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Hula Sue's South Seas Hideaway

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John, I am new to Tiki Central and have just spent 2 hours looking at this thread. First up, I hope you are feeling better. I am so sorry about your accident. Next I want to say that your photos and your room are the most amazing thing I have seen in a long time. Every photo of the progress is awe-inspring until you get to the next one. You are a creative genius. I am so looking forward to seeing more of your dream come to life on this thread.

Have fun at the Madagascar premier. My 8 year old son and I can't wait to see it. He keeps telling me "June 8th, mommy!!!" He is marking the days on a calendar.



Hi John -

Just checking in to see if things are going well, and if you accomplished the goal of getting the bar done by the Madagascar 3 wrap/premiere party?


When you get "done" with your lounge John, you can easily charge admission for the tours. Looking forward to seeing more pics of your work. I am keeping my eyes on that airline seating as it is just totally genius!!! Along with your figurehead bamboo bar and mapped booth. Keep those pictures coming. Hope you are recovering well.

Been awhile since I looked at this thread and seeing the updates. This room is such eye candy for a tikiphile. Excellent job Mr PuPu. Just dont forget to wash your pants :DD. JK! Aloha!!!!


Sir Pupu pants,

Your postings have been an inspiration and a terrifying challenge to me! I simply cannot put into words what I'm sure everybody that has EVER looked at your thread feels. I wish you a full recovery, and congratulate you on an accomplishment that few (if any) could ever achieve, even if it never gets "finished." I can guarantee you that there isn't a single soul on these boards who would give their right coconut for what you've already done in your basement!

I will be starting my own build soon, and rest assured; I WILL steal a LOT of your ideas. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the inspiration!

Tiki Tex


Keeping hope alive that this bar finally got completed?


Bumping this thread in hopes that Mr. Pupu is still lurking these forums! Wherefore art thou!??

Hi Guys, I'm still out here. :)
As you know, I got a little side-tracked with a car accident last year. Unfortunately, he status of my arm is about the same. I remain very hopeful (and say alot of prayers for strength) but life goes on.
I can't draw like I once could and am learning to do some things left-handed but, one way or or another,
that damn bar is going to be finished (along with every other project I have going)
I have actually been dividing my time between working on Hula Sue's and working on my short film (got a new camera and a steadicam dying to be used) so I have been busy (which helps alot). The film is a short sci-fi story I wrote that will star my actor/son and some actor/friends. I'm sure having a blast getting geared up for it. Here are a couple of pre-production illustrations of a costume and one of the models (please ignore lighting direction -- was just playing around with artwork and titles, etc. :)

The interior of the lander/vehicle (being built partly from old commercial airplane cockpit parts and lots of lights and switches) is going to end up integrated into the space-themed home theater room of our house. The 'suit' part of the space-suits were made by a company back east that does leather motorcycle riding suits. I sent them my design and they made them exact. Really fun to try 'em on.
One new addition to Hula Sue's is a piece of signage in the form of a riveted sheet metal replica section of B-17 bomber 'nose art'. It features a painted Hula Sue among the clouds :) I'll take a picture and post that soon.

Big Kahuna, Jokeii, Queen Amy, pwest71, forgotten tikiman: thank you so much for the the encouragement. It helps more than you guys know. Coming to Tiki Central is always great for lifting my spirits.

KittyKat65: a belated welcome to Tiki Central!
Everything went great for Madagascar 3. I'm so glad to hear your son likes those movies. I passed that info on to my brother, Tom. Those kind of things are really nice to hear. In fact, once Mad 3 wrapped, Tom was asked by Ben Stiller to direct his next live-action movie. It's called Rent-a-Ghost and the script is great. I've been able to help out on that a tiny bit with some pre-production editing of sample effects clips for the writers/producers. Any chance to work on something with my brother is always the best.

Tiki Tex: would you consider substituting a right arm in leiu of the coconut?
I wish you all the fun and good fortune there is on your new Tiki Bar project and I'll look forward to seeing it here at Tiki Central. Thank so much for the very kind words.

Tiki-ESP: Thanks for the encouagement and reminders to climb out of my cave and say hello once in a while :)

[ Edited by: Mr. Pupu Pants 2012-09-26 02:58 ]

[ Edited by: Mr. Pupu Pants 2013-03-14 19:40 ]

Mr. Pupu Pants, my girlfriend was in a car accident and suffers from nerve damage in her legs so I've seen what it can do. She keeps very positive and busy and it sounds like you do too.
Your lounge area is amazing and your creativity is inspiring.
I like the sound of the B-17 nose art, I can't wait to see the picture of that. The short film sounds like a fun project.
Please tell your brother the Madagascar movies are very good. I got to be on a test screening for Madagascar 2 and even with part of the movie in story board it was still good.

