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Ask Little Lost Tiki Absolutely Anything

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On 2009-12-08 08:56, TikiG wrote:
I disagree with you LLT - calling our American Smarties LAME :(

What would the American Halloween experience be without them...yeah?...LAME!

Feel Free to Disagree.G!
This IS a Public Forum....But Sweet Tarts KICK Smarties' Butt ANY day....

and don't get me started about Pixie Sticks!

"British Smarties are a colourful sugar-coated chocolate confectionery popular all over the world. They have been manufactured since at least 1882, originally by Richard Roland Hirschfield Rowntree (SHAFT from the popular movie)
Enterprises,which was established in England via Time Machine.... "

Q: So you have established that "Time Travel" is real, so how do we know if our current timeline is Paradox free?, Is it possible that we are experiencing a post Butterfly effect? if so? why did Richard Roundtree not set him self up as the richest Man in the world or President of America etc.?
It would seem that the Inventor of Smarties, may in fact, not be so smart?

I'm Just talkin bout "Shaft"

On 2009-12-08 11:12, Atomic Tiki Punk waxed philosophically:
Q: So you have established that "Time Travel" is real, so how do we know if our current timeline is Paradox free?, Is it possible that we are experiencing a post Butterfly effect? if so? why did Richard Roundtree not set him self up as the richest Man in the world or President of America etc.?
It would seem that the Inventor of Smarties, may in fact, not be so smart?

I'm Just talkin bout "Shaft"

In 1972, Philip Merilees asked," Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas? "
Although a butterfly flapping its wings has remained constant in the expression of this concept, the location of the butterfly, the consequences, and the location of the consequences have varied widely.

The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that may ultimately alter the path of a tornado or delay, accelerate or even prevent the occurrence of a tornado in a certain location. The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale alterations of events. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different. While the butterfly does not "cause" the tornado in the sense of providing the energy for the tornado, it does "cause" it in the sense that the flap of its wings is an essential part of the initial conditions resulting in a tornado, and without that flap that particular tornado would not have existed.

The butterfly effect is a phrase that encapsulates the more technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory. Small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system. This is sometimes presented as esoteric behavior, but can be exhibited by very simple systems: for example, a ball placed at the crest of a hill might roll into any of several valleys depending on slight differences in initial position.

Quantum chaos is the study of the butterfly effect in semiclassical physics and quantum mechanics.

It is a common subject in fiction when presenting scenarios involving time travel and with "what if" scenarios where one storyline diverges at the moment of a seemingly minor event resulting in two significantly different outcomes....

So.... After that lengthy explanantion for our more "underedumicated" audience
we are now ready to answer your question..
By "we" i refer to all the possible LLTs in various dimensions.....

So you have established that "Time Travel" is real, so how do we know if our current timeline is Paradox free?

We don't.... in most of the "saner" dimensions,our last president was a clone of Lincoln....

Is it possible that we are experiencing a post Butterfly effect?


if so? why did Richard Roundtree not set him self up as the richest Man in the world or President of America etc.?

Too high a profile.....
High profile figures gain not only the admiration
but the ire of large groups of people...
the Smarties Empire gives Mr. Roundtree
(note how his name is spelled just a little bit different than our time continuim...)
the wealth and power
without the press and harassment....

It would seem that the Inventor of Smarties, may in fact, not be so smart?

Actually, he made the BEST decision out there...
Shut Yo Mauf!

Thanks for the question!


Dear Liloti,

When you eat your Smarties* do you eat the red ones last?


*I mean the good Canadian/Brit type Smarties, not our American Smarties which are a hybrid byproduct of sheetrock and Kool-Aid manufacturing.

On 2009-12-08 13:04, woofmutt wrote:
Dear Liloti,

When you eat your Smarties* do you eat the red ones last?


*I mean the good Canadian/Brit type Smarties, not our American Smarties which are a hybrid byproduct of sheetrock and Kool-Aid manufacturing.

No... I eat all the Olive-Green ones last
in lieu of Viagra...

the red ones gave me severe hemoraging last time...
Do You?


So you have established that "Time Travel" is real, so how do we know if our current timeline is Paradox free?

We don't.... in most of the "saner" dimensions,our last president was a clone of Lincoln....


