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Big Bang Creations - new Yipwan Drum Mug pg 86

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GROG posted on Tue, Sep 30, 2008 1:08 AM

Good looking Honu Babalu.

Are the mugs going to be fired before the Planet Rooth closing Oct. 11? GROG want to know if GROG' WHIL and Moai Mug will be ready for glazing.


Ms. Clarita, Maddog, Spermy, Brad...thanks you guys! Hopefully, we get to see some Babalu studio time out of you 4 here at some point.

Cammo - start thinking glaze testing...looks like it's you and me brother...we have a forest of test trees to light up.

Ben - Thank you so much for those kind, heart felt words. You just made my whole day Sir. It has been really fun for me to share what little knowledge I have on ceramics. The work coming out of everyone is soooo cool...even though it is the first clay work done by most of these folks here, you can really see everyone's own unique style come out. As you said, "fun, fun,fun!" :) :) :)

GROG make sacrifice to fire gods - Babalu's first fire this week - test tree glaze fire next week - GROG glaze Whil with rock.

What GROG's Whil for?

A little more progress...

Another fishy in the Fish Bowl...

Honu bowl rocks!
start on that sketch!
you are leading a Renaissance!


On 2008-09-30 08:40, little lost tiki wrote:
Honu bowl rocks!
start on that sketch!
you are leading a Renaissance!

Thanks Master K,....Collectively, we are all cutting trails in high grass. These are good times for sure. You RAWK Kinny!


Cammo came over tonight with water colors in tow, and laid a little schoolin' on Babalu....THANKS CAM! I think sketches do look a little better with some simple color added.

Need to get you some watercolor paper
for those mug studies you're gonna be doin!
They're beautiful pieces of art in themselves
and would look friggintastic all framed up!
This new one is gonna blow doors,my friend!
Inspiration is FREE!
Spread it around!

Cammo posted on Wed, Oct 1, 2008 8:26 AM

I was actually trying to start my next mug at Babalu's, but those sketches pulled me in and we both ended up painting the night away.

That turtle bowl is amazing up close, it's a freakin' life size turtle. It looks PERFECT. If you put it next to a pond it would try to crawl in.

And man, what a bowl for . . . .

Babalu posted on Sun, Oct 5, 2008 9:17 AM

Grab up some brushes boys...we had a successful bisque firing!

Bai and Squids piece still needs to come back from OC; theirs, and Bowana's Holy Grail are going in the next buisque, which will happen soon.

Sir B, Cammo, and I had some fun yesterday...

Cammo's start on his 999 mug...

Sir B starts a board toten' babe mug...3 boards, 3 babes will encircle the mug. Don't forget to put the beauty mark above that one babes lip there Sir B.

Started one similar to my sketch, but not...saving the sketch mug for next weekend.

Mad Doggie, I know your practicing coiling right now in class...these mugs on the top of this bowl, that I worked on a little yesterday, are coil built and paddled into shape.

That's it for now...peace.

Congrats on the successful firing, everything looks great! I'm trying a new glaze firing technique today - I forgot to turn my manual control from high to low when I started my kiln this morning. Went 2 1/2 hours on high with the lid propped open before I discovered my error. What a dork!!! :lol: Looks like everything is OK.


Babs, what a great looking group or work in that bisque-fire pic! It'll be fun to see where everyone goes with the glazing.

I like that new mug you started, very Marquesan, or is it PNG? Nice and earthy/primitive.

I love this thread.

What type of clay are you using? and how do you get you finished mugs off the 2 inch pipes?

RAD! now I can glaze drunken bob, and start a new one!


Nothing broke, yay!
Looking forward to glazing time.
I hear LLT's bringing donuts! :)

Cammo posted on Tue, Oct 7, 2008 5:22 AM

Babalu, AtomicTonytiki, and Bowana rule. They're freaky talented. My secret is that Bowana does all my sculpting. SHHHH!

Hey Tony, you gotta come hang out in Babalu's garage.

