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Ask Little Lost Tiki Absolutely Anything

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And why is Cliff Clavin's girlfriend singing in this video?


Dear Little Lost Tiki,

The speed of Light has been well documented here and in other similar type forums and while it may seem like an impossibly fast speed it seems to be working out OK overall, especially for the photons.

The speed of Sound is one of those variable speeds, unlike my blender, having to do with the actual sound and the desirability of its being heard. It has been well documented that the speed of sound for Men is considerably slower when the sound being emitted comes from the wife and in the form of so called undesirable sounds like "take out the trash" or "why can't you put the seat down." There is, however, competing studies that state those published results may be more a measure of action caused or resulting from the sounds and less having to do with the actual speed the sound travels.

What I have not been able to figure out, or find reasonably decent references to in peer reviewed science journals, is the Speed of Smell. Can you help me?

My apologies for constantly asking the Science! type questions..... my Science! teacher told me to go get stuffed and is no help at all in these kinds of situations, nor was he amused when I offered to build an experiment to demonstrate this theory.

On 2010-05-05 12:05, little lost tiki wrote:
I'll only have one undesirable attending
instead of two!

Who is the other undesirable?


Thanks y'alls for the pre-show STOKE!
but this is a Q&A thread...
We'll save the STOKE for Sept-October! :)

And now onto your questions...

On 2010-05-06 18:30, Zeta quizzically pondered:
Now, back to the questions... Is there a real good connection between Frank Zappa and Tiki?

One could argue that Zappa is a subcultural phenomena,just as Tiki is...
But.....The only REAL good connection?

the Mustache!

BigToe (that's one word,folks!Not two.like Tom always insists)

That's all i got Zeta!

On 2010-05-06 18:33, croe67 added:
hmmmmm.....Zappa & Tiki? Good question!
& while you're at it....Is there a connection between H.R. Pufnstuf & Tiki?

Actually, Carolyn's question is much much easier..
there is a connection...
the GAZE!

Here is a Yam Masks or "Babamini",from the Wosera and Maprik areas of Papua New Guinea.

and here is mayor HR Pufnstuf...

The colors are more garish
but the gaze remains the same.....

Lucas-post your stupid links of Tubes/Shirts/and Kizz
in the Music threads please
I don't have time for lame humor disguised ads questions....
so.... as punishment for your folly
Here is a picture of Lady Elaine Fairchild and Madame.

Thank you!

On 2010-05-06 21:24, Chip and Andy pondered:
Dear Little Lost Tiki,

The speed of Light has been well documented here and in other similar type forums and while it may seem like an impossibly fast speed it seems to be working out OK overall, especially for the photons.

The speed of Sound is one of those variable speeds, unlike my blender, having to do with the actual sound and the desirability of its being heard. It has been well documented that the speed of sound for Men is considerably slower when the sound being emitted comes from the wife and in the form of so called undesirable sounds like "take out the trash" or "why can't you put the seat down." There is, however, competing studies that state those published results may be more a measure of action caused or resulting from the sounds and less having to do with the actual speed the sound travels.

What I have not been able to figure out, or find reasonably decent references to in peer reviewed science journals, is the Speed of Smell. Can you help me?

My apologies for constantly asking the Science! type questions..... my Science! teacher told me to go get stuffed and is no help at all in these kinds of situations, nor was he amused when I offered to build an experiment to demonstrate this theory.

Thanks Chip and Andy...
the Speed of Smell is relative....
When one has the "vapors" it takes the individual
emitting the smell
much longer to detect it
than those around him...
Since the speed of smell is not constant
you should apply the formula
Energy equals Mass times odor
Try that.... it's the closest formula I've gotten
but there are still a few bugs to be worked out...
Will PM you with my thesis....

On 2010-05-05 12:05, little lost tiki wrote:
I'll only have one undesirable attending
instead of two!

Then Jeff BTD asked:
Who is the other undesirable?