Is it possible that we are experiencing a post Butterfly effect?


I want to go to there.......

So if cloned Lincoln is President in the alternate timelines, how did they solve the problem of genetic degradation from multiple re-cloning?

On 2009-12-08 18:03, Atomic Tiki Punk beat a dead horse and asked:
So if cloned Lincoln is President in the alternate timelines, how did they solve the problem of genetic degradation from multiple re-cloning?

There IS only one clone per Dimension....
and he is invincible...
and eternal....
and he has a Gatling Gun Arm...

It appears that hardly any genetic degradation takes place...

Of course there's always the Nature/Nurture argument....

Now can we change the subject to something else?

Cloned Lincoln rocks, Yea! for super science, I am rocking my speedsuit! go team Venture!!!!

So has my hard science questions made your head hurt? could it be a tumor? can you read my thoughts?
Is that really air your breathing?

Dear little lost tiki...

Since we're back on the subject of hard sciences.... is the Large Hadron Collider supposed to destroy the entire universe? Or just the part we live in?

CNN and MSNBC are no help in this matter because they think the seagulls that pooped on the connectors during the last test was really a pan-dimensional traveler from the future sent back to stop the LHC from coming on line.

And, if I can be so bold to ask two questions... would you like to join our betting pool of when the LHC actually comes on line for a full test? There are some pretty good squares left for only $5 each.

On 2009-12-09 08:53, little lost tiki wrote:

On 2009-12-08 18:03, Atomic Tiki Punk beat a dead horse and asked:
So if cloned Lincoln is President in the alternate timelines, how did they solve the problem of genetic degradation from multiple re-cloning?

There IS only one clone per Dimension....
and he is invincible...
and eternal....
and he has a Gatling Gun Arm...

It appears that hardly any genetic degradation takes place...

Of course there's always the Nature/Nurture argument....

Now can we change the subject to something else?

So is he known as the "Lincolnator" ?

LLT asked "Now can we change the subject to something else?"

Is it possible that all your ramblings with Woofmutt, who monopolizes much of your talk time on TC, has made you intolerant
to your true & local friends here, I am just saying? no that was not a tear you saw?

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2009-12-09 18:20 ]


Dear Liloti,

I have just discovered that for the first time in my life I am apparently causing someone to feel jealousy, heartbreak, pain, and rage. I have not intentionally elicited these emotions from this poor anguished soul. Should I attempt to alleviate their fears? Or should I just remain silent and enjoy actually being the focus of someone's attention?


PS: Way to go with the sudden awesome success of your t-shirts! As your continued focus on crafting fine art will most likely preclude future creation of pedestrian items such as t-shirts I imagine LITTLE LOST TIKI T-SHIRTS will become AMAZINGLY COLLECTIBLE one day and those who didn't BUY ONE NOW will rent their clothes and put on sackcloth with ashes and go out into the midst of the city and cry with loud and bitter cries. Also there will probably be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Or something like that.

On 2009-12-09 14:38, Atomic Tiki Punk stole minutes from my life by asking:
So has my hard science questions made your head hurt?


could it be a tumor?

no... but damage to the brain is visible

can you read my thoughts?

no....nor would i care to...judging from your juvenile entries to this thread

Is that really air your breathing?

No, it's a delightful blend of Kush and menthol with a hint of BO...

On 2009-12-09 14:44, Chip and Andy hypothesized:
Dear little lost tiki...

Since we're back on the subject of hard sciences.... is the Large Hadron Collider supposed to destroy the entire universe? Or just the part we live in?
CNN and MSNBC are no help in this matter because they think the seagulls that pooped on the connectors during the last test was really a pan-dimensional traveler from the future sent back to stop the LHC from coming on line.

Actually,Kids, the Collider will eventually destroy our entire universe IN THIS DIMENSION...
as well as POSSIBLY setting off a chain of events at the upper and lower longitudes of 19.5 in the planets from

This HUGE machine will collide sub-atomic particles together at energies never before attained.
It will re-create the conditions moments after the Big Bang which gave birth to the universe 13.7 billion years ago, if that's what you believe....
BUT! the key aim of the LHC is to find the elusive Higgs Boson "God Particle" - which is believed by theoretical physicists to explain the existence of mass,besides the theory of it just being light "taking a smoke break".