I shall make Babalu's garage one of my "must visit" destinations on my next time around the world. But by then I suspect that the continuing fountain of creative tiki mana will have turned Babalu's garage into "Babalu's Bespoke Tiki Ceramics Factory".

Until then I'm defiantly signing up for the next term of ceramics evening glasses in January.

Babalu posted on Tue, Oct 7, 2008 7:41 AM

Mad Dog - Don't burn your house down brother. That kiln can be your best friend, but it also has the potential to be your worst nightmare. Fire = Very Hot. :)

Hey Wheeler, thanks for stopping in...that one mug, and both of those sketches I did are heavily influenced by some drums at the DeYoung Museum in San Francisco. When I saw them on this thread below, they just screamed out to become mug reality....I wanted to follow the original design, but I also wanted to throw in a little Babalu as well...we'll see where it goes. Man, I've really got to get up to San Francisco and see these in person.

Any time Thomas... :)

Hey Atomic Tony, Love your work! Thanks for bouncing in...Those slab built mugs around that PVC pipe are just one easy way to roll up a little slab canvas for folks to work on...there are many ways one could go about doing the same thing I guess. I wrap the pipe with a piece of paper before rolling the slab around it; that way I can remove the pipe easily and the just pull out the paper after the pipe has been removed. Having the pipe in there is kind of nice as it gives you a hard surface behind the clay which makes it easier to work with.

Sir B...you have to start letting Cammo make his own mugs! DONUTS!!!

Cammo - You really have to start giving yourself more credit. You really are a fine sculptor...your two mugs you have done over here are some of my favorites. Your crazy, but your a genius!

Not a lot to report for the next few days...It's time to glaze a butt load of test trees...I've got about 130 some odd little tests to do...

On 2008-10-06 23:00, Bowana wrote:
Looking forward to glazing time.
I hear LLT's bringing donuts! :)

perhaps you misunderstood Bo...
YOU'RE bringing the DONUTS!
Squid and I will be bringing this lovely
ColdCut Platter! :lol:


Look at all those glazes!!!! Did you buy stock in Duncan!? :lol:


On 2008-10-07 07:41, Babalu wrote:
Not a lot to report for the next few days...It's time to glaze a butt load of test trees...I've got about 130 some odd little tests to do...

This is how I picture you doing 130 tests in your garage:

.................:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


damn u cruel fates!!! i cant beleive i am missing the fun this weekend...AND that festive cold-cut plate!!

LOVIN' that mug with the bird on it, babs.

have fun kids!

alohas, t



You guys are all

A) Super Talented

B) Super Lucky to be together.

Don't ever take that for granted!

Yours Truly,

Lonely and Talentless In Las Vegas

Everything made it through the firing? I was sure mine would explode, man.

Bowana posted on Wed, Oct 8, 2008 7:22 AM

On 2008-10-07 08:21, little lost tiki wrote:

On 2008-10-06 23:00, Bowana wrote:
Looking forward to glazing time.
I hear LLT's bringing donuts! :)

perhaps you misunderstood Bo...
YOU'RE bringing the DONUTS!
Squid and I will be bringing this lovely
ColdCut Platter! :lol:


Okay, I'll bring the donuts, but who's going to bring the doughnuts?

That cold cut platter looks scrumdillyicious!

PS Don't be sad, Lee! :)

GROG posted on Sun, Oct 12, 2008 12:27 PM

Had a blastyesterday Babs. Thanks for all your hospitalty and teaching.

GROG very happy with GROG' WHIL, and can't wait to see GROG' Moai Mug fired. Everybody is doing some awesome stuff there at your place; you can always tell in artist's pieces when they really had fun doing the piece.

Squid definitely went to the head of the class this time.

[ Edited by: GROG 2008-10-12 12:28 ]

What in the samhell is a GROG WHIL??? Can you point it out in one of the pix?

Cammo posted on Sun, Oct 12, 2008 4:55 PM

Grog Whil:

(but I think he means "WEEL")

Smashing time yesterday, thanks Babalu. Hadda head home early to carve pumpkins, etc.

