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Big Bang Creations - new Yipwan Drum Mug pg 86

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Here's today's update from over at Babalu's:

When I got there today, Babalu had the kiln half loaded with newly glazed goodies. He was waiting for me to finish glazing plaques #2 and #3, and himself to finish glazing the two Squidalus before he fires it all. Mine were one color and I knocked them out in no time. Babalu, as always took upon himself to do a rather ambitious glazing for his work.

Here we see Babalu as he labored on for the better part of the day, finding the just so right color combination of glazes. He applies some color here that will look quite different after it's fired:

Sneak peek:

Tomorrow, it will be so different that you will not even recognize it

Thinkin' is hard work sometimes. Here's Babalu workin' hard for some time on thinkin' about what color will fill up all the blank spots he has left on the mug:

Soon as he finishes, he'll throw it in that wide open kiln behind him and fire it up. I can't wait to see how it all turns out.

I still had some creative energy left in me after I glazed the plaques, so I wanted to do a quick for fun project. I figured that since I had just made the same tiki three times in a row on those plaques, I could probably make another one pretty fast. Instead of the plaque configuration, I decided to make a mug out of a smaller version. Here's some process shots

Mug blank waiting for a tiki in foreground, me working on the tiki in the background:

"Action" shot:

Here's the tiki and mug, right before they were to be united for what will be an eternity:

Here it is, all stuck on now:

I have to let it dry a little before I can work it further. Good thing there's another day coming up tomorrow, providing me the opportunity to work on it.

And tomorrow, a load comes out of the kiln...
Speaking of out,
Buzzy Out!

pdrake posted on Wed, Dec 9, 2009 2:36 PM

here's another cool photo i found.

Babalu posted on Wed, Dec 9, 2009 5:53 PM


Thanks for posting all this stuff Buzz Master! Your ClayCo Joes guys came out mighty purdy...we may have to do a smidgen of touch up on a couple of them, but they look fantastic!

Kinny, sorry i missed your call...Dude, I can't wait to see your part of our little colab we are doing together. You rock the hardest!

Mad Doggie, don't underestimate yourself brother...you have come further than anyone this last year...keep slinging that clay!...slip runs in your veins!

Perry, thanks for the drum image...Man, I've been collecting tons of drum images to play with...just wait :)

Alrighty then...these two Squidalu Drum mugs (no 1 and no 2) are done. I'm getting happier with the glaze choices on my drum mugs lately. I'm going to stick these two up on eBay tonight...

Well, I'm off for 4 days to Colorado to celebrate my daughters graduation from college...the kid has worked very hard! Hey, its FREEZING in Colorado right now, I'm going to have go to the thrifty tonight and pick up some warm digs!!


Gorgeous glaze choices, Rick!

KAHAKA posted on Wed, Dec 9, 2009 6:58 PM

Holy mother of pearl... Those are the coolest!

Bowana posted on Wed, Dec 9, 2009 7:51 PM

Holy cow, those are some mighty fine mugs and Coco Joe's rip offs! What fab color combos!

Thanks for firing the secret projects, Baba O'Riley. Guess I'll come get them when you are back from the frozen wasteland.
Be sure to bring extra socks! Bahaha! :)



I am drooling!

GROG posted on Thu, Dec 10, 2009 10:27 AM

Holy mackerel!!


Babaluuuuuuuu! this is soooo MAAAGNIFIIIIQUE!!!! i'm your fan!!!!!! :)

GMAN posted on Sat, Dec 12, 2009 1:34 PM

That Croc-O-Mug speaks to me.......

but if I told you what it said I would probably be sent in for observation....again......


[ Edited by: GMAN 2009-12-12 13:36 ]


4Wheel - Thanks man! Yeah, I'm starting to get happier with the glazes too.

Kahaka - Thanks for bouncing in...I really appreciate it.

Sir B - I'm still blown away by your super secret piggy projects :) Your going to blow the doors off this house.

OceaOtica - Great to see ya around brother! We really are going to have to hook up.

GROG - Let me say that again...GROOOGGGG!!!!

Why hello Bai - we've missed you! I'm a "HUGE" fan of yours to kiddo!

Hey G - I really was thinking about you as I was carvin' up that gator - Go G!!