There is also a chance of the machine creating tiny short-lived black holes,or dimensional "rips", a fact which led to some wild speculation about the Earth being doomed by out-of-control experiments.
According to tetrahedral geometry (as displayed formulaic-ally in the arrangements of the architectural anomalies on Mars
as well as monuments on Earth like Silsbury Hill and the Pyramids...)
there seems to be a force that outputs energy GREATER than the amount put in
at the 19.5 longitude
Which would be PROOF of other dimensions...
Where else would that amount of energy come from?
Jupiter's Black Spot.Saturn's Dark bands,Mar's Olympus Mons SuperVolcano and Hawaii's Volcanoes are on or near this longitude....
If the Collider malfunctioned,it could very well tear open this concentrated area and set off a chain of events
the Shot heard around the Dimensions,so to speak....

And, if I can be so bold to ask two questions... would you like to join our betting pool of when the LHC actually comes on line for a full test? There are some pretty good squares left for only $5 each.

No thank you!
I'm saving my bones to buy a Time machine to get the FUGGOUTTADODGE as they say....

When last i checked..
The last of 53 replacement magnets for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) had been lowered into the 16-mile tunnel straddling the Swiss-French border which houses the machine.
Until i read this......
"Last Thursday "CERN's Large Hadron Collider has today become the world's highest energy particle accelerator, having accelerated its twin beams of protons to an energy of 1.18 TeV in the early hours of the morning," said the organisation.
A teraelectronvolt (TeV) is equivalent to the energy level of a flying mosquito, while CERN wants to ultimately achieve maximum power of 7.0 teraelectronvolts or trillion electronvolts in its bid to replicate the big bang that started the universe. "

from a teraelectronvolt to a trillion electronvolts is a long hard road to travel...
simply shocking.....
Speculation is for Suckers
i'm buying a Time machine
Live like that guy in Evil Dead 2....
I will spread the word about the Collider Pool for you.....
Thanks for the intruiging question.....

On 2009-12-09 16:37, Atomic Tiki Punk again displayed symptoms of FULL-ON ADD by asking:
LLT asked "Now can we change the subject to something else?"
Is it possible that all your ramblings with Woofmutt, who monopolizes much of your talk time on TC, has made you intolerant
to your true & local friends here, I am just saying? no that was not a tear you saw?

Ah ATP.....
Perhaps you need a crash course in the makeup of a SOCIOPATH....
True and Local Friends are few and far between....
and as all my TRUE FRIENDS know
kinny doesn't like to suffer fools
unless there's some amusement to be gained by the interaction....
We like to refer to most folks as "Acquaintances"
Woofy was the criminal genius who started and established this thread
it is HIS thread
and he can Shut it down at any time
Remember that and show the poor man some respect.....

Also, in his defense...
His questions are more thought-provoking and FUNNY
on so many more levels than most of the questioneers here
(with the exception of Chip-n-Andy)...

On 2009-12-10 06:55, woofmutt wrote:
Dear Liloti,

I have just discovered that for the first time in my life I am apparently causing someone to feel jealousy, heartbreak, pain, and rage. I have not intentionally elicited these emotions from this poor anguished soul. Should I attempt to alleviate their fears? Or should I just remain silent and enjoy actually being the focus of someone's attention?


Remain Silent until confronted and enjoy being on their "radar"
The ability to have control over these distressing situations is a fine euphoric!
May i suggest a quick read of CS Lewis' "the Screwtape Letters"
Plenty of great advice contained within those pages...
John Cleese actually reads it for the books on tape series
(Funnier than his performance of "Taming of the Shrew"!)

As for the wailing and gnashing of teeth of those who didn't jump on those incredible shirts....
you get what you (don't) pay for....

Thanks all for keeping this thread ,and my wits sharpened.....

Dear little lost tiki...

I sneaked into your kitchen again while you were away and noticed your out of Orgeat (again!). Do I need to find someone else's kitchen to start pilfering from? And if so, do you have any recommendations?


can you read my thoughts?

