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Clarita's experiments

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Your pieces just keep getting better,Clarita!
The multiple layers and shades of stain just shoot it up a notch!
Your mama's work is lovely!
How great to have some kin
with the same artistic drive
as yourself!
Hope life starts handing you some sweet flowers!


Thank you very much dear Tiki friends,from Alice too :)

Atomic Tiki Punk thank you very much!

MadDogMike thank you :) you are an artist because you create (i know you don't believe that, but I do), I love to watch your experiments.

congatiki thankyou very much, and thanks for making your wonderful art.

Benzart thank you so much, love you and your art, thanks for making it, and thanks for being so warm, big hug to you and yours.

surfintiki thanks, you are very nice, do you think this one looks like Danny,really? ha. well that's one of the a lot of bad news around this year, I don't know if you heard but he just found out he has bone cancer, he has played here with my friends the tormentos this last like 3 years and he manage to make a lot of friends, a lot of people love him here, and we are all sad about the news. maybe I'll post this guy for him to see :)
I can't get my mom the paint anything tiki either, this two are the most warm or exotic, that's why I chose them.thanks for your kindness.

little lost tiki thank you very much tiki brother, life gives me sweet flowers, but is crushing a lot of people around, and that's not good enough for me, it had make me enter in a panic state, I know that's not good, so I'm trying to get back to my more hopeful look at things, even it's getting harder to ignore all the bad... you know when you think what's the point to make art when everything goes wrong around.. well this is the point, to have or invent a point, because otherwise life can get to superficial or to scary... if you know what I mean.. so thanks for appreciating what I do and even more thanks for being such an inspiring and generous person :)

I love my Tiki friends I know is weird to think you can really connect trhu the internet with people you don't know, but I do feel the connection and I'm thankful for it, much Aloha to you guys

TikiG posted on Mon, Jul 12, 2010 9:51 AM

Clarita - hugs to you and mom. I love your art, always will. Thanks for posting. G

GROG posted on Mon, Jul 12, 2010 10:43 AM

A man sees a gorilla on his roof, so he calls the "Gorilla Removers". The gorilla remover arrives, and gets out of his van. He's got a ladder, a baseball bat, a shotgun and a mean old pit bull. What are you going to do?" the homeowner asks. I'm going to go up there and knock the gorilla off the roof with this baseball bat. When the gorilla falls off, the pit bull is trained to grab his testicles and not let go. The gorilla will then be subdued enough for me to put him in the cage in the back of the van." As he gets to the base of the ladder, he hands the shotgun to the homeowner. What's the shotgun for? asks the homeowner. If the gorilla knocks me off the roof, shoot the dog


Yes! Looking great. I love your bamboo series works they are the best.
Hope all gets better soon. Love the painting also.


Hey Clarita, your last one seem like to wear a mask "lucha libre". Excelent! I see that the talent was already in your family, I'm not surprised ... :wink:



Thanks TikiG you are very kind, big hug to you too :)

Bahahaha Thanks GROG :)

seeksurf thanks, no you are the best, the bog must be one of the coolest places ever, and you keep delivering the most wonderful new tikis, where it's going to stop?!(just kidding hope it never stops) :)

laojia merci, I hope he doesn't start wrestling with the other tikis around the house :)


WOW!! Clarita gorgouse as usual!!!

You do very nice work Clarita!! I'm inspired!! I have some left over bamboo from the bar so am going got give it a try! The artwork is impressive as well!!!


I wish we could get you to hop on a plane and come out for an Oasis visit!

Wonderful work sister.


Thanks tikigodz!
Thanks Captain Jack, I'm glad you got inspired :) let me know how it went.

Thank you very much Babalu!

amate posted on Sat, Jul 24, 2010 9:01 AM

Very creative and well done... and pass along my compliments to your Mother on her painting. A talented family.


Thanks Amate!


I'm trying new textures, I don't use stain, just fire and scratching the layers of the bamboo, to create the different colors. then I finish the piece with clear varnish to protect it.
Thanks for looking, Aloha!


WOW !! I love the details.


Your last piece has a nice Asian vibe to it, nice work as always.


Clarita I Always Love seeing your new works, they're So Refreshing and these are no exception.

Your stuff is just so amazing and needs to be spread far and wide so everyone can enjoy them.
We Luv's'ya girl


So fine! Man that detail looks great. Looks like allot of work went into #10 and
is shows.


Thanks tikigodz!

hiltiki thank you very much, I think so to, it wasn't on purpose :)

Thanks Benz Luv's'ya too!

Thanks for noticing seeks!

