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Cannibal Art Swap is done! Dinner is served

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cy posted on Fri, Aug 9, 2013 11:10 AM

Great work Tu, Aloha that is a 10!

Don't let Hang10Tiki's dramatic "ONE DAY LEFT!!!" graphic fluster you too much, you still have 36 1/2 hours 'til midnight tomorrow night :D

I count 14 finished and 6 more unfinished.


I'm done.

But I reserve the right to clear coat it tomorrow before I box it up! (I'll still be within the deadline.)


Aloha, Tu, Lori, looking great!

So though I was pretty much finished, I added a bit of red acrylic paint to neaten up the edge on the "Anthropologist Stew" bowl (name changed from "Cannibowl" to leave some room for Grog to enter.... Grog, are you there, Grog?)

I'll be including two pieces in the swap, including the bowl (which, I should add, is not food/drink safe, due to some of the weird reactions w/ this black clay I used):

as well as the "What's for dinner?" primitive hanging tile:

Here's a photo of both for scale of things:

I'll also bring two of these lil' shrunken heads to Oasis, who will get them? The first was originally going to be the anthropologists' (shrunken) head, but I forgot the pith helmet. It's my first shrunken head...

I'll also bring this larger shrunken head, which will be a pendant (warning: it's fairly abstract looking in person- and larger than the previous head)

Speaking of primitive, I would have posted things earlier, but somehow my new roof installation went in a surprising new direction:

(Yes, the roofer is paying for the drywall work and repair. Thankfully the tiki mug collection is below and way to the left of the gaping hole- whew).

Jon, how many days left are there? (heh heh).

Lori and Ano- ya made it with 25 hrs and 34 min to go.
Great stuff you two...


They look great Lori and TikiAno!

Still got 4 pending projects. Fortunately the Swap is ending on a Saturday so hopefully that gives people a day off of work to finish up.

Tonight will be fun. We have been waiting to see if we deliver through the mail or hand deliver at Oasis. Counting... Wendy

12 Hours Left!

Got 16 done and 3 pending - hope to hear from them soon

Anxiously awaiting to hear the news from the "MAD DOG"

Finally finished!
Entitled "the Cannibal Hut"

& a closeup of the cooking pot


Kele that's great. I love your boxes and especially the bones, Wendy


Finished the electrical this morning. It was not dark enough to show lit up. So here it is hanging in the patio.

Going to have a Mai Tai & wait for news from Mad Dog.

I'm so excited to find out my swap partner!!!! I need to find a box tomorrow so I can ship my piece out on Monday.

Kele and TikiPops- way cool and just in time...sweet

Anyone else out there

Now that I'm finished & the pressure is off, I getting really excited to see what I'm gonna receive!

Lori, Ano & Pops... lookin' great!

In fact, EVERYONE's pieces are so totally amazing!!!!


Just under


:tiki: :tiki: KHAKHUA FETISH :tiki: :tiki:

  • [A sor­cer­er dis­guised as a male hu­man. The kha­khua ass­as­si­n­ates peo­ple by ea­t­ing out their guts, re­pla­c­ing them with ash, as vic­tims sleep.]*

For days I've been slogging through a rain-soaked jungle in Indonesian New Guinea, on a quest to visit members of the Korowai tribe, among the last people on earth to practice cannibalism.

And about cannibalism: A local guide with "dark eyes" explains:

It's because of the khakhua, which comes disguised as a relative or friend of a person he wants to kill. "The khakhua eats the victim's insides while he sleeps," Boas explains, "replacing them with fireplace ash so the victim does not know he's being eaten. The khakhua finally kills the person by shooting a magical arrow into his heart." When a clan member dies, his or her male relatives and friends seize and kill the khakhua. "Usually, the [dying] victim whispers to his relatives the name of the man he knows is the khakhua," Boas says. "He may be from the same or another treehouse."

I ask Boas whether the Korowai eat people for any other reason or eat the bodies of enemies they've killed in battle. "Of course not," he replies, giving me a funny look. "We don't eat humans, we only eat khakhua."

