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Ben est là's stuff: 03/24 Creative Chimps' masterpiece in Paris !

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haikai posted on Sat, Oct 6, 2007 5:29 AM

Salut Benella, it´s great to see, that you are busy.
How work your new tools? Have you bought the chisel?
In the next week I´ll post some new pics. Thanks for asking!
Greetings to Paris,



Looking good Ben, the sell boy turned out great!!

Mini Marq's rule! Looking geat.


Hi there,

Sorry for the late reply.

Tikifreak1: thank you, I've been looking to your future maori boy and it's well starting.

Robin: Thank you too, hope your injury is healed now and hope to see your work soon.

Aloha Station: Thank you, I've followed your advices on my previous piece and stained the marq. Your were right: I'm more happy with the grain now, thanks.

Bowana (this name seems familiar to me :wink: ): thanks for both moai and marq. I took care a lot of the symmetry but thanks to the pix we don't see it's not perfect :lol: . It is a small piece: 6,10 inches (15,5 cm).

Hai Kai: Danke schön Herr "HolzkarverMeister" and yes I bought Pfeil chisels that works very well. I bought a n° 8 in 25 mm and a n°11 in 7mm, but I'm afraid it's just the beginning :lol:
I know you've been carving a lot these days with the tiki modern tour and I know Michael took pix of you while you were carving, so I hope there will be a huge ton of new pix :wink:

Clarita: thanks, hope you're proud of your Hoku Ili.

Surfintiki: thanks, man. I've been walking through your thread tomorrow and woowww, you already did very beautiful things.

So thanks everyone and now let's share some new pix:

Just stained:

Pix with wax will follow :wink:




benella - nice work going on keep them coming. TC is great, i love how
we all come together and share are tiki addiction.


Thank you very much Seeksurf. I love the way TC goes, it's a wonderful place to meet very nice people.
I'm waiting patiently for your next pictures :wink:


Love that little Marq, nice stylisation - am I correct in thinking it is coming to NZ? Ill be sure to pay it a visit. (no hard feelings about the rugby by the way - bah!) :wink: :lol:


I like your little marq! It always fun making the marquesan style.
Great job!


Benjamin, Nice pieces here recently. Look what happens when I'm gone: you get to work carving these beautiful tikis! Nice ones too> I've Missed you my friend happy to see you still carving along!

Love the Marq Benjamin. You've got the basic elements of him in there and with your own style. The small stuff is harder than the big stuff many times and you've got it down and clean.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2007-10-14 19:24 ]


Hi and thanks !

Tama: Thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately, my english is not understandable enough, the marq is not supposed to go to NZ, except if you or Paipo is interested :) by the way I would be very honored !

Alien: Thanks. I love Marq designs and I agree with you, it is always fun to do.

Ben: Helo my friend and thanks for your words and support. I hope to have good healthy news from you very soon.

Lake Surfer: Thank you. I love Marqs and I'm pretty happy you like mine.

Mahalo to everyone

New pix are coming soon !



Hey Ben, Looking tight my friend. Glad to see the chips are flying over on your side of the world. Keep posting!


I really like the texture on the back of the marq - it's very cool.


Hi there,

Babalu: Hi bro and thanks. Today is sunny here (it's such a rare thing), so there's going to be some outside chips flying, yippee !

TheBigT: Thanks, man. Another marq a bit different is being prepared :wink:




Hi benella,
thank you very much for your posting. You do great jobs in a very clean style. I really, really like them.
Are you planning to do some big tikis someday?



Hallo Tok Tok, Thanks for the kind words. I planned to carve bigger tikis but in a flat it is not really easy ! I have the opportunity to carve outside (when it's sunny) 2 times per week. Nowadays, all my time is spent in a project for my current job... that will allow me to carve bigger tikis too :wink:



Hi friends,

An update with (awful) new pix, sorry for that.
Lots of current work and a sad adventure with my tools later, here comes a new fellow:

The new boy is standing just next to the previous marq that has been waxed a few weeks ago.

