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Paipo's Stone Tikis V2.0 - 2011

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On 2008-08-16 18:09, Paipo wrote:
Are those your cats E? Beautiful looking creatures if so....what make are they?

Sorry, Paipo. You got it backwards. The cats don't belong to me; I belong to the cats, which is the usual situation. The breed is "Tokinese" (orginally a cross between Siamese and Burmese) that now breed true. They are about seven years old and are nice cats, having never scratched people (especially the little kids who mishandle them) or furniture. Cheers, timid

The carving on this thread is so beautiful I don't even know what to say! Awesome work. NZ has some amazing artisans who use less cheese in their work than North Americans!

Thoes skulls look pretty badass dude!
great great stuff

Paipo I hate to tell you this, but your thread continues to be haunted lol.

Great stuff there - wow - but if only I could make such exquistite pieces.

"Excellent work Sir!!"



Paipo, my man! I missed you while wiling away the weekend in San Diego. My good friend, Buzzy, hooked me up with a certain pendant that Gecko was doing for you! I'm quite thrilled to have my own (authorized, I hope) copy of that fine piece! As for the results of my hunt for unauthorized copies of your designs, that information will be provided in a PM.

The Austral Islands Drum Mask garnered many favorable reviews over the weekend. At one point, there was an accidental gathering of three of us wearing our Paipos, including Bullet, Ernie and I. You were well represented, yet sorely missed!

Paipo posted on Mon, Aug 18, 2008 3:10 AM

GreenCarvings - you got it. I'll post the pics of the back of that piece anyway once they're done. Whatever the beast, just picture a pair of nostrils with a pierced septum and you're on the right track...

timid - I thought those exotic beasts looked Burmese. Next to my much-loved Abyssinian (who also endures many hours of toddler torture with nary a hiss) they are my favourite choice for another pet. I'll have to look into that breed, although I suspect the siamese DNA could be a sticking point with the wife!

Robb - it's because we can't afford cheese here anymore! I guess we tend to focus on more authentically based work, because we are a Pacific/Polynesian nation and have a huge amount of great source material at hand. Although I'm sure you're referring to the more lowest-common-denominator style of goofy grins shallowly etched into cylinders , I'm actually a big fan of North American cheese (of the more refined classic variety) and am always working to get a handle on this whole "Poly Pop" thing.

Duddy - yep! that why I dig 'em! Should be another 1 or 2 on the way soon!

Kiwishaman - thanks for healing page 14. I'm still wondering if this phenomenon is entirely contained within this thread, or is occurring elsewhere?
Keep honing your skills and you will get there - you've got to remember some of us have been at this for a very long time now (almost 10 years of stoning for me...)

Jen - sorry to hear about your Oasis mishap - but on the plus side you got to hang with "Mr Tiki 2008"! Post a pic of the Gecko piece here when you can as I haven't yet seen it. It is indeed legit and authorised - Kinny's original piece went from NZ, to Hawaii, back to NZ and then on to California. I've told him he now has to take it to Rapa Nui someday to complete the Polynesian triangle! :)
I'm hoping those resins might be used as some sort of combo with the mug when it's finally released. Good to hear no Piepoâ„¢ pieces were spotted at Oasis and that the originals were out in force!

I didn't have much luck with the camera today, but here's one of the finished pieces from the last couple of days - "Anakena Beachcomber":

wow - bold, simple, solid.

awesome . . . . again



Paipo, this "Anakena Beachcomber" is a powerful looking soul seemingly singing a "Huki-Lau" song or something similar. He is really trying to get something across and long as it isn't his Right then we're OK. I Love this Bold, powerful design.


You have been one of my favorite artist here on tiki central for quite a while now.
It is excellent how all of your pieces are unique, the mark of a true artist.

Keep up the good work.

You have inspired me to carve some stone pieces, many out of jade, alabaster or other stones I find on the beach.
In your work it is evident that you must be a very patient man.

It takes me as long to carve a 4in jade tiki as it does an 6ft wood one.
That is why I mostly stick to wood.

Take care and get some waves for me,


Paipo, you are one of my favorites also, I check your thread on a regular basis.. I love how your pieces are so perfect, flawless and beautifully designed. They are expressive and they each have a life of their own.


