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Denver Tiki - General info, events, etc.

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Oh yes!

Los Straitjackets ROCKED!!!!

Good to meet you there Moai! Hope to see you around some other events!!

Helz, Rita. Thanks for goin'!!


As our dear Larry David would say, "that was pri-tay, pri-tay, pri-tay good!" Thanks to the Finks for another mah-velous time!


It was great to meet some of you at the Los Straitjackets show. I look forward to attending some upcoming events.

I just had this sent to me - looks interesting.
MCA DENVER family free day this Saturday, 10-6pm at their new location at 1485 Delgany Street.
Featuring Maori dance performance at 11am.
Open Studio with Artist-in-Resident Rangi Kipa (New Zealand).
Rangi Kipa "reclaims the ancient tiki forms of the Maori" in his installation, RADIARE, on display in the project gallery.

See you there.

Hey Moaiman- thanks for the heads up. The Maori and Tahiti dancing was very good and the installation was great with a modern take of a longhouse. The rest of the museum was disappointing and the architecture of the museum was very mundane.



The Newsletter is wonderful! Well Done!!!



[ Edited by: Tiki Fink 2007-11-09 08:48 ]


Thanks, Fink!

For those of you who are not on the Denver exotica email list and would like to receive copies of the Rocky Mountain Tiki Newsletter, just drop me a note with your email address to [email protected].

Issue # 3 was published yesterday, here is the cover.

I'll be in Denver this week on business, and was wondering if taking a sidetrip down to Manitou Springs this weekend to visit The Castaways would be worth my while. Has anyone been there recently?

Mr. Bali Hai - A trip down to Manitou on your own may not be worthwhile, but there are several other worthwhile sights to catch if you are here for a few days, not tiki, but interesting. I sent you a PM with my cell #, give me a ring while you are here if you do end up with some free time. You are also welcome to stop by the Kona Luanii for a drink if your schedule permits.


Mike, that is a great modernist exterior, love the typeface of the "Tropics". Now for some photos of the interior and the self-carved Tiki masks... :)


How about a Charles Phoenix roll call.

The Finks are in!

I have to thank Michelle Baldwin for the great article she wrote about the Tropics. She also did the research and dug up these photos for the interior.

Here is a better version of the exterior

And saved the best for last

The Tropics building still stands today

We are in for the Charles Phoenix show. We saw both of his shows at the Modernism show this summer and are really looking forward to the holiday version.


Kudos on the splendid newsletter,Mr.ZM! Take it from one who has been in journalism for quite some time, you've produced one swell-lookin' publication.

Waaah-ow! Very Tiki Modern! DAMN' that waitresses photo would have been PURRFECT for my "History of the Leopard Skin" chapter! How insanely cool!

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2007-11-12 19:38 ]

Helz posted on Mon, Nov 12, 2007 8:21 PM

Helz n' Rita are in for Charles Pheonix show.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Joyce and I will be at Charles' show.

Aloha everyone!

Man, I have some SERIOUS catching up to do. Sounds like you guys are of course continuing to have fun, ala Los Straightjackets, museum tours, etc.

I have been crazy busy and would love if someone could catch me up to speed with the group. , whenever you guys have a minute.

So, not sure if any of you guys remember my tiki bar downstairs, but, we had a big flood in our basement a few
months ago - it ruined our flooring, walls, etc., but thankfully the bar was spared!! As a result, we've had quite a few improvements done to the bar area, and the bar still stands in all of its glory. Just a little tidbit I thought I'd share!

Anywho, glad you're all doing well and hope to meet up with you all again soon!

PS - Rita - glad to hear there's another "Curb" fan out there! We love that show!

I hope Mike's horror/monster/spy (and everything else) collection was spared. He has some really great stuff. Repair of your basement sounds like a pain in the ass.

There are a few events coming up here in the next few weeks that most of us will be attending. Hope you guys can it make to the holiday slide show and/or the Kona Luanii.


Does anyone reside in the Boulder area? I'm considering going to the show and maybe the cocktail party. It would be nice to carpool to one of 'em.

Helz posted on Mon, Nov 19, 2007 8:06 PM


Sorry, wish I could help. We're closer (On the border of Westminster and Arvada) but that would only get you about half way. Hope you can make it though!


Sorry to hear about your basement, that really sucks. Hopefully it was only replaceable stuff that got damaged. I'm hoping that Zulu's event kinda gets us all inspired to get some more stuff going over the winter. I know it's tough without all the daylight, but I really get a kick out of hanging out with everyone...and I got a brand new thrift store bowling ball I want to try out!!!

