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flair bartending

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Okay, I'm into the civility thing. And the bartending content of the latest post is solid.

Angostura 1919... good stuff. Very good in my humble opinion. It'd be a shame to mix with it, or at least to mix it in a heavy drink that obscures the fragile dry oaky yet slightly vanilla scent and taste. [/rum snobbery]

I think it is best on ice with a little San Pellegrino... maybe a curl of lime zest.

But then again, if the recipe came from Angostura themselves and uses the 1919.. who am I to argue. And it is pretty straight forward. A coloda. I just hate to see some thick coco lopez cover up that nice rum. Not that lopez is bad stuff, but it can be awfully dominant.

I'd be inclined to keep it simple though. Maybe fresh squeezed juices and a little bit of high quality sugar syrup, Angostura brand bitters, that sort of thing. A petit punch, maybe..

Now orange bitters from Angostura... this is big news. I am all ears. Do tell.


I guess I would like to thank the three of you "Barwizards","CocktailStars","tomdyerFLAIR" for being the biggest flaming hemorrhoids we've been able to claim a minor enjoyment of! :D

On 2006-11-13 18:46, Atomic Cocktail wrote:
Watch Tommy Boy

Interesting video Tom in that you don't make one friggin' drink. Can we be upfront? This isn't bartending, it's JUGGLING BOTTLES!

Oh my God!
Bill Gates is trying to join Cirque Du Soleil! :lol:
Anyone actually see him MIX a drink? :lol:
Has anyone ever TRIED one of his drinks? :lol:

No one here wants the "flair" don't you get it! :x

On 2006-11-14 13:26, tomdyerFLAIR wrote:
Fair enough if your not into it, but when peopl start ridiculing flair and class it as "monkeys that throw bottles around" Thats when I (and many others take offence). As I said I know some people don't like it and thats just a fact of life. Some people don't like mixology either. (Not me though).

There is always going to be this argument between flair and mixology, I'm just trying to put my point across.

Oh please Tom!
I said Bill Gates, (GEEK), not Monkeys....at least Monkeys are cute in a primitive sorta way! :lol:
Yea, "some people don't like mixology either"......who's that the BEER drinkers or the drunken college girls?
There is not always going to be this argument between flair and mixology because on this site the difference is clear! YOU are invading our space and have no f***ing idea what you're talking about in relation to THIS site! :evil:

On 2006-11-14 03:08, CocktailStars wrote:
ps more assumptions- I told Tom about the link which I found by chance on google

Didn't anyone ever explain to you that if you Google yourself too often you'll go blind? :lol:
Then how are you going to juggle bottles or mix drinks? :P

On 2006-11-14 13:26, tomdyerFLAIR wrote:
when peopl start ridiculing flair and class it as "monkeys that throw bottles around" Thats when I (and many others take offence).

Monkeys throwing around bottles would at least be entertaining.

I'll give credit where credit is due though: a recipe is attempted in this video.

On 2006-11-14 14:42, CocktailStars wrote:
Ok, so are we all agreed we can move on from this little spat.

Perhaps Neil's inital post wasn't clear enough in asking for your Tiki feedback because it wasn't clear enough that BWTV is a complete bartending show. And perhaps the somewhat harsh response bought out the flair defences.

Let's hope flair and mixology can live harmoniously - after all its all about great drinks.

I HAVE actually been on this site before, but not posted, since I haven't had any tiki knowledge to add - or questions to answer that I couldn't find advice with already.

But since we are starting a fresh... Here's some topics we can all discuss together and hopefully get some ideas for a future episode of BWTV? We'll certainly suggest visiting a tiki bar for a feature!

We've had the opportunity of working with some great Tiki names to produce some themed Tiki Bars - Cheeky Tiki built us a wonderful themed facia, and provided some great mugs and props! (Thanks again Angie & Jamie!)

We are also enjoying working with Angostura Rum, and have some 1919 Rum to experiment with- we'd love to know your recipes. Here is a simple recipe given to us by Angostura which we mixed up at the National Television Awards last month to great success:

  • 50ml Angostura 1919
  • 3 pieces fresh lime, squeezed and dropped into the drink
  • 5ml coconut cream
  • 75ml pineapple juice
    Method: Shake with ice and double strain into a chilled coupe glass. Garnish with a lime wedge.

Here's some more news -Angostura are launching new orange bitters - we have a couple of sample bottles and so far have had lots of fun experimenting with them? What are your favourite recipes with orange bitters - we'd like to know so we can try them out with this new product.


Well, so much for civility.

On 2006-11-16 12:39, GatorRob wrote:
Well, so much for civility.

I blame Bush.