Really cool. I also love the rocks necklace. And the moai looks perfect. Very minimalist, futurist, modern.
I also love your art, and would love to get one of your fantastic artwork.

Paipo posted on Mon, Aug 18, 2008 2:27 PM

Wow...thanks for all the very kind comments KS, Ben, Will, hil and virani. :blush: It really is appreciated - I've got a lot of tiki to get through and it's great to know when I'm on the right track.

I definitely wanted a "Tiki Modern" look with this guy, and he's also based on some of those cool whittled surfer/beachcomber necklaces from the 60s that I've seen on ebay. I like the concept of some dude camped out on a Rapa Nui beach for a couple of weeks, making his own souvenir out of found stones. All my other moai pieces have been much more classically influenced and quite stern looking, so I wanted this one to lighten up a little. Once he was done there was no question he needed the chunky stone necklace to hang from, even though it meant more hours of work.

PS Will, I'll be looking to satisfy that request today - I've been criminally neglectful of my outdoor pursuits this year. Right now I'm off to check out your jade work...

jonesEy had the refurbish you did on too. it was the first time i saw grog's paipo in person. what a gorgeous piece! i've seen jen's before and really dig it too. i was sporting skull of yatumba v2.0 myself. i really hope you can make it to a tiki oasis.


Yeah...we really missed you a Oasis Paipo. Next year brother?...bring that Tama guy with you too :)

Paipo posted on Tue, Aug 19, 2008 3:10 AM

Great to see you stop by again Bullet - I had a feeling you might be wearing your skull to Oasis this year. He's definitely got the zombie/voodoo vibe going on. I've just spent a chunk of the evening catching up on all the pics and it looks like you guys had a blinder - especially those room parties :o

Likewise Babs - I missed being there, and seeing all the pics of my pendants having fun makes me jealous as hell! I love the show of hands thread you posted. Gotta get my mitts in on the next one!

More stuff - I'm going to keep some momentum in this thread from now on with any luck:

Koropepe finished...

Lono's progress...this one is gonna be a real time-eater! Easily the longest (and therefore the largest) pebble yet....

The new stuff is excellent!! Lono's tend to have a huge appetite for time and effort - but well worth it. I crossed the continent to go to Oasis and you were represented nicely. It seemed like every other person I met was wearing something from you. Way to go!!

GMAN posted on Tue, Aug 19, 2008 10:33 AM

Man-O-man, Paipo! That Lono is going to be fab-U-lous. I have really enjoyed watching your recent stones. As Will stated - your patience and discipline show in everything you make. Love it. Love your work.


And so the curse carrys to pg 15...

that koropepe is awesome paipo beautifull clean lines.
and i see the hole as well looks like it goes pretty deep? mine are usually quite shallow other wise my cord wont thread through...


Excellent job as usual only better on the Koropepe! The hole in the back really makes a difference. I want the details on the eye, izzit an inlay or just a markered in black pupil, this pupil wants to know.

The good lonos Always take more time, thats why they're the best! :P :lol:

Greenie, sometimes you need a deeper hole for strength purposes and you can use a thin wire to thread your cord thru ,I Think

Paipo posted on Wed, Aug 20, 2008 1:20 AM

Tom -You're not wrong. Another chunk of another day has been gobbled up by this hungry god, but I've got some good progress to show for it (see below). Glad you're digging the new stuff. I've already seen some good shots of my guys at Oasis and might post a showcase of some of them in this thread soon. Actually, I'll open it to the floor - post em if you got em!

G - nice to see you round these parts again! Those fish n gators been keeping you away from the chizzles lately? I definitely need plenty of patience with this Lono, as I've only got a couple of mm (if that) in places, so it's low revs and low water for most of the way now. I feel like I'm back in a groove that I haven't been in for long time and I'm enjoying myself - no deadlines, no pressure - just creating what tickles my fancy.

GC - Thanks for the comps on the 'pepe. I have a couple of tips I can share regarding those holes and how to thread them, but that will have to wait until next time now. Stay tuned!

Ben - the eye is the black version of the same type of stone. I had some little plugs of it that were cored out of another project sitting in my sink, picked one up and it was just about right. I didn't want anything too flashy on this guy as I wanted him to look a bit weathered and ancient like the source pic. Wire's good - whatever you can get through the hole. I have an assortment of bent paper clips and push pins with tweaked tips for poking and pulling cords, but the best I've found yet is a doubled thread of that artificial sinew.

