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KAHIKI Columbus, ohio tiki bar restaurant. Lee Henry, The catalog

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On 2007-08-27 18:40, tikiskip wrote:
I think that is the same style bowl. It just does not have Trader Vic's on it.

Mr. Leitwein also told me that Majestic paint made a custom color, a color made just for the Kahiki.
It was called Kahiki brown. what else.
Don't know if that color is still around.
I think Porter paints bought Majestic.
Herman also said that the Kahiki used to have live palm trees everywhere
and tropical plants as well, all live!
They would last about one year then they would need to be replaced.
Mr Sapp once told me that a customer would always bug him to let him supply
the banana leaves they used at the Kahiki. (he had a large home garden)
Bill finally gave in and told him to ask Sondro for an order.
Well when Sondro said we need one TRUCK load a month the guy gave up.

That's awesome! I'll call Porter tomorrow and see if they still make it.

I called, but they don't make it and don't even have a sample of what it looked like. The man I spoke to said they actually got rid of all the Majestic Paint color cards before he started working there, so it looks like Kahiki Brown may have been lost to history :(

How common is this mug? I haven't seen it on ebay before...

[ Edited by: Ratzaroony 2007-09-05 03:44 ]

That is a pretty rare piece made by Hoffman Pottery.

It will not go cheap!


Why are the coolest ones the hardest to find! :P

I'm gonna try and bid on it, but I got a feeling I'm gonna lose

[ Edited by: Ratzaroony 2007-09-05 08:30 ]


I wonder if it was everywhere if we would still want it?

Here is a picture of the Kahiki before it opened.
See the construction trailers.

Very Cool!

I can't tell if the 2 Moai's are up yet.


On 2007-09-05 10:49, Jeff Central wrote:
Very Cool!

I can't tell if the 2 Moai's are up yet.


I messed with it in Photoshop and it looks like the moai are up. At least I think that's what those two black blobs are :D

Also, I apologize for the crazy amount of pixelation.

The auction for that mug and the clay ashtray went for $164.26.


Mr Leitweins son bill used to make those.
They said when he was 7 years old he would help
make those ashtrays along with mr. Sapps wife.
Now they are going for $80.00 bucks or more.


Here we have Tom Iaquinta left and Hermon Leitwein.
Tom worked for Mr Leitwein, And later became
Building and maintenance superintendent.
One of Toms duties was to light the two 15 foot moai
in front of the Kahiki.
He would use a soup can on a pole to light the gas torches.
Tom also helped make the ashtrays and other ceramic mold
type things.
He said those ceramic things were made of a material called
pour rock.
Mr Leitwein Also said that the first table lamps had sented
oil lamps and were not electric.
Mr Leitwein turned 84 on the 22 of September 2007.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2007-09-29 21:01 ]

I saw this bowl on a picture of a Kahiki drink menu. Does anyone know anything about it?


Hey Ratzaroony,
Sorry I took so long to get back to you.
That bowl is one of a kind I think.
Few people have seen it.
I think I heard that Sven saw it at the Kahiki in the office.
Could be that they were going to make those but never did.
It looks a lot like the Mai Kai bowl. (first pic)
This is a section of a Kahiki pole. (second pic)
They had these poles in 7 foot sizes too.
I think they are from Mexico. The poles that is.

Well that would explain why I've never seen pictures of it. It makes sense that they would go with a simpler design, but dang, that bowl is so cool :)

Here is a menu from the Kahiki.
This menu was never used at the Kahiki.
It was a new lunch idea that they never put in action.

These two masks were from the Kahiki as well.
They now sit in the Tropical Bistro in Columbus Ohio.


I can confirm that Robert Thornotn of the Mai Kai and Bill I assume were friends. I was told they hung out in Florida on RT's boat and so, they definitely stole, ahem, borrowed ideas. It wasn't all sneaky. These guys were buddies.

Here's a picture of a Kahiki swizzle holder from 1964. It's on ebay right now.

EDIT - This is NOT from the Kahiki.

[ Edited by: Ratzaroony 2007-11-10 07:57 ]


I could be wrong but I do not think that is from the Kahiki.
Looks more like treasure craft?

Definitely NOT Kahiki Ratzaroony!!


I had my doubts as well. I haven't bid on it and don't plan to, but the person does say the bottom is marked "Kahiki Columbus" with the date 1964. It certainly doesn't look like it's from the Kahiki. I'll edit my post to reflect the fact that it isn't Kahiki. I'm also sending her a message asking for a picture of the bottom.

[ Edited by: Ratzaroony 2007-11-10 07:54 ]

A picture of the bottom has been added to the auction. It's just a piece of tape with Kahiki Columbus written on it. I suppose it could have been used, but I seriously doubt it...

That is sooooooo fake!!!

Nice piece of masking tape though!! :lol:

I hope the bidder doesn't actually think its from the Kahiki.

Cheers and Mahalo,

I believe that is the base for the Treasure Craft table lighter. With out the lighter part though.

Yeah, it definitely looks like Treasure Crap!!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

On 2006-02-10 09:39, tikiskip wrote:
This is a rendering of a huge billboard that used to advertise the kahiki. The eye of the girl would wink! Dose anyone have a picture of that billboard?

As a matter of fact, yes I do ...

On 2006-05-16 11:24, tikiskip wrote:
These next pictures are amazing. The first one shows the bar. I think it is the backgammon lounge. (look at the chairs, It is a sunken bar!) See the way you step up into the lounge. And I have never seen these chairs. Chisel slinger that is your lamp in this picture.(drum with wings)

Look to the right in this pic ... the outrigger bar had steps going up.