OK--I've been fairly indifferent to this thread until now but at this juncture I MUST say something. Sabu, what's the "The Care Bear & The Dalai Lama" joke?

It is a very funny joke.

If I ever get you drunk enough, Pappy, I may tell it to you.


The "Flair" Cocktail:

2 oz stale horse piss
1 oz cloudy apple cider vinegar
Dash of angostura orange bitters.
A turd

Put horse piss and vinegar into your anus with plenty of ice. Prance about like a poncy jackanapes being attacked by African killer bees. Pour into a well chilled cocktail glass, dash with Angostura brand orange bitters. Garnish with a turd. For added "flair" stir with your poxy willie before serving.


Atomic, I'm shocked at your post.

How can you recommend stale horse piss? Everyone knows you should accept nothing less than fresh squeezed. For the true aficionado, the more exotic but nearly impossible to obtain Cuban Donkey piss is much more flavorful.


On 2006-11-16 19:02, aquarj wrote:
Atomic, I'm shocked at your post.

How can you recommend stale horse piss? Everyone knows you should accept nothing less than fresh squeezed. For the true aficionado, the more exotic but nearly impossible to obtain Cuban Donkey piss is much more flavorful.


Randy, I'm shocked at your post. Everyone knows you should accept nothing less than buying a black market Cuban Donkey or three and fermenting the real home-grown stuff in your own backyard!


I wondered what had happened to this post....
I must stick up for Kate from CocktailStars, I have known her for quite a while now and she has done an awful lot in the bartending world, flair and mixology, in fact one of her staff was voted the Uks best bartender (mixology)at the Bar show '05.

We have worked with her on various Tiki bar projects, again all well mixed drinks by proper bartenders and will hopefully continue to work with her as she has asked if we would do a podcast on Tiki Bars and Drinks.

If any of you guys are ever in the Uk come have a drink at Mahiki, the bar team is made up of some of the most recognised young talent in the bar world who have been trained by the best. All of the drinks made by them are excellent by mixology standards and almost all are served with an element of theatre (flair?).
The Bikini Blast.... served in a half watermelon with an atomic symbol cut into it, finished with a spray of overproof and a dash of cinnamon to create a small explosion.

I think Tiki drinks especially are about fun, otherwise they wouldn't have such great names and be served in Tiki Mugs with OTT garnishes.

Dare I say it, but even when I was at the Tiki Ti a lot of theatre was used in the making of drinks, the chants of 'Toro' whilst the long pour is made in the Blood & Sand is a perfect example.


Lets kick this one off by saying cool site. And follow it up by saying what a bunch of whiners there are here. 9 Years of bartending experience 4 of beverage consulting (i.e. creating custom cocktail menus. I thought id throw my 2 cents in the well considering ive got plenty to go around. Flair bartending is pretty cool and also very lucrative. So is the proper crafting and belnd of any fine drink. To dismiss either of the two by only citing the actions of the LCD(lowest common denominator) would be foolish. Are there Tom cruise imitating monkeys out there? Yes, more than a handful. Are there morons who purchased a copy of the bartenders little black book out there mixing manhattans by recipe and respouting out knowledge theyve heard like it is there own tried and true methods of cocktail fashoining.Yes, more than a handful.And if read the vodcast is an overall bartending site. They do interview flair bartenders but they also interview many mixologists and give many tips on new/old drinks, products tips and tricks. I am a new fan of this site and can't wait to start posting and regularly getting into the forum but to bash flair bartending as "monkey" is ludacris.Especially when alot of the top competitors (christian delpech, toby ellis) and the men who support flair bartending (bobby g. francesco lafronconi....2 of the top mixologists look them up. So bashing the post which is a general bar post as i see it wasn't very polite as well as to bash those who came to its defense if this wasnt a flair forum then why did you insist on talking about flair??? Regardless I have bartended farlonger than i have flaired and i have never made more money then i do with a little flair(not juggling thats for competitions which i dont compete in)

p.s. I flair and make great drinks to the tune of three 5 hour shifts a week x 1400 a week thats U.S. $'s mind you And ill let you do the yearly yourself. I am open for discussion

On 2006-11-30 08:38, Friendly wrote:
Lets kick this one off by saying cool site. And follow it up by saying what a bunch of whiners there are here.

p.s. I flair and make great drinks to the tune of three 5 hour shifts a week x 1400 a week thats U.S. $'s mind you And ill let you do the yearly yourself. I am open for discussion

Aloha Friendly,

Welcome aboard.

Thanks for insulting us and bragging about how much money you make.

Wow. What a welcome addition to Tiki Central. That's what makes this site such a fantastic place to visit every day.

Can't wait to see what else you have to contribute to the celebration of classic and modern Polynesian Pop that is Tiki Central.