Lonos are the best - I can't think of any design that requires so much careful thought and planning throughout the carving process (and this is only a head!) You can't just wing it with a Hawaiian style piece - there are certain rules that must be obeyed. This one is about as deep as I can get with the tools I have and keep the cuts crisp, but it's still not as deep as I'd like...

Sweet thanks paipo lookin forward to it


Paipo, Thats what I Thought the eye was but it was so tight it looked like a marker but I thought Naw, he Wouldn't DO That!? Thanks for backing up my faith in your integrity! Beautiful job and that eye really gives it life and grabs the attention.

So you think YOU are enjoying your freedom in the shed? Not NEARLY as much as WE are. The fruits of your rampant freedom really show and have really turned up the drool(Gmans) Factor.

On the holes, I thought I had invented that hole system when I started doing the pendants back in '04 but I understand the Chinese or someone over somewhere else predated me by a few thousand years,humbling! You are right as there are many different tools needed for each different hole and somehow they all turn out to be different depending on thickness of available meat, type of media and size of the hole. There is no set pattern for those buggers, just drill a curved hole and hope it doesn't come through the other side. I find a "curled" piece of monofilament line is what works most times for me.
Now, just turn up the heat, ignore this chatter and get BACK to the SHED!

wow....i need to put aside some time and catchup on all the incredible work you've been banging out!
These past three are jumping into high gear!
The Lono is strong and powerful,and the black just makes it solid and strong...
The korpepe turned out to still retain that mystery and oldness that the original inspiration had..
the flow of the swirl and elegant simplicity of the whole really works!
Even the backside would make a kickass pendant!
Speaking of....Your Tangata Manu brings up that Easter island trip at least once a week!
Someday i will bring him there....Maybe even leave him in a secret cave to have communion with his ancestors....
Before i forget...Props on the Anakena Beachcomber as well!
That Moai face is TOO Cute with the puffy cheeks and happy mouth!
You examine all aspects of the human experience thru these
from the terror of cannibalism/strength of the gods/mystery of the ancient/and joy in a simple expression....truly a Master you are!

double post...oops!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2008-08-21 08:37 ]

GROG posted on Thu, Aug 21, 2008 8:49 AM

Nice job Paipers. That looks sharp!


Wow and Wow.

GMAN posted on Thu, Aug 21, 2008 6:00 PM

"no deadlines, no pressure - just creating what tickles my fancy"

Feels good doesn't it? Niiiiice!

Paipo posted on Fri, Aug 22, 2008 3:54 AM

Wow...you guys are great. Scholars and gentlemen all. Thanks Ben, Kinny, GROG, JP and G!

Ben - nope no marker, but I have cheated and used enamel a couple of times where I needed a tiny pupil. I think the next time I need to do that, I'll go for the real thing and use some black jade instead. Taking the easy way out is never the right option!

Kinny, did I tell you I finally found a stone to make a brother to your piece? Almost identical size and shape, but black as night - maybe he'll be the evil twin? We should meet up and baptise them in a moonlit sea on Anakena beach! He's just waiting for the right time to be made...

G, it does feel good to be fitting the other stuff around the tikis rather than vice versa. Sometimes the job feels like a job, other times the days sail by and I wonder where they went. Case in point: I have figured out why I left this Lono in the box drawn up for over a year. It may well be the most time consuming pebble tiki I've made yet, if not it's definitely in the top 3. I think one more session may do it:


PAIPO, Be Brave! Thrust your burs All the way through and Pierce those Almost holes in the Headdress? You Know you want to so Just make it happen. :P :D ??Either way he Looks Incredible and is a Lono to be proud of.

Now, Ben . . . you really don't want to go all the way through with those holes. But they should be deep enough so that small bits of flammable material can be bedded at the bottom of each hole, then set on fire when one wants a more spectacular headdress.


so one for through and one for not.

I'm just glad whats there is there cause after seeing Babalu's rabbit tiki, I can't shake that image. Oh, my poor head. :wink:


I'm with Ben! Go all the way with those holes! But make sure you pull a mold of this baby first! This guy deserves to go forth and multiply!

Paipo, I think it is GREAT how it is but would look cool if you went all the way through on the headress. I really like how you did the eyes.

amazing lono. i'm with ben, though. or would the headdress be too weak and break?

