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Basement Kahuna -New Maori Bone Pendant 3/04

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Oh, and Lake and Pop I WAS stressing about the pole big time. I stayed up until 5:00 in the morning after I finished it staring at it and picking it apart...I'm terribly hard on myself...I can still find a million bits of criticism of my own stuff -that and being high as a kite on paint fumes (and gin) from applying the finish kept me up that long. I guess being my own worst enemy gives me the drive to keep on trying to improve!


wow! Those are perfect. I like the finish and paint on the tall one.


I'm behind. Is that real tapa that weapon is on? If so, that's mighty fine. Love the new guy too. I wish I had 2 of those on the way to "The Hapa Haole Hideaway."


HO! cherry da kine! Wat kind of wood is da tall buggah? you mainland carvers get all da good wood. I would love to get my hands on a 15 foot log!

It's white pine, Geck, but you have to seal the hell out of it to slow the drying. We are in a wood wonderland here...went to my local sawmill the other day and they had a load of old growth ponderosa pines from Highlands, North Carolina that averaged 45-48 inches in diameter...log lengths there are brought in at 18 feet. I can't even touch 'em (you know the kind of logistics involved with moving a log that size...we're talking, maybe 8,000 pounds green?)


I've been thru this thread and I'm just totally Numb. What talent you got boy...Don't you EVER Quitunless your arms Both fall off.Don't see how you would ever have a problem selling all you carve and more.
I did a few carvings for a Maoriwho played in the Mai-Kai band at the time. He really helped me in my carvings and I did a nice drum for him , Anyway he moved back to New Zealand to work his dads Timber farm. Name is Charles Mohe. If I can find him, I'm sure he would be blown away with your work.

Hey, thanks, Ben...coming from the awesome likes of you it means a lot. I wonder if the Taiahas they use in the Mai Kai show sre yours? Speaking of, here's the pics of the Taiaha I just finished again for this thread:

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna 2006-08-19 22:34 ]


May be,,not sure. I made 2,the first being, in the end, Charles Mohii's grandfathers design 5 times removed.Inother words this 1 I made from a picture of Charles great,great,great;great'great grandfather,
( unbeknownst to me).When he saw it lets just say "ain't Nobody Else Gettin' that 1 but ME" and I don't know bout the second one.
Anyway dude its YOU Who rocks.
Someone earlier said sumpthin bout this thread will be mostly carvers, probably cuz if you aren't a chipper, you be lost

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-01-13 06:54 ]

So you did do two for the Mai Kai (counting the personal one?). The ones they use are pretty big-I'd bet at least one is yours. I used an old design from a Maori art book I own for mine. Carving in miniature like that is nerveracking; I was glad when I finished it, but Maori is one of my favorite styles. I bought the current manager of Mai Kai Kern a Patu (genuine Maori, #5) for Christmas from this page http://www.giftsnz.co.nz/weapons.htm . They have nice stuff. He is a nice guy, too..wonderful advocate of tiki culture and has been a good promoter of my carvings as well....the least I could do. They need some new tikis for the garden area to supplement the somewhat decayed ones there now...very traditional but lord, what an honor it would be to have one there!


The 2 I carved were for Charles Mohe (Mohee, Mohi not sure...).
I'll scan some shots later of them and the drum I did as well. Not sure if one stayed at the Mai-Kai.
Ask Kern a Patu if he knows of or has heard from Charles and how to reach him??
I believe Any of your carvings would fit right in at the Mai-Kai and probably be better than a lot the already have.
Talk to him about coming out there to carve on the premises, maybe a little show time as well, You can do it..
Love the weapons site btw

He is Kern Mattei. The "Patu" is just the name for that short club. As far as I know we are going to dedicate a new Basement Kahuna tiki at the Mai Kai at Hukilau in September. I do currently sell in the gift shop there (smaller weapons and Gope Boards), which to be there in any mode feels great. I'll ask about Charles...If anybody knows he would.


Thanks, that would be great..
I've been into computers for 10 years and this is the First Forum of any kind that I've been excited about...So I get a bit lost going between the pages. I posted Pix of Charles and his drum on the "Ben Davis" thread, check it out.

BK, What kind of wood can you use to do relief carving like the Maori meeting house carving? Can I go to Home Depot and grab a board or do I need special wood?


You don't need special wood, just good wood.I used to get White Pine and Mahogany boards in the 4'X16"X10 to 12 ft from a Local Wood supplier/Wholsaler. You usually need to buy a minimum number of board feet, but you will find the wood ends up being Cheaper than the Construction grade from Home Depot.There is not much better carving wood than Mahogany.I'm not sure exactly where you are, but there has to be cabinet makers shops there and THEY will know where to get Good wood. Wood from these places will be kiln dried and Stable. Hope this helps and please Ask anything.

...What he said!

I am lucky to have a good local yokel sawmill, so I didn't really count to answer that question (kind of like I'm cheating, but hey, it's there!)that's where I get all of that pretty black walnut and cherry. The hack-job first flat Maori panel I did (one of my earlier attempts)was cherry, and actually the nicer bigger one is poplar that I put a pre-stain on after completion and it made the finish a nice color and quite old looking (my goal always). Poplar is pretty much the mockingbird of woods, it can imitate anything. Sawmill lumber has to be dried laying flat or wide boards will want to 'cuff", or warp. But if you can find one in your backyard with old-growth hardwoods, then by all means! All in all you are better off ordering it like master Ben said. You get no unpleasant surprises that way.


