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Seasons of Tiki Art Swap - DONE!!! Swap results page 23

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cy posted on Thu, Feb 4, 2016 8:24 AM

Excellent work brother Jon!

Jon, you certainly got the seasons part down! :)


Sweeeet. Send to SD.


Hang 10 Salt & Pepper w/ Salt & Pepa:

Me likey! Me want!

I happen to need salt and pepper shakers.....Just sayin......

BigT, madman, Wendy, CY, Luna of Treg, ANO, Lori;

You all are to kind :)
I'm just glad to be having fun with all you guys

Ano- good photoshop wit salt n peppa :)

This is going to be a fun swap

cy posted on Thu, Feb 4, 2016 10:28 PM

I got as much carving on the plywood as is possible and added the first coat of paint. Next is a bit of cleanup on the carve, then another base coat and final details.

CY -I think it's just the way the enamel pair lays down that's
why I work kinda backwards.
Hang10 and BigT -those look way rad fingers crossed
I get to trade with one of you.

Well got a little more done on the painting still a way to
Go but almost done. I couldn't stop staring at the birds
they just needed something else so did the whole paining
so I put waves on the birds I think it has just about the
Right amount of stuff going on now.



i think i'd like to get in on the next one - i'm working on this now as a digital painting - maybe do a indoor hand painted metal panel with neon

[ Edited by: stevekh 2016-02-05 08:53 ]

Steve that looks damn cool

Well I'm done finished it while my two little ones took there nap.

Allways fun thank you mad dog


Looking good Cy!
Great job Anthony!
Steve, it's not too late to get in on this one. Deadline is the end of the month, just have to come up with a "Seasons of TIki" project and post a pic of it here. Saw some cool stuff on your website.


thanks! i'm not even going to pretend i can get something done for this one - will definitely be in on the next one though

On 2016-02-05 14:19, MadDogMike wrote:
Looking good Cy!
Great job Anthony!
Steve, it's not too late to get in on this one. Deadline is the end of the month, just have to come up with a "Seasons of TIki" project and post a pic of it here. Saw some cool stuff on your website.

[ Edited by: stevekh 2016-02-05 15:10 ]

We had a surprise snow day today which is going to delay getting my pieces fired. With so many details I'm getting nervous about glazing. Hopefully I can start next week. Have a great weekend all. :)

Cy- lookin good my man
Anthony- wow, stunning
Steve- hop in Bruddah
Lori- can't wait to see your work
Snow day: I use to live for those :)

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-02-05 20:18 ]

Jon, I'll trade you a snow day or three for warmer weather! Although I don't know if I could adapt to running in the Vegas heat!


Just drive :)

Jon has a point Lori. I have a theory that your heart has a finite number of beats and when you use those up you're finished. I don't want to squander my heartbeats running up and down the road :lol:

Got a little (very little) done today

Mike- Good start. That guy looks familiar.

Art is so joyful. Just look at all the creativity on this page. You all are over the top. I'm so happy to be in this one. Wendy

Good swap

Mike- u be a great swap leader


here's the shrunken head after redrawing digitally and starting to add color and texture


cy, Anthony, Steve, looking great!

If the rumors are true, my piece should be in the kiln right now with the temperature rising up to 2100 degrees, give or take. Hopefully the kiln gods are good to it!


Great updates everyone! Mike, nice start. Cy - very cool idea! Anthony, love that painting, wow!

making some progress on mine as well.

[ Edited by: TheBigT 2016-02-10 19:49 ]

Ano- that's warmer than Vegas in July :)
Steve- lookin good, can't wait to see it come to life
BiGggggT- me like, Kool carve

Jon & Mike, you'll be happy to know that lately there has been no running here! Too cold and it's about to get even colder (like below zero) this weekend so I won't be running anytime soon. Yes, I know that there are these things called treadmills but I hate them and lately I've been just saying NO.

My pieces survived the kiln and I'll start glazing them on Tuesday. My friend the art teacher says he has a bunch of underglazes so I may go that route. We shall see.

For those who have about 10 degree weather this weekend, enjoy!

Steve and BigT - very cool!
Lori - it was 85 degrees here today, sorry :(

I was getting ready to mold my little guy today. I was sculpting him from a photo but when I compared him to the actual Tiki in the back yard I realized I had the eyes wrong! So I fixed his eyes and molded him. A little more that 2 weeks left - I NEED TO GET BUSY!!!!! :o

Sprig mold done. Thankfully it's been in the 80s this week, it will dry quickly. I think I need to order some glazes, better get with it!


Lori, hope you stay warm- brrrr! (I'm originally from the east coast so I remember those temperatures.. not fondly, I should say.

Mike, I'm thoroughly intrigued. I'm heading down to Freeform next week, but I guess you won't meet me there, ha!

Jon, SLIGHTLY warmer (but not much).

BigT, wow, looking great.

cy posted on Fri, Feb 12, 2016 5:10 PM

Crazy good art anthonymaye, Big T so happy you decided to join in and contribute such a cool carving, and nice clay work going on there MadDog. Almost finished with my entry, just a few more details. Thanks so much for your effort Mike! As I have said before, some of my most prized tiki bar possessions are from these swaps!

Here is a better back lit shot MDM.

[ Edited by: cy 2016-02-12 21:35 ]

Wow!!! So cool Cy! Do I remember it being lighted from behind? Classic Cy.

Lori- stay inside and stay warm
Mike- awesome, more, more, more.
Cy- me like, a lot, me like.

Got lit up

:lol: :D :wink:

The clay gods smiled down on me this morning and I was able to pop 4 of these guys out of my mold in about 15 minutes. I force dried the mold by turning my kiln on low and setting the mold on top of the kiln for 24 hours. That can weaken the plaster mold but since I am just using it for these 4 pieces and not making 100 mugs it doesn't really matter.


cy, awesome. Wow, looks fantastic with that backlit effect. (affect?)