Paipo posted on Fri, Aug 22, 2008 3:19 PM

Hmm...food for thought! It never actually crossed my mind to drill all the way through, although I did it on the jade Lono I made.

Unfortunately it's a little late now, as I have taken out a lot of the depth I'd need if I were to drill through. I usually prefer to leave the plain "half shell" that preserves the natural integrity,strength and aesthetic appeal of the stone anyway, so from the back it still looks just like a beach pebble.

Something you can't see in those pics is that the hollows between the "ribs" are pretty deep, undercut at the bottom (which would show if I drilled right through) and also textured with that lava/rough rock texture used on the surface of the ribs. When they aren't filled with water and don't have a lamp shining directly into them the shadow effect is more pronounced. All will be revealed in the final shots...

I do appreciate the feedback, so don't stop - but in this case it's so close to the finish line it's too late to make any changes. Maybe next time! Today will be spent giving all areas a final tune-up and surface finish, but the carving part was all done before I posted those shots.

Resins? I thought about it, but there are way too many deep undercuts on this guy, especially the mouth (stay tuned for detail shots). Even if I got a mold out of it, it would be a nightmare to get clean castings from. I've pretty given up on moldmaking - sorry Jen! :(

Thanks Ben, timid, teaKs, Jen, Tfreak and Bullet!


On 2008-08-22 09:04, teaKEY wrote:
so one for through and one for not.

I'm just glad whats there is there cause after seeing Babalu's rabbit tiki, I can't shake that image. Oh, my poor head. :wink:

Just wait...I really want a Paipo commission done for me...I'm just looking for the right stone on my side. Your going to need a big bottle of aspirin Teaks :wink:

Paipo, this one is a lot of work, but it's all showing. It's amazing. No deadlines means the time is being taken to really push your art. Great and important piece, this one!


hi I'm new here but i tough have you ever tried to make one of these Paipo?

i think it will look great made by you!
PS: They are called "Moai Kava Kava"

[ Edited by: d0x08779 2008-08-23 03:40 ]


Paipo, I Fully understand andsee where you're coming from as that sort of thing must be planned Before execution or all hell will break loose. Can't blame me for trying tho! :P Either way this will be one of your best pieces, but here recently they are all turning out that way.

. . . on the other hand, now that the drilling won't go through, the option of imbuing Lono's head-dress with the spirit of Pele has been preserved. Perhaps something cooler like a sprinkling of very small faceted rubies at the bottom of each hole

Paipo posted on Sat, Aug 23, 2008 3:01 PM

Babs - when you're ready, I'm all ears! (groan)

Brad - Yes, lots of work -still going in fact! But it will be a goodie when it's done I think, and it might be a while before I tackle something this ambitious again. Thanks for stopping by!

d0x08779 - Welcome to TC! Strangely enough, the kavakava man has been on my mind a lot lately. If I attempt him, I will go with just the head like I'm doing with the Lono...

Ben - All hell breaking loose? Maybe it's too late for that....and next? I still haven't finished this one!

timid - hold that thought!

Meanwhile, back in the workshop...


Huh? What's that...?
:-? :-? :-?

"Drill the holes, Paipo"

What? Where's that voice coming from? Who are you - one of the Ancients? Anyway - I can't! I already posted several good reasons not to!

"You must break through....to the other side!"


To be continued...


Paip, the lono looks just incredible,
just love it!
it's so impressive, what you can do with rock
great stuff


Paipo, your work is always nice.

Paipo posted on Sat, Aug 23, 2008 7:52 PM

Thanks Duddy! That reminds me - I gotta drop by your thread and see what you've been up to lately.

Now a quick word from our sponsor:

Flava Trav sez: choose only genuine Paipo® pendants!!



for the kava kava i meant it's cool to be done the bones on the body because it's prototype as the people of the island say are two undead ghosts

On 2008-08-23 03:39, d0x08779 wrote:
hi I'm new here but i tough have you ever tried to make one of these Paipo?

i think it will look great made by you!
PS: They are called "Moai Kava Kava"

[ Edited by: d0x08779 2008-08-23 03:40 ]

Wow thats remarkable DOx have you got a close up pic of that i made a small wooden man that has some very similar features purely coincidence weird....

click on the pictures I hope they are big enough for you!

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