On 2006-11-30 08:38, Friendly wrote:
Lets kick this one off by saying cool site. And follow it up by saying what a bunch of whiners there are here.

p.s. I flair and make great drinks to the tune of three 5 hour shifts a week x 1400 a week thats U.S. $'s mind you And ill let you do the yearly yourself. I am open for discussion

You know, once again, another flair bartender crashes onto this site. Doesn't introduce themselves in the appropriate thread....as mentioned before. Doesn't address or tie the post into Celebrating classic and modern Polynesian Pop http://www.tikicentral.com/about.php, or even indicate an interest in it, and then proceeds to insult us because we are discussing our perceptions on our site based on our focus. Jeez, you're really doing a service to reinforce our negative perceptions of flair bartenders Friendly. Thanks for posting. Look forward to your contributions on classic and modern Polynesian Pop. Do you have any?

We are the whiners? That's a laugh. The first post was spam. "Flair Bartending" is a joke that gets the ridicule it deserves. In fact, it's part and parcel of the world-wide mall phenomena that lets the L.C.D. think crappy, over-priced drinks are acceptable, turns Turkish caravansarai into malls, tears down Trader Vic's, blasts ear splitting levels of Tatu in every conceivable corner and is forcing the world into the giant grey mold of mediocrity.

I don't now how many times I have to say this: The self-proclaimed "Flair Bartending" ( juggling bottles) is not the same as a bartender using flair or showmanship while mixing drinks. In the former, the quality of the drink is self-admittedly second the to show. To equate the two is just a weak attempt at sophistry. So spare us. And read all the posts in the topic.

[ Edited by: Haole'akamai 2006-12-01 08:52 ]


Who needs the bartender for flair when the bar can do it? I wonder what it looks like when you lay your face on it.

Bar Flair



Yep. Everything makes sense and is a-okay if enough dollar signs are tacked onto it.

Say mate, what else you willing to do for money? I can think of something you can do. Can you guess what it is? There's a crisp new five spot in it for ya.

Ahu (-zip-)

Flair bartending has to be the most incredibly f*cking stupid thing since synchronized swimming. Does anyone ever notice how Tom Cruise never, ever, ever mentions that movie (sort of like Charlton Heston never, ever, ever mentioned Planet Of The Apes?)Plus, having a look at the club culture hellholes where I have occasionally witnessed the Benihana-meets-well liquor-meets the "Whooo"-culture-set thing one would imagine the V.D. transmission rate is much lower among the sort of women that the tiki thing attracts than the flair thing. SO I'll just stick with tiki.


Does flair bartending only attract certain women? And do they get V.D. as a result of this? .......:-?

pablus posted on Sat, Dec 2, 2006 8:44 AM
  1. Really looking forward to a visit to Mahiki.
  2. Atomic Cocktail's posts on this thread are the funniest thing I've ever read on TC.
  3. I can juggle an Ohana Hut, 5 lemons, a bottle of rum, an orange, a bottle of orgeat, a gardenia blossom and a shot glass filled with brandy and have it all land on your table as a perfectly blended Scorpion. I did that for Bill Gates and only got a 4 dollar tip.... where are the 100 dollar an hour bartending gigs in the US?

Twenty days and six pages have gone by since my last visit to this forum, and it is just as I feared.

Already, the concept of the monkey bar back has been relegated to ancient history.

COME ON, TCers! This could be something beautiful! Little spider monkeys and tamarins with fezzes, fetching bottles and washing glasses for tips! Sneaking sips out of scorpion bowls when nobody's looking! Sometimes setting things on fire, occassionally even things they're supposed to set on fire!

Don't let the dream die, I beg you! The Tiki Central Monkey Bar Back Corps needs you.

On 2006-12-02 11:12, tikimnky wrote:
Twenty days and six pages have gone by since my last visit to this forum, and it is just as I feared.

Already, the concept of the monkey bar back has been relegated to ancient history.

COME ON, TCers! This could be something beautiful! Little spider monkeys and tamarins with fezzes, fetching bottles and washing glasses for tips! Sneaking sips out of scorpion bowls when nobody's looking! Sometimes setting things on fire, occassionally even things they're supposed to set on fire!

Don't let the dream die, I beg you! The Tiki Central Monkey Bar Back Corps needs you.

As a matter of fact, I am right now interviewing a tamarin, as well as couple of chimps, for Hinky Drinks....


