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Tikimeculas Stuff

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Heath posted on Mon, Jun 2, 2008 8:49 PM

Okay, so it's been a few days...
You must be about halfway done by now, right?

Look crop circles.


I still say you're out of your mind. Incredible work. This new one already looks like it's gonna be great.


IF he's Not outta his mind yet, he Will be before he finishes this Paddle!

It's been a while? Here is a sneek peek of a couple of door handles I'm working on.

More later.

GROG posted on Sat, Mar 28, 2009 6:30 PM

Where ya been hiding T-mec? Looking forward to seeing more of your damned fine pieces.


Long time no see!

Looks like you've got another great piece of work in the making!

You should swing up to Huntington in May, I'll be in town for a few days!


Very impressive thread...you do a work of meticulous...like a meditation...I'll back for looking...


wow! that paddle, wow. do you dream of circles after spending so much time carving them? once again, wow!



Yes!! blow are minds some more! cant wait!

Grog, Thanks, a couple more coming up.

Lake, Let me know the dates?

Laojia, Thanks.

Big Daddy, That paddle was a labor of love. It might have a new home soon? The other one is coming along slowly.

Seeks, I'll try. there has been some nice work on here lately.

Zeta posted on Thu, Apr 2, 2009 3:41 PM

Amazing maestro!


Gotta say as far as carving war clubs paddles etc. goes, you are The Man. Every time I see one of your pieces I'm floored. I will be forever indebted to you for the club. The Man!

There pretty much done, just need to stain and finish.

[ Edited by: tikimecula 2009-04-04 20:47 ]


Fantastic! but we need a close up.


YES, a close up ! we will admire this engraving!!!



You're the master of the clubs.
Those sali are outstanding.




AWESOME DETAIL -- My jaw just dropped to the floor. I will clean up the drool later !! Fantastic work. Thanks for sharing and the inspiration. BUFFBAD

Babalu posted on Sun, Apr 5, 2009 6:21 AM

oh boy, oh boy, oh boy....we've got Andy back in the studio...this is going to be EPIC!


T-Mec, You make it look Sooo Easy, How'd you get that done so Fast?
Are you making backups for when someone steals those door knobs?
Thanks for Sharing.

Sweet work, Andy!

That was quick... some sharp tools and true mastery of detail work!

My eyes would be buggin after all that!

Those are going to look sweet in their new home, congrats again and I hope to see them in person in May!

Let's see a closeup! :o

Thanks Guys.

Here is a better shot.

I'll let everyone know where these are going and post the finished shots in a few days.

KAHAKA posted on Mon, Apr 6, 2009 9:01 PM

Holy crap Man, those are fantastic... Still lovin' the club and Tangaroa piece you made for our house.


again...just retarded. Amazing work (tossing all carving tools into the trash)


Like the light who play with shadow on the engraving. Nice and fine work!


Blow my mind! Incredible again.

Babalu posted on Tue, Apr 7, 2009 3:15 PM

Jeez Louise! I agree with Clysdalle...I'm tossing out the tools. DAMN fine Andy!


holy smokes! that is just amazing detail on the door handles. are you a prisoner somewhere? amazing work.


Finished up..

They are going to there new home on Saturday.



WOWWWW !!!! and i thought the look was gonna be carved bone but with the stain??? awesome. beautiful!



Wow T-Mec, I Sure hope they have at least the Slightest idea of what they have there and treat it accordingly. Those guys really finished up Nicely, Excellent stuff!

Grog, Thanks.
Zeta, Thank You.
Matt, Thanks. I have idea i want to try out. PM me.
Benella, Thanks.
Buffbad, Thanks
Lake, Thanks. See you in May.
Kahaka, Thanks again.
Clysdale, Thanks. Hope to see you guys soon.
Laojla, Thank you.
Seeks, Your Tiki's blow my mind!
Babalu, Thanks. Let me know when you guys want to come up here again and so another chop?
Big Daddy, Not a prisoner. Just love the art of the South Pacific.
Surfintiki, Thanks.
Benz, Thanks. They went to a good home, and I really like the fact that they will have a function there.

Thanks again eveyone, got some other stuff I'm workin on now. I'll share soon.

Delivered them yesterday.

You can go see them here.....


Yea! Can't wait to see 'em in person.


They are giving themselves their own thumbs-up!

Great work as usual Tmec!



Yes and they Deserve it, OR I should say YOU deserve it. They make quite a statement!

Thanks, Bowana and Ben.

Just finished this lil guy.

I don't think I have ever tried something this small.

It is 4" x 2.5" x 2.5"

This one is for sale here..


A couple more for Trader Vic's LA.


You can do 'em in your sleep now! :wink:

Super sharp detail!

Love the sunshine, make sure there's some of that next weekend!

Thanks Lake!

Here is a Maori piece I started about 2 years ago. Figured he has been waiting long enough, to be finished.

I had a plan when i started this one, but it's been to long so I'm just kinda wing'n it with the details.


Andy, I hope you post a pic or two of those killer trader Vic's pieces when they get installed.


Nice work dude, very precise... cool!!! btw I love your paddle work, it's sooooo good.

[ Edited by: Tahitiki 2009-04-29 21:41 ]


Oh boy, the bar has been raised again.

You've been hiding this one pretty good... nice work!

Gonna bend your ear a bit on Sunday about this guy!

Man your carvings are fantastic,the detail and quality of the finish
totally freaks me out.Watango


Man, those clubs are crazy good! Great pics too!


Dang it, somebody already said crazy good about your stuff several pages ago!

So scratch that. Make it crazy freakin spectacula! :lol:

Very sweeeet! Fine tech on the war club and Fan Handle? guy. I really like the way you are wing'n it on the design of the Maori figure. Your wing'n it would be about two weeks of hard design work. How long is the War Club and what type of wood are you using to get such nice fine detail? Keep up the wing'n it and can't wait to see it when your done.

4WD, I shipped the last two there, So I have no pics of them on the doors yet?

Tahitiki, Thanks. It's a slow process but that's what I like about it.

Lake, I'll bring him with.

Watango, Gald you stopped by. I'm a new fan of yours for sure. Thanks again.

TheBigT, However you want to word it...Thanks!

Tikilizard, Thanks. The Sali's are about 30" or so? there all a little different. My wood of choice these days is Poplar. I have carved a few different hard woods but like the Poplar not only for the price, but it carves nice and holds detail great.

I took the camera out to the shed with me today and grabbed a few shots as I was carving.
This was about 3 hours work today. From Sketch to finishing this one part.

This circle is about 4" x 4".

I sketch the area first, then start the line work,

Line work done,

Starting the Dragon toothing.

Finished that string,

And finished, (crappy pics, sorry)

There is still a little touch up here and there but for the most part that part is done.

[ Edited by: tikimecula 2009-05-02 08:41 ]

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