Have a nice day,


Bowana posted on Mon, Nov 5, 2007 7:53 AM

Hi Benjamin-

That's going to be a nice companion piece for your Marq. So you like David Bowie, huh? What happened to your tools?!!


The Artist Formally Known As Tikidav

[ Edited by: Bowana 2007-11-05 07:55 ]

Robin posted on Mon, Nov 5, 2007 8:06 AM

Hi Ben. So sorry about the stolen tools. Glad you're not letting the B.....ds stop you! Those pieces look really nice side by side. This one looks a bit toothier...nice. Good luck with the Christmas wish list!



Hi Bowana and thanks !
Yeah I love David Bowie amongst a ton of other artists :wink:
My tools were stolen in my car during a night the last week. I had 3 Pfeil gouges and 6 chisels perfectly packed in a case, they only let the wood ! I don't know what they will do with it but I think they did that in order to make me nervous ..... and I was mega nervous
:evil: :evil: :evil:

So 'til Xmas I edit my list for Santa... :lol:
I still got the carving jack that I never let in my car even during the day !

Do you like David Bowie ? :wink:



Thanks Robin, and yes, the new one is a bit toothier than the previous one. It is due to a better thought-design !
I was very sad for the tools.
Even if they were stolen my carving jack too, I would be able to carve with my nails :lol: 'cause nobody will steal my nails ( I hope so ! )



Looking good there Ben, That hurts about the tools but at least you have some left?


Hi Ben and thanks !
Yes, I got the "carving jack" left, so everything is O.K :wink:



At least they didn't get the music!!! :wink:


Ben that sucks about the tools. All this time i thought you where female,
becouse the name benella not that it matters sorry about that me just
dumb American.

Bowana posted on Mon, Nov 5, 2007 9:21 PM

Sorry about your tools, man! That is truly an unforgivable crime. I sometimes take my tools with me into the store or wherever it is that I'm going just so they won't be left in my car for some loser to swipe.

Yeah, Bowie is cool!

Babalu posted on Mon, Nov 5, 2007 9:47 PM

Sorry to hear about your tools Ben...They can take your tools, but they can't take your knowledge. You'll bounce back.


WOW, Hi, WOW and Thanks for the support, friends.

TheBigT: Thanks but in fact, they took almost 20 of my favorite CDs ... But I had a huge part of my collection at home :)

Seeksurf: Yeah, sorry but I'm a man :lol: Benella comes from the contraction of my name and the name of my wife. She's called Ornella (my wife of course !).
If you want to be excused, just send me your surf tiki to France and everything will be O.K :lol: (that's a joke! Of course !).

Bowana : yeah, now I know : no more tools in the car.
I agree with you about Bowie: he knows how to rock.
Today, I spent my short travels in car by listening to a band from Cali called Sublime. I used to listen to this band when I was younger and when I used to do skateboarding... A few years ago but it perfectly sticked with the sunshine: just closing the eyes (just don't try if you're driving!), listening to some good sound from Cali, thinking of spending hours and hours of carving under the U.S sun ... And the phone rang: Return to the job !

Babalu : Thanks for the support, dude. It means a lot. Thanks.




On 2007-11-06 09:46, benella wrote:
WOW, Hi, WOW and Thanks for the support, friends.

TheBigT: Thanks but in fact, they took almost 20 of my favorite CDs ... But I had a huge part of my collection at home :)

What!? Nooooooo!!! Somebody get a rope.... :x


On 2007-11-06 11:16, TheBigT wrote:

On 2007-11-06 09:46, benella wrote:
WOW, Hi, WOW and Thanks for the support, friends.

TheBigT: Thanks but in fact, they took almost 20 of my favorite CDs ... But I had a huge part of my collection at home :)

What!? Nooooooo!!! Somebody get a rope.... :x

Sometimes I wonder !