Yes a bunch of whiners!! And not just the tiki loyal the other flair bartenders on here whining and making a mockery of what a bartender should be. See thats the smug kind of responses i expected in a forum like this. I am not an expert on tiki but have visited the sight on many occasions always trying to further my knowledge on everything bar and this was the first thread i felt compelled to register a profile for. I didnt come on here to disrespect, bash or ridicule anyone. I came on to say its a futile task arguing with each other till the end of time because no one will win. I want to be a part of these forums and learn everything i can but to say poly pop or tiki or mixology or flair or anything like that is the purest form of bartending is ignorant and misguided. And the insults are ridiculous im sure your all phenemonal guys and gals but to get in a pissing contest online is ridiculous. Talking about the money was only me explaining how flair is beneficial especially in paying the bills and a means to an end and compiling the most knowledge i can to be a succesfull bartender in any situation I am put in.If anyone read my post and then didnt instanly judge it based on the fact that i flair. it would be my obvious middle stance on the subject and in agreement with both sides. I will be posting in other forums here and trying to learn everything i can from this forum and hope i dont have to deal with any more short sidedness.I want to be down with the tiki culture but not ridiculed about another aspect of my life.Thanks for the advice guys.

P.S.KuKuAhu 5 bucks don't insult me. I have no time for people with short money. Keep the homosexual advances in ohio where they belong.

On 2006-12-02 14:25, Friendly wrote:...I want to be down with the tiki culture but not ridiculed about another aspect of my life....

We are looking forward to talking story with you (and everyone else watching at home) about a lot of things... Tiki, Polypop, The Modern-Savage, etc... Flair, however, is not one of those things we care to talk about generally. Most people here don't like flair as it distracts from the art of a well made drink. While we appreciate the show, that is not why we are in the bar. We are in the bar to have a good drink and talk story with good friends, or at least to meet new good friends.

If you can show us a well made Mai-Tai that can be made while practicing Flair, then we'll talk seriously about flair.

I do like watching a talented mixologist who makes a quality drink, knows where everything is on their bar, pours with pizzazzzzzz and gives great customer service. Flair is fun to watch and if you can get a monkey into this line of work and employ him at a Tiki bar....then the great drinks (by the mixologist) and entertainment (by the monkey) are sure to please. Be sure the monkey is wearing a fez, or the whole affect is blown!!! :P

On 2006-11-30 08:38, Friendly wrote:
Lets kick this one off by saying cool site. And follow it up by saying what a bunch of whiners there are here. 9 Years of bartending experience 4 of beverage consulting (i.e. creating custom cocktail menus. I thought id throw my 2 cents in the well considering ive got plenty to go around. Flair bartending is pretty cool and also very lucrative. So is the proper crafting and belnd of any fine drink. To dismiss either of the two by only citing the actions of the LCD(lowest common denominator) would be foolish. Are there Tom cruise imitating monkeys out there? Yes, more than a handful. Are there morons who purchased a copy of the bartenders little black book out there mixing manhattans by recipe and respouting out knowledge theyve heard like it is there own tried and true methods of cocktail fashoining.Yes, more than a handful.And if read the vodcast is an overall bartending site. They do interview flair bartenders but they also interview many mixologists and give many tips on new/old drinks, products tips and tricks. I am a new fan of this site and can't wait to start posting and regularly getting into the forum but to bash flair bartending as "monkey" is ludacris.Especially when alot of the top competitors (christian delpech, toby ellis) and the men who support flair bartending (bobby g. francesco lafronconi....2 of the top mixologists look them up. So bashing the post which is a general bar post as i see it wasn't very polite as well as to bash those who came to its defense if this wasnt a flair forum then why did you insist on talking about flair??? Regardless I have bartended farlonger than i have flaired and i have never made more money then i do with a little flair(not juggling thats for competitions which i dont compete in)

p.s. I flair and make great drinks to the tune of three 5 hour shifts a week x 1400 a week thats U.S. $'s mind you And ill let you do the yearly yourself. I am open for discussion

OK, lets discuss:

