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Hang10Tiki stuff

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The Vegas sun has beat up two old friends
Time for a lil makeover


Nice refresh on those two dudes!

Thanks T

Asked to do a lil project

JB wanted to spice up his planter
to give it a little Tiki boost

He sent me the dimensions
and the idea of what he wanted

This is what he was thinking

My turn

My part is done
Here's the photos he sent me

He said he's going to add some color to give it more of an enchanted tiki room look


That looks like fun.
Good job.

cy posted on Sun, Nov 8, 2015 3:19 PM

I have been wondering if you were carving H10, you gave that planter personality!

Thanks guys, it was fun


neato basket - good work!

That looks great!


Sweeeeeeeeet stuff. Love that addition- groovy idea and killer execution. :)


Nice. Wonder how it would look If the planter were painted the same color as the wood? Great ideas and great execution. Great stuff.


Thanks for the kind words
Glad you like

A good friend of mine had a great pano pic of him in the water
Been looking for a pano frame I could "fix" up for him
Finally found one

Good job on that frame.
Looks Witco to me.

Thanks Will...

New piece done
For the MadDogMike art swap

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-02-28 21:51 ]

cy posted on Sun, Feb 7, 2016 3:39 PM

Cool frame for a cool picture H10, the carve is your best!

Big CY- thanks Bruddah

GROG posted on Mon, Feb 8, 2016 11:31 PM


Grog- yep, funny they always take longer to make
But no worries lil buddie
I put you on it too

Next one done, finally
Took forever
Not enough time in the day
Or so I kept telling myself :)

Time to give credit where credit due
Inspiration from Bill: 4WDTiki himself
And a carving I saw on Hawaii 5-0

Looking good! I love the Menehune in there, reminds me of those cannibal totem Tikis. He looks like he's using all his strength to prevent the Tiki from crushing (or just eating) him.

Thanks Bam
Glad you like
Mr Menehune fit just right :)


cy posted on Tue, Mar 1, 2016 12:13 PM

That looks great H10, you added your style to him, nice!


Nice carve! Send to SD. :wink:


Very nice Jon!! Cool take on 4wd!


Very nice.

Thanks for looking guys
Glad you like him


cy posted on Fri, Jun 3, 2016 4:56 PM

Looking good Jonny, like the color contrast in the wood.

Thanks Cy

Right on man!

Art swap piece
shipped to Florida
It gets to live with all the great carvings by Will

Made a lil necklace for a friend

And it could be the inspiration
for my next carving.
Thank you.
Nice pendant.


I've had this big stump dryin out for over a year
It was the last piece cut from a big mesquite tree in a park near me
My largest carve to date
I can't lift it, so it's a bit tough to work on
Oh well
Let's go

I'm starting to think I let it dry out too long
Hard as heck and I bent one chisel ready
Oh well
It's a fun 1
Lots to go

cy posted on Tue, Sep 6, 2016 10:56 AM

That thing looks hard as hell, nice work Jon!

Thanks CY
How's frog island thus time of year?

cy posted on Wed, Sep 7, 2016 5:44 PM

A bit down on water, but better than normal. Usually by the end of September it is close to dry, and is visited yearly by a huge heron that stands motionless in the muck and feasts on frogs.

Don't eat the frogs

Funny when u spend 3 hrs on something
just to realize not much has changed


carve deeper.

cy posted on Wed, Oct 5, 2016 8:23 AM

We've all been there H10, you measure carving in months rather than hours, looking good bro.

Will- Workin on it
Broke another chisel on dis guy
That's 2 so far
Be safe with this new Hurricane

Cy- true bruddah


Nice carve, looking forward to progress pictures.

Thanks Hil

Workin around mouth and above eyes today
Bent another chisel but was able to bend it back


that carve is lookin good jon! what kind of chisels are you using?! show us a pic. the only one i've ever broken are the smaller flexcut chisels when i was using it with a mallet.

These are the ones that keep bustin
I will not get this brand anymore
"El cheep-0"

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-10-13 19:56 ]


Jon, looking great!

Sorry about the chisels. Stay sharp, amigo!

Thanks Ano

Now eye can see u

cy posted on Mon, Nov 7, 2016 8:06 AM

Excellent Jon!

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