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Seasons of Tiki Art Swap - DONE!!! Swap results page 23

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hang10tiki you are a one man show and worth the price of admission! You are doing one of my favorite styles of tiki.

My piece has dried and been sanded.

It has also been bisque fired and washed.

When I start to glaze the Wish List I will do this mug at the same time.

Cheers, Wendy


Looking good!

Once I get back home and get in the studio I will share some updates...

Happy New Year everyone!

Wendy- :)
Lookin good

TikiDaye- cant wait

I've been off from school since December 23rd and haven't mustered up the energy to get started. I'm not even 100% sure what I'm going to do! I hope some motivation kicks in FAST. I've had plenty of time, just no desire to be artistic. I haven't touched clay this entire school year either. :(

Sorry for the whine! Happy New Year all!!!!!

Lori- go go go go go go

Wendy and Jon you're making me feel like a slacker!!!
Lori, you need to get your hands in some clay. Set aside an hour and have fun - let the creative juices flow. Even if you don't work on a Swap project it will do you a world of good :)

MadDogMike that's good advice. Lori clay will make you feel so good even if you just make a tiny cube. How about the season to clean out the garage and you could have a pile of tikis going to the curb because they are broken. This topic allows for anything to be made. I hope you start to feel it. Wendy

How about : hunting season :)

Thanks guys! Excellent advice. I think I need to go "borrow" some from my friend the art teacher. :wink:

It's definitely an "out of sight, out of mind" thing! If I push myself to do something, anything I predict I'll start getting into it.


Lori, go go go! Have fun while brainstorming, that's the important part. I love these Swaps since it's a purely "fun" enterprise. Well, except for the person who gets me as a Swap partner- for them, not so fun. Jon, I'm talking to you.

Jon, good 1 on the hunting season. I'll raise you up one to "Wabbit Season."

I finally got some hands on some clay myself (it's been quite a few months, since before Oasis, I think). Lori, it felt great, and I'm hooked once again.

I threw a slab and then this happened:

Heading in a slightly different direction than my original drawing. Let's see what happens (hopefully) tomorrow if/ when the clay firms up enough to start adding more.

Go TikiAno go!

Ano- are u kidding me
I love my TikiAno collection
U rock Bruddah
Like where the new piece is going


Finished the nose today
He can breathe much better

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-01-04 22:13 ]

hang10tiki that looks great. Tiki Ano so good to see you join in. This is going to be good. Wendy

Thanks W
This has been a fun design
Tough but fun

Saw this and thought of you Lori :wink: :lol:


Jon, that piece looks great. Send to San Diego. And thanks for your support. :)

This happened today (looks like I'm heading in the direction of the original design). Clay hadn't firmed up too much, but added some flat texture and began an initial carve.

This is a very ROUGH beginning.

It's been fun working with clay again. Mike, thanks for getting this Art Swap on to get me off my butt. Also, you're forgiven for not visiting on your recent trip to SD. :wink: (Just kidding).

cy posted on Tue, Jan 5, 2016 7:19 PM

Wendy you are the hardest working person in tiki, Season of Love Bob is looking good. Tiki Ano, happy you are on board this time, and Jon that is some fine carving my man, excellent progress! Besides the holidays, the last 6 weeks have been a bit rugged as I received a 30 day notice (negotiated to 45) to vacate the building that my business has been housed in the past 20 years. My lease was up and the new owners had other plans, but we are now in a new spot and up and running this week. A huge relief and it gave me time to do a sketch for the art swap. This will be a backlit, painted wood panel or two with a clock to mark the passing of summer, fall, winter, and spring.

Mike- good 1
Ano- off to a fast start, cant wait to see it come to life
Cy- Thanx bruddah, sorry about the move. Like your idea.

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-01-13 09:17 ]


Mike, that is GREAT! I'm pushing myself off the couch this week. Promise!

My mug is The Season of Love in Outer Space. I've glazed it.

Duncan has started selling the crystals and you can put them into any glaze you want to add streaks too.

I put a lot of those crystals into the glaze. I hope it worked out well.


Cy that's over the top! LoriLovesTiki go girl go.

Cheers, Wendy

Tiki Ano - great start!
Cy - I like that concept and I know you can pull it off. Sorry about the re-location. It sucks but after 20 years it may have been a blessing in disguise, it's good to move once in a while to de-clutter :lol:
Wendy - Nice! Those new crystals are really cool, I'll have to check them out.

On the drive back from the Willie Nelson concert :wink: my wife inspired me for my Seasons of Tiki project. I had a concept for a 4 sided mug molded over a Bolthouse Farms bottle (32 ounces, round at the bottom and squared at the top) but really hadn't decided on what to put on the 4 side. Teresa suggested "seasons" or eras of Tiki; the Golden Age of Tiki in the 50s and 60s, the Decay of Tiki in the 70s as tikis were forgotten and abandoned, the Devolution of Tiki in the 80s when tikis were painted gaudy colors, and the Revival of Tiki when tikis were restored to their formal glory.

Can't wait to see your vision (or rather Theresa's) come to life!


Wendy, looking great. I agree with Mike- very cool that they sell the crystals separately- if only they had them for midfire kiln loads. :(

Mike, I'm still confused slash concerned (professionally) re: a "Mocha Cappuccino," especially an iced bottled version, but I look forward to seeing what comes next.

Cy, looks great, can't wait to see your work. So sorry about the (forced) change in business. I worry about that all the time. Twenty years IS a good run, though... :) :)

I'm still waiting for this clay to dry out- we've had damp weather here in SD, and combined with the clay body I'm using (Cone 6 B-Mix, which is designed for throwing, thus has a whole lotta water in it), have to wait some more before carving into it.

I uncovered it a bit to help accelerate the drying process. Deadline is fast approaching, who else is in???