  • Why did [email protected] post spam advertising his video podcasts in a forum called "General Tiki"? If he'd posted his spam in "Beyond Tiki" there'd've been no backlash, in fact very little negative notice at all. So why did he ignore the forum's name in posting his spam here? He won't answer my emails, making me think your friends are using a 'bot to spam sites at random.
  • Why do you and your friends only post here to defend Flair Bartending? This is not a Flair Bartending Forum, but a Forum dedicated to Tiki Culture, and you should post here about Tiki Culture at least once or twice if you're really interested in it. Why haven't you?
  • Why would you want to post here just to defend something that we've spent nearly 10 pages saying we don't like or want to see? It would be like us going into Flair Bartender Forums to say "Hi! Watch this episode of Tiki Bar TV where we slowly and carefully recreate the Don the Beachcomber Mai Tai using ingredients as close to the original as possible!" and then continuing to post in there that you're stupid to not want to do that yourself!
  • Why would Tom Dyer post insults to us here? I know you should never insult a man's religion, his country, his family or his job, but we weren't talking to him. Did he come here expecting us to suddenly become converts to Flair Bartending overnight and decided that if we were going to remain unrepentant in clinging to our ideas of mixology and not his missionary Flair he was going to burn our damn huts down?
  • Why did [email protected] send Tom Dyer here in the first place? Who else is she telling about this in hopes of stirring things up? and why did she feel compelled to then spam us about Orange Bitters from Angostura?
  • Here's a quote from an earlier post of mine to this thread: "True Flair is a combination of Talent & Style that a working Bartender incorporates into His or Her basic tasks." This is basically the definition of Flair used on this board. Do you disagree with it? Why?
  • Why are Flair Forums now posting the address of this thread and egging their readers to coming here to insult us? I found This in just a quick Google search, and I'm sure there's more if I cared to look. Why would you & your friends feel the need to attack another Forum that has nothing to do with Flair, just because a friend of yours was dissed for posting spam in the wrong Forum? C'mon, this isn't the 8th Grade anymore.

What these flair bartenders are doing is essentially the same as crashing a classic car show with the latest Hummer. It might still be an automotive machine, but it has NOTHING to do with why people love classic cars or the aesthetic of classic cars. Classic cars are beautifully-crafted machines of style and elegance that are a joy to ride if well maintained. Hummers (unless you are in the military) are useless, tacky, pompous displays of conspicuous consumption that most people with half a brain and an ounce of culture would never buy.

Personally, I always laugh when I see an Hummer H2 knowing that the owner foolishly paid $50,000 for a glorified Chevy Tahoe. (It's built on the same chassis.)

On 2006-12-03 20:09, freddiefreelance wrote:
...OK, lets discuss:

  • Why are Flair Forums now posting the address of this thread and egging their readers to coming here to insult us? I found This in just a quick Google search, and I'm sure there's more if I cared to look. Why would you & your friends feel the need to attack another Forum that has nothing to do with Flair, just because a friend of yours was dissed for posting spam in the wrong Forum? C'mon, this isn't the 8th Grade anymore.

All Right! It's On! I finally get my Tiki Uprising!

Since I couldn't get Pappy to stage a revolt against the Teachers of Mediocrity, I will just have to settle for all of the drinkers of TC to rise up against the "Stoopid Flair-ers"

To The Bar! Rise up against the Flair-tenders! While they are looking upwards to catch their bottles, steal all of the peanuts from the bar! While they are juggling their bottles, switch all of the lemons with limes in the bar service trays! And the greatest insult..... Look away while they perform and don't applaud them when they are done! For only the bravest of brave.... Don't tip!

There will be casualities..... This is war, after all. But for those that we loose in this battle, know that an endless flow of Mai-Tais served by topless wahine on endless beaches await you.

For those that are simply injured, well... you get a Mai-Tai as well, but no topless wahine for you. :wink:


On 2006-12-03 20:09, freddiefreelance wrote:
...OK, lets discuss:

  • Why are Flair Forums now posting the address of this thread and egging their readers to coming here to insult us? I found This in just a quick Google search, and I'm sure there's more if I cared to look. Why would you & your friends feel the need to attack another Forum that has nothing to do with Flair, just because a friend of yours was dissed for posting spam in the wrong Forum? C'mon, this isn't the 8th Grade anymore.

I just checked out the flair site. As suspected, I believe someone's playing a prank on TC. Yes, the flair site did direct people to this thread, but it seems that the pot is now being stirred. Did you notice the names of the new posters? Scottish Flair Doctors? Mention of paper wallets? We know that "paper wallet" was a prankster. For all we know, "Friendly" is a prankster as well, instead of a troll. Need I say more? Wow, people have a lot of time on their hands if this is the case.

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2006-12-04 09:51 ]

On 2006-12-04 09:48, Coco Loco wrote:
... For all we know, "Friendly" is a prankster as well, instead of a troll. ..

Does this mean I don't get my Uprising?

Come on Pinky, lets go home and start planning for tomorrow night.

What are we going to do tomorrow night, Brain?

The same thing we do everynight, Pinky.... Try to take over the world!


On 2006-12-04 09:58, Chip and Andy wrote:

On 2006-12-04 09:48, Coco Loco wrote:
... For all we know, "Friendly" is a prankster as well, instead of a troll. ..

Does this mean I don't get my Uprising?