"no....nor would i care to...judging from your juvenile entries to this thread"

juvenile! you say, My reply is simply, "I know you are, but what I'm I"

Post's concerning, Time Travel,Cloning, Alternate Dimensions, are these the stuff of juveniles, or the massive minds of cloned,otherworldly beings who have traveled to your world to save the Earth........from you! Humans that is, not you as Kinny, but you as all of mankind.

You see our presence here was a test to see if you should be spared, so by hurting our feelings, which are much larger then human feelings, but Kinny, you have not past this test.

So Kinny, we bid you and your world GOOD DAY! Sir, I said Good Day!

So before we end your world, would you like a box of Angry Maori's, Kinny?
They come with very nice facial tattoos.....

who is 'bahz'

So far
there's nothing really worth answering on this page
yeas... I'm out...
Wasn't expecting cat burglars! :lol:
hit up woofmutt's house
he probably has more interesting things in his home to snoop and discover! :)

ATP-despite my failing your "test" and destruction of our planet over petty issues like HURT FEELINGS
I have the sad news that YOU have failed MY earthly test...

You see our presence here was a test to see if you should be spared,
so by hurting our feelings,
which are much larger then human feelings,
but Kinny, you have not past this test.

With grammar like that
i DOUBT you have mastered anything but the fine art of bumbling...

Please proceed at light speed BACK to your planet or plane or dimension
and stay off of ENGRISH.COM

who is "bahz"?

Bosley from the Charlie Angels
or that Skaggs guy....

Thank you for playing!

Oh, look at you,with all your words,in all the right places.

(Hey kidding put aside for the moment, Kinny, What's up? you having a bad day? you are coming across a bit heavy handed)
Yes typing while half asleep, leads to bad engrish.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2009-12-12 23:24 ]

On 2009-12-12 23:19, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Oh, look at you,with all your words,in all the right places.
( Kinny, What's up? you having a bad day? you are coming across a bit heavy handed)
Yes typing while half asleep, leads to bad engrish.

it just gets frustrating to have to answer questions about and based from previous immemorable questions...
Almost like one bad question giving birth to EVEN MORE bad questions....
NONE which really help the readers to learn or to laugh away their day....
So if i seem a little short
it is because questions should be asked
questions should be answered
and then it's onto the next mystery to crack and decipher.....

Anything else is just a speed bump.....

On 2009-12-12 21:00, little lost tiki wrote:
Wasn't expecting cat burglars! :lol:

I didn't burgle the cat.... it was already outside when I got there.

That's my story I'm sticking to it. At least until someone offers up evidence to the contrary.

Dear Little Lost Tiki,

Is it lost because it's little?


Liloti, as I have met you in person I can genuinely say that you only seemed short when standing next to Doughorne.

Keep up the good work. The world is blindly floundering deeper into a vast cold night, the moon is nowhere to be found, and the stars are burning out one by one. You alone stand like a small dot of mentholated light glowing in the outer darkness (because smoking is not allowed indoors).

I'll try this again...

Dear LLT,
Will I go to hell if I put a good rum in my eggnog?

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga 2009-12-17 09:31 ]

On 2009-12-14 13:55, Unga Bunga pondered:
Dear Little Lost Tiki,
Is it lost because it's little?

Sorry for the delay....Holiday and Art committments to wrap up
so to speak....

Is it lost because it's little?
I assume that you're addressing
my tolerance for smart-alecky questions....
Yes! My tolerance for suffering fools is lost
because i have very little of it...
Thank you for wasting 3 minutes of life for us all....

On 2009-12-14 14:11, woofmutt wrote.not asked:
Liloti, as I have met you in person I can genuinely say that you only seemed short when standing next to Doughorne.
Keep up the good work. The world is blindly floundering deeper into a vast cold night, the moon is nowhere to be found, and the stars are burning out one by one. You alone stand like a small dot of mentholated light glowing in the outer darkness (because smoking is not allowed indoors).

Not a question....

On 2009-12-14 23:46, Unga Bunga wrote:
I'll try this again...
Dear LLT,
Will I go to hell if I put a good rum in my eggnog?

Even though you're drinking a good rum (with cheap eggy ingredients) initially
would heighten your status amongst drunken sophisticates here on earth

but then again...drinking ANY rum
puts you on the "list" for Hell...

Sorry. But them's the rules...

