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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Hang10Tiki stuff

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W- on my days off


Stocked up on some wood today:


Old age lines? I like that collar. Ohhhhhhhh all that wood for projects. Did you get a bargain?

Wendy- I prefer smile lines


Yup, Picked all that up for 100.00

Lil more today:


Ha ha, I'm fighting those lines. He has personality. Is he a relative?

Great deal on the wood. So many future projects.

I wish he was a relative


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Ear joinery and base detail next


Luke,is he your father?

Will- “Do or do not. There is no try.”

Heard a chainsaw I thought I did



3 pieces of pine I have

Wow, your are going to carve some really big tiki or something else?

Aloha Wendy, not sure, I assume this Pine will take forever to dry


According to my calculations, 80,170 and 200 lbs, but man does it feel like more!!!

That or I need to start working out again, lol.

Maybe I just need a Will crane. 😆

[ Edited by hang10tiki on 2023-09-07 05:29:18 ]


Nice logs! The pine could sit for a month or 2 or4 but won't need to dry out that much. It won't change much. Can't wait to see what you'll do in it. Remember it goes thru to the other side.

Will- ok, thanks, it sure is sappy

Yodas hut:


The base will resemble it, I hope 🤷🏼‍♂️

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What are you holding onto? Will it screw into something like a walking stick?

W- a carving screw

Ya screw it into the bottom of a carving

I Put a hole in my workbench so I can secure the carving to my bench to work on it


More on the base, vines on the tree


Gotta go, Steelers on



Maybe next week

Time for a Mango 🥭 kolada


[ Edited by hang10tiki on 2023-09-10 16:45:45 ]

Really impressive. Did you mention what type of wood that is?

Aloha BW- bass wood

Glad u like it so far

Base and sanding, sanding, sanding


What’s missing

Hmmm 🤔

Ear time


Ears blocked out on the bandsaw


WILL start carving them tomorrow

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh it's Yoda! So obvious now. He's going to be darling.

Wendy- Lol



Hi Mike

Lil more ear work this am:

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Another wood score today:


What would make that would score even better?



Wonderful Yoda.

Did a carver retire? That's a great score of wood including the boat front. Will she go into your tiki room?

You can do anything, and I'll be watching.

Aloha Wendy, yes, it was nice to retrieve someone’s leftovers. I will put them to good use. And yes, the lady carving will eventually make it to the tiki bar once I clean it up.


All cool information.


Had to make the hut doorway bigger, so the star of the show could fit in his doorway


Next making the head wrinkles deeper


So cool Jon!

Thanks Mike

Little more detailing, lots of the sanding, then more sanding, then a little interior decorating on the inside of the hut!

I placed it on a lamp to see if the window was big enough and would be able to pick up the light


Remote control Flickering tea light gets delivered tomorrow.

Next, it’s time to find an airbrush and pick up some green paint


The tea lights arrived at 5am, very pleased with the flickering color. I can imagine Yoda sitting by the fireplace inside his house enjoying his dinner!



Picked up the primer.


Primer on.

Next is to get an airbrush, and maybe some practice before I ruin this thing


WOWOWOWOWOW that's so wonderful. I'm anxious for the ears to go on. The light effect brings it to life.

Such a cool and unique project!

Thanks guys. Fun one, hope the painting goes ok

In the meantime…

I was moving some stuff around in the garage and look what rolled on the floor


Hmm 🤔

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Noooooooooooooo IMG_0937

Ok. Tiny joinery 71700759213__7BFFE6DE-5BAE-4AC0-99FB-D70237E70857


I’ll let the glue dry then pull out the red and white paint for my 1st Santa ornament


Well done repair. Your Santa looks like the Grinch so no presents for you!!!

W- lol

Found a cypress knee today

Future carving:


Wife getting ready for Halloween:


Who knew you could finish a project with 3 drops of paint and 2 drops of water


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I'm like'n your Santee. What will you think of next ??? careful.

Will- good one

U up early sir

Are you done with the big painting project so u can get back to wowing us?

Well, we’re waiting…

Cute cute cute. Just darling projects. So much fun to see. Keep them coming.

Thanks W

Gloss on


So the walking stick branch I hooked onto the 2 x 4 to try and straighten it a bit is dry, it helped a little, so, sanding with a rasp all morning, then I started grinding out some of the knot holes in the top for extra credit


A friend of mine was selling his bandsaw, got it


[ Edited by hang10tiki on 2023-09-24 14:40:41 ]

That was a cool idea. Now you need a snake to crawl through all the holes.


Golf tee? Oh good Lord! I couldn't even see that, let alone carve it! Turned out great! The cypress knee should be interesting. What type of grain do they have?

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