this thread, compared to the handful reaching out to do something, you will see my point. We need more people leveraging their contacts and speaking out to the media...when that happens, we will find justice on this.


Many thanks to Thor, SoCal Savage and others that are trying to find clarity a midst the muck. I hope closure is near, but as like BK, Tikiskip and others have stated, it is not looking good. Although I love the fact that everyone initially came together for a possible solution to honor and save a part of what we love, which is the main thrust of what TC is all about...traditional Polynesian Pop and it's roots. Viewing from afar (30 minutes below the frozen Tundra of Lambeau field) I contributed and waited for things to transpire swimmingly (NPI) to a happy ending. Oh well, sometimes things become WAY more complicated than they really have to...thanks to greed, ego, and personal gain. Time to go to Locating Tiki....OGR


Baring any change in the situation, I suspect that any follow up story in the press will be tied to the reopening of the Bahooka space as a restaurant. If Rufus isn't there, isn't at Damon's, isn't apparently anywhere, then that's something an editor would find newsworthy. (It would also be news if there is a big Pacu fish at the new restaurant that doesn't look or act quite like we remember Rufus.)

It's definitely possible to get people talking about this issue before the reopening using social media. For the Esotouric video, I created a few hashtags, which can be used when tweeting, Facebooking, instagramming, etc around this issue: #saverufus #wheresrufus #rufusProofOfLife. If enough people tweet "at" or otherwise communicate these hashtags at media outlets, that will keep Rufus on their radar.

If you're inclined to, please feel free to link to the Esotouric page about Rufus at http://esotouric.com/rufus, as it does point back to this forum and is a quick read and introduction to the current situation. I've updated the page to explicitly refer readers back to this thread for evolving updates, and to highlight those hashtags.

Thor, I was thinking, maybe you could simply update your lovely graphic into a MISSING poster format that could be shared through social media? Visual information is very effective at getting its message across, and people will remember seeing the drawing when Rufus was in the news earlier this year and wonder what's changed.

OGR your next to last sentence sums this whole situation up pretty well.

Editrix thanks for the link. The page on your blog is a nice summary of where things stand for people who aren't on this forum.

[ Edited by: SoCal Savage 2014-05-18 10:30 ]

[ Edited by: SoCal Savage 2014-05-18 10:57 ]

Actually, that summary is missing a lot of what has transpired.

Lets all take a moment and look at this from a distance, I know some you you have "skin in the game" but just for a second lets review and consider some thoughts....

If the owner didn't care about rufus why would he have kept him around as long as he did? We know for a Fact he left rufus there and did construction around him because it he knew it would be harmful to move him.
We know for a fact he paid someone (jorge) to take care of him.

Why would he do this if he didn't care? He would have thrown him in the dumpster and continued on.

He gave a deadline of wanting to sell rufus. Tiki central and newspaper and fundraisers went to work...but if you review old threads, by the time damons agreed and measurements were made it was way past the deadline...
There was even possibilities of private owners but people on this website kept saying he should go somewhere public..

moving rufus safely became less important than moving him safely to a place "you" wanted.

The owner then changes his mind because the deadline was missed. Says he will build a tank. Says you can donate to the transport and tank.... people balk at that idea...why? because rufus isn't going where "they" want..... people come on here and say horrible rude things about him, his character, his business etc.

Why? because he changed his mind? Because you all missed the deadline? Because rufus didn't go where "you" wanted?

Rufus disappears...rumors abound.....is he in a tank? is he in the long beach river? is he in the pond?

People automatically assume the worst and call him more names....

the owner finally replies to the press, "rufus is alive and well in a pond"

a pond is better than the dumpster..... so obviously he still must care about the fish

people call him more names, say its not appropriate living space (even though internet video proves otherwise) and demand a picture... they discuss breaking into his property

They make demands after calling him more horrible names, a liar and threatening to perform illegal acts against him... then everyone sits back and wonders and complains why he won't come up with a picture?

In the chinese culture, "face" is a big thing. Once the owner said "he's alive and well", the press calling back and asking him to prove it is the owner losing face....you politely called him a liar, and I would be surprised if he ever speaks about it again...

That all said, the biggest thing here is... Rufus is a fish. Few different turns in life and hes on a south american dinner plate. Fish die every day being transported to pet stores, peoples houses,...we've all flushed a dead one down the toilet. He could die in the pond, he could have died at damons, he could just die for any reason, everything does..