I've never considered myself a Master. Most of my carvings were not very good at all.The ones that turned out great were not my doing, some I don't even remember doing..???
Any way you know enough to be a Master your self and your work agrees with that.
One thing that happens when you start carving Full time for a living is that customers will look at a piece and want it for much less money so you say OK, I can carve you one for the $ you want, but it will not have the level of detail or use the Fancy wood as this one. The result is you become a carver whore producing cheap crap. You need to do this to a certain extent but don't get dragged down by it.
So, there is a use for the Home Depot wood after all heh,heh..

Here is a sign I did for the Mai Kai's Christmas present...The "wasting", or outlining was done with a small Makita router. Then the textures, the flowers, and the detailing done by hand with various chisels. How about the Mai Kai sarong-clad serving girl with my Akatara! A little bit of heaven holding a little bit of hell!

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2004-01-28 20:14 ]

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna 2006-08-19 22:40 ]

B Kahuna, Nice job as usual. Paint is a new twist for you isn't it. The wahine with the pig sticker is a classic shot too.


Is it that bad? :)

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2004-01-28 22:28 ]

Come on now BK? You know me better than that. I am NO HATER! Das GOOD !

I knew you meant the girl....

SES posted on Thu, Jan 29, 2004 3:19 AM

I think it was Bobbit association.


Wow, the girl;s got a Big Stick. BK your work is So precise and sharp, Really nice. Was that "Home Depot" wood?

That's actually a 29-inch wide white pine board from the sawmill. If you asked them for a 1 1/2 x 29 at Home Depot they'd laugh at you or look at you like you're crazy!


Amazing work (as always). I'm continually impressed and inspired.

So are you a full-time carver or do you just spend most your free time doing it?


Thought so, Just checking

Sorry, Rory...I missed your question before..just a part time carver...full time dreamer!

Hey BK!

Have them save your wisdom teeth and get some diamond dremel bits and carve em up! Bill would look rather swank with those inbeded into his collar!


Good Idea Rev, or maybr BK will use them in a future carving.Imagine a tiki with Real Teeeh. I'll bet fellow TC'rs have a few to donate.

Man...I don't wanna ever SEE those sonsabiatches again. Once they're out I want 'em GONE.

Not to get off topic BK but are they impacted? I was only born with lowers, but now at 34 yrs old mine are buried under my back molars. They have always told me since they popped a bit to have them out but I'm stubborn. I'm hoping they don't go to hell on me... they'd have to tear my mouth and gums apart!

Best of luck to you in your surgery and recovery... I'll make sure to carve in your honor that week!

BK that is a killer sign. After spending so much time carving geometric shapes, did you find the flowers to a challenge?

Monkeyman: The flowers were a cinch. Just palmtool stuff. Lake: Yeah, one on top is impacted. The lower left back has a hole in it the size of a .22 bullet. Gotta go.

Maori Rauru style mouldings by me for the Haole Sneaky (did 480 feet of the stuff for that job)

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna 2006-08-19 22:44 ]

A six-foot "centerpole" type Polynesian fishtrap I just crafted.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna 2006-08-19 22:45 ]


Man, that Hale Tiki sure is gonna be a place to visit! Nice job, BK!!

GECKO posted on Mon, Mar 1, 2004 2:40 PM

eh, nice da kine! Hale is gon be wun bad buggah tanks to you. Always good when da new places dat open up are made with aloha. good for you and Brad.


BK, How did your Surgery go by the way? Hope Allright.
I like what you wre talking about for around my carving. I ordered some new tools the right size this time for the hale Tiki warrior I'm doing. When they get here ,I'll be able to let the chips fly.I'll be going to work about a week too soon but I've had enough sitting around. Think I'm gonna stain him Red Mahogany.

Moulding will be in Provincial (already bought the stain!)but that's your call, Ben. I'm sure it will be awesome. Thanks, Gecko, for the props. Hopefully Mine, Ben, Swanky, Al, and Vaughn's baby baby will be an eyepopper when done.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna 2006-06-11 17:16 ]


Bk,sounds too cool. I'll do teh guy in Provincial, easily done.

2 new Kahuna clubs on the way...


Nice to hear from you again.


For you new guys who have not gone far enough back to see it, here is Bawsement Kahunas fantastic work. Browse thru these pages to see some great tiki carving.

Basement Kahuna, man I just read this whole thread,I am embarrassed to not have found it before this. Your works are truly art. I wish I could really express how I feel after looking at all of the photos of your carvings. I look forward to going to the Hukilau even more now so I can see your pieces in person and have the chance to meet you.

Thank you, Tiki-toa...it means a lot, especially right now. Don't know how much I'll have at Hukilau but will have something I'm sure. Lots of heavy goings on have sort of sapped me but I need to get my ass in gear and start carving again. If you want to check out some of the old TC carvers work as well you may want to pull up "Carving Post"...it was the original thread and the predecessor to "Creating Tiki". It's still in here somewhere.


good to see you back on the site, one of the true masters of the chisels here on tiki central. i look forward to everything you carve BK. hope every thing gets better.

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