Ahh, I'll uprise with you Chip and Andy! Let's think of a cause! Hmmmm, okay, pulling one out of my hat. Which holiday is better?! **Halloween or Christmas? I'll take Halloween!!! ** Not only do we get to dress up in costume but we get CANDY AND BACON! Yes, we get bacon here in Northern California. And theoretically, it's more appropriate to have a tasty tiki beverage on Halloween then on Christmas day...but then again, is there ever an inappropriate time to have a lovely tiki beverage. Well perhaps in church, well...which would tie in with Christmas...so that lops the points to Halloween. Christmas gifts and elves aside, monkeys tie in with halloween nicely. So I'll go with Halloween as the best holiday. MY CAUSE IS MAKING Halloween the best holiday. Anyone who doesn't like Halloween is stupid and I'm going to post on all Anti-Halloween boards that exact point. I'm also going to go on non-Halloween boards and post that point. In fact, I'm gonna go on boards and post that other boards are sayin bad things about Halloween. Gotta go google Halloween now to find some boards to post on. :wink:

P.S. Unless of course there's another cause to uprise against. If there's another one, I'm game!

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2006-12-04 14:34 ]

i like pie

On 2006-12-04 10:16, Coco Loco wrote:

Ahh, I'll uprise with you Chip and Andy! Let's think of a cause! Hmmmm, okay, pulling one out of my hat. Which holiday is better?! **Halloween or Christmas? I'll take Halloween!!! ** Not only do we get to dress up in costume but we get CANDY AND BACON! Yes, we get bacon here in Northern California. And theoretically, it's more appropriate to have a tasty tiki beverage on Halloween then on Christmas day...but then again, is there ever an inappropriate time to have a lovely tiki beverage. Well perhaps in church, well...which would tie in with Christmas...so that lops the points to Halloween. Christmas gifts aside, monkeys tie in with halloween nicely. So I'll go with Halloween as the best holiday. MY CAUSE IS MAKING Halloween the best holiday. Anyone who doesn't like Halloween is stupid and I'm going to post on all Anti-Halloween boards that exact point. I'm also going to go on non-Halloween boards and post that point. In fact, I'm gonna go on boards and post that other boards are sayin bad things about Halloween. Gotta go google Halloween now to find some boards to post on. :wink:

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2006-12-04 10:27 ]


Next time you come to Forbidden Island, you better make sure you see me before I see you....


Ah Ms. Haole'akamai,

I LOVE Halloween, as you know. :D I'm not mocking, I'm serious. It is the BEST holiday. I just wish more people appreciated it. That's why I'm starting my campaign to endorse Halloween. My slogan will be "If you don't love Halloween, you're stupid". Alternate slogan, "If don't love Halloween you suck". You should join the campaign. The world will see that * "The Season" *, refers to Halloween, not Christmas. Wow, maybe we can even keep FI's skeleton (you know the pirate by the door) up all year to remind people of the wonderful Halloween season. Sort of like people who keep Christmas lights up all year.

Ahh, that's one I'd like to see. Pictures of homes who keep Christmas decorations up all year. I'm talking Rudolph on the lawn in Summer.

On 2006-12-04 11:37, Haole'akamai wrote:

On 2006-12-04 10:16, Coco Loco wrote:

Ahh, I'll uprise with you Chip and Andy! Let's think of a cause! Hmmmm, okay, pulling one out of my hat. Which holiday is better?! **Halloween or Christmas? I'll take Halloween!!! ** Not only do we get to dress up in costume but we get CANDY AND BACON! Yes, we get bacon here in Northern California. And theoretically, it's more appropriate to have a tasty tiki beverage on Halloween then on Christmas day...but then again, is there ever an inappropriate time to have a lovely tiki beverage. Well perhaps in church, well...which would tie in with Christmas...so that lops the points to Halloween. Christmas gifts aside, monkeys tie in with halloween nicely. So I'll go with Halloween as the best holiday. MY CAUSE IS MAKING Halloween the best holiday. Anyone who doesn't like Halloween is stupid and I'm going to post on all Anti-Halloween boards that exact point. I'm also going to go on non-Halloween boards and post that point. In fact, I'm gonna go on boards and post that other boards are sayin bad things about Halloween. Gotta go google Halloween now to find some boards to post on. :wink:

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2006-12-04 10:27 ]


Next time you come to Forbidden Island, you better make sure you see me before I see you....


Ah Ms. Haole'akamai,

I LOVE Halloween, as you know. :D I'm not mocking, I'm serious. It is the BEST holiday. I just wish more people appreciated it. That's why I'm starting my campaign to endorse Halloween. My slogan will be "If you don't love Halloween, you're stupid". Alternate slogan, "If don't love Halloween you suck". You should join the campaign. The world will see that * "The Season" *, refers to Halloween, not Christmas. Wow, maybe we can even keep FI's skeleton (you know the pirate by the door) up all year to remind people of the wonderful Halloween season. Sort of like people who keep Christmas lights up all year.