This is beating a dead horse. It has to stop...people calling for "justice" and saying the owner needs to be held accountable for actions....its gone to far.

people keep demanding an answer that has been already given... Rufus is alive according to his owner.

Its done.

Just because he didn't end up where "you" wanted is no reason to keep dragging this out.

Its over.

Wait, what? Some sane perspective in this thread?

Erich for the win.

On 2014-05-18 13:14, happy buddha wrote:
Wait, what? Some sane perspective in this thread?

Erich for the win.

Echoing a lot of what I was thinking....but I was afraid to post.
Much braver than I.



I will comment in full when I get back to the laptop Erich. You missed many facts, and have no apparent appreciation for the true intent of this thread, which you are entitled to, but not here. Your info was totally re-interpreted to support your argument. You also don't share the same concern, or compassion that motivated this project., and again, it's a project based thread, not a debate forum. Thanks for your opinion, however we have a lot of people on board with this cause!
If you don't share the same passion, PLEASE skip over this thread to other areas on TC that you are more rewarding for you, Brother. We have a job to do here! Save your energy or help add to ours.
I appreciate any others jumping onto Erich's band wagon as having an opinion…others not sharing the same drive on this cause, however, this is my thread!
I am going to keep this OUT of being a "debate" on its "validity" of who "cares" and who does not..and keep it focussed on its intent! If you are inclined to not be onboard, start another thread or head to the Bilge and let out your frustrations!!
Respectfully, We just don't need any more crap distracting the inertia on this guys! I say this with love and a Mai Tai on me, my friend! lol
After finishing lunch here, I think I won't go into the energy of this and again, stay on track. Erich, if you read carefully through ALL the thread, past and present, you will see where you missed an AWEFUL lot of pertinent info that clearly supports the validity of the feelings motivating this thread. Please respect my passion for the cause and my thread. Aloha~

Best way to reach me for art or questions directly is this link: https://www.facebook.com/tom.thordarson.3
OR Search on Facebook for : THOR ART

[ Edited by: THOR's 2014-05-18 14:05 ]

On 2014-05-18 12:44, ErichTroudt wrote:
...they discuss breaking into his property
...threatening to perform illegal acts against him...

Erich, I think you have slightly mischaracterized what I, and a few others, have said. Our messages are pretty clear that we were using humor to take a bit of the edge off the situation and not actively or seriously considering, planning, or advocating illegal actions. I even said so in one of my posts in this thread. This thread has become a circus of sorts, and I'd like to suggest that there is little benefit for you to add fuel to the fire by making claims in an effort to underscore your points. Enuff said. Glad you chimed in though. Are you a friend or family member of Mr. Zhu? Heh, just kidding... Maybe...

Does Mr. Zhu really give a rats behind about Rufus? Everyone sees that the whole thing has blown up in his face. If Rufus is still alive, why doesn't he sell the fish to one of us? Surely many would come forward, buy the fish, and then donate him to Damon's. For Mr. Zhu or his friends or his family to maintain possession of Rufus makes no sense given the big PR mess that comes with hiding or hurting Rufus. To me this suggests that Rufus has very likely already met his demise.

Exactly, Ace!

There was a few days we let off some steam by using levity and said as much in those posts
it was getting tense here & blowing our tops wasn't getting anywhere, by saying that we
actually meant to trespass or commit illegal acts is completely disingenuous and misleading!

Also it was not about getting our way (Placing Rufus in our choice of locations) it was
about Rufus's well being, our empathy for another living creature, we just want to know if
Rufus is alive at this point despite all indications otherwise.

Mr. Zhu & by proxy, Fez Moai has led us to understand certain conditions for the continued well being
of Rufus would be taken care of, unfortunately just the opposite has occurred.

On 2014-05-18 13:17, THOR's wrote:
I will comment in full when I get back to the laptop Erich. You missed many facts...

Theres no need. Responding to me is just going to deflect the purpose of "your" thread. I've said my 2 cents.

To me, a few others, and what looks like the press too, see this a closed chapter.
Good luck with your mission and "your" thread. I apologize if I disrupted "your thread". Besides I don't wanna get banned over this like SandraDee did.

If you are inclined to not be onboard, start another thread or head to the Bilge and let out your frustrations!!