Well, as I mentioned in my last post, I'm in Boulder, Colorado for my daughters graduation. It's good to be kicking it in the old hood. Today My Step Mom "Bunny"...yes that is her name...had to run over to the Boulders Potters Guild to glaze some pots she has done to sell at the Farmers Market here in town. This Potters Guild really is magnificent place for folks who don't have their own studio to play in...

...everything is housed in this old fire house building.

here's my step mom Bunny glazing her pots.

Some stuff ready to be fired.

Look at all these nice new electric kilns they have here.

Gas kilns too.

and yes...I played around a little bit.

If I still lived in Boulder, I might hang here quite a bit :)

Still, I'm ready to come home to San Diego and the Center of the Universe now.

More later...bye.

Nice that bunny set you up in the Denver Chapter of the ClayBoy mansion!

Hey! Remember that HUGE platter you gave me a few month's back?
Well, it is now officially done!
Thanks for the opportunity to collaborate,Sai-Baba!

i hope my feeble efforts put a grin on yo face!

The drum mugs are so detailed and exquisite, nice works!

Rick, it was good to visit the Center of the Creative Universe and see you & Simon - I always learn something :) Cool stuff you got in the works!

PS is that a Checker Limo on Central St down the road from you?


Babalu! LOVE the Squidalu mugs! The croc is great, and I really dig the bird! My favorite part are his big birdy feet!

Awesome that you went out to Colorado, but were still able to work on clay!


Very nice collaboration with Ken, very unique!
and the new squidalu drum mugs are fantastic
I love the birdie too!
Best wishes for this new year, hope you stay that creative and supportive of so many people, you are a fount of inspiration and friendship it shows...


I'm GRINNIN' I'm GRINNIN', Bring on some MORE!


Why thanks for bouncing in and leaving kind words Sneaky.

It was good seeing you over here MadDoggie...Yup, that is an old 50's Checker Limo down there on the corner. That guy has a limo biz...hummm...

Thanks Eric, I withed I could have kicked it with you guys at the northern Chop this last weekend...next time hopefully.

Your the best Clarita! Yes, we do have some great times over here.

LLT - Hey dude, your painting on the "The Gathering" Platter turned out perfect! Folks, this large platter is the same one that I was demoing on in Artist's Alley at Oasis 09...It says something like: The Gathering - Oasis 09 Demo on the back. I still have a little work to do on it before Kinny and I launch it out into the market place...soon.

BenZ - Glad we could make you grin brother...ok, here some more... :)

Well, a lot has been happening over here in the shop since I last posted; some of which I will need to post a little later on, but here's a few of the goodies that have come down the pipeline...

This is my 3rd custom Squidalu Drum Mug - My grandson (the Bird) calls this monkey drum the "Ooo-Ooo"...so there ya go. I'm calling it the Ooo-Ooo Drum :) I wanted to really stick the work into the handle on this one and make it a main focal point. The inside is glazed in a cool retro 50's type of Sea Foam Green color. The monkey's little hat topper is an old fan brush of mine that has been added. There are some other pictures of him you can see on his eBay listing here:

And lookie here...this is Sir Squid's custom Squidalu #3 - I just doesn't get any better than this. Dyam Squids!! You all can see other images of this guy too on Squid's auction here:

Master Buzz - He's ready brother, come over and glaze. You should bring that new pup with you so we can see if he scares the hell out of Simon too.

Sir B - These babies are ready to glaze now...This is one of the finest Ku mugs to have ever been built in my opinion. Bowana, it was a true joy watching you put this guy together. The other one is awesome too, but that full bodied Ku...jeez!

Thanks for popping in peoples...more soon. :)

PS: I stand corrected - Big Bro pointed out on another thread, on another matter, that carvings like Sir B's mug there are not called Ku, but instead Kane...cool...

[ Edited by: Babalu 2010-01-25 19:12 ]


Babalu -

Spectacular new works, man! I love them all. Bowana's Ku mugs? Again another modern classic, that full bodied one. Its a wonder no old-time tiki bar had mugs like THAT.

Missed you Saturday at the SFV CHOP. Next time huh?

I need to come down and hang with the clay peeps for a day, I'm feeling I need to try the sculpting thing someday soon.

Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the next post.


Incredible stuff, all of it! :o

Love the monkey hair (I'm a sucker for mixed media). Zombidile rocks! Bowana's work is always amazing. And Triple-Threat-Buzzy* is again a productive member of society.