Will bring my Beatles "Love" CD next time, and try to find a DVD copy of "Dad, Can I Borrow The Car", which I think Squid will like....

GROG posted on Sun, Oct 12, 2008 5:27 PM

On 2008-10-12 16:16, MadDogMike wrote:
What in the samhell is a GROG WHIL??? Can you point it out in one of the pix?

GROG invent Whil. Make with rock.

Love the rock texture on the jacked-tooth moai



Yup...what a day yesterday! Squid, LLT, GROG, Sir B, Cammo, Buzzy, Babalu....The air was charged all around the studio. You cats ROCK the hardest!

Unfortunately, Buzzy was only in for a moment...all dazed up on chairs...he only stayed long enough to steal a can of something? He mumbled something about stain, and POOF! Just like that he was gone. WE missed you Buzz.

Kinny is always the life of the party...hands down. I think Simon (my dog) likes him better than he does Buzzy now. Kinny was a glazing fool, and later in the day, he and I busted out our first collaboration piece....SMOKIN PUPPIES! its all about smokin puppies brother.

Cammo is the man!...the dude brought a pumpkin pie! Thanks for bringing the tunes too Cammo...You got's more energy than thunder brother.

Sir B was, as always, was in his old calculated robot gear of GO!...glazed 3 pieces...carving on another...Jeez my friend, you is sure one talented individual.

The bird dropped in for a howdy doo...got his hands a little muddy.

GROG....Folk's look at this mug...GROG you are also one truly talented person. This is really one damn fine mug! Your a natural brother...

But in the end, the day belonged to Master Squid....he just started out carving up this wonderful Luau Pig...yes, ladies and gentlemen, a Polynesian porker. That was all good and fine, but what threw it over the top...what set him apart today from all the rest of us was the bacon swizzle stick he made for this bad boy...I wished I would have taken more pictures of this guy. I think Daves at home right now carving a riot helmet for him :)

Me, I cheated...I worked on mine a little bit more today...

I see you cats snuck some $$ in my sketch book...thanks gents, but that was really not needed...in my sketch book it will stay till you guys come back. We are having the best order out pizza in town the next time...It will be much better than coffee, hotdogs, chips with fire dip, and cotton candy cookies.

Liana posted on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 1:44 AM

I am just amazed with everything that has been posted on this thread - I've been following along for some time now. Tiki mugs in Australia are few and far between and for a while now I've been thinking about making my own, but just never thought I could pull it off as I have no experience with clay (Okay I lie, I DID make a devil mask in year 8 out of clay..it is still standing the test of time =P).. This thread in particular and the other 'how to' thread by Babalu and Bowana really kicked me into gear.. also seeing all you guys making really sweet mugs on your first go, made me think 'Hey, maybe I can do this!'.. so thanks =D The stuff that I've seen on this thread are some of the best works of art that I've seen.. EVER! It's really inspiring for me, and I'm half a world away! =D

I will be watching this thread intently for more great things coming from the Babalu studios =P


Liana! just Go for it! you gotta start somewhere....
What a GRAND time!
Thanks Rick and Amy for being the hostesses with the mostestest!
is that even a word!?!?!
Hanging out withall y'all was the perfect Saturday!
The air was krackilin' with Creative energy!
Very Fun!
Hanging out with this crew
raises your clay/glaze IQ at least 50 points!
Thanks Rick and Amy for opening your home and hearts
to us clay babies!!!!!
Can't wait to visit Simon again!
What a sweet dog!
why he loves Buzzy I'll never know...

Liana, I concur with Little Lost Tiki - you should give it a try. I also agree that there has been much amazing artwork on Babalu's threads. Plus, many useful pointers. There was enough information for me to start slipcasting.

I love the textured rock look GROG got with his "whil" and mug. I'll have to give that a try sometime.