Actually, since this is not a tiki thread.. I purpose everyone who is sick of this being in general use the "Umod" and suggest it be moved to "beyond tiki"....


Thanks Erich! Have a good weekend. By the way, this is VERY MUCH a "Tiki Thread"! The spirit is ABSOLUTELY on point with what makes the Tiki Community something I am proud to be part of!

[ Edited by: THOR's 2014-05-18 14:12 ]

"Stay out of it." the voice in my head keeps telling me. "Stay out of it....."

Just a couple of observations....

Rufus wasn't a pet while Bahooka was open. Rufus and all the other fish (whom, apparently.....nobody gives a hoot about?) were decor. Decor in a restaurant. If he and the others were pets that the original owners and employees loved (after all, we all do love our pets), they would have either taken them with them or arranged for them to be moved to another place long before they closed up.

The present owner bought the restaurant, which included the "decor". Rufus was part of that. Rufus and the others are his property. Everyday he's sitting waiting around for someone to do something with this fish is keeping him from remodeling and opening his new business. It's costing him money. It was pretty decent of him to feed and hold on as long as he did for someone to do something.

Somewhere in the 14 pages of this someone used the phrase, and I'm paraphrasing because I'm not looking for it...."murdered this fish". Sorry, but you cannot murder a fish. Shoot a human and he dies, it's murder. Kill a dog and it's animal cruelty. Catch a fish, cut his head off, gut and scale him and pan fry him and it's lunchtime.


On 2014-05-18 14:01, ErichTroudt wrote:

On 2014-05-18 13:17, THOR's wrote:
I will comment in full when I get back to the laptop Erich. You missed many facts...

Theres no need. Responding to me is just going to deflect the purpose of "your" thread. I've said my 2 cents.

To me, a few others, and what looks like the press too, see this a closed chapter.
Good luck with your mission and "your" thread. I apologize if I disrupted "your thread". Besides I don't wanna get banned over this like SandraDee did.

If you are inclined to not be onboard, start another thread or head to the Bilge and let out your frustrations!!

Actually, since this is not a tiki thread.. I purpose everyone who is sick of this being in general use the "Umod" and suggest it be moved to "beyond tiki"....

Well Sandra Dee was only banned because she threatened a few people (Do you condone this kind of behavior?)
and not for her criticisms of this thread or the Rufus situation.

Also it is not a "closed chapter" until we know what happened to Rufus, you are free to not care
just as some of us are to care, but it is not up to you to decide when it is over
so your sentiments are essentially meaningless.


"Howlinow"… Again, Respect the purpose of the thread or refrain from not respecting the motivations of those driving this. Your statements were addressed pages ago, regarding "property rights" VS Moral rights and that Rufus was a pet…a pet tot this community. Again, I have discussed with several friends here who are Moderators over this year about Tiki Central and how this happens to threads. You get those that are "pissing match passionate". lol Some people seem to take joy in pissing on other peoples sand castles. Go make your own castle…and talk about it! I won't piss on it..or kick it over because I prefer more shells or a kelp flag. Just contribute or pass over the thread heading…. Ok? Really, I am asking with best spirit! This thread is to pursue answers and again, closure we are not getting…if you aren't down with helping..GO DO SOMETHING or make something ….please~

Best way to reach me for art or questions directly is this link: https://www.facebook.com/tom.thordarson.3
OR Search on Facebook for : THOR ART

[ Edited by: THOR's 2014-05-18 14:30 ]

so your sentiments are essentially meaningless.

Yet you bothered to reply to them.... Therefore deflecting Thors purpose of this thread...which he just asked people not to do.

but it is not up to you to decide when it is over

but its up to you to decide its not over? huh...I didn't realized you opinion should be valued more than mine.

Bottom line here is, I gave my opinion, some liked it some didn't. I apologized for deflecting the thread. It was done.
Then along comes you to kick the hornets nest again...

Some people just aren't gracious in victory I guess.

So before you hit reply, maybe do like Thor says and keep the focus....

I got no problems stop posting on this thread, unless people keep provoking me saying offensive stuff, telling me my opinions don't matter and I'm related to the owner....


"Editrix" I apologize….meant to get right back to you and got distracted here. Shared your site/video on FB! Thanks buddy for caring! Yes, I do have another idea/s for more cartoons on this saga. I just might sketch a few up. I need to read back here…there were others with great ideas for social network energy! Again, thanks!!