Mike, you're a mold makin' wizard. Looking forward to seeing more.

Jon, you funny.

The mug came out of the kiln.... the kiln gods toyed with me a bit- though I did two super thin coats of glaze, the top glaze is a bit thicker than I had originally intended- hopefully the final recipient is okay with this. There's a different glaze on the mug interior. Good sized mug- hand built and fairly thick and heavy, which works as good insulation to keep yer drinks cold. :wink: (that's my story and I'm stickin' to it).

This will ship out with other goodies.....

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2016-02-14 13:36 ]

CY that's what I call happy art. Good job.

MadDogMike wow, I'm looking forward to seeing those finished.

TikiAno good job, that mug is perfect for seasonal drink hot or cold.

Not yet on a countdown but getting close. Wendy

Mike- nice, still tryin to figure out what up...
4 seasons

Ano- love that color


if it's not too late - i'd like to get in - been messing with the apple pencil and thought this might be a cool piece to swap someone if they want it. decided to draw a digital piece of a make believe vintage menu from a bar called Tropical Seasons Polynesian Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge - finished piece will be a 16" x 24" gallery wrapped canvas. let me know how this swap works, as i haven't done one before


Welcome aboard Steve, great looking image. I know some people consider digital art to be a bit of a "gray area" but it never had been "banned" from the Swaps before. This is an image that was specifically created for the theme of this Swap and is not planned to be "mass produced". It will look awesome on someone's wall as a 16" x 24" gallery wrapped canvas.

The way the Swaps work Steve is that you post a picture of your finished piece before the end of the month. On March 1st I will put the names of everyone who has posted finished pieces in a hat and draw out pair of names. I will post paired names and those swap partners will contact each other and exchange mailing addresses. You ship your piece out and your partner does the same. Then you post a picture of new art on your wall or with your smiling face so we have a mental image to associate with your name (or so we can PhotoShop your face into odd Tiki places :lol: )

Very cool TikiAno, love how you textured the bottom - unique!

DOH!!! I made my Tiki mold too tall! Now I'll have to extend the upper edges of the mug up about 2 inches. Have to be careful not to exceed the 9 inch height limit of my kiln :lol:

Steve- nice design
Big piece too

Mike- all the rum spilled out before I could fix it
Lookin good
" I think were going to need a bigger kiln"


man, all you guys are really killing it!

mike - looking good, i'm intrigued
ano - mug came out nice, send it over here :P
cy - super cool
steve - agree with mike, gray area. i prefer hand made stuff, but your design looks killer and a print on canvas of that is gonna be nice! I saw the apple pen painting of tiki bob on your other thread (nice job).

well, here's the update of my carve, just about ready to stain. The crazy wood grain makes it really hard to see in the full pic below so i broke into two larger pics but they don't line up so well (and it's still hard to see).... ugh

What's that wood BigT? I love the dark spots in it. Nice carve too!

A little more work tonight. 8.5 x 4 x 4, it's gonna be a beast.

BigT- I think it looks great, dig the design and wood
MadMan- ahhhhh, coming together I see, sweet


BigT, looks great. Along with everyone else, curious about that wood.

Steve, think the digital work looks great- I have great respect for painters in any medium, I'm okay with digital work so long as it's original. Looks super cool.

Mike, that's awesome, great build. Thanks for the compliment- I probably should have just used the underglaze (w/ maybe a clear on top of it), but thought the texture on the bottom of the mug (w/ underglaze) was a safe way to go. Thankfully it sits flat on the table. Whew. :wink:

Thanks guys :)

A few weeks back I entered 2 of my paintings and 3 of my wife's paintings into the fine art show at the local fair. The entry was online but I never did check to see when they had to be at the gallery. This afternoon at 5:00 I get a call "Remember that your paintings have to be to the gallery this evening by 7:00, be sure they are framed". So it was a mad dash to Michael's to pick up 5 frames. My painting class taught us how to paint but they failed to show us how to frame those paintings. You would have loved to be a fly on the wall watching us scurry around trying to get them framed :lol:

Got the paintings submitted alright but it didn't leave much clay time this evening. I did get the bottom on -
round on the bottom

(mostly) square on the top

Got to start cleaning and detailing as it dries.

Mike- nice bottom

About the fram ordeal
I can see it now

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-02-18 19:47 ]

Got stuck with a night shift tonight, got all my supplies ready to go

Now here's where the research comes in. I wanted to identify four "seasons" or ages in Tiki and two major contributing factors for each of those. I'm not sure Sven would completely agree with my choices but we'll call that "artistic license" :lol:

The Golden Season of Tiki, spurred by Hawaiian statehood and Hollywood's glorification of the South Pacific. The Tiki will be shiny and new

The Forgotten Season of Tiki, lead by disenchantment after Vietnam War and competition from newer styles of entertainment like discos. The Tiki looks grey and weathered.

The Devolution Season of Tiki, I'm blaming this on Miami Vice and Jimmy Buffett - mostly because they are easy targets :wink: The Tiki will be gaudy colors

The Revival Season of Tiki. There have been so many factors which lead to this, it was hard to choose two. I went with the Book of Tiki (obviously) as one. Craft cocktails, in both commercial and home bars, have been a more recent influence but I think an important one in sustaining the Revival of Tiki. I think all the artists that have come along in the 2000s have been crucial but there are far too many to name on this mug :) The Tiki is shiny and new again


Mike, completely awesome- and now it's clear that you've chosen this theme this year to utilize your brilliant idea regarding said theme. :wink: :wink: (just kidding, Mike!)

That being said, love your conceptualization of this- and yet another reason why Arts Swaps are da best!

Oh, and send to San Diego.

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