Oh Ben thats terrible. your tools and cds?!! I'm glad you are fine tough, because you didn't get hurt at the moment,and because you survive the anger it must have given you!
But I'm sure people that stills cds, tools and/or Tikis, don't get good juju at all...
Best wishes!!

Sorry to hear about your loss. And pfiels!!! ouch that hurts. Please don't let it discourage you from carving.
I hope you find new tools and get a good deal on them.



Thanks Clarita for the support. I was really nervous about the tools but now I've learned a lesson and I know I'll never let a single tool out of an eye (even sleeping ! )

Thanks for the kind words Eric. This event didn't discourage me, it is the opposite, I'm over-motivated by all the crazy things you all do here on TC.
My wish-list is being sent to Santa :lol:




OK, So, now lets see what you can do with your c-jack!


On 2007-11-10 01:47, benella wrote:
Thanks Clarita for the support. I was really nervous about the tools but now I've learned a lesson and I know I'll never let a single tool out of an eye (even sleeping ! )

Not even sleeping?! Maybe you can create a belt that holds all your tools and wear it all the time!! you would look cool and at the same time you can develop your body muscles from caring the extra weight :D !!


On 2007-11-10 07:45, Clarita wrote:

On 2007-11-10 01:47, benella wrote:
Thanks Clarita for the support. I was really nervous about the tools but now I've learned a lesson and I know I'll never let a single tool out of an eye (even sleeping ! )

Not even sleeping?! Maybe you can create a belt that holds all your tools and wear it all the time!! you would look cool and at the same time you can develop your body muscles from caring the extra weight :D !!

:lol: yes or perhaps I could put my chisels under my cushion !

Ben: Sir yes Sir :wink: here it is :

Just to mean I'm not only waiting for X Mas




Hi Ben,
man, that is bad to loose your carving tools, I feel sorry for that. But at least, you got a very good one left (the jack).
Nice to see, that you don´t let then get you down. Really like your style.
Let them keep coming.



Thanks Tok Tok, I would be about to finish this marq very soon but my work needs a lot of time...
I'll try my hands on bigger logs when I will have my new chisels. For now, I begin to debark a few of them. Here is my little "stock":

In my mother's garden:

There is spruce wood and Thuja
And in a castle where I work:

Only maple.



On 2007-11-12 04:32, benella wrote:
And in a castle where I work:

?!?!? I'd love to see a picture of this castle. What do you do there?


Sorry for the disappointment :) but I was a bit too fast, it is a big house for the very old peoples that's called "Chateau Saint Valery" in France and "Chateau" means castle but in fact it is just a very big house for lots of very old people.
I'll take a picture next time i'll go to but you'll see, it doesn't look like a castle now !



I found it. You are right, it doesn´t look like a castle.

But it doesn´t matter, as long as those people can spend their remaining years in dignity (with dignity?).
Nice logs by the way.


Call me nosy. Sorry, man. Otherwise, you can save a picture now.
Didn`t wanna bother you.
Votre bien dévoué, tok-tok


Nice to see you getting some wood Ben.
There is alot of spruce around my neck of the woods, but
havent carved any yet.


Hey Tok Tok, Thanks for the pix, I just couldn't find one on the web :) that's why I wrote I'll take one later :)

On 2007-11-12 16:30, tok-tok wrote:
Votre bien dévoué, tok-tok

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey Seeksurf, I recommend you to carve this spruce because it is very pleasant to carve. So let's go chippin' :wink:



Nice start there Ben and excellent stack of wood, Big dreams with a carving Jack! an, We need to get you some TOOLZ, get you workin' again.


Thanks Ben, I continued on this little boy and add a few details on his right eye that seems to me rounder than the eyes of the previous marq.

With the flashy flash:

Without the flash:




Yes, I need to play with some diff types of wood. I don't have any wood contacts yet
but living in the North West i should have access to spruce and ceder.
I spotted a lumber mill just up the road a few weeks ago i will have to
drop in soon and check it out.


Nice Ben...can't wait to see what you do with those stacks of wood.

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