Best way to reach me for art or questions directly is this link: https://www.facebook.com/tom.thordarson.3
OR Search on Facebook for : THOR ART

[ Edited by: THOR's 2014-05-18 14:38 ]

Rufus may have been property, but isn't preservation of all things Tiki especially those things associated with historical spots an important facet of this movement (correct me if I'm wrong). If it's okay to put tons of energy into preserving lamps, plastic parrots and wooden idols (all of which I love and am grateful for the lengths people go to find and preserve) isn't it worth it to try and put some energy into a living creature that represented a beloved restaurant? Even if you don't have empathy for Rufus as a living creature (because he was"property") doesn't his place in the history of the Bahooka (I've got mugs with his visage on them) count for something.

I don't think anyone is peeing in your sand Thor.

I'm sure everyone hopes for a good outcome for the fish. I only wish I had been to the Bahooka once!

I don't think it's the good sentiment that is bothering some, it's the bad. The fish cause is great, but some might see these threads as 14 + pages of conjecture & slander. Wasn't it the negativity that caused the first thread to shut down?

But what do I know? Best of luck with the press Thor!

On 2014-05-18 14:36, ErichTroudt wrote:

so your sentiments are essentially meaningless.

Yet you bothered to reply to them.... Therefore deflecting Thors purpose of this thread...which he just asked people not to do.

but it is not up to you to decide when it is over

but its up to you to decide its not over? huh...I didn't realized you opinion should be valued more than mine.

Bottom line here is, I gave my opinion, some liked it some didn't. I apologized for deflecting the thread. It was done.
Then along comes you to kick the hornets nest again...

Some people just aren't gracious in victory I guess.

So before you hit reply, maybe do like Thor says and keep the focus....

I got no problems stop posting on this thread, unless people keep provoking me saying offensive stuff, telling me my opinions don't matter and I'm related to the owner....

Just to add some clarity since your post is all over the place contextually
And you have a penchant for misinterpretation & inaccuracy

I am assuming that you are addressing my comment and someone else's with a blanket reply?
Just what "victory" are you referring to?
Just whom, said you are not entitiled to your opinion?
Just whom is kicking the proverbial hornets nest?

As a matter of fact it was you whom posted a declaration for us to stop pursuing this matter
which is much more then simply stating an opinion, then you seem surprised & indignant of a rebuttal, seriously?

"This is beating a dead horse. It has to stop...people calling for "justice" and saying the owner needs to be held accountable for actions....its gone to far.
people keep demanding an answer that has been already given... Rufus is alive according to his owner.
Its done.
Just because he didn't end up where "you" wanted is no reason to keep dragging this out.
Its over."

But you then use nonfactual and inaccurate statements to make your point, so of course your sentiments are essentially meaningless
since they are not based on fact, I also surmise your true intention was the debasement of our activities
also to devalue our concerns, which again is more then just an opinion.

On 2014-05-18 12:44, ErichTroudt wrote:
Actually, that summary is missing a lot of what has transpired.

Lets all take a moment and look at this from a distance, I know some you you have "skin in the game" but just for a second lets review and consider some thoughts....

If the owner didn't care about rufus why would he have kept him around as long as he did? We know for a Fact he left rufus there and did construction around him because it he knew it would be harmful to move him.
We know for a fact he paid someone (jorge) to take care of him.

Why would he do this if he didn't care? He would have thrown him in the dumpster and continued on.

He gave a deadline of wanting to sell rufus. Tiki central and newspaper and fundraisers went to work...but if you review old threads, by the time damons agreed and measurements were made it was way past the deadline...
There was even possibilities of private owners but people on this website kept saying he should go somewhere public..

moving rufus safely became less important than moving him safely to a place "you" wanted.

The owner then changes his mind because the deadline was missed. Says he will build a tank. Says you can donate to the transport and tank.... people balk at that idea...why? because rufus isn't going where "they" want..... people come on here and say horrible rude things about him, his character, his business etc.

Why? because he changed his mind? Because you all missed the deadline? Because rufus didn't go where "you" wanted?

Rufus disappears...rumors abound.....is he in a tank? is he in the long beach river? is he in the pond?