TB- I third my condolences to the flood. I hope the drapes made it through!!!

TB- Hope that your basement has a full and speedy recovery! Ha, Curb is becoming my all-time fave. We can devote a whole site to it, I'm sure.

Can't wait for all of the upcoming events and to see everyone again!


Happy Tiki Day Everyone!

Woops. Turkey day.

Turkey Fink.


T.B. Sorry to hear about your basement.....that really sucks monkeys. (I have never tried it but unless your a monkey it MUST suck)
We were overlooking your house the other day from insp. point, having an Amici's pizza and an end of fall picnic, and your house looks just fine from up there. Eddie remembered doing the Limbo in your back yard.

Fink......Hope you had a great Thanksgiving too. I've got an extreme food hangover.....maybe I should add an alcohol one to it too eh?!

Zulu....the Newsletter is superb. Morrison road is my old neck of the woods....and I never knew that it had tiki history until now....Thank You.

But hey ya all, I've finally finished another tiki! I'm only gonna post it here as I don't post on the carving section anymore. I cant do the give and take on the carving section like I think I should. I just don't have the time.
Besides....the Rockies and the Great Plains need more tikis and I try to keep 'em close. The rest of the world has PLENTY.

This new one is 5 1/2 ft. tall, 15" diameter and I believe is pine. I found the log in Deer Creek and I'm not really sure. But it turned out really nice and is more traditional than I usually do. And yeah its for sale if anyones interested, but for now it sure looks good dressing up my yard. Many thanks to my wife Amy for giving me all the time it takes to do these.
Hope ya enjoy.

That's a great looking tiki Dale! Excellent work again!



It will be great to see everyone at the Charles Phoenix deal.

Anyone going who did not speak up?

C ya there!


On 2007-11-28 08:23, Tiki Fink wrote:
It will be great to see everyone at the Charles Phoenix deal.

Anyone going who did not speak up?

C ya there!


I'm going to try for it -- have a date with a dentist on the same day (not social, unfortunately) so must play it by jaw,,,er, ear.


Hope you can make it! It's always nice to meet new tiki freakies in the area.



Hope everybody had fun at Charles Phoenix last night. We sure did.

See you all tonight!!


Helz posted on Sat, Dec 1, 2007 6:54 AM


Thanks so much for all the work and hosting the most awesomest holiday party I've been to since.....well....ever!! Everything was first class, top notch, grade A cool.

And thanks to all of you that came and I got to meet and hang out with! Lots of new faces and familiar folks...good times all around!

Pictures forthcoming.


My congratulations and adulations to Zulu and the lovely Mrs. Magoo for a most splendoriferous cocktail party! They really know how to show hospitality in excess.

My companion and I were truly well entertained -- the awe-inspiring tiki basement, the mind-boggling refreshments (particularly the unforgettable Astro-Weenie Tree and the edibly toxic Undescended Twinkies) and all the wonderful folks -- including that swell surprise guest Charles Phoenix -- and, not the least of it, those humongous pitchers of Suffering Bastard and other alky delights.

Even Zulu's mother-in-law (chic in glowing red Christmas tree light earrings) and the Magoos' adorable blonde daughters got into the act. I must say, it warmed the cockles of La Verandah's heart to see the eldest angel go behind the bar and announce in her sweet little voice:

"Daddeee, we're almost out of ice!"

[ Edited by: Carmine Verandah 2007-12-01 11:45 ]


Fezzes off to the House of Zulu and the Kona Luani! That was one for the record books!

Thanks for the wonderful evening!



Thank you for the nice comments. However, it is really easy to host a fun event with this great group of people.

I was glad to see some new faces, we always enjoy meeting meeting new tikiphiles.

Here a few pictures from the evening.

Charles Phoenix at the Astro Weenie Tree.

Helz and PopTiki behind the bar.

Tiki Fink's cool holiday pants and Monty inspects his drink.

Matterhorn and Vivian VaVoom at the bar.

Members of the Denver Tiki Tribe.



[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 03:52:07 ]


I'm sorry I miseed your party Zulu.....sounds like another fantastic time has slipped by. Good Job.

But the old Gemini restraunt on 43rd and Wadsorth is for sale. And I know I'm not the only one to see this place, we used to go here for breakfast but it just screams TIKI BAR! Its even an inclined A-frame that sits free by itself in an ocean of parking on a busy street. Its the nearest thing we have anywhere to an old style tiki temple. Gawd......somebody with more money and time than me buy this place and let me carve you a truck load of tikis!