Hey Clarita,

Don't know how I missed your earlier posts but I'm sorry to hear of all the bad news you've been getting. I hope since then that your art, especially #10 has enlightened you a bit more. The detail work on that must have put something in that beatiful heart of yours. Just so you know, your art & your mom's put a smile to my face. I hope that helps you see that your art encourages each & every one of us here on TC. So just keep working at it. You know, alot of wonderful masterpieces have come from artists who have emotional stress. #10 proves that theory. Great job :wink:.

P.S. @ Grog, is too hilarious. I almost fell off my chair laughing. That joke just made my day. Way to cheer Clarita up.


Thank you very much for your comment coconuttzo, it does mean a lot to me. much aloha to you


Don't know how I missed your update....very nice. Your detail work is
getting better all the time.
Keep up the exciting carves...hope life is treating you well down there :)

I'm.....transfixed....by....the....eyes eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Totally unique and fabulous art as usual! What WOULD happen if you colored one of your works differently???? :)


Thanks for the love conga, very glad you like, much aloha to you! luv

Thanks surfin'! concentraaate oon theee eeeyees you are feeling realaxeeed, a warm feeling take you over and make you go to the mail to send one of your wonderful carves to argentiiiinaaa you can't resist the urgeee :) (just kidding specially because things don't get here safe...)
and about the color, by now is like a ritual to me to finish the carve and start the burning process very slow with a tiki candle. I love to do that, and the result too, because of the natural colors you can get and also because it makes the bamboo a lot more strong... but yes i guess i'll try with stain at some point to see what can be accomplished..
Happy birthday tiki bro, hope you have a great one!


The one that lies beneath the sea
44 x 11 cm/ 17.3 x 4.3 inches

Much Aloha TC!

[ Edited by: Clarita 2010-09-14 12:51 ]

[ Edited by: Clarita 2010-09-14 17:31 ]


Very cool and original


What kind of tools do you use? And is that bamboo?


Clarita, I'm Really loving the textures you are doing on these Bamboo carvings. "The one Beneath the Sea" is really an Excellent piece, congrats.

Wow...looks like lots of cuts on the new one! Nice work...also curious to what sort of
weapons you use :)
Always love your art!


On 2010-09-14 12:31, Clarita wrote:

Your world is BLUE
(perfect for the waking up with a slice of plum pie...)

Nice work Clarita!


Another beautiful Clarita creation!

I love the new theme!

and thanks for the song, Jerome.

Clarita Rocks! Incredible detail and beautiful coloring.

amate posted on Thu, Sep 16, 2010 8:25 AM

On 2010-09-14 12:31, Clarita wrote:

I am just beginning to realize how much you have going on in your work. Are those little fish I see? I admire your patience and your art.


Thank you very much nomolos!

tikigodz yes that's bamboo from a kind named tacuaron here, that has a much thicker wall than the normal one.
I'm using this two tools, and lots lost of time and patience, it takes me at list 30 hours to do the rough carving deep enough, and then at list an other 10 to make everything neat, and the burning and scratching part for the color.... way to much time, I know...but in a way is what make them extra special to me..
and I cut them with a hand saw (not the power tool)

Benzart thanks so much chief, very glad you dig! :)

congatiki thankyou very much, yes a lot lot of cuts went into this one, thanks for noticing :)

laojia thanks! great choice of music, Davis & Coltrane, it can't get any better than that, can it? Davis sound is very submarine to me too. it's sort of an honor to me, that this song pop into to your mind, because of this pic. I wouldn't choose it to wake up tough, you must be a very cool and calm person, i need more power in the morning, this is great to go to sleep, in my case. Thanks again.

Lake Surfer thanks very glad you like the theme!

MadDogMike thank you pal glad you like the detail and coloring tons of time went into this one!

amate thanks heres a better pic for you

look at it from right to left, I think you may be able to understand the design better this way, maybe? Thankyou very much for your kind words :)

Couldn't have said it better myself, perfection of creating beautiful works of art does take alot of patience which has to be mastered & not taken lightly. Your pieces are a testament to that perfection. Great job.

so much time and talent you cram into these!
lovin the close-ups!


Thank you very much coconuttzo!

LLT thankyou! can you see the puffer fish winking at you? you are a big influence in my work, a very smooth one, i don't even notice it any more, it's like a part of me... but it isn't, so i want to stop for a minute, and thank you for all the inspiration you give with your wonderful art and personality. that shouldn't be taken for granted, even it flows so naturally that sometimes it does. The tiki world would be very different with out you. Thanks again for keeping up with your own battle and inspire so much :)

I don't think it's possible to refine your style any further...is it??!! :)


Thanks surfin, we'll see :)

The dance of the suns
45 x 12cm / 17.7 x 4.7 inches

Much Aloha TC.

[ Edited by: Clarita 2010-10-19 12:55 ]

Beautiful Clarita, nice light color. Great symmetry too, I know that so many people (including myself) have trouble with symmetry.

Clarita I always look forward to the new works, nice!

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