People automatically assume the worst and call him more names....

the owner finally replies to the press, "rufus is alive and well in a pond"

a pond is better than the dumpster..... so obviously he still must care about the fish

people call him more names, say its not appropriate living space (even though internet video proves otherwise) and demand a picture... they discuss breaking into his property

They make demands after calling him more horrible names, a liar and threatening to perform illegal acts against him... then everyone sits back and wonders and complains why he won't come up with a picture?

In the chinese culture, "face" is a big thing. Once the owner said "he's alive and well", the press calling back and asking him to prove it is the owner losing face....you politely called him a liar, and I would be surprised if he ever speaks about it again...

That all said, the biggest thing here is... Rufus is a fish. Few different turns in life and hes on a south american dinner plate. Fish die every day being transported to pet stores, peoples houses,...we've all flushed a dead one down the toilet. He could die in the pond, he could have died at damons, he could just die for any reason, everything does..

This is beating a dead horse. It has to stop...people calling for "justice" and saying the owner needs to be held accountable for actions....its gone to far.

people keep demanding an answer that has been already given... Rufus is alive according to his owner.

Its done.

Just because he didn't end up where "you" wanted is no reason to keep dragging this out.

Its over.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2014-05-18 16:52 ]

First and foremost, I hope Rufus is alive and thriving. I still have hopes in seeing him at Damon's, where I occasionally stop in for happy hour.

Of course, if Rufus were alive and thriving, it is far more likely than not confirmation of this fact would exist. There has been far more than enough time for any corroboration to have been posted.

Furthermore, if one were an business owner, one would attempt to positively market the business, including Rufus, to my likely customer base, not hide and dodge obvious questions.


Where's Fez?? Simple question since he supposedly has the answer.. So he says.. Has he gone into hiding? Maybe the tiki community should treat him by ignoring him and disrespecting him like he has done to us time and time again? Just saying… Or maybe that doesn't matter now that he has sold his wares?? Not ohana

[ Edited by: ron-tiki 2014-05-18 20:47 ]

[ Edited by: ron-tiki 2014-05-18 21:10 ]

On 2014-05-18 20:41, ron-tiki wrote:
Where's Fez?? Simple question since he supposedly has the answer.. So he says.. Has he gone in hiding? Maybe the tiki community should treat him by ignoring him and disrespecting him like he has done to us time and time again? Just saying… Or maybe that doesn't matter now that he has sold his wares?? Not ohana

I had hoped to see Fez' photos of Rufus, although I am not surprised that they have not materialized, particularly after THOR's post appropriately raising the issue of possible photoshopped photos.


I have to say, this has been one of the strangest things in my experiences on T.C. Yes, the Rufus stuff, but also my wanting desperately to understand you, Fez. I just don't get the constant "tease" throughout this whole thing. I want to understand, truly, and my only feeling is not one of dislike or judgement, but just question as to your intent. Especially when you have expressed that you feel very victimized here.
The recent Rufus photo claims really sent me over the top. I cannot imagine why one would claim such a thing and vanish. kinna cruel. As I mentioned, it just was "begging" for attention..and not good attention, if not anger. In keeping with the focus of this thread to share as a community, information and passion for this cause, the photos WOULD have been at least a welcome glint of hope, IF real.

This entire saga has been exhausting to keep a positive heading into the wind. I have to say, I have experienced nothing like this! it's been a TOTAL MIND F…K! To say the least lol



Erich, agreed.



PJC, Please pass over this thread. You have had nothing to contribute at all except disrespect and sarcasm. Find something worth while to do, please! Thanks!

On 2014-05-19 08:57, THOR's wrote:

This really captures the sadness that many of us are feeling right now, Tom
very nice job.

Had my morning coffee in my "Rufus" mug. Never thought I'd feel sentimental about a fish. He's the last living part of something I wish I could still experience. Loved having a Mai Tai on a hot day after work at the bar and always said "Hey Rufus" when I walked into the place that was a refuge from an ugly day. I hope this turns out well.


Shovinoff.... "That was a really cool "moment" in words my friend... You "Get it..." and THAT is definitely what "Tiki" embodies... THANKS so much for contributing!!

On 2014-05-19 15:20, shovinoff wrote:
Had my morning coffee in my "Rufus" mug. Never thought I'd feel sentimental about a fish. He's the last living part of something I wish I could still experience. Loved having a Mai Tai on a hot day after work at the bar and always said "Hey Rufus" when I walked into the place that was a refuge from an ugly day. I hope this turns out well.