Liana, I'm another Babalu clay convert - I studied his thread and got everything I needed to slipcast my first mug. GO FOR IT!!! Then ask around and find someone local who can help you with firing and glazing.

squid posted on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 4:15 PM

A big old Mahalo to Babalu and Mrs. Babalu. That was extremely fun and I have no problem with the Babalu MREs. Quite tasty! Everyone really did jam it up.

Rick has inspired us all and for those that have been checking into this madness, I say do it!

My Polynesian Porker is all finished and drying as we speak. I'm ready for a bacon Mai-Tai!

Can you write LUAU PIG a little bit bigger?
i'm havin a hard time seein it!
Seriously tho....that is gonna be one cool mug
after glazin!
bacon maiTais!

Liana posted on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 4:24 PM

Love it Squid! You know we have a Polynesian food restaurant literally 2 mins drive from us and my favourite thing to eat there are the Pork buns.. This mug just makes me hungry :P

Oh and thanks for the encouragment guys! I'll be buying supplies today, and sorting out a kiln. Just wondering, what would be the best kind of clay to use for hand made one off's? I figured I'd do alot of hand made stuff to practice sculpture before I started slip casting :)


squid posted on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 4:35 PM

On 2008-10-13 16:24, Liana wrote:
Love it Squid! You know we have a Polynesian food restaurant literally 2 mins drive from us and my favourite thing to eat there are the Pork buns.. This mug just makes me hungry :P

Oh and thanks for the encouragment guys! I'll be buying supplies today, and sorting out a kiln. Just wondering, what would be the best kind of clay to use for hand made one off's? I figured I'd do alot of hand made stuff to practice sculpture before I started slip casting :)


Thanks, Liana! I'm pretty sure that Little Lost Tiki used "Pork Buns" as a stage name back in his dancing days. But that was a long, long, long time ago :D

I would ask Babaloooie about the clay specifics. Some are very sandy and hard to get detail in, and others fire at different temperatures.

Best of luck and please post photos!

Squid, love the pig! Ya gonna have a contest for the Luau Pig drink? I recommend starting with rum and a simple syrup made from Liquid Smoke. Garnished with a SlimJim :drink:

I was just looking at Hawaiian mythology a few days ago for mug inspiration and saw Kamapua'a, the pig god. Add tusks and bristles to your pig and you'd have "X-treme Luau Pig"!


Entering into the Jimmy Dean period of your artistic career? "Polynesian Pork Lands on Planet Rooth"! Can't wait to see these pieces glazed (there's a pun in there somewhere) especially that bacon swizzle. Maybe you could mold and slip cast a few of these?

squid posted on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 9:37 PM

On 2008-10-13 20:58, LOL Tiki wrote:
Entering into the Jimmy Dean period of your artistic career? "Polynesian Pork Lands on Planet Rooth"! Can't wait to see these pieces glazed (there's a pun in there somewhere) especially that bacon swizzle. Maybe you could mold and slip cast a few of these?

You read my mind. I'm already working on a model for a limited edition run of little porkers. I'm pretty sure they will have a honey glaze.

And MadDog, the Slim Jim garnish sounds de-lish! You could also have pork rind floaters! MMMMMMMMM.....

Liana posted on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 9:51 PM

Haha, should have seen the look on my mums face when I showed her the pig and told her there are bacon swizzle sticks (she's a vegetarian) :P I'll be interested in one of these little porkers, not only because they are awesome.. but I can taunt her with it as well :P



Squid, the p-p-pig is looking p-p-positivly...p-p-positivly...p-p-alatable!

Soak fried bacon in a bottle of Bacardi (you don't want to use your good stuff!) for 4 weeks, strain out the bacon. Chill rum to congeal any stray fat and strain through a coffee filter.

2 oz Bacon Infused Rum
2 oz Pinapple Juice
1 oz Spicy V8
Shake gently and pour over ice in a "Luau Pig" mug
Top off with Club Soda

Garnish - skewer a Lil Smokie crossways on a paper umbrella then stick in the top of a SlimJim

Taste somewhat like a Pineapple/Canadian Bacon Pizza (as far as you know)

:lol: :drink: :lol:


Wow! Babalu...EVERYONE! this is so awesome!
It must've been great being in a room with so much creative energy bouncin' off of everyone!