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2016-01-11 20:05 ]

I've been inspired and started on mine last night. Hope you like palm fronds??

Kraken- :)
Wendy- lookin good
Mike- alright, sometimes the idea is the hard part. Can't wait to see it.


Man, the clay is still wet. Tried carving a little more for cleaner lines- leaving it mostly uncovered and hope to dry it out more. I'm heading out of town soon but hopefully someone will bisque fire it when I'm away (and hoping it dries out). Fingers crossed!

Hi Tiki Ano, your mug is looking good. If it were mine I would be keeping it in a plastic bag most of the time and only out for an hour or two each day to dry. I hope it doesn't crack. When you have thicker parts they dry at a different rate and that can make the additions come loose. Best Wishes, Wendy


Thanks, Wendy. I actually left it wrapped in plastic- just not as tight as I had previously. I've been checking on it and making sure it's drying slowly- just not THAT slowly. Fingers are crossed that it will be able to get bisqued and then glazed in time!! Yikes. :)

Progress is looking good, everyone!

Finally got into the studio for a little sketching last night. The season I'm working on is the 'harvest' season...

More to come!


  • Jason

Tiki Ano, I wish you good luck so that we have a chance to trade.

TikiDaye good job. Drawing is hard work and you've got it down.

Cheers, Wendy

Lookin good here

I brought some clay home with me to start playing. This would be a lot more fun if someone was here with me. Procrastination........

cy posted on Sun, Jan 17, 2016 2:55 PM

Aloha, I love palm fronds, looking forward to end result! Ano I like the detailing you have added and a cool sketch TikiDaye. Lori we are here with you, now get going. I broke one of my own rules- never attempt to carve plywood- with mixed results but I like to use what I have available.
I will do a fabric background and paint the main piece with acrylic.

[ Edited by: cy 2016-01-17 14:57 ]

[ Edited by: cy 2016-01-18 08:22 ]


TikiDaye, looking good-

Lori, ditto what cy said- "You're not alone....." :wink:

cy, I am excited to see what happens next. If anyone could carve plywood, it's you, amigo.

This is getting good....

Wow CY that's a lot of work being put into the piece. Impressive. We sure love our record album art that you did for a past swap. Wendy

I am the happy owner of several Cy pieces! Definitely some of the highlights of my collection. They always make me smile. I'm sure your newest creation will be amazing.

So I got started, kind of. Last night I made this sketch. I've already changed some things in it (in my mind) but it was good to get things on paper. Basically it's the same scene times 4 (fall, winter, spring, summer) with little touches that represent the season.

While sketching I decided I can't draw a Moai, which is obvious, and the palm tree will be the same in each "vignette." After much internal debate I decided to create four tiles, each one representing a seasonal scene and then I'll create some way to display them all together as a single piece of art.

Tonight I rolled out some clay and cut out the "tiles." I've got them on paper plates and I'll put them into plastic bags so they can start to set up.

When it's leather hard I'll be able to use the carving tools I bought a while back thanks to Wendy's suggestion!

Happy to be in the game! Thanks for the motivation. I've already got plans for the leftover clay......

Cy- you go boy
Lori- you go girl


Been a few days since I was here, lots of activity!
TikiAno - don't worry, I didn't drink that fake cappuccino! Mug is lookin' good!
Aloha Station - your palm fronds ROCK! Can't wait to see what you come up with
TikiDaye - Wow! Cool sketch
Lori - so glad you found your inspiration.
Cy - Carving plywood? Interesting. If anyone can do it I know you can

I have been working on my mug in my mind when I'm lying in bed at night and can't sleep. But so far I haven't touched the clay. But I haven't been completely artless, I just finished this Pokeman Bulbasaur planter for my step-daughter's birthday - 7 months late, her birthday was last June :lol:

Been spending all my free time doing a 2-room addition to my dad's house. Hope to be finished with that project the end of this month and then I will have more clay time.


Mike, good luck on the room addition!

Dig the pokemon planter.

Oh, I thought the Swap deadline was Feb 1! It's the END of February? Whew.

I thought the deadline was the end of THIS month and was worried about getting my pieces fired twice and glazed in between so that's excellent news! (It's also good that I didn't know about this until today. :wink: If you know what I mean!)

Mike, I love Bulbasaur!!!! My now 20 year old LOVED all things Pokemon and I'm surprised that I still see Pokemon cards floating around my school so that stuff has great longevity.

Have fun with that 2 room addition. Now that the older boys are back at college we're redoing our powder room, probably starting this weekend when we're not busy shoveling.

Have a great weekend all!

I'm done and it's out of the kiln. Now I just need to pack it up and SWAP!

Mine is the Season of Love (February) and I did a space man or woman ready for Valentines Day.

Crazy mug, Cheers, Have Fun, I'm relaxing! Wendy

So very cool Wendy!!!!

U are a machine

cy posted on Sun, Jan 24, 2016 2:43 PM

Thanks Lori, I always try to infuse a splash of humor into all I do. Wendy, I agree with H10, you ARE a machine! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with MDM. Here is a wee bit of progress, as I have the background about done. I used Elmers glue to attach gold colored felt to plywood, then cut the excess with a razor blade. Next is painting the foreground piece.

ohhhhhhhhhhhh CY I love works that light up! Wendy


Wait, now I'm nervous- Mike, can we get a confirmation- is the deadline for the Swap 2/1 or 3/1?

I looked back and realized I may have read someone else's comment rather than the OFFICIAL statement re: timing.

One of the kilns in the studio is down so now all firing is delayed- which means my greenware still hasn't been bisque fired. Hmmmm.....

Nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs David? LOL
I didn't see where I had mad an official proclamation either but my intent was the end of February. So I just changed the title of the thread to reflect the deadline :)

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