Ahh, that's one I'd like to see. Pictures of homes who keep Christmas decorations up all year. I'm talking Rudolph on the lawn in Summer.

On 2006-12-04 11:37, Haole'akamai wrote:

On 2006-12-04 10:16, Coco Loco wrote:

Ahh, I'll uprise with you Chip and Andy! Let's think of a cause! Hmmmm, okay, pulling one out of my hat. Which holiday is better?! **Halloween or Christmas? I'll take Halloween!!! ** Not only do we get to dress up in costume but we get CANDY AND BACON! Yes, we get bacon here in Northern California. And theoretically, it's more appropriate to have a tasty tiki beverage on Halloween then on Christmas day...but then again, is there ever an inappropriate time to have a lovely tiki beverage. Well perhaps in church, well...which would tie in with Christmas...so that lops the points to Halloween. Christmas gifts aside, monkeys tie in with halloween nicely. So I'll go with Halloween as the best holiday. MY CAUSE IS MAKING Halloween the best holiday. Anyone who doesn't like Halloween is stupid and I'm going to post on all Anti-Halloween boards that exact point. I'm also going to go on non-Halloween boards and post that point. In fact, I'm gonna go on boards and post that other boards are sayin bad things about Halloween. Gotta go google Halloween now to find some boards to post on. :wink:

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2006-12-04 10:27 ]


Next time you come to Forbidden Island, you better make sure you see me before I see you....

Isn't this always the way? Some outside derisive force creates chaos and then the group starts turning on itself. Sorry I got all caught up.

Whew, thank goodness that's over....


I also like penguins. Anyone have an issue with that?

Your not talkin' Emporer are ya.....cause I might have to knock you off your block....wait a minute....did I say that out loud!!!

Halloween is my favorite holiday too....and since we DO NOT....I repeat DO NOT have ANY holidays celebrating the achievements or birthdays of any women in the USA...then we should choose Halloween as an official holiday for celebrating the Witches of Tikwick. We can start off the celebration by dunking "barwizard" in this here pot of boiling oil....then throw him wildly in the air and catch him in this other vat of lizard blood, then slowly pour him into a tall dry-iced zombie mug...now that's a holiday!!!

FATIMA BLUSH: Oh, how reckless of me. I made you all wet.

JAMES BOND: Yes, but my martini is still dry.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2006-12-04 17:22 ]

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-17 17:44 ]


I still like penguins.


Somehow, I missed this thread until today, where I had the pleasure of reading 10 pages of new material. Who says that nothing new or exciting happens on Tiki Central.

Here are a few of random thoughts that entered my head in the past few minutes.

  • I would say most TC people do not want flair when their drinks are being made, but we enjoy our flair when it is sitting on the table in front of us. We like the flair of the design and pattern of a tiki mug, the flair of the texture as we hold it in our hand, and the flair of the garnish sitting on the top of the mug. And yes, we enjoy the flair of flavor sensations as we sip our drink.

  • The above is a long-lasting flair, which can last for many, many minutes, that can last as long as the drink sits before us. It is a more permanent, and yes, more subtle flair, than the obvious temporary flair of a highly skilled flair bartender performing his well-practiced routines and inpromptu juggling acts.

  • Many of us TCers prefer mai-tais, which are best served in a clear glass, I love the slow, subtle, and Zen-like flair of the changing color hues, as the melting ice slowly changes the color from a dark golden brown to a slightly lighter shade. I myself believe this a maturation from my earlier college days, when I would be as equally mesmermized by the constant stream of slowly rising bubbles from my glass of beer.

  • Flair bartending is a distraction, from the drink that is sitting in front of you, to the entertainment that is happening behind the bar. In this sense, it is similar to the blaring television set behind the bar. Flair bartending will be enjoyed most by people who look at the drink sitting in front of them, and see simply a lifeless un-artistic still-life, and are looking for someone to enter their life and say "Look at me, I will provide entertainment for you" And flair bartending (and television too) helps to that need to be entertained.

  • Flair can be very good. When I think of over-the-top flair, I think of Liberace, and I appreciate all the excessive showmanship that he brought to Vegas and the world. One problem that Liberace faced though, was that after many years, people looked at him and saw only his flair, and most came to his shows to see this flair, while fewer and fewer people saw him in terms of being a highly skilled and very talented pianist. I would argu that even the best flair bartender/mixologist is under the same danger -- of having others see you only in terms of flair, at the expense of your precise misology skills.

  • Flair can often be used to mask mediocrity. Very few people would enjoy listening to a group of amateur high school musicans, sitting in classic symphony formation, as they perform various Broadway songs and other popular hits. Few people, other than parents and other overly kind relatives, would want to purchase a recording of this music. But if you put the above group in matching outfits, and have them play while performing synchronized and precise dance steps and movements, then you have the possible making of a Drum and Bugle Corp, or a half-time show at a college football game, and many people - myself included - will be entertained.