Ever since I took my sculpting class I've been more inclined to continue sculpting but haven't had the time, until now!
I originally worked with sculpy and Sir Squiddy helped me out with the wiring of my project.
[wish I had my camera. I need to upload these pics to my myspace since my sculpt isn't tiki oriented :lol:]
But it was so much fun once I started adding the sculpy and started to shape out the body.
Tho sculpy is a pain to work with because sometimes it'll either be way too hard to do enough detail...like...stale? does that make any sense?

I'm sure this has been asked/answered...But...
Can anyone suggest a brand of clay (maybe some other form of sculpy?) that's on the cheap side...that's a lot easier to sculpt with?
That's also strong enough that I don't need any wiring for the base?

Enough of my rambling tho -great work everyone!

Grog's WHIL makes me smile :lol:



OMG. amazing stuff kids.


Very Cool! And Creative All! What A Great Host!

Jeepers Creepers! This stuff is tooooooo fun!


Sorry it took me so long to get back here...I've been pounded by the other job here for the last couple of days.

Dang...thank you all for bouncing in...these Clay Jams have really fun for all of us!

Squid - The penning on that Polynesian Porker is PERFECT!! I too, think you should tool up and do a small run on that feller, or one like him...Dude, I'm on the edge of my seat in anticipation for the next crazy, wild, one off mug that you pull out of your hat. Keep um coming!

Liana - Huge welcome to TC! It's wonderful that your wanting to play in some clay. We have been using a low fire clay (cone 04) on this thread here, but there are many other types of clay bodies that fire out to much higher temps....This type of clay we are using might be a good place to start as most people you might find over there that can help you fire the work will most likely be low firing some of their kiln loads. There is a lot of information that you can find here on TC, but there is also just a "TON" of info on hand building ceramics all over the Internet....First thing to do though is just to hurry up and go out and buy a bag of clay and start playing with it, whether you have tools or not. Get your hands muddy...it feels GOOD!

Kinny - Just got off your thread....Man, you got's some major thought provoking stuffs going on up there in your space...The work is just sooo tight! Your Madonna and Child (that's what it looks like to me) is just killa! I'm not sure why Simon likes Buzzy so much either...he's just got this dog thang happenin'?

Mad Doggie - Are you going to NCECA in Phoenix this year? That's where it will all be happening...

Beezle Bug - Your on fire too! Keep up the GREAT work. You really have fun stuff happening.

See ya Saturday Sir B...I'll drive.

LOL - You should see that Squid guy in action...

Hey Ravs! You know, I've never played in that sculpt stuff...I watched Clysdalle play in it once. I've tried some other types of air dry clay and I've also tried that stuff that you bake in the oven for a little while...is that sculpy? Anyway, I never really liked the feel or smell of either of those. I think the best thing for you to do is either come down here to the studio, or go to a Chop and I will put some good clay in your hands :)

Master Toe - Your up brother! You need to get your crazy self down here...I might even be taking the Babalu traveling road show up to LLT's sometime soon...we'll see.

Hi ya Danni and GoGo! It would be super cool if you guys could come down and play sometime too. You two are so much fun to kick it with :) Danni, I have that little pendant you gave me hanging over my kiln.

Hey Brad...thanks for stopping in! I wished I could have made it down to Planet Rooth to see your paintings one last time before the show closed, but the gang wore me out Saturday. Man, your work made that little gallery shine like the Northern Star!

Well, back in the studio now...that is, if I can get my boss to leave me alone a little bit. I fired some 130 odd test trees last week, and I can still see where I want to test some more glaze combinations before I make my final color decisions on a few of the pieces I've done, but I do see a few others that I can get done now...If any of you have mugs to glaze...this week and next would be a good time.

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