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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Hang10Tiki stuff

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Love the newest piece. Bring it to San Diego, quick! I have a nice home for him.... :)

Yeah, you should start selling your work. You are a great carver!

amate posted on Tue, Jun 10, 2014 8:23 AM

Nicely done!
I love the dapper tip of his cap.
!very panache!

[ Edited by: amate 2014-06-10 08:24 ]

Thanx for the look and words of encouragement
Glad you like


Done with the Tiki Alien art swap piece
The Goofs hat reminded me of a space ship


Inspiration mug

Here we go...

nice detail....I always love an alien

cy posted on Sun, Jul 20, 2014 9:20 AM

Nice start Jon!

Thanks guys
It's been to freekin hot out to work on the new one....
Time to put AC in the garage



Looking good so far :)

Thanks clarita

Not much progress
But I made a few lil cuts

Started a new one today



I like the contrast of colors that happens as you carve deeper into the wood, both on your latest and this one

This design would make a pretty badass Halloween mask!


That headdress is gonna be SWEET!!! I like theat you have a never-ending supply of dead trees in your yard :lol:


Yep, killer headdress! Sorry about the tree...


Nice start Jon.

Dead trees never looked so good. You've got the touch. Wendy

Thanks guys
Another fun start
Wish work would stop getting in the way

lil more

cy posted on Mon, Oct 20, 2014 3:46 PM

An excellent carve Jon!

Thanx Frog Man
Lil more

When are you going to get into some wood burning and wire brushing for a Witco look. I think it would look great on this outstanding design. You sure do good work. Wendy

Hi Wendy
Thanks for looking
Unfortunately this type of wood doesn't work well with burning
So I'll most likely just stain it

Time to start the arms

Lil more today

He is looking so good. We'll meet him in person sometime next year. Wendy


Jon, looking gooooooooooood.

Wendy and David- thanks for the drive by

Leg day

Good legs. Was the drive by how he got the holes through his hands? Wendy

Good 1 Wendy

Tan time:

Peanut got his tan on too:

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2014-11-11 14:43 ]



cy posted on Wed, Nov 12, 2014 8:05 AM

The stains look great on those H10!

Thanx guys


Jon, these are great- I think I missed the Peanut carve- awesome idea- and badass carve.


Very nice.

They turned out wonderfully beautiful with a tan. I personally stay out of the sun so I'll never look that good. Your yard is now the hang10tikigallery. We will just have to come for a visit. Wendy

Thanks guys

I forgot to post my pics of the 2 frames I made for the
Mad Dog Mike Art Swap: Hawaii Shirt theme

12x12 routed frame

And a small frame for photos
Used a wood burner on it


On 2014-11-22 11:50, hang10tiki wrote:

You pushed it up a notch on that one, H10. I hope you're not out of trees!



Do you have any more dead trees to carve in your yard? Wendy

BigT- :)
Nice work- :)
Wendy- out of stumps :(

Thanks for the fly by...

Found a couple album frames at Goodwill

Time to clean em up

1st step
Remove the white paint

cy posted on Mon, Apr 6, 2015 8:09 AM

I've been wondering when we might see some work from you H10, cool frames!

Aloha Cy :)

Done with my swap piece for the
2015 Enchanted Tiki Room theme swap

My inspiration was this guy

My turn

cy posted on Sun, Jul 26, 2015 3:26 PM

Your best yet H10, fantastico!!


I agree with cy.

Well I like it too! For some reason (it could be cocktails) it makes me smile. Nice carving and coloring.

Cy- thanx Bruddah
Hil- thank you :)
Conga- nice to have you fly by, thanks, smiles are always good



Nice Jon! Send to San Diego.


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