The killing and eating of khakhua has reportedly declined among tribespeople in and near the settlements. Rupert Stasch, an anthropologist at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, who has lived among the Korowai for 16 months and studied their culture, writes in the journal Oceania that Korowai say they have "given up" killing witches partly because they were growing ambivalent about the practice and partly in reaction to several incidents with police.


Still, the eating of khakhua persists, according to my guide, Kembaren. "Many khakhua are murdered and eaten each year," he says, citing information he says he has gained from talking to Korowai who still live in treehouses.

The travel writer even meets "true cannibals":

Two men approach through the gloom, one in shorts, the other naked save for a necklace of prized pigs' teeth and a leaf wrapped about the tip of his penis. "That's Kilikili," Kembaren whispers, "the most notorious khakhua killer." Kilikili carries a bow and barbed arrows. His eyes are empty of expression, his lips are drawn in a grimace and he walks as soundlessly as a shadow.

The other man, who turns out to be Kilikili's brother Bailom, pulls a human skull from a bag. A jagged hole mars the forehead. "It's Bunop, the most recent khakhua he killed," Kembaren says of the skull.

...strange but true. Boogedy-boogedy BOO! :tiki:

Viva Kate!


[ Edited by: TravelingJones 2013-08-11 06:18 ]


Wowwee wow wow wow! Its all so gooooooood....

A+ brother.....

1:52 to go......
Mike- u awake?

Seeing as how Oasis is just around the corner, I decided to style mine after the cannibal carvings in the courtyard of the hotel (only with my own coloration):



Wow! Great job everyone! Here's the cannibal Moai! Kind of reminds me of Pac-Man with the bite size nugget Moai.

Got some great last minute additions! Here's the line-up, drawing in an hour




Cy - "Cannibalooza"



Little Lost Tiki - "Closer to the Bone"

LoriLovesTiki - "The Happy Cannibal"

MadDogMike - "Ndaokus"

Pikey's Dog



TikiAno - "Anthropologist Stew/What's for Dinner?"



TravelingJones - "Khakua Fethish"

Tu - "Fiji Fish Fry"

WaikikianMoeKele - "The Cannibal Hut"


Since we have an odd number, participants will be paired as they are drawn. Last 3 drawn will exchange in a circular fashion: A sends to B, B sends to C, and C sends to A


Mike, sounds great. Thanks for posting all of the photos- as well as for organizing yet another great Swap!

David/ Tiki Ano

Miiiiiiiike...we're waiting.... my cannibal is waiting to eat.. erm, meet... his new friends!

OK Zero, here ya go!

In order of drawing, partners will be:

Little Lost Tiki & MadDogMike
LoriLovesTiki & TikiRootsRocka
TigerTail777 & Tu
Polynesiac & DanLovesTikis
bbMoondog & Aloha Station
TikiPops & Hang10Tiki
Kele & Pikey's Dog
ZeroTiki & TikiAno
Cy will send to Traveling Jones
Traveling Jones will send to AnthonyMaye
AnthonyMay will send to Cy

Here is video of the drawing featuring the lovely Teresa!

(edited to add video link)

Clay, the oldest and most divine art media;
"And now, from the clay of the ground, the Lord God formed man" Genesis 2:7
Pirate Ship Tree House

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2013-08-11 01:10 ]

Amazing swap everyone

Big "top knot " off to Mad Dog Mike
Thanks for a kick ars swap Mike...

Sweet, I get a TikiPops lamp for my bar
And you will be at Oasis (no shipping)...
See you then TikiPops.

Again I will have my second lil cannibal to give away at Oasis
for those of you going. We can iron out the details soon.
Ideas welcome (time and place to meet).


Ps- Mike cool video...

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-08-11 07:44 ]

:tiki: :drink: :tiki: SsweeeetT Cy! Winner, winner ***'Cannibalooza'***dinner!! :tiki: :drink: :tiki:

:D Cy - Mahalo'z cuz, your painting brings back memories of Zombie/Voodoo Oasis 2008...Good Times, DYN-O-MITE!!! :D

  1. AnthonyMaye - I'll get KHAKHUA FETISH packed up & shipped out this week, just PM your addy. (BTW, bitch'n lamp!) 8)

:drink: EVERYONE - Stellar work'z by all! TCAS is a blast and always too coool to see what's rollin'n around in yer noggin'z!! Tender and DELICIOUS!!! :drink:

:tiki: :sheckymug: MDM - Chokest mahalo'z for hosting yet another fab TCAS bradah! YOU da kane!! Shaka shoootz! :sheckymug: :tiki:


Yes! Another Art Swap has come to an end- I'm excited for Zero's painting! Thanks.for all for coming up with some amazing work, and huge thanks to MDM for organizing.

another great Swap!
Soooo much great work!