Ha, I love this place, ask and you shall receive! Those billboard photos are priceless! By the way, the "American Restaurant" magazine cover on page 78 of TIKI MODERN was taken at the Beachcomber Bar, I believe.

Here's a challenge: Does anyone have a.) photos of the lounge that was upstairs, behind the giant moai fireplace, in front of Lee Henry's and Bill Sapp's offices, and b.) photos of the two owners amazing desks?

When I saw the upstairs lounge, it was sort of in disarray, but what impressed me most was the WALL carpeting with diamond shaped black and orange shag carpet tiles! The owner's desks had renderings of maps and other designs sealed under thick clear resin as desk covers.


I do not have photos of the upstairs lounge.
That is where some of the guests that did not want to be
bothered ate,
Like Larry Flint.
I did take video of that room/offices.
But the camera messed up as if the gods did not want any proof
of those rooms.
Can you see the girl on the billboard in the first shot
She is sitting on the K.
I don't know the whole story on that one.
How long she sat there, How the hell did they get her to do it? ECT.

They sold this desk at the auction $80.00 bucks.
but they must have not picked it up.
Because it was at the last sale.

On 2007-07-26 15:19, snackbar wrote:

On 2007-07-24 13:49, Ratzaroony wrote:
Here's another item I've seen on ooga-mooga, but I've never seen on ebay.

I was looking for a Kahiki Hoffman Moai Mug for about a year and bought one a few months ago on eBay for $71. In that year it came by once a month or so. They all go for about $70-$80.

They are out there in the wild. Picked one up this weekend at a vintage store. Had no idea what a steal it was until I got home and checked Ooga Mooga.

On 2007-11-19 06:22, tikiskip wrote:
Can you see the girl on the billboard in the first shot
She is sitting on the K

Wow, NO! I didn't notice her before. How crazy...that gives you a good idea of the huge size of these billboards, now!

I wondered about the girl by the K on the billboard - It may have been some type of weight system to open and close the eye? - JUST a guess.. anyone?

She was just checkin' ME out, my brotha, Sneaky! U know whats up~~ Balls.

Thank you everyone for posting such wonderful pictures accompanied by historical facts. What a great collection you have Skip, threads like these really help to educate Tiki Nuevo's like me. :D

FATIMA BLUSH: Oh, how reckless of me. I made you all wet.
JAMES BOND: Yes, but my martini is still dry.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2007-11-24 11:26 ]


The girl on the K looks like she is hanging from the sign builder's seat.
On that pic you can barely see ropes coming from above. On the second pic, no ropes. My guess, that was a Kahiki waitress posing for a promo shot of their brand new billboard.

tiki joe aka hi fi hijinx


Thanks VampiressRN glad you like the pics.
Hey Joe, You may be right.
I will ask bill when I see him next.
That will be when Jeff does his story on Mr Sapp
for tiki mag.
I think that will be spring. (of 08?}
Right Jeff?
Here is some Kahiki in the snow.

Brrrr.....that Tiki looks cold!!! :wink:

Yes, if all goes as planned the exclusive interview with Bill Sapp the original owner of the legendary Kahiki restaurant will be in the next (Spring '08) issue of Tiki Magazine. Thanks to tikiskip and a few others it will be very informative. Bill is such a great guy. Also, the new pictures that have recently been discovered are simply amazing!

I even have a picture of the proposed "new" Kahiki that was going to be built near the riverfront in Columbus, Ohio. :o

Cheers and Mahalo,

Swanky posted on Fri, Dec 7, 2007 2:07 PM

I've seen a big version of that picture and the girl is hanging from a crane. You can see the ball and the sort of loop seat she is in.

On 2007-12-07 05:36, Jeff Central wrote:
Brrrr.....that Tiki looks cold!!! :wink:

Yes, if all goes as planned the exclusive interview with Bill Sapp the original owner of the legendary Kahiki restaurant will be in the next (Spring '08) issue of Tiki Magazine. Thanks to tikiskip and a few others it will be very informative. Bill is such a great guy. Also, the new pictures that have recently been discovered are simply amazing!

I even have a picture of the proposed "new" Kahiki that was going to be built near the riverfront in Columbus, Ohio. :o

Cheers and Mahalo,

Sounds awesome! Can't wait.


Here are some lamps that popped up from the Kahiki.
And a table.
Some of the tables had a cool sticker on the back.
I think Ratzaroony will post that pic.




Sweet! I like that bowl!

Wow, from when is that bowl? From the 70s? It's the only Moai I have seen from there that looks somewhat like the their artwork.

On 2008-03-30 14:01, tikiskip wrote:
Some of the tables had a cool sticker on the back.
I think Ratzaroony will post that pic.

This is the sticker from the back of the monkey pod table.

[ Edited by: Ratzaroony 2008-03-31 17:16 ]

On 2008-03-30 14:59, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wow, from when is that bowl? From the 70s? It's the only Moai I have seen from there that looks somewhat like the their artwork.

This bowl was planned for the Tropical Bistro but unfortunately never got produced. This is a prototype I believe.

It would be great to make these though!!

Cheers and Mahalo,


Here's a postcard that someone fixed up for me.
Can you tell the three superimposed people?

What a classic! I see four? You and Jeff and...


Aloha, The Kahiki book is still being written ..some adjustment period has led to a new (but just as dedicated)approach to it's edification...so sweet to see the love still lives on...Hula Cat

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