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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

C.P.R.'s carvings- Aumakua p.23/ PNG p.28/ / Big Hawaiian DONE! (11/29 p.34)

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tikifreak, i've used tightbond before, but for cracks like that i like to use gorilla glue. it expands and fills in any spaces you can't quite clamp tight enough. it's expensive, but a little goes a long way.

looking good.


That is quite an extensive surgery, well documented and it looks like it was successful. OK, the glue has dried, it is time to start chopping.

I'll agree with the comment above about Gorilla Glue. It works really well on wood.

GMAN posted on Tue, May 27, 2008 3:04 PM

you make me proud....sniff.....

pdrake, thanks man! I'll have to try it next time

MR.P, I'm on it!

Master G- it's okay to let out your emotions on my thread, thanks buddy!

Here is a bit more for today, I went back to the grinder and tried to even out the legs and smooth out where I cut off the dowels. It probably doesn't look like I did much but these legs are giving me a hard time to give them any kind of shape so I'm going really slow.


Man so much going on. Looks like you have
done well on the dowels.

He still looks very cool, nice going.


T-Freak, Your guy is Really coming along quicker than I thought it wood. The repair looks perfect and shouldn't bother you at all. Man I can't wait to see This guy done!

Oh Yeah, Super nice Logs, man I'm Jealous!


[ Edited by: Benzart 2008-05-27 17:29 ]


Hi Tfreak,

happy to see some update 'cause hey man, you're on fire !

Beautiful carving, can't wait to see it finished.


Thanks Seeks, benella, and Benz!!!!

A little work on the face, pretty rough! Don't mind the black eyeliner, those were my outlines to make the sockets for the shells!

[ Edited by: tikifreak1 2008-05-29 04:49 ]


Nice Freak, I can see him coming out more. He
is definitely going to be offbeat and cool.

GMAN posted on Thu, May 29, 2008 5:16 AM

Dig! Solid work Craig.

Seeks, G- much appreciated!!

Here is some more work. I'm still not done shaping the nose but I'm excited I got a string through it without breaking it! I'm not sure why, I'm looking at PNG pictures for the nose but it is looking more like George Washington's?? I'm also in the process of doing new eyes. I kept looking at it and it looked liked they need to be sunken in more?

[ Edited by: tikifreak1 2008-05-29 15:15 ]


George Washington had wooden teeth not a wooden nose.

Coming along nice.

GMAN posted on Thu, May 29, 2008 4:43 PM

I put a string through my nose and it wuz easy.....see.....

Seeks- ohhh yeah!

G- prove it!


looking really good!

I'm with TF1, G you have to prove it.


Haven't been here in a few days, Looking Excellent as Expected T-Freak. It just boggles my mind to think you have SO Much talent right from the start like this. I think the Ancients are Strong in you my friend, BE forewarned and prepare yourself.
They're gonna have Fun with you!

Thanks JohnnyP!

Benz, I think the ancients are thinking.....what the hell is this guy doing???

First off I know it kind of looks like a monkey right now! I stained it to try to control the cracks because it looked liked it worked on my last one. It will not even be that color, much darker (hopefully)?

Started to set the eyes, worked on the ears, and got half of a tusk in his nose.

G, you were right. I need another one. Thanks!!


Man-Oh-Man, this guy is Lookin Better and Better with every session. You may be right about talking to the Ancients, I think they must See something in nYou they Like.
Of course you know we will Always expect top shelf stuff from you from now on!


tikifreak, I think he is looking great! He is
showing some cool personality already.

GMAN posted on Fri, Jun 6, 2008 5:22 PM


Yep, you need another tusk...but we new that. The little guy is comig along nicely. Do you still feel as though you are learning new stuff every day? Remember to think. Know what you want see and then think about the best tool to use and the best way to get there. Think, plan, execute - then fix where you went wrong, remember what happened and then begin the process again. If you are aware of what happens and why, you will always be growing as a carver. I see great things coming from you and I love watching these pieces unfold. Please keep going.


Thanks Seeks!

Benz, I talked to the ancients tonight and they said my carvings aren't up to speed. Maybe in a couple of years so we're going to back to Benz for now!

Gman, yes I'm still learning a bunch! Every style is different in many ways from facial features, stance, body style and so on. My goal is to try many Polynesian styles and then do them again and try to make them better than the first attempt the next go around, hopefully?

Thanks guys


Tikifreak, I am loving this piece you are carving. It is getting better and better as you are changing it. Would be interesting to see where it ends. Great work.

Paipo posted on Sat, Jun 7, 2008 1:50 AM

Looking sweeter every step - the cracks don't look too bad from here? I can't wait to see how you're going to adorn this guy. Speaking of adornment, that sure is a pointy stick he's packing there - you could take an eye out with that thing :wink:

Aloha Craig! Man your carving is looking Great my friend! Keep it up!Aloha Mooney

Looks Great~!

I was going to wait till it was finished to post but I'm still waiting on some stuff I bought for it so what the heck. Just finished the last coat of stain (still wet).

Hiltiki- Thanks, I can't wait to see how it turns out too. I'm still trying to figure how to install the hair on this one?