  • I wish we had more flair in our lives. I might appreciate if the clerk behind the cash register at K-Mart would spring into a short dance routine, and perform a couple of cartwheels before my eyes -- unless I was in a hurry. Flair can provide elegance, and style, and a subtle grace into our lives - but it is done best as part of one's overall style, and not with a eye glancing to the side to make sure that someone is watching and ready to applaud or tip you. James Bond has lots of flair - but one senses that he acts as he does at all time, and not just when there is a beautiful woman or evil nemesis nearby.

  • I do like the idea of well-trained, fez-wearing monkeys, juggling bottles and making drinks (untouched by human hands!) and I can visualize this happening behind the secret back-door bartending rooms of the Mai Kai. I do applaud the Mai Kai decision, if this is true, to keep this sercret ritual of the drink-making process behind closed doors, as one of the only things cooler than fez-wearing monkeys mixing drinks, is the have a drink made by a secret fez-wearing monkey, but personally served to you by a beautiful woman wearing a revealing tropical outfit.

This is a much wiser choice than having the beautiful women mhidden behind closed doors as they mix the drinks, and having monkeys serve the drinks. I love fez-wearing monkets, but one has to draw the line somewhere.



On 2006-12-04 06:37, Chip and Andy wrote:

All Right! It's On! I finally get my Tiki Uprising!

Since I couldn't get Pappy to stage a revolt against the Teachers of Mediocrity, I will just have to settle for all of the drinkers of TC to rise up against the "Stoopid Flair-ers"

To The Bar! Rise up against the Flair-tenders! While they are looking upwards to catch their bottles, steal all of the peanuts from the bar! While they are juggling their bottles, switch all of the lemons with limes in the bar service trays! And the greatest insult..... Look away while they perform and don't applaud them when they are done! For only the bravest of brave.... Don't tip!

There will be casualities..... This is war, after all. But for those that we loose in this battle, know that an endless flow of Mai-Tais served by topless wahine on endless beaches await you.

For those that are simply injured, well... you get a Mai-Tai as well, but no topless wahine for you. :wink:

I'm willing to be martyred for the cause! Or at least get a Mai Tai! :drink:
If I only get injured, do I at least get to go to the beach still?

On 2006-12-08 12:19, TikiJosh wrote:

On 2006-12-04 06:37, Chip and Andy wrote:

All Right! It's On! I finally get my Tiki Uprising!

Since I couldn't get Pappy to stage a revolt against the Teachers of Mediocrity, I will just have to settle for all of the drinkers of TC to rise up against the "Stoopid Flair-ers"

To The Bar! Rise up against the Flair-tenders! While they are looking upwards to catch their bottles, steal all of the peanuts from the bar! While they are juggling their bottles, switch all of the lemons with limes in the bar service trays! And the greatest insult..... Look away while they perform and don't applaud them when they are done! For only the bravest of brave.... Don't tip!

There will be casualities..... This is war, after all. But for those that we loose in this battle, know that an endless flow of Mai-Tais served by topless wahine on endless beaches await you.

For those that are simply injured, well... you get a Mai-Tai as well, but no topless wahine for you. :wink:

I'm willing to be martyred for the cause! Or at least get a Mai Tai! :drink:
If I only get injured, do I at least get to go to the beach still?


Death (Virtual or otherwise) gets you endless beaches, topless wahine and Mai-Tais.... If you would prefer something other than topless wahine, please submit your request in writing, in triplicate, to the main office.

Severe Injuries (loss of limb, etc..) gets you a trip to the beach with Mai-Tais. Topless wahine can be found on alternate Thursdays. The first Monday of each month will also find well-built Kane in very short sarongs serving the Mai-Tais.

Minor Injuries (breaks, severe bruising, etc...) will earn you trips to the beach OR Mai-Tais. Except for Sundays when you will be rewarded with a nice Spam Brunch while being serenaded by the Enchanting Ukelele of Roy Smeck.

Any other injuries, real or perceived and may include headaches, backaches, hang-nails but exclude in-grown hairs or nails, will earn you a reduced price for an ad in Tiki Magazine or a nice Spam Brunch, but not both. You must spin the Wheel-of-Destiny to see what you have won, but we should include here that the Wheel-of-Destiny includes one space that will have you thrown into the nearest Volcano and one space that will have you on the endless beach with the Mai-Tais and wahine.

Now that we have that cleared up......

On to the Uprising! Down with Flair! Up with Tiki!

Up with Tiki!

When you do flair bartending with tiki mugs, it makes them nauseous...


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