*Wood Carver, Clay Sculptor, and Pin-up Model (All-Around Renaissance Tiki Guy)


Amazing, Amazing, AMAZING!

Sculpts are fantastic - and you have managed to attain glaze nirvana! More photos, please!


Awesome stuff! I hope 2010 will bring me enough work to purchase one of your beautiful works of art. I really enjoy seeing your posts.

The drum mug is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

It double-rocks!!

You are a real maestro, Babalu.


Why thank you guys :)

Squid and I have had fun with that one Squidalu shape...We have each customized 3 of them...I think we may customize 1 or 2 more of them each before we shelf the concept and move on to the next thingy.

Speaking of next thingies...We have also put out a Limited Edition run of 40 mugs that we call the "Papua-Ooma-Mow-Mow" Drum. We still have a few of these left...If you would like on the list, please go to:


Lot's of stuff happening with Sir Squid this month...There is also a Luau Pig Show that is going to launch online soon:


I'm running a bit behind in getting my pigs to the gate, but they will be there for the starting gun ready to run....VROOOOM!!!

Squid said it was ok for me to post a couple of progress pictures...this is a "1933 Porkster" that I'm working on. I have a bit of polishing to do on him before he dries out completely...I also want to build a lid with a straw hole for him too...perhaps another Babaloon...hummm...

Stay tuned... more soon :)

awesome Porkster!

I've run out of superlatives to describe Babalu's work so let let quote my wife's response "Oh WOW! Of course, leave it to Rick to go above and beyond - to think outside the box"

Great Pigster Rick, can't wait for the show

That is one whacky, snazzy, killer-diller porkster! :)

Bowana posted on Sat, Feb 6, 2010 5:24 PM

Somebody get a rope.


What more can be said, Babs, that hasn't been said already? You had me with that first WIP pic, but I about fell off my chair when I saw the one showcasing the porkster's little tail! Awesome!

Babalu posted on Tue, Feb 9, 2010 7:58 PM

Thanks again you guys :) This thread, and your comments really do serve to push me over here in the studio...other wise, I would be just standing around in the driveway smoking cigarettes, and trying to organized twilight games of kick-the-can in the middle of the street with the neighborhood kids...

Been workin' on lots of things, but this one below is headed to the drying shelf -

a 1933 Porkster - Driven by a Grand Member of the Royal Order of Babaloon. (#3)

See, it does have a straw hole :)

Size comparison -

Here ya go Mad Dog...you were asking me how this was built up...this picture of the underside is probably worth a thousand words.

More soon...enjoy the day...keep Tiki Kate in the magic circle.


THAT is rad!!!

All bow down to Master Babalu! Holy Crap, I'm in awe of the detail!

Thanks for the pic Rick, that helps

OK thats very cool!

GROG posted on Wed, Feb 10, 2010 12:21 AM

Just the Porkster was incredible enough
and then you gotta go put a BABALOON in the driver's seat!?!?!?
awesome possum!

:o Ooooh this SCREAMS to be a classic Revell model kit! ZOINKS!! :o


OMG Babs, the Porkster with Babaloon is quite possibly the single greatest artistic achievement of our time!! or at the very least really REALLY cool!!!!

But i have to say i am a little bitter to see on the Fresh Pork Flyer that Squid (clearly out of plain spite and malfeasance), did an updated version of my zombie squid, only 15 times better!!!

curse that insane cephalopish genius, and a pox on his kin!

Best thread on TC by far.....great work guys!!!! Man I miss tossin clay around!


is it too late to do a clysdale dia de los puercos mug????

Shit! That's cool! And it's a mug!


So, I see you've decided to give the driveway-standing a break.

Nice work, Sir BabaORiley. Now where's that rope...


Hey Babs - do you have prices on any of the mugs yet?


I second Grog.

Mind blowing.


That's ridicurous!! You have the gift that the giftgiver gave. Awesome work, as per your usual.

(On another completely unrelated note, this my 500th post. Only took 7 years!).


Amazing details!



There is NOTHING I can say that hasn't already been said before - great work. That Porkster is AMAZING!

I also wanted to thank you for the Asmat thread - very interesting. I am now a wee bit smarter than I was when I went to bed last night!

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