Your Sci Fi project sounds interesting, Have you been following "Alfonso Cuaron" Gravity
that is currently in production?


Good to see that you are still lurking these forums! :)

I'm soo excited to see the progress of the bar, and your film project. Your description of the interior of your house (beyond the bar)..sounds amazing! Sheet metal riveted to replicate the front of a B-47 bomber? AWESOME!!

Now if I only had my own house to do with it what I want. You think the landlord would be ok with tearing down a wall, or adding cool stuff!

And I have to say when you mention making the interior of old parts from planes and stuff...my response is ,"Of course?! Brilliant!" If I only lived in the northwest I would help out with the bar space. But all i can do is change my enthusiasm through font! Feel the power!

[ Edited by: Tiki-ESP 2012-09-24 13:36 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki-ESP 2012-09-24 13:39 ]


GOOD to hear from you. (Sorry, been outa commish, trying to earn the shekels needed to feed the Tiki habit...)

Press on, regardless!

Keep getting better my friend.

If you are ever in San Diego county please look us up.

JOHN!!!! I missed your post when it was fresh! So glad to hear you are keeping busy, I know the value of that firsthand. Good to see that you still pop in here from time to time. Keep on getting better and keep on creating!


Sorry to hear about your arm, but I am sure a talented guy like you will find a way around it. The movie looks really neat and sounds very interesting. I can't wait to see the pics of the riveted metal sheet section, I know it has to be insanely awesome. Good to see you still lurking around. :)

John!!!!!!!!!1 good to see you back, we certainly missed you. Sorry you are still not up to par, but you keep working at it, you'll finish that bar! It looks amazing. Your film project looks like fun, good luck with it!



I'm new to tiki and perusing the threads for ideas. Um, wow! You've really set the bar high. I'm a writer and love the idea of constructing a story for the space, and will steal/borrow that for The Naughty Coconut.

Hope you're continuing to recover!

[ Edited by: cyndigo 2013-02-19 00:00 ]

Glad to hear you're still alive and checking in with us. I too was one of the many who stalked your progress. I hope that soon you'll be able to continue your work. In the meantime have fun with your movie. I'm amazed at your creativity!

Dagg posted on Tue, Feb 19, 2013 11:59 AM

Freakin spectacular bar, One of my favs.
I cant wait to see the finished diorama.


Hello my friends!
I sure have missed you guys :) One way or another, Hula Sue's shall be 'completed'. I can't thank you enough for all the words of support. It seriously means a lot. I've been back at work in the bar and finishing up some projects. One of the projects is a custom base for my Enchanted Tiki Room bird statue. The base that comes with it is pretty basic and contemporary looking and not very Tiki Room-like. (I never understood why they mounted such an amazingly cool statue on something so plain.
To jazz it up a bit I built a small crate that covers the base and added a bamboo pole to cover the black support rod. I also made a shell nameplate like the one Jose has in Disneyland. Somehow, I ended up with two of these birds -- so I made custom bases for both.

I've decided to keep only one of the birds so I actually put the other one with it's new custom extra base up for auction on eBay if any of you are interested.
Here's what it looks like:

and here's the link to the one on eBay:

I have more to post very soon. You guys are the best. Thanks again :)

[ Edited by: mr. pupu pants 2013-03-14 23:54 ]

JOHN'S BACK!!!!!!!!

Hope this means you are doin' better and will drop in on us more often! That bird definately needed a base upgrade and, in true Mr Pupu pants fashion, you did an amazing job

Welcome back.

Mr PuPu Pants :D. That bird looks awesome!!! Glad to hear from you again. Cant wait to see the completed work of Hula Sues. One of my favorit home bars on here :)


Cool to see you back, cool to see your bird improvement! Keep at it, my friend...

Welcome back Mr. Pupupants! Great work on the stand. Looking forward to seeing what you'll do next, I'm sure it will be amazing, as always.


On 2013-03-14 20:29, Mr. Pupu Pants wrote:
I've been back at work in the bar...

This is the best news in a long, long time.

I never felt it proper to comment, regarding your injuries, but I have thought
about you many, many times and sent you my very best wishes, in my own small way.

Best of luck Mr. Pupu Pants!!