Thank you...

Dear Little Lost Tiki,

I have family coming in for the holidays and am not too particularly fond of a few of them.... is it a forgivable sin to refill the 'good' bottles with cheaper stuff and serve to the less than loved family members?

And, as a continuation of the question; in what level of hell, exactly, will I potentially burn for laughing (to myself) when they go on and on about how great 'the good stuff' is I am serving (because they are label whores)?

On 2009-12-21 09:43, Chip and Andy inquired:
Dear Little Lost Tiki,

I have family coming in for the holidays and am not too particularly fond of a few of them.... is it a forgivable sin to refill the 'good' bottles with cheaper stuff and serve to the less than loved family members?

Dearest Chip and Andy,
There are no forgivable sins...
Of course,if you mentally viewed it as an attempt not to "waste"
then you MAY just get around that....
Of course, a touch of arsenic wouldn't hurt
and the almond scent will add to the holiday atmosphere around the home....

On 2009-12-21 09:43, Chip and Andy inquired:
And, as a continuation of the question; in what level of hell, exactly, will I potentially burn for laughing (to myself) when they go on and on about how great 'the good stuff' is I am serving (because they are label whores)?

That could be a few levels....depending on how you'd like to view this situation....
the Third Circle contains the Gluttons
Which would apply to you two if you were withholding the good booze
only to binge on it at a later date....

the Fourth Circle contains the prodigal and Avaricious...
the latter meaning immoderately desirous of accumulating property,power,and the like....
If your intentions are to keep your good booze to yourself and to hoard it
then this would be the level for you!

The fifth Circle contains the gloomy and the Wrathful...
Laughing to yourself as to how those undesirable kin are drinking cheap booze
yet thinking it's the "good stuff" would probably fall under mini-Wrath.....

and of course, if you escape all of these.....
Level 8,the Malebolge, would be your final destination....
That is an amphitheater-shaped pit of despair made of stone for those guilty of fraudulence and malice...
Looking over the other options....
This one seems to carry TWO of the motivations behind
not only the booze counterfeiting
but the laughing at the "bad" relatives at their expense.....

So i would pick Circle Eight for you two!

Good Luck with that
and merry Christmas!

On 2009-12-21 13:41, little lost tiki wrote:

So i would pick Circle Eight for you two!

Good Luck with that
and merry Christmas!

I can live with 8. It IS one of my Lucky Numbers so maybe it will work out in the end.

Happy Holidays!

To you Little Lost Tiki!

And to everyone playing along in annoy.... I mean talking story with Little Lost Tiki.

Very nice answer on the "levels of Hell" question LLT, did you get some insight from Buzzy on that one? Judging from his thread title, he would be the resident expert on the subject.

On 2009-12-22 06:59, MadDogMike wrote, not ASKED:
Very nice answer on the "levels of Hell" question LLT, did you get some insight from Buzzy on that one?

I don't talk to Buzzy that often
He's weird looking...

Insight is most deeply derived by reading
and William Blake's watercolors and Durer's etchings...
(Sandow Birk has a hilarious readable version of Hell Purgatory and Heaven
of the Divine Comedy... It's more like Downtown LA in his version....Highly Recommended!)

Now can we get back to some QUESTIONS!?!?!?

Thank you.


dear LLT,
is it truly better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all???

I think what he meant to say was..

On 2009-12-22 08:10, talo ka wrote:
dear LLT,
is it truly better to have drunk and puked than to have never drunk at all???


On 2009-12-22 08:26, MadDogMike wrote:
I think what he meant to say was..

On 2009-12-22 08:10, talo ka wrote:
dear LLT,
is it truly better to have drunk and puked than to have never drunk at all???

i try not to do that and waste good rum but it is close enough.


My house is on fire and I can only manage to take four mugs with me. Can you look through all of the pictures I have posted on Tiki Central and recommend which four I should take?

Hurry, it is getting hot in here!


On 2009-12-22 08:10, talo ka was wonderin:
dear LLT,
is it truly better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all???

Good question,tho a wee bit stereotypical and open for my tastes
But I'll give it a shot!
(especially all the free advertising you'll be providing for me at Hukilau! :lol: )

That could be answered with both a YES and a NO
depending on the circumstances...