Mikey,I'll see you at Oasis!

cy posted on Sun, Aug 11, 2013 9:43 AM

Great job MadDog, thanks so much for organizing! I've got a spot picked out in my bar for AnthonyMayes delicious lamp, can't wait to see it in person! Cool video and music also Mike.

Thanks for hosting another fantastic swap, MDM! Looking forward to my tikiano bowl! It IS beverage ready, I hope.... I am formulating my new cocktail, the screaming anthropologist, as we speak. ⊙●⊙

I was busy drawing and editing video last night, I didn't get a change to comment on the last minute entries
Jonesy - Absolutely over the top as always!
Polynesiac - Welcome to your first Swap, hope you enjoyed it. Beautiful carved cannibal
TikiRootsRocka - Your first Swap too? I'm so glad you were able to navigate the troubled waters of the communal kiln and make the deadline, your piece is a great addition.
TikiPops - I didn't realize those panels were going to be a lamp - very cool.

I am glad I have video proof of the drawing, no one would believe that I get to swap in person at Oasis for the second year in a row :D

Thank you all for your participation. Your next step is to PM your Swap partner and exchange shipping addresses. Please don't delay in getting your pieces shipped, your partner is eagerly awaiting that special package in the mail. It would be wrong for me to bask in the glory of this Swap - YOU did all the work :lol: Thank you. I expect we will have another Swap starting late Fall/early Winter and ending the end of January. We tried to end before Christmas last year and it just didn't work out. If anyone else wants to run the next Swap let me know. It's pretty easy and it might look good on a resume (call it "International Cultural Exchange Director")

MadDogMike, thank you for your organizational skills.
Everyone's Art Swap offerings were fan-tiki-tastic,
but Traveling Jone's, I just have to say WOW!
So happy with my swap mate, SO COOL!

MDM you are wonderful and thank you so much for the work you have put into this fabulous swap. We are so excited to add another Polynesiac tiki to our collection. Cheers everyone until the next one, Wendy

Woot! My first swap was a blast! Thank you Mike for organizing it!

I am STOKED to add a Wendy C to my collection! count me in on the next one!!

I had been out of town all weekend and did not get to see many of the last minute pieces. Wow - I love doing the swaps just to see all of the different ideas people get and I get a cool piece to add to the collection. See you at the next one.

GROG posted on Mon, Aug 12, 2013 11:21 AM

GROG getting started on GROG' piece now. Hope GROG not too late! :lol:

Maybe if Grog start project now for next swap, Grog might get er done.

i don't think GROG has the heart for it...

get it?


Grog, if you finish up quickly, I'll accept it on behalf of all at Oasis.

You're welcome. :)


Ok, my first art swap is done. It was fun to think about the topic & come up with a plan & design. All of the projects were awesome!
Thanks again to MDM for organizing this swap. Looking forward to next one.

Almost time for Oasis:

Xtra prize for one of the
Cannibal Oasis Attendees:
Drawing to be done at Oasis

Any ideas on when and where u want to meet?


Little Lost Tiki

All input welcome :)

See you soon

I will be there Thur - Sat. I have some volunteer duties but any time should be fine.


Jon, not sure when everyone will be in town, I'm open. Friday day sounds good to me, but I'm open- or Thursday at Bali Hai? (Too crazy, possibly....)

Would Fri in the hotel lobby at Noon work?

Let me know



Guess I'm the first to post that they received their swap piece! I'm so excited!!!!

I got Michael's (TikiRoots Rocka's) Moai eating Moai and it GORGEOUS!!! Heavy too!

And I didn't have to wait until I got home from my trip. I leave for Hawaii tomorrow.

I love it!
Thanks for being my swap partner, Michael.

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