Paipo- Thanks, he's packin' a pointy stick because I have crappy chainsaw skillz. From what I have seen in PNG carvings they are not very realistic looking? Hopefully there won't be any heads going down their!

Mooney and Duddy, thanks too!!!!


Tfreak, THis one is certainly Incredible and what your Number THREE? Awesome work and you are earning tons of respect not only from me and the other carvers here but from the Ancients as well. Very well done/ almost done!

GMAN posted on Wed, Jun 18, 2008 6:42 PM

That is gonna look slick with all his bolt ons and erl. Awesome work.

Benzo - I believe this is Freak #2 if we don't count the fire wood......




Thanks Benz, G, and Benjamin!!!

G- is the Tang firewood???

GMAN posted on Thu, Jun 19, 2008 6:51 AM

Oops, No - The Tang is not firewood. I guess that would this guy #3? My bad.


Alrighty, #3 is done!!!! Abolone shell eyes, ostrich feathers/ human hair, shell earings, croc teeth, boar tusks. I stole some of my favorite features from different PNG carvings and attempted to put them in mine. I can't believe he actually can stand up!!! I still might change up some of the features and add more, but here it is for now!!!! What should the next one be????

GMAN posted on Fri, Jun 20, 2008 1:47 PM


That is the bomb! The feathers work perfectly! Great stuff. The hair/feather combo looks great. Nicely done. Add a shell chest plate and call it quits. Perfecto!



WOW I love this guy! Very cool the hair the feathers NICE!
Very exotic carves on the last to nice work.

Paipo posted on Fri, Jun 20, 2008 3:22 PM

Really, really good. This guy is a huge step up from your last two carvings. Great job on all the adornments.
I reckon you should throw a wig on that Tang too, and you'll have the world's first tiki hair metal band! :lol:

Whoooahhhh! That is a mean little thing! He looks positively VOODOO! Great job, and only 3 in. wow, they all are great.


T-Freak, Just explain how you did this with ONLY Two tikis under your belt! Just plain,Downright Excellent, The Finish, THe shells, the feathers, Everything is just the BOMB!
I'm almost afraid to see whats next.

Good skills Craig. Ditto the other comments - he looks great stained up and the adornment really sets him off, especially the black feathers.

I checked out a Tok-Pisin (PNG 'pigin' english) language site and came with "Sap-Kok" as a potential name for him..? :wink:

Cant wait to see your next project!

G- thanks buddy!!! I'm liking the breast plate idea!!! I think I'm going to replace one of the eyes (one of the pupils is off) and then I'll call it quits!

seeks- thanks, I'm pretty happy with how the hair turned out. I have been thinking about how to do it for days. Then the feathers came today and I just went to go give it a dry run and I said screw it and it took about 5 minutes to install!!!

Paipo- I don't know about hair on the tang :lol:, but I'm sure there will be more coming w/ hair!! So I'll be putting the band together. Thanks man!

surfin'- I appreciate it.

Benz- well lets see......I found this place, gman took me under his wing, I come home and do my online classes on TC and study hard and try to apply it in the field. Really I wish I could do a lot better, I'm still not happy with the legs on this one, but I just had to work the best I could with my bad rough out (still learning the chainsaw, well learning to carve in general). Also all the great support from everybody on here including you, you have been very helpful! Thanks, the ancients have chosen wisely.

Thanks Tama, I think the feathers turned out pretty cool too. You know I had to do my research and I think Sap-kok how you say.......sharp penis will work just fine! :)

Thanks for checking him out guys!!!

[ Edited by: tikifreak1 2008-06-20 20:42 ]

Now this captures some ATTITUDE. And the first couple of pictures sorta freak
me out. Nice work again.

GMAN posted on Sat, Jun 21, 2008 11:22 AM


If you are freaking Conga out...you know you really have something special here!


incredible!! keep it up, man! looks like you found a permanent niche.


He looks like a rockstar ! I love it. excellent work. What's next ? Maori? Marq? :wink:


Conga- Hot'n'Crazy, that's what I'm talking about!! I'll try not to freak you out next one?

G- I hope it was a good freak out?

GTP- thanks man!! I'm in it for the long haul!! Thanks for stopping by!!

Benella- thanks, he might be the front man in the band? I might be going to New Zealand on the next adventure??? In my head that is, I wish I could really go their!!! GMAN and I are going to work on one when he comes up here on his next business trip, hopefully.

Here are some pictures of my carvings in there new resting spot and shots of my basement I just finished for those that might not venture to "other crafts". I'm still working in the bar area though!

Ohhh yeah, and I need a cool name for the lounge if somebody has some good ideas........Tama!!!!

[ Edited by: tikifreak1 2008-06-24 16:19 ]


Them bad boy look great in the tiki room.
Fantastic work on the place.


TFreak, Tat place is Freakin' Amazing,Looks great especially with all those cool tikis where did you find'um? You must Know somebody? :) :P .

Thanks Seeks and Benz, about to start next project!!!

[ Edited by: tikifreak1 2008-08-17 12:54 ]

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