It is better to have Loved and Lost
if we are speaking of a departed loved one
if that contact brought something special to you,them,or others
If good fruit sprouts from love lost
despite ANY of the other details around it
then you helped love do something good
so YES.....

It is better to have never Loved atall?
if something REAL BAD was born from that love...then yes!
(listen up parents of politicians and lawyers!)
if that love resulted in injury
or an Std....
i would think that it would have been better NOT to "love" that individual....
so No....

Thanks for playing
Grab a toy outta the treasure chest on your way out!

This one could go on forever in many variations...
I will only take ONE MORE elaboration on a previous theme
(except the division by zero quandry)
and then you're all gonna have to grow a brain stem
and think up original,compelling,and rewarding questions for this thread.
thank you...

woof mutt will answer questions in that vein...

On 2009-12-22 08:26,Mad Dog Mike rode on talo ka's coattails and blubbered about and sputtered out:
dear LLT,
is it truly better to have drunk and puked than to have never drunk at all???

that would be a definite YES!
Hangovers and Vomiting are God's way of saying you KICKED TUSHY the night before!

On 2009-12-22 12:27, Psycho Tiki D went and plopped a SHAMELESS PLUG on this forum of higher learning and asked:
My house is on fire and I can only manage to take four mugs with me. Can you look through all of the pictures I have posted on Tiki Central and recommend which four I should take?
Hurry, it is getting hot in here!

only one...
Being an ex-marine
How could i leave this fellow behind?

Red White and Blue mug from The Tikis

Of course, this is really an inappropriate question

  1. it's Blatant crossover shameless plug
  2. there's not many mug pictures to choose from
  3. the choices pictured are from a bunch of different people's huts
    they're from others...
    not your hut
    Why wouldn't you wanna just make the choice yourself?

if MY hut was on fire
why would i ask someone else
(who may not get back to my question in time)
to choose for me
during an emergency?
why would i grab someone else's mug?
So ..
You'll have to take some initiative.....

As for my hut...
Why would i even grab a mug
with all the hundreds of paintings and sketchbooks and reference library..
Screw mugs
i gots art all over the walls to save!
and a Mac!
and a wii!
and my clothes!

So, unrealistically....
and with a dash of bias
my choices would be..
Oli Oli-KaKaKa-Pupule trio of LLT mugs from Tiki Farm

or my soon-to-be-released coffee mugs from Tikitees and me!

Hope that helped you empower yourself PTD
Now Go Forth and Conquer!

And Thanks y'all for Stopping By!
Merry Christmas!


On 2009-12-23 08:33, little lost tiki wrote:
Good question,tho a wee bit stereotypical and open for my tastes
But I'll give it a shot!
(especially all the free advertising you'll be providing for me at Hukilau! :lol: )

and then you're all gonna have to grow a brain stem


And Thanks y'all for Stopping By!
Merry Christmas!

i will happily advertise.
dammit, i just evolved my thumb now you want me to grow a brain stem and that leads to cerebral cortex and that to a cerebellum... man thats a lot of work but okay i'll start evolving for the new year.

oh BTW merry christmas to you also and all you others that frequent this happy place.

[ Edited by: talo ka 2009-12-23 09:49 ]

On 2009-12-23 09:48, talo ka wrote:

dammit, i just evolved my thumb now you want me to grow a brain stem and that leads to cerebral cortex and that to a cerebellum...

You can have mine.... I work for the government so I can say it is only slightly used, almost good as new.

LLT...thanks for answering my first question...kind of?

Big Kahuna recently posted several pictures of dinnerware and items he won from Ebay in the thread entitled "Polynesian restaurant china and server ware".

Second question...

From an artistic standpoint, which logo used on the items he posted most appeals to you?

Third question...




On 2009-12-23 18:47, Psycho Tiki D received a flash a brilliance and asked:
Big Kahuna recently posted several pictures of dinnerware and items he won from Ebay in the thread entitled "Polynesian restaurant china and server ware".
Second question...
From an artistic standpoint, which logo used on the items he posted most appeals to you?
Third question...

Great Question!
these are like Lay's potato Chips!
Can't Pick just one!