Yes indeed...nothing like a Tiki project at home to keep you motivated in life. Jose looks maaahvulus. Recovery from accidents is a struggle, but you can do it and everyone is rooting for you. Like they say "when life gives you lemons, make lemoncello!!!"

Thanks so much Guys. Always makes me feel better to visit Tiki Central. :wink:

UPDATE: it sold on eBay today for $338. To be honest - a bit disappointing. The last two or three of these I saw sell on eBay went in the $500 -$700 range -- And none of those came with any extras. Dang. My fault - should have had a reserve.

If life gives you lemons, throw them at passing cars! :wink:

You guys are the best :)

Here's that Nose art sign I was talking about. Not sure where it will hang yet. Possibly on the Ceiling above the bar.
I'll be posting more stuff very soon.

FYI - I'm selling some extra stuff on eBay throughout this week if any of you are interested (Mostly Hawaiiana stuff)




On 2013-04-14 15:18, Mr. Pupu Pants wrote:
Here's that Nose art sign I was talking about. Not sure where it will hang yet. Possibly on the Ceiling above the bar.

Oooh...that reminds me of a company back in the (cough!) 80s that would customize leather fighter & bomber jackets with the Nose Art of your choice. I remember it was brutally expensive, $400 or so back when that was real money. But it'd be excellent to have!


John, I love looking back at all the pics. I always spot something new! Awesome work, hope you are doing well.

What a wonderful source of inspiration!

well its good to see you back and working on that wonderful space! we missed you!!!


On 2013-03-14 20:29, Mr. Pupu Pants wrote:
Hello my friends!
I sure have missed you guys :) One way or another, Hula Sue's shall be 'completed'. I can't thank you enough for all the words of support. It seriously means a lot. I've been back at work in the bar and finishing up some projects. One of the projects is a custom base for my Enchanted Tiki Room bird statue. The base that comes with it is pretty basic and contemporary looking and not very Tiki Room-like. (I never understood why they mounted such an amazingly cool statue on something so plain.
To jazz it up a bit I built a small crate that covers the base and added a bamboo pole to cover the black support rod. I also made a shell nameplate like the one Jose has in Disneyland. Somehow, I ended up with two of these birds -- so I made custom bases for both.

I've decided to keep only one of the birds so I actually put the other one with it's new custom extra base up for auction on eBay if any of you are interested.
Here's what it looks like:

and here's the link to the one on eBay:

I have more to post very soon. You guys are the best. Thanks again :)

[ Edited by: mr. pupu pants 2013-03-14 23:54 ]

That is one beautiful bird! And your stand has such a professionally made look to it.

WOW, what an amazing build. This is so inspirational to me. Thank you so much John,
All the best in your recovery.

I just read through the entire thread. Beautiful work. The lighting so far is incredible as is level of detail. Amazing



Mr. Pupu..

Always glad to hear on updates. Look forward to final completion photos, and then the invite to come over :)


Holy crap, not sure how I've missed this thread. All caught up now. Brilliant stuff. I'm starting work on my own bar soon- worked as a film/ commercial grip for 10+ years, so will be using my old set building skills- though my design is not as, um, advanced, as your work. All the best to you!

Looking forward to any kind of a sneak peek of the sci-fi film. Classic Tiki and classic sci-fi are two of my favorite vices.

"Anyone who has ever seen them is thereafter haunted as if by a feverish dream" Karl Woermann

[ Edited by: uncle trav 2014-03-05 17:21 ]


Mr. PuPu PaNtS -

Hope things are going well up in your neck of the woods.
How are you doing?
How's the bar coming along?
Any updates :)


Just checking in...

KAHAKA posted on Tue, Mar 3, 2015 6:47 AM

Never forgotten! Bumpity bump bump. Bump.

I just looked through this whole thread. Amazing lounge! I hope you are well; looking forward to updates!


On 2015-03-03 06:47, KAHAKA wrote:
Never forgotten! Bumpity bump bump. Bump.

Same here.

Anyone hear from Mr. Pupu Pants. This has always been one of my favorite threads. I hope thing are ok.


Uncle T, appears his last postings on TC were in early 2013. IMO his home Tiki bar was in the top tier of the best I've seen on TC.

Dear god Mr PuPu you are awesome! Been looking at your stuff and hope I can come close to emulating just a bit of what you have done!


On 2016-12-31 05:03, uncle trav wrote:
Anyone hear from Mr. Pupu Pants. This has always been one of my favorite threads. I hope thing are ok.

Deeply miss this thread.

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