Lucas Vigor silly! :lol:
or my first wife!
(JK Kelly!) :lol:

Actually, anyone and everyone can attend
(except that Homeless guy
who pulled out his junk
and started wigglin it
at one of my erotic pieces
at the New Degenerates show
back in the mid 90's...
that guy can STAY away! )

GROG posted on Fri, May 7, 2010 8:51 AM

Not a question...
AND an old photoshoppe piece was used...
HOW lazy are YOU,Ernie?


Hey Liloti,

I have been drinkin black coffee since 3:30 AM, ate a couple lil cookies and a piece of Toblerone. I just brushed my teeth with Tom's of Maine peppermint toothpaste and now my mouth tastes like pepperoni! What the hell is up with that?


On 2010-05-12 07:08, woofmutt gasped:
Hey Liloti,
I have been drinkin black coffee since 3:30 AM, ate a couple lil cookies and a piece of Toblerone. I just brushed my teeth with Tom's of Maine peppermint toothpaste and now my mouth tastes like pepperoni! What the hell is up with that?

you start drinkin coffee
just around the time i stop painting and go to bed....
sort of an Olympic Torch thing i guess.....

Woffy, your problem is your gums....
They are meaty
and you probably brushed them so hard
(egged on by manic coffee energy)
scraps of rotting gum meat mixed with the
and toble RONI
to create a texture for the meat-like gum texture...
Put them all together and BAM!

May i suggest you try some other combinations
over time
and create a Wonderful Woofy CookBook!


Hey Liloti-

  1. Brilliant answer above.

  2. I'm forwarding the below question to you.


"Is it just me or does Ernie call people fat to distract people from seeing how fat he is?"

little lost tiki


Zeta posted on Wed, May 12, 2010 5:20 PM

This is it... you tricked the tricker... Little lost tiki's head is going to explode or make a hole in the space time continuum! Run for your life!

On 2010-05-12 17:10, woofmutt attempted to create a space-time rip by posting:

Hey Liloti-

  1. Brilliant answer above.
  2. I'm forwarding the below question to you.

"Is it just me or does Ernie call people fat to distract people from seeing how fat he is?"
little lost tiki

I've noticed that Ernie likes to call a number of people fat
here in this online community....
now....according to my observations
Ernie is just as fat as the people he pokes fun at
in addition
he's BALD and not-very-good-looking as well!
seeing as I'm answering my own question...
i would have to say that
it MAY be just me
thinking as such...
And since this is a Q&A thread
I couldn't have an on-line poll here...
So I'll just leave it at that...

See Zeta?
These kind of questions CAN be answered without
physical damage to the universe....

GROG posted on Thu, May 13, 2010 10:32 AM

Kinny plugged the hole in the space-time continuum with his fat body.

GROG posted on Thu, May 13, 2010 10:33 AM

GROG clicked on the wrong button. GROG meant to edit the above post to say:
Kinny plugged the hole in the space-time continuum with his rotund belly.

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-05-13 13:03 ]

guess Ernie's so fat he can't even type
with them chubby wubby fingers!

GROG posted on Thu, May 13, 2010 12:17 PM

Dear Little Lost Tiki,

Do you think you could hook me up with Grog? Get me his number or something?

Bald is beautiful! Those people with awful mops of goat-like hair are just jealous!


On 2010-05-13 12:17, GROG wrote:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dearest Lil'LosTiki,

What kind of fun house mirror is grog using?
would one hafta be a carnie to obtain a fun house mirror?
if that's the case...does that mean Grog comes from a long line of carnies?
was he perhaps a side show attraction for the circus travels?
see Cave-Man LIVE! or sumptin?

very confused,

Dear LLT.
Are those kittens French kissing or tongue fighting? Can you make it stop, it's giving me nightmares?



On 2010-05-13 12:17, GROG wrote:

Didn't I see this guy at the Witco Tahiti bar at the Bali Hai with an elusive cobra fang mug in his hand?




I see many Usernames on old posts with a big white strike through them. Their post number is zero.

What does one have to do on TC to aspire to this status?

Speak the ugly truth?, utter profanity?, hurt someone's feelings?, admit to listening to Jimmy Buffett?

A lot of these posts are both intelligent and articulate so what horrible Tiki crimes did these people commit?

Thank You.

Hey Liloti,

Our next letter comes from Justin David Rice of Moscow Idaho...