Here's my fave....
for it's simplicity and a whiff of some of the old passport/tourist brochure/ Rocket Science magazine ephemera that is purdyderncool....

Here's another version with a distress-which is rare in ceramics
but highly treasured when seeking out old manuals and the like
for graphic inspiration....

i like this one for the practicality factor
and sly irony it would produce if taken out of it's present graphic context...
say.... on a tee shirt

This one has a t-shirt neck label kind of feel
the mixing of simply overplayed fonts is saved by the copyright circle
and the slyly kerned U. S. A.
retail brilliance!

Wallace reeks of musty British porcelein factories
the arch on the bottom saves it...barely!

i like this one because of the silly font and font placement
and how the Chinese junk is gently snuggled in it's lap
which creates for an oddly amateurish outer silhouette....
the red color helps
but not as much as needed...

i would have picked this one
except for the fact that
soooo many other companies
used the "deconstruct the first initial of our name into graphic shapes then put our name under it"
almost like a 60's sculptural /graphic sensibility
Still a great powerful graphic logo
and the name... Jackson...

Here is a more pimped out version
next to a trademark/logo that has nice hints of
a bunch of successful elements
not enough to place it on the top shelf
but nice nonetheless...

the Walker logo should also be noted
just for the 45 degree angle skew
and fun-ness of it.....
and that Futura Condensed font on the bottom to give it a foundation....

Well, hope that was amusing!
be forewarned...
Don't get me started on design or art
because the babblemode kicks in!
Thanks again for opening my eyes to these!
Merry Christmas!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-12-24 08:53 ]


On 2009-12-23 11:08, Chip and Andy wrote:
You can have mine.... I work for the government so I can say it is only slightly used, almost good as new.

why thank you. it is just what i wanted for christmas.


LLT will i suffer if i sweat from running in 1 of you shirts? will the universe conspire against me for that?

On 2009-12-24 14:00, talo ka wrote:
LLT will i suffer if i sweat from running in 1 of youR shirts?
will the universe conspire against me for that?

DEADLY sweating disorders are rare....
as is suffering...
So you won't die....
If it does happen
i will GLADLY refund your money!
and the second question is just plain silly..

Merry Christmas!


Dear Kinny,
Why did Kiki von Tiki delete her posts and leave about a month ago? Any idea?

On 2010-01-05 05:31, 4WDtiki asked:
Dear Kinny,
Why did Kiki von Tiki delete her posts and leave about a month ago? Any idea?

I'm not sure,Bill!
Tho i still keep in touch via facebook
but never thought it was my business to ask...

Best way to answer that question
and most questions
Is to go from point A to point B
PM and ask her...
That way you'd get the BEST and most journalistically TRUE answer

Here's my theory
She may have been suffering from that common ailment
multiple forum syndrome....
You have it.
I have it.
A lot of us have it
Main symptoms are:
unnecessary stress and annoyance
reconnecting with people from your past
collection of useless trivia
sending people meaningless drinks or presents
that require no physical interaction or effort
and are actually just zeros and ones
(kinda like our monetary system....)
carpal tunnel
scrambled eggs from gazing at the screen for so long
general feeling of "burn-out"ishness
and many more....

Maybe she's just taking a breather
little cute girl
that she is....

Dear Little Lost Tiki,

I have been slowly building an Evil Empire and am finally ready to start stocking up on Henchman. Any suggestions on where to get some good ones? Do you know of any kind of coupons or special codes to use when I order? Or places that offer volume discounts on orders over a certain number of Henchmen?

I see that Hukilau will have an official rum sponsor, this year, as yet undetermined (or unannounced).

If the winning bid/proposal to be the Hukilau 2010 Official Sponsor Rum is 'Margaritaville Premium Jamaican Rum', will there be weeping and gnashing of teeth in Tiki Central?
Would the Room Crawl, featuring the sponsor rum, result in violent confrontations and boycotting?
Or would the generous contribution of gallons of rum and money to Hukilau lead mellowed-out room crawlers to an attitude of forgiveness and reconciliation with "Bubba-elzebub"? If so, would this new Era of Good Feelings spread throughout Tiki Central?

Is the fact that I even imagine such a thing, and that it makes me snicker, evidence that my Inner Child is really an Inner Troll?

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