Helz posted on Tue, Dec 4, 2007 9:23 PM


Thanks again for an awsome party! It was the highlight of the year.


Funny you should mention that. I've been looking at that place for months, and when Pop was down for the party last weekend I took him over there and showed it to him. I actually even think I mentioned it to Zulu and Fink. This place needs 40 different rums, a crapload of bamboo...and us.


40 different rums, a crapload of bamboo and us.......amen brother.


Now all I have to do is win the lottery.

That place really does look awesome.


Ahhhh, the Gemini is one of the fav eateries for dining out with the spousal unit. I especially adored that the interior had not apparently been remodeled since 1979. Not that it was shabby, it simply reeked of the age of macrame and granola. Many of the entrees on the menu are named for astrological signs, a little Age of Aquarius theme going.

And, yes, I can see it as tiki hangout -- there's a separate bar area that would be perfect.

Dear, dear, t'would be a ripe pity to lose it...


I honestly think thats the first time I've heard "ripe pity" on Tiki Central.
And its completely COOL! We need more verbage like this. Makes for good readin'
And if "makes for good readin'" doesn't make me sound like the Colorado / South Dakota boy I am than I don't know what does.

But yeah....it still has that 70's vibe on the inside and had numerous plants and cozy corners. And its all still there for us to massage into a little slice of paradise! Anyone call the Number on the sign yet? How much do they want for this little gem before it gets torn down or turned into another damned starbucks?!

Thats it.....I'm calling tomorrow. I know a queen of darkness bar goddess in Idaho I could talk into managing it for me. I just have to give her a class on tiki and all thats required. Oh Baby.

Mr. Dale Sawin......Vintage Ford mechanic, daiper changing Mac daddy, part time art snob, full time greasy knuckled Zen Master.
-Happy Skull-ptures---

[ Edited by: Mr. Dale 2007-12-06 13:48 ]

Helz posted on Thu, Dec 6, 2007 2:11 PM

I got dibs on the Bar!!!


You need a manager, I will quit TB and do that instead. Done my fair share of bar managing. Could even set up a BASIC poly pop menu. You wouldn't want to get too deep into food if you can help it. No profit and it's a pain in the ass. Take it from an ex chef. It would be sooo cool if we could pool together for a LLC and make this fly.

Helz posted on Thu, Dec 6, 2007 7:45 PM


You manage the place, I'll blow the dust of my MBA and get the LLC and all the biz stuff done (and we can pull the drink menu together), Dale and Zulu can get to work on the decor, Matterhorn working up the house collection of artifacts....I think we got the crew.

(and I can have us an LLC tomorrow for $50)

I'm just sayin'...


SO......the asking price....they're just asking.....a cool MILLION! Well not quite.....$995,000.00! Or we could lease.....7500 a month triple net....whatever that means. I called them today and told them I had to talk with "some people" before I got a call back.

So we're looking at about having to sell a 1000 mai-tais or so a month just to cover the rent. And a lot more to pay for bills...salaries and supplies.

And I'm sure they'd take less....especially if it just sits for a few months and starts to get moldy. But man.....we would still need somebody with deep pockets to get this thing off the ground.

After that I say hell yeah....Fink and Helz can steer this ship if they want to. Ya got my vote. And fink is right....Stay away from the food and keep it clean and to a minimum. But from the last time I looked into it. Ya gotta serve a minimum of snacks or something if ya want a cabaret liquor license. Which is what we'd need.

So....any ideas?


Helz......I'll cover the $50 and cough up a least three large tikis if you and Fink can get this thing moving.

Are you, Mr. Dale, by any chance a Goth tiki enthusiast? Methinks there's a bit of crossover there...(There are times when La Verandah's misty past as a Renaissance fair wench catches up with her.)

If this Cause is to get off the ground, it will require media manipulation -- as in press releases guaranteed to bring free publicity. La Verandah hereby volunteers long experience in the way of contacts, written allurement and wheedling.

Her only requirements are that 1) something of an attractive fence be erected between the restaurant and that icky parking lot next door, 2) good absinthe be offered at the bar.

Santa Baby, bring us a tiki bar...


Anyone close to the location of the " Future Royal Kahanamoku Outrigger Club"?

If so get the number. I really want to know what they are looking for on that property.


there's a couple of us goth tiki crossovers in New England. I am much much less goth than I once was, but there's still some in me. And Rain is a crossover person.

But it makes some sense, as there is a link between goth and rockabilly, and there is a link between tiki and rockabilly/hotrods.

are there any cultural anthropologists in the house who want to analyze this?


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