I was so looking forward to having a similar feeling at Damon's.
Even better, I was looking forward to keeping one of the most beloved aspects of Bahooka's and transferring it another well-deserving Tiki bar from the post-war era.

I didn't read through all of the ( fight) but I was just thinking about Rufus the other day so I popped in here to check and see about his fate. I'm unclear? what happened? just point me to the page # and I'll read it. I don't want to just go by the drawing of carrots this way in Davey Jones Locker. Thats too sad.

Nothing happened. There are no facts or actual reliable information in any of the pages.

Everyone is hoping for the best outcome.

On 2014-05-19 15:40, THOR's wrote:
Shovinoff.... "That was a really cool "moment" in words my friend... You "Get it..." and THAT is definitely what "Tiki" embodies... THANKS so much for contributing!!

Thanks for having me. My story?? OK! My Dad, who ran restaurants in Arcadia, San Marino and St. Croix, USVI, used to take the family to the W. Covina Bahooka 1n 1971. I was 10 years old and we had a blast. My little brother and I used to play on the artillery gun in the parking lot. We opened an ice cream parlor called the Tahitian Hut in Rowland Heights. We always reminisced about the Bahooka years after it closed. Forty years later, on a long drive home I was on Rosemead av and saw The Bahooka! all those years I never knew about the other restaurant. It became my new favorite place and had several birthday parties there. My brother said "Wow, is that the gun?" I'm almost glad I didn't know they were closing, as I would have gone nuts trying to find a way to buy it or the stuff or just drink all the Mai Tais. So now I'm working on my own little Bahooka at home in Riverside. I found TC looking for any stuff from Bahooka. One door closes and another opens! Thanks to Suzanne and Stacy for the company and cold ones. Hope to meet y'all at a tiki function or bar soon. Cool art,Thor!

On 2014-05-20 08:53, shovinoff wrote:

On 2014-05-19 15:40, THOR's wrote:
Shovinoff.... "That was a really cool "moment" in words my friend... You "Get it..." and THAT is definitely what "Tiki" embodies... THANKS so much for contributing!!

Thanks for having me. My story?? OK! My Dad, who ran restaurants in Arcadia, San Marino and St. Croix, USVI, used to take the family to the W. Covina Bahooka 1n 1971. I was 10 years old and we had a blast. My little brother and I used to play on the artillery gun in the parking lot. We opened an ice cream parlor called the Tahitian Hut in Rowland Heights. We always reminisced about the Bahooka years after it closed. Forty years later, on a long drive home I was on Rosemead av and saw The Bahooka! all those years I never knew about the other restaurant. It became my new favorite place and had several birthday parties there. My brother said "Wow, is that the gun?" I'm almost glad I didn't know they were closing, as I would have gone nuts trying to find a way to buy it or the stuff or just drink all the Mai Tais. So now I'm working on my own little Bahooka at home in Riverside. I found TC looking for any stuff from Bahooka. One door closes and another opens! Thanks to Suzanne and Stacy for the company and cold ones. Hope to meet y'all at a tiki function or bar soon. Cool art,Thor!

What an entrance, Shovinoff!

Is the Tahitian Hut in Rowland Heights related to the one in San Francisco?
Please post any photos you have or of any other "urban archaeology" artifacts.


Wow, I go on vacation and everyone goes crazy.


On 2014-05-15 15:33, PiPhiRho wrote:
When you post look below the "Message Body" box. There is a link that says, "Add Images To Your Post". That will tell you how to do it.

Basically, you upload the image to Tiki Central from your machine. It will give you a link and you have to copy and paste that link into your post. If you are on a mobile device (eg, ipad) that won't let you copy/paste, then write the link down verbatim on a piece of paper and then type it into your post.

They were sent via text to me. I haven't been able to send them to my email to post because it doesn't allow me to for some reason.

On 2014-05-20 18:23, Fez Moai wrote:
Wow, I go on vacation and everyone goes crazy.

Forgive my incredulity, but you've got to be kidding.

[ Edited by: TikiTacky 2014-05-20 18:34 ]


There wasn't a single PM sent to me, so how bad were you guys really looking for those pics?

On 2014-05-20 18:33, Fez Moai wrote:

They were sent via text to me. I haven't been able to send them to my email to post because it doesn't allow me to for some reason.

Post what kind of phone and OS you have and I'm sure people would be happy to help get instructions to get them out of your phone.

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