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Hang10Tiki stuff

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My first


[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-02-21 20:14 ]


Nice work Jon.

Thank you Hilt

Piece of balsa wood
Is this really wood?
It kept wanting to float away

He keeps stopping for a smoke

cy posted on Sun, Feb 24, 2019 1:57 PM

Excellent Jon!

Thanks CY
Still can get use to how soft balsa is
Final step
Made him a necklace


Hamo posted on Sun, Feb 24, 2019 5:09 PM

Cool stuff. Love that necklace. I'm surprised you don't post the steps for that.


Excellent Jon. I tried some balsa recently but I didn't get the smooth results that you did. I found it to be prone to tearing. Good job!

Hamo- thanks Bruddah
Necklace was just a shark tooth,
bunch of beads and that clear necklace material that stretches.

BigT- thanks my man
I know what ya mean
It’s definitely a “with the grain” sensitive wood.
And eats a ton of sandpaper


[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-02-25 07:31 ]

He doesn't look happy.
Better give him his blunt back.

:) :) :)

Last guy to thick
Cut in half before if finished #1

Made #2 today for a friends daughter
He gave me the two huge ash stumps last year
Pre stain

Just texted him
“Light or dark stain?”
He said “dark”


That dude is so cool. I dig it.


Like all the nice clean lines and the design, great job.

Hope- thanks
Hilt- thanks


He's a good looking fellow. Well done. Wendy

Thanks Wendy
Glad u like

Years ago I found a small piece of wood
on the ground outside of La Mariana
Finally made something out of it

OHAI wood

aka Monkey Pod: Albizia saman

Albizia saman is known under a wide
range of common names, such as Saman,
Rain Tree or Monkey Pod.
It is often placed in the genus Samanea.
This legume tree is native to the
mainland neotropics, from Mexico south to
Peru and Brazil, but has been
widely introduced to South and
Southeast Asia, as well as the Pacific islands,
including Hawaii

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-03-04 11:08 ]

What a fun wood lesson. Cool head. Did the wood speak to you or did you buy it for what you were already thinking of carving?


He was yelling at me


cy posted on Tue, Mar 5, 2019 8:15 AM

You are improving Jonny and starting to know your tools!

Grassy ass CY

Clusia rosea, the autograph tree, copey,
balsam apple, pitch-apple, and scotch attorney,
is a tropical and sub-tropical plant species
in the genus Clusia.

It is a hemiepiphyte, that is,
it grows as an epiphyte on
rocks or other trees at the start
of its life and resembles a strangling fig (Ficus).
Just as a strangling fig it overgrows
and strangles its host tree with its many aerial roots.

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-03-05 10:21 ]

You're rockin' the Monkey Pod but you might want to fumigate that Autograph wood! :lol:

The holes are empty

Ready for gloss


It's funny, I saw the skull in the original wood block, but for a second there I thought he was gonna turn into Darth Vader:

I also like the sumo-stance guys! You're getting really good at this.

(P.S. we're running away to Frankie's for the Weekend, will keep an eye out for you!)


Keep carving like that &
I'm gonna want your autograph.

cy posted on Fri, Mar 8, 2019 9:48 AM

Perfect wood for the skull, looks great H10!

Bam- funny, I knew you were going to say “Darth”
You Star Wars fan :)
But, I thought the same thing :)
Dang, I’ll miss ya at Frankie’s this weekend
Work always getting in the way

Will- good 1 Bruddah

CY- yup, another kool piece of Hawaiian wood

Thanks for the looks

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-03-11 15:10 ]

Back to the Banyan wood

I’m thinking no one but Swizzle
will know where I’m going with this

Cut in 1/2 to make two

hang10tiki I LOVE the skull. You are a carving machine. It's so much fun to see you work and to see the different wood grains. Thank you, Wendy

Thanks Wendy
Nice to know u like what’s going on over here

Lil more
This wood is hard
Can’t even use the hand chisels
Dremel time
So the details not as sharp
Oh well

Face time

Time to fill up their lil jacuzzi with Danish Oil

cy posted on Wed, Mar 13, 2019 9:15 AM

Looking good Jon!

That skull is fantastic!

Cy - thanks Bruddah
SAND - thank u sir

Out of their jacuzzi

A lil gloss spray

Hamo posted on Wed, Mar 13, 2019 10:24 PM

Chrome dome

And these guys are a great interpretation of Swizzle’s mug and the original carving.

Hamo- :)
Glad you like

Gloss on

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