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101 Years of Stephen Crane Art Swap - DONE!!!!

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GO LORI!!!!! :D


finally I am getting warmed up. More pictures coming soon as I progress.

You go girl!!!!!



Nice! Go Lori and hiltiki, excited to see what you're both cooking up!


Some more pictures.

Not sure if I will use all but some for sure.

Step one, need to clean my work area before I can work on my Stephen Crane project :lol:

Look what I found under all that junk - unfinished projects from the Maori Art Swap!!! A carved Hei Tiki Gourd Lamp and a gunpowder burned wood plaque Maori warrior. LOL

OK, that's better! :o

Smoke break. Not that kind... ribs! LOL

TU posted on Mon, May 29, 2017 6:07 PM


Got a start anyway. It will be hard-sided slab construction so the pieces have to dry to leather hard then get up together

Lookin good Mike

On a roll


Mike, it Looks great so far.


Jon, looks like it's on a book, not a roll.

Ha ha.

Mike, looks great, ya show off! :)

Thanks guys :wink:

Woke up this morning to find the downstairs flooded :( But the upside is I have time to meditate and play with clay while I wait for the plumber :D

cy posted on Fri, Jun 2, 2017 2:06 PM

I can only imagine the mantra you are repeating in your enlightened mind MadDog. I have been derelict in commenting on this thread but am so impressed with the great painting, carving, ceramics, etc. going on! I have my idea down and will post a sketch soon.

Lookin good Mike

ancient Chinese proverb come to mind,
he who meditate in grass while wearing socks get wet feet,
or maybe it's from flood

Second ancient Chinese proverb come to mind,
wet socks don't matter if you are strong like bull

Dan just asked, "how's MadDogMike doing?" I just came here to see and wow oh wow have you been working. This is going to be a fun mug. Wendy

PS hang10tiki you are a whiz at ps (photoshop)

Jon, I knew you would have a field day with that photo :lol:

Wendy, tell Dan I said HI!

"Go with what you know" I needed something to hold up the roof while it hardens. So I made this Styrofom block. Good thing I had some Styrofoam and tools laying around :D

Are you sure that's not a giant sandwich

hang10tiki I thought it was his wash cloth in his shower.

cy posted on Thu, Jun 8, 2017 8:36 PM

My original plan of a carved swizzle stick from the Kon Tiki Chicago gave way to this idea after I posted some carved floats on FB and got great comments from MadDog and danlovestikis. The middle cedar Columbia River net float has lettering from their matchbook cover while the top and bottom are from a couple o' tikis that were located within the joint. Cork was added in between for buoyancy. I will be using green as the main color to match the interior, so I dyed some 1/2 inch yellow and black rope I had kicking around to tie it all together. Thanks to H10 for providing me with the necessary research material, will be finishing this weekend.

[ Edited by: cy 2017-06-08 20:42 ]


cy, looks great! (I was a fan of those posts, too, can't wait to see them in person in August)! Man, that's going to be cool.

Better send this one to San Diego, or just bring it to Oasis so we can Swamp in person. :) :wink:

Mike, can't wait to see your piece, looks great already and can only imagine more cool stuff happening!

Jon, thanks for the photoshop work, I've been slammed with work (and opening new locations), so glad I actually finished my piece early for once!

That is going to be so AWESOME Cy!!! :o

CY no wonder we love these swaps. Your design is wonderful. Wendy

CY- u freekin stud, awesome

It might just work out...


On 2017-06-09 19:51, MadDogMike wrote:
It might just work out...

You always come up with some of the most creative ideas!

My guess
46 1/2 lbs


Lookin good MDM

Thanks guys :D Yes, Jon, about 20 kg. I'm hoping it will be lighter when it dries :lol:

Now it gets hairy! The top has dried enough to support itself and the Styrofoam block is removed. Now to score & slip the pieces and put them together.

Got it all stuck together, will need to put some clay coils in the joints from behind once it dries some more and still need to make a bottom for it. Because I made the slabs so thick, I was able to do some deep texturing for the thatch.

Time to wrap it and let it rest for a while. Headed out of town for the weekend so I probably won't get much else done for a few days. Time to celebrate our wedding anniversary - the big THREE. No, not the big three-oh, just the big three. :lol:

Wowowowowowoowowoowowoowo!!! That is not at all like I envisioned. You did a whole building. I sure hope it makes it though drying and the kiln. It is just stunning.

Congratulations on the BIG 3. We wish you many many more. Love, Dan and Wendy


Cy and Mike, your pieces look amazing, we have a lots of great pieces so far.

cy posted on Sat, Jun 10, 2017 9:36 AM

Mike that is above and beyond, over the top greatness!

Mike- looks awesome

And Congratulations

Better yet

cy posted on Sun, Jun 11, 2017 3:16 PM

Pert near done with these floats, thanks again Mike for organizing this event!

CY that is so cool. Wendy

Thanks guys
Cy, that is AWESOME!!!

Cy, very original!

Cy, very original!



SO much coolness in this swap!! AWESOME!

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