Dear Little Lost Tiki,

Hi I'm 12 years old and what is this?

Thank you,

David Rice

David Rice


On 2010-05-14 19:43, JOHN-O wrote:

I see many Usernames on old posts with a big white strike through them. Their post number is zero.

What does one have to do on TC to aspire to this status?

Speak the ugly truth?, utter profanity?, hurt someone's feelings?, admit to listening to Jimmy Buffett?

A lot of these posts are both intelligent and articulate so what horrible Tiki crimes did these people commit?

Thank You.

You're well on your way to finding out, Bro... you're well on your way... :wink:


Insider information no doubt. I withdraw the question.

On 2010-05-14 19:43, JOHN-O wrote:

I see many Usernames on old posts with a big white strike through them. Their post number is zero.

What does one have to do on TC to aspire to this status?

Speak the ugly truth?, utter profanity?, hurt someone's feelings?, admit to listening to Jimmy Buffett?

A lot of these posts are both intelligent and articulate so what horrible Tiki crimes did these people commit?

Thank You.

Come to the Hula Girls show at the Surf Museum show today, and ask Bong.


Just not in the mood to answer all these silly questions
day after day
week after week
month after month..
So i will be taking a weeklong vacation from this nonsense...

Woofmutt has been gracious enough to volunteer
answering the above questions and any others that
last from today
until the 24th...
thank you!


Thanks LLT,
Bring back some pics back from that Prague sex bus crawl.

Dear Dr. Woof,  
How does a blind man know when he is done wiping his ass?  
(No,I am not blind).

Just Wonderin'
Zeta posted on Mon, May 17, 2010 10:29 AM

Dear wise woofmut,
How can I move the "Tiki in comics" thread from Beyond Tiki to General Tiki?


Dear woofy,

Why its little lost tiki lost?

His art makes me happy, so I get sad when he is lost.

Unga Bunga

Dear Dr. Woof,
How does a blind man know when he is done wiping his ass?
(No,I am not blind).

Just Wonderin'

Unga Bunga

Dear Unga Bunga,

Thank you for your interest in fun facts about my home state of Washington!

Yes, it's true: Washington is one of the few states that has an international border, an oceanic border, and state borders...And a good stretch of one of our state borders is made a river!

Washington is AWESOMEton!


Dear wise woofmut,
How can I move the "Tiki in comics" thread from Beyond Tiki to General Tiki?


Dear Zeta,

Thank you for your interest in fun facts about my home state of Washington!

Sorry, but your friends were right: Washington is home a rain forest! The Hoh Rain Forest is a temperate rain forest located on Washington's Olympic Peninsula and it gets over 12 feet of rain a year!

Washington is AWESOMEton!


Dear woofy,

Why its little lost tiki lost?

His art makes me happy, so I get sad when he is lost.


Dear croe67,

Thank you for your interest in fun facts about my home state of Washington!

Yes, it's hard to believe but Washington State is home to five active volcanoes! From north to south they are: Mt Baker, Glacier Peak, Mt Rainier, Mt Adams, and Mt St Helens. Mt St Helens is famous for erupting on May 18, 1980. Mt Rainier is the most familiar of our volcanoes. Not only can you see Mt Rainier from as far away as central Washington but you can see it all over the state on the Washington State license plate!

Washington is AWESOMEton!


Zeta posted on Mon, May 17, 2010 11:22 AM

:x BOOOOOO!!! Bring LiLoTi back! Death to the woof!

Dear Woofmutt.

If God can do anything, is it possible for Him to make a rock so big even He can't move it? Also, what happens in other cases when an irresistable force meets an immovable object?



[mister bill]OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO[/mister bill], I fear that woofy has kidnapped littlelosttiki to the State of Washington :o

Dear Woofmutt

I know this subject hasn't come up yet, but I understand you are an expert on the state of Washington. Last time I was in Washington, I went waterskiing in Spirit Lake near Mt St Helens. If I come up there will you take me skiing in Spirit Lake for old time's sake?


dear woofy,
isn't this fun?
Losty the snowman

Dear Woofmutt.

If God can do anything, is it possible for Him to make a rock so big even He can't move it? Also, what happens in other cases when an irresistable force meets an immovable object?



Dear MadDogMike,

Thank you for your interest in fun facts about my home state of Washington!

A lot of great candy is still made here in Washington but even most Washingtonians don't know that the Mars company started in Frank Mars's kitchen in Tacoma, Washington in 1911!

Washington is AWESOMEton!


Dearest woofy
When i look at the silhouette of the state of Washington
it looks like a rectangle that got munched on the left side and bottom...
How did that happen?
Who ruined the original rectangular shape of the state?
Lil Tossed Leaky

Dear Woofmutt

I know this subject hasn't come up yet, but I understand you are an expert on the state of Washington. Last time I was in Washington, I went waterskiing in Spirit Lake near Mt St Helens. If I come up there will you take me skiing in Spirit Lake for old time's sake?


Dear MadDogMike,

Thank you for your interest in fun facts about my home state of Washington!

The Appaloosa horse is a breed which was developed by the Nez Perce Indians. The name Apaloosa was given to the horses by whites and referred to the Palouse region, a large fertile area of rolling hills which stretches from the far eastern side of Washington State into Idaho. A good portion of the Palouse region was in Nez Perce territory.

Washington is AWESOMEton!


Dear Woofy,

do you believe in Bigfoot?
and do you think there are more of them in Washington, Oregon, Or California?


corrected to add a G to Washington

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2010-05-17 12:45 ]

Dear LlT and Woofmutt. You guys are very clever and funny. So funny, that I never get tired of all your jokes and put downs! For example, when you said I was "undesireable" or when Woof called my posts "unimaginative and boring", man, that shit was FUNNY! My question is, how did you guys get to be so funny? Were there special classes you both attended to learn the art of jocularity?

dear woofy,

isn't this fun?
little lost tiki

Dear little lost tiki,

Thank you for your interest in fun facts about my home state of Washington!

Yes, it's true, after the 1962 Century 21 Exposition in Seattle Washington was host to another World's Fair...1974's Expo 74 in Spokane! Expo 74 had an environmental theme and the Expo 74 "logo" reflected this with a representation of earth, air, and water in a continuous interconnected loop:

The Expo 74 fairgrounds is now called River Front Park, one of Spokane's most popular attractions!

Washington is AWESOMEton!



Dearest woofy

When i look at the silhouette of the state of Washington
it looks like a rectangle that got munched on the left side and bottom...
How did that happen?
Who ruined the original rectangular shape of the state?

little lost tiki

Dear little lost tiki,

Thank you for your interest in fun facts about my home state of Washington!

You are correct, the UFO era pretty much began in Washington State! On June 24, 1947 businessman Kenneth A. Arnold was flying his private plane near Mt Rainier when he spotted nine mysterious objects, "shaped like saucers" traveling at high speed. Though Arnold himself didn't refer to the objects as "flying saucers" the press did and the term stuck!

Washington is AWESOMEton!


GROG posted on Mon, May 17, 2010 1:12 PM

On 2010-05-17 12:44, bigtikidude wrote:
Dear Woofy,

do you believe in Bigfoot?
and do you think there are more of them in Washington, Oregon, Or California?


GROG can help:
The most Bigfoot sightings reported to the Bigfoot Research Organization (bfro.net) are in Washington, followed by California, and then Oregon. Ohio, Texas, and Florida have a significant amount of sightings as well.

The counties in Washington with the most sightings reported are Skamania, Pierce, King and Snohomish.Although a number of these sightings can be attributed to Woofmutt going out to get his mail in his bathrobe and being misidentified as a Sasquatch.



Dear Woofy,

do you believe in Bigfoot?
and do you think there are more of them in Washington, Oregon, Or California?


Dear Jeff,

Thank you for your interest in fun facts about my home state of Washington!

I agree, Nanaimo Bars are delicious! But they weren't invented in Washington State as you grandmother told you. Nanaimo Bars are attributed to the town of Ladysmith, British Columbia. It's close to Washington, but this is one fun fact I have to give the Canadians credit for